GODS OF ASEROTH: The Prodigal Son: A monster is born (35 page)

BOOK: GODS OF ASEROTH: The Prodigal Son: A monster is born
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“I am sad to do this but brother believe me, it is for the better of all. Do not let it come between us.”

     Leosher was left in shock and Virgil
looked at Saulus and nodded in approval. All the other gods stood by him and blessed him and Virgil’s white toga slowly turned into a knight’s armor. He was covered with gold from head to toe. His chest had a giant roaring Lion engraved on it which symbolized strength and kingship. His helmet covered his cheeks and nose, with his mouth and chin showing and eyes as well. There was a red mane on top of his helmet and on the shoulders there were latches where the cloak was to fit.

Saulus put his hand forward and out of nothing but some sparks, was forged a new sword. It was a long sword, about an arm and a half’s length. It was ordinary looking. It was silver in color with red grips and a big, red ruby in the middle of its circular pommel. Its handle, the grip, was made of the finest leather in the entire universe, the red leather. The sword was sharp and sturdy yet simple, the type of sword that the ruler of Aseroth and Thraenus needed to rule.

Saulus smiled “I pronounce you the king of Aseroth and Thraenus, now you are a god yourself, and everything that comes from your lips shall be absolute and all the gods and creatures that fall under your rule shall listen to you. You have power over storms of great magnitudes, devastating earthquakes, plagues, famines, droughts, sickness and everything that causes harm. You possess power over everything that moves in Thraenus and Aseroth.”

There was a slight smile on Virgil’s face but anger and sadness on Leosher’s.

“You are supposed to make righteous decisions,” Leosher yelled at Saulus “This is not righteous. I was the rightful descendant of the throne, not him. He is just a normal man from the outskirts of Gelus. I was the one who suffered through all the pain, defeated Geluna, Colossus, Katos, The Leviathan and many other beasts. I have the right to be arrogant, for I was unbeatable; none dared stand against me. My wrath and brutality are the reasons you all stand here and coronate this imbecile.”

Saulus smiled “I like your determination to get what you want; therefore I shall give you another chance. Kill your brother and the thrones shall be yours.”

“This is another test and I will not fall for it.”

“If it were, I would have told you but it is not. This is your chance to gain the right to rule everything you see.”

“But I do not have the power in my hands to kill Virgil for now, he is a god.”

Here, take this,” Saulus opened his palm at his side and a spear appeared in his hand. It was black in color and was sharp enough to pierce Virgil’s thick armor. “Use this and I promise I will not interfere this time—claim your throne.”

Virgil was a little scared for he did not trust his brother when it was the matter of him gaining power and the anger and the lust in his eyes showed that he was to do anything that got him closer to receiving the thrones, even if it meant killing his own brother.

Leosher stepped back a bit and clenched the spear in his fist. Sweat rolled down the side of his face and anxiety was obvious on his face and just when it seemed he was to throw the spear and kill Virgil, he stopped and took off his clothes and wore nothing but a loincloth now. No one knew why he did so but he did and then got focused again. He clenched the spear in his hand and ran towards Virgil, who stood firmly, hoping that his brother would not kill him but deep down, he knew that he will die this moment.

Leosher ran towards the now glorified Virgil, and shot the spear but fell to his knees. The Spear did not hit Virgil but instead pierced the ground where he stood and Leosher stayed on his knees “I cannot kill my own brother, no matter how much I want the power!”

Asurot was filled with pride, though Leosher was no longer her biological son, she still had motherly feelings for him. Virgil was happy and the love for his brother was ignited to new heights. All were happy but Dadurot, he laughed at Leosher and mumbled “How pathetic, I would have killed and slain all of those who stood before me to get the thrones, and I plan to do so.”

Virgil quickly moved forward and picked his brother back up to his legs again and hugged him “Brother you have no idea how proud I am of you this day, you are truly great. It makes me feel good that you still have the spark of good in you.”

Even Saulus was happy and smiled “You have proven that you still can be good and will be good. Although I cannot give you the thrones, for they are Virgil’s, I give you your godly body. You will no longer be a god but you will have the capabilities of a god and you shall use them to do great things and aid the gods whenever they need it. I also grant you the right to have the scythe that your previously godly sister gifted you, as your weapon but none other than you shall use the scythe.”

Leosher was happy for now he was to be as strong as he was before but still a bit sad, for he had not gotten what, according to himself, he “deserved”.

He put his clothes back on but was still angry and after all was done, Virgil was given the red cloak just like the one Leosher once worn and he was crowned with a golden crown. He took off his helmet and put on his crown. The crown was made of solid gold and was lined with silver and ivory. There were hundreds of gems on it and it glimmered. It was the most lavish thing that Virgil had ever seen. The crown had seven points on it and each point had a ruby which was about the size of a bull’s eye.

He looked magnificent and all the gods marveled at him. The golden armor and the crown contrasted with the red cloak which made him look even vibrant.

“Shall we go now?” Lamfari said while looking around, trying to imagine what everything looked like.

Saulus approved his request and Arusus led the way. She was in the front, the second was Virgil, at his left was Asurot and at his right side was Leosher. Behind them walked every other god and Lamfari, but before reaching marbled cliff, Saulus went back to his business. He left Thraenus and handed everything, every responsibility regarding Aseroth and Thraenus to Virgil and left to visit the other 7 realms.

