GODS OF ASEROTH: The Prodigal Son: A monster is born (31 page)

BOOK: GODS OF ASEROTH: The Prodigal Son: A monster is born
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“You were a great ally,” Katos said in his hoarse voice “But now, it is the time you left the mortal world and went to the underworld, to serve a greater being.”

“Are you thinking about killing me?” asked Barian shockingly.

es I am,” Katos laughed “What did you think I would give you all the money I promised? You are a moron if you believed that. I have no purpose for you anymore, and therefore you will die now.”

“Not so fast,” Barian took out his sword and stabbed Katos in his stomach. Katos looked shocked and his jaw dropped. His eyes widened and his knees bent. He held the blade with both his hands but for some reason, there was no blood.

“Now you see, I am not the one who is dying,” Barian mocked him “I am the one who gets to live.”

How naïve” Katos smirked and slowly stood straight again and took out the sword and threw it away. His wound healed and soon, there was no sign of it. Barian was very shocked and all the booze vanished away and now, finally he was back to his senses.

     “You spent
all this time journeying with Leosher and learned nothing? Only the wielder of the weapons can kill us rulers.”

Katos took out his own sword and grabbed Barian from his neck and slowly began to choke him. Barian was unable to move, for he was in too much of a shock but when he finally realized that he was in a choke hold, he struggled to break free but Katos was too strong. He lifted Barian up in mid-air and held him up there, with just one hand, and watched him struggle.

He looked at Leosher with the corner of his eyes and saw that he was approaching him, making his way through the soldiers, at a fast pace but steadily, wiping out the Agnithiun army. He looked at Leosher for some time but shifted his focus back on Barian and swung his sword and stabbed Barian in his gut, multiple times but it was so fast that it looked as if it was just one blow.

Barian died instantly and became lifeless in a second. Blood spurred out from his huge wound and covered Katos’s bare body in blood. He threw his lifeless body away in the on the rocks like a rag doll and shifted his focus to Leosher who was still coming at a fast pace.

Katos now grew impatient; therefore he jumped off of the boulder and onto the stony, barren field. Leosher saw him and smirked, for he knew this was going to be a challenge defeating Katos, for he had been training in the art of fighting for over two millennia and he had immense strength and speed.

Leosher unlatched his red cloak from his shoulders and dropped it on the ground, for it fluttered every time he moved fast and provided an easy target for his enemies to grab a hold of him. Afterwards he took his coat off, for it provided resistance and he did not aid him in any way. His body was fully toned; each and every muscle his body consisted of, was showing through his skin.

He dropped his scythe on the ground, for he knew it was useless against Katos. Now that he was ready to fight his greatest and strongest enemy yet, he began running with all his might. Now no one dared step in his way, for they knew they were for sure going to die if they did. Same was the case with Katos, no Empirion soldier dared step in his way. Both of them had a clean path and a singular target they had their eyes set on.

Leosher ran towards Katos and Katos did the same and in about a couple of seconds, both were close enough to begin the fight. Both tried to ram each other but both were quite strong. Their hands clenched together and the fight began. They both clashed with such force that the impact was felt all over, even to the corner of the battle site, where Virgil and the rest were fighting.

Leosher almost broke his own back when he crashed into Katos, for Katos was highly trained and it was his plan to do so but Leosher was a god, he had a strong back and an even stronger will. Leosher swung Katos around and flung him away to get out from the back breaking stance.

He quickly chased the flying body of Katos and right before it hit the ground, he kicked it up in the air. Katos was sent flying up in the air like a weightless baby and Leosher was undoubtedly besting Katos, for the impacts were so great that every man on the battle field stopped to witness this historical and magnificent fight because this was the fight that was to determine whether good or evil won and this was the fight that was to determine the happiness or the misery of Thraenus, for now, if Leosher lost, Katos was to get the whole world to himself, and most probably, Saulus was to destroy Thraenus.

Leosher squatted and jumped as high as he could and he reached Katos, who was falling out of the sky but somewhat, still awake. Just as Leosher swung his leg to kick Katos in the gut and send him back on the ground faster than the natural falling, Katos punched him in his chest and delivered a haymaker to his face. Leosher was launched towards the ground and there was nothing he could do to avoid hitting the ground. He fell on his back and crumpled the ground around him, with the impact. Many of the soldiers standing around the crash site were hurt but those who managed to jump out of the way were happy and they kept on watching the fight.

Leosher got out of the debris and walked out of the dust cloud around him, with a smirk on his face and a little blood coming out of his nose and the right side of his lower lip. He wiped it out with his arm and stood tall again. There was quite a distance between Katos and Leosher but both stood and stared at each other but after a few seconds, Leosher ran towards Katos again. He jumped and ran and did all he could to get to him as fast as he could.

Many of the soldiers were not even able to keep up with Leosher’s speed but those who did, included Azar, Virgil, Usere, Urey and some of the highly trained soldiers of the Agnithiun army.

Leosher approached him and smacked Katos in his chin with his elbow but Katos stood firmly and was only pushed back a little, for the blow was strong, but not strong enough. Katos’s feet did not even move but rather slid a little bit.

Their hands were clenched together again and both were sweating, for the blazing heat of the afternoon and such a heated fight was taking its toll. Their bare, brown bodies shone brightly under the two suns’ light and the sweat made it even more magnificent. Both tried to take down the other one but all their tries were futile, for both were very strong.

“You are strong,” Katos said while licking the blood off of his face “But I am stronger.”

     “You are not strong—
just disgusting.” Leosher said after Katos licked his own blood “Being disgusting and savagely does not necessarily means you will win a fight.”

“It is my belief and lifelong dream to be as savagely as I possibly could.”

“Well that belief is about to be proven wrong and that dream is about to be shattered.”

Leosher roared with rage “AHHHHHHHHH!”

His roar was heard all over Agnithius and it even reached the gates of Aseroth. He pushed as hard as he could, with all his might. His muscles pumped up and began bloating. He suddenly was rushed with power and began pushing Katos back and Katos only made one mistake, he did not walk back but instead, he stayed firm and stiff but the stiffness had made him brittle against the brute force Leosher was putting forth.

“Give up already, you are never going to defeat me,” Katos tried to discourage the slightly disfigured Leosher, but he did not listen and instead kept on pushing with even more power.

“I never give up, I am the prince of Aseroth, King of The Empire, and soon-to-be the king of Aseroth, and you ask me to give up? How petty!”

When the Agnithiuns saw their king being overpowered by Leosher, some of the men, three archers, to be precise, shot three highly poisonous arrows. These arrows were rusty and black in color and were made of the strongest iron, just for the sole purpose of killing Leosher. They were twisted at the tip and had an incredibly sharp point.

The arrows pierced the torso of Leosher from the back and stuck outside from his stomach. Blood spurred out of his stomach and the expressions on the brute giant quickly changed. His eyes widened and anger on his face transformed into a frown, full of pain. He started spitting out blood and began going down to his knees.

Katos took advantage of this moment and punch him on the top of his head. The ground around them was crushed and a crater of debris was created and Katos launched Leosher underground and just before the ground broke, Katos jumped away, for he knew that his plan was going to work.

Virgil who saw his brother get attacked, quickly swung out his wand and pointed it at the group of archers who had shot the arrows at Leosher, and yelled “Corpus Exanimus.” Green lightning sprang out of the tip of his wand and struck the soldiers and immediately the archers shriveled up and turned to ash, but now, the battle was reignited. Urey and Usere retied themselves together and they began the genocide. Virgil threw his wand at Azar and said with a straight, angry face “Protect Neiham and yourself, I have some business to tend to.”

Azar nodded and did not resist at all, for he now knew that Virgil was angry now. Virgil took two broad swords off of the dead soldiers that were lying all over the ground and charged into the battle.

Now the battle was finally balanced, for now the Empirion army had Leosher and Ezhak who were undoubtedly one of the strongest on the battle field. Ezhak, who had settled down on the ground to watch the fight stood tall again and spread his gigantic wings and sliced the men. He did not fly in the air, but he stayed on the ground and sliced the soldiers with his sharp wings and breathed fire on all of them. He melted them and burnt them.

While everyone else was fighting, Azar and Neiham shifted their focus on getting Leosher out of the pit. They made their way through the fight, carefully and steadily and when he finally made it to the rubble he used the “Pondeo Supervelous” spell. He quickly cleared the rubble and there was a deep, slanted tunnel that went down, very deep. The giant pit that Azar and Neiham stood in now had a giant tunnel as well. It was so deep that they could not even see down to the bottom, all they saw was darkness.

tos, when he saw that Azar and Neiham were trying to their fullest to get the injured king out, jumped into the pit himself. He grinned at them and laughed at them “You think you could save him right from under my nose? How naïve!”

He got close to Azar and got ready to crush his head. He had his hand wrapped around his face and Neiham tried to get it off of his face but Katos smacked her away and the poor old lady was knocked out.

“You think you are going to get with this?” Azar said while tears rolled down his cheeks, for he loved Neiham the most.

“I am going to kill her and I will get away with it. There is nothing you could do.”

Azar swung Virgil’s wand and used the Corpus Exanimus spell.

Green lightning shot out of the wand and struck Katos in the middle of his chest. There was a huge blast and there was thick black smoke everywhere in the pit. It was produced because the spell had been destroyed. Azar had forgotten that Katos could not, no matter how much one tried, be killed without the gladius sword.

Although Katos had not died, the blast pushed him away and Azar was dropped from his tight grip but soon, he sprang back from the thick smoke and grabbed Azar from his neck and lifted him up off of the ground again.

“You see,” Katos said in a tone that suggested he was annoyed by this act of Azar “I am invincible!”

He yelled out and little did he know, he only helped Virgil locate him in the thick smoke that still had not cleared away. Virgil was only able to see a little bit of the arm that Katos was using to keep Azar in the air but Virgil swung his sword and cut whatever he saw.

There was a loud, hoarse scream filled with anger and pain that came out of Katos’s mouth and that was a sign that Virgil had hit his target. Katos’s arm had just been cut off and Azar fell on the ground with the arm around his neck. He took it off of his body and crouched over to where his sister was lying down, resting, for she could not handle the smack that Katos had delivered.

Leosher, who was still underground, heard the scream and came back to his senses. The other reason he came back to his senses was that he was so deep down in the ground, he had reached magma and that magma was now slowly burning his godly body and that pain stings woke him up. The wounds were burnt and shut close by the magma and now, Leosher had stopped bleeding. This feat of superiority over the beings of Thraenus was incredible, for if it were any of the species which were originated from Thraenus, they would have been burnt to ashes but Leosher, who was a god, was instead harmless and even his hair were not affected by the magma.

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