When they walked up the stairs and finally reached the black marbled cliff with gold lining that looked over the lands, all those who saw them, were shocked. All those who stood at the crystal bridge, in boats in the sea, and all those who stood on the lands were disappointed to see what they saw. Many could not believe their eyes. Those who were too far to see clearly were informed by those who did see and the reactions on their faces were not good either. All expected Leosher to be the king but instead they saw Virgil with a crown and the cloak.

Buntius and Meagon were devastated as well. Buntius, because he thought his daughter was married to the king of all the land and the house of the gods, but now it was just a thought, not reality; And Meagon because she knew how much Leosher longed for the thrones. She did not care if she was to be the queen but the only thing she cared for was Leosher. The moment she saw the throne being stripped away from her beloved was the moment she became angry. The seed of anger was planted in Meagon’s heart and now, she was willing to do everything in her power to get the thrones for her young husband.

There was a sudden commotion all over the land but all that stopped when Virgil raised his voice and began talking:

“My people, now I know that you all expected Leosher to be your king and rule over you but due to a sudden turn of events, I am what you get. Though Leosher is the king you deserve, I am the king you need and I promise you,” He smiled at Leosher hoping that he would smile back but he did not “I will be a better king than him.” He then looked back at the people and continued “There will be drastic changes but not today, for today, we all shall celebrate. Today we shall celebrate that after 2 millennia the evil reign of the 3 rulers is over. We shall celebrate, for today, you, I, us all, shall sleep in peace, peace at last!”

There was a chant of happiness and all cheered, for now they knew they were free and now all knew that the new king was not like Leosher but was better than him. There was a smile on every individual’s face, no matter a child or adult, man or woman, all cheered. All discrimination had ended for that one moment and all felt that they all were family. All were happy except Meagon, Dadurot and most of all, Leosher.

     After Virgil’s
address was over, he patted Leosher on his shoulder and walked back into the castle while the others followed him. Leosher stood at the cliff, frozen with sorrow and misery, for he saw all the people he would have ruled over but now he could not because of his brother.

Slowly, the lands and the waters were cleared and all the people went back, away from the castle to get ready for the feast that the king was holding that night. This was the feast planned by Leosher but now, Virgil was the one giving it, for he was the king. Virgil went in the court hall and walked up the golden steps and sat on the throne that Leosher had designed for himself. He had put golden lions at the sides of his foot stool to show that he was powerful and he had added 6 more steps to the throne to show that he was even higher but now, instead of him, Virgil sat on the throne. It was obvious that Virgil was to be a better king, for even though he was now the most powerful being on Thraenus, he was humble as always. He showed respect to everyone and gained respect in return.

He sat upright, unlike Leosher who always slouched on his throne with a chalice in his hands which was always filled with rum. Virgil sat upright and attentive. He was surrounded with his loved ones, including Azar, Neiham, Urey, Usere, and Adne. Buntius and Lamfari were also there. All the gods had left and went back to Aseroth, except Dadurot, for he went to the underworld.

Adne was happy for her son but at the same time, she was a little sad for the other one. Though she was sad, she did not let it get to her head and she enjoyed the moment. Everyone close to Virgil was present in the courthall except Leosher, for he was still on the cliff, sitting and grieving, alone but soon, he was joined by his wife, Meagon.







It was night and the clear sky was filled with stars and fireworks. There were celebrations all over the lands. There were tents all over the land in front of the castle and the tents were filled with different kinds of things that people used, to enjoy. This was a festival with different kinds of food and things to buy. There was a circle in the middle of the gigantic fest which was the place were a band of women was dancing. There was fire around them and they danced with drums and songs.

There were kids of all kinds playing with each other and running after each other all over the place. This was the biggest festival many had ever seen and for many, this was the first festival they had ever seen.

Many brought gifts for the king, who was not acting like a royalty at all. He was laughing and playing with kids, drinking wine and rum and eating all kinds of things people offered. He was having fun and was enjoying the fest as if this was the last day of his life. Urey and Usere were the same, they enjoyed as much as they could and they accompanied Virgil in everything he did and loved serving him.

Azar sat in a corner with his friend and smoked from his pipe. He made various shapes out of the smoke such as a ship, an arrow, a circle, a heart and the most magnificent was a dragon. He also was setting off all kinds of fireworks using the wand that he had borrowed from Virgil. Though he had retired from wizardry, he was using magic for this one last time to give everyone a good time.

Neiham accompanied Adne and both watched the people dance with the drums and the trumpets and ate many kinds of foods. Buntius sat with the men of The Union which included Lamfari. They all had fun too, all drank rum and wine in big wooden mugs with iron rims, except Lamfari for he thought intoxicants would drive him evil.

All were happy except Leosher. Meagon was no longer mad at Virgil but she still was angry that her husband did not get what he deserved. Both of them sat on the cliff and watched the whole festival from above. They watched the dancing and could hear the cheering and the drums and the blasting sounds of the fireworks that were being shot by Azar.

     Everyone was having fun except for L
eosher and Meagon, both of whom still sat on the castle’s lookout.

“Leosher, are you alright?”

“Yes I am fine. What am I, a child that you need to ask?”

“Can you please let your arrogance go for just a moment?”

“I am not arrogant—you are being unreasonable.”

Just as they were talking, a flash of light occurred behind them and out of the smoke came of Dadurot. He wore the same things he wore in the afternoon. The only thing different about him was his smirk; it was more evil this time.

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