Going Deep (15 page)

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Authors: Roz Lee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Sports, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Going Deep
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“Good. That’s
just what I was hoping you would say. I want you to touch yourself now. Wet
your fingers, but don’t put them inside. Touch your clit—nothing else.”

She swiped her
fingers along her slit, coating her clit with her juices. “I’m touching it,

“Take another
picture. I want to see.”

This time she
didn’t hesitate. She snapped the photo and sent it quickly.

“Lovely. You’re
very wet. That pleases me. Now I want you to work your clit. Press down on it,
move your fingers in a circular motion. Do it over and over. Talk to me. Tell
me how it feels.”

For a woman who
made her living stringing words together into coherent, meaningful sentences,
she could barely get single syllables from her brain to her lips. “This…wicked…um…oh
my! Sir…I…ohhh….”

“Move your hips.
Feel the plug.”

She rocked her
pelvis, grinding her ass cheeks against her heels. The plug shifted and her
clit throbbed in time with each forward thrust. “Uuhhh…Ahh…Oh, fuck, that feels
good, Sir. The plug… moving inside… Ohh. Sir. No idea… so much…. Full.
Possessed. Weak and…powerful…at the same time.”

“Work your clit,
angel. Come for me.”

In a matter of
seconds, she came. Her inner muscles clamped down on her empty pussy, working
the plug lying so close inside her.

 “Let me hear
you, angel. I need to know what you’re feeling.”

A garbled scream
worked past her lips “Ohh…fuck that feels…so good.”

“That’s it,
angel. Ride it out. More pressure on your clit. Draw it out, sweetheart.”

The orgasm
ravaged her body like a summer storm, leaving her wet and completely wrung out.
“Sir,” she sighed, the last tremors rocking her body.

“You are simply
magnificent, angel. Thank you. I came with you, you know. I couldn’t help it.
Because of you, I’ve got cum all over me.”

She smiled at
the teasing tone of his voice. She’d pleased her Master. Warmth spread through
her body and, along with it, a bone-deep fatigue. She picked the phone up and
was surprised to see how shaky her hands were.

“I’d lick it off
for you if I could,” she said, meaning it with all her heart. She had no qualms
about serving him in any way he would permit her.

“You’re a
naughty little angel, aren’t you?” His laugh was rich and deep. “If you were
here, I’d rub your face in it, then I’d fuck your mouth until I came again.” He

“A cum facial,

He laughed, and
she wished she could see the smile on his face from her joke.

“We’ll save that
for another time,” he said with a soft chuckle. “For now, you need your sleep,
and so do I. Slide your feet out from under you and pull the covers over your
body. Sleep well. In the morning, you can apply more lube and remove the plug.
Then you can cleanse yourself. Until then, I want you to sleep surrounded by
the smell of your arousal, knowing I gave you the gift of release. Good night,

“Goodnight, Sir.”







Chapter Eleven


Good God.

Jason sat naked
on the sofa, his legs spread wide. His cock was still semi-hard against his cum-spattered
stomach. Shit. The woman was abso-fucking perfect. It was tempting to look at
the photos again, but like he’d told her, they both needed rest. He headed toward
the shower, all the time wondering how the hell he was supposed to sleep after
the most incredible phone sex he’d ever had.

Hot water only
brought images of Carrie’s luscious body to mind. He’d take her every which way
and then some if she’d been there in his shower. He rinsed off and finished up
with a blast of cold water. It helped but didn’t completely obliterate her from
his mind. Over the last few weeks, he’d given up trying to block her from his
thoughts. It wasn’t going to happen. She was the first thing he thought about
when he woke up, and the last when he crawled into bed at night. He couldn’t
believe how quickly she’d come to mean so much to him. No other woman had ever
done it. She’d changed his life, pure and simple.

He slipped naked
between the sheets, images of Carrie, real and imagined, played through his
mind. When sleep claimed him, she was right there with him.

He managed to be
ready when Jeff arrived the following morning. Old habits were hard to break—like
sharing a ride to the airport with his brother for the team’s frequent road

He handed his
bag to the limo driver and slid into the backseat. He’d never seen his brother
as happy as he’d been these last few months. Shortly after his return to the
active roster, Megan announced she was pregnant. Ever since, Jeff had walked
around with a permanent grin on his face and today was no exception.

“Man, you look
like shit,” Jeff said by way of greeting.

“Yeah, and you
look like you just got laid.”

“Maybe I did.” He
waggled his eyebrows. Accompanied by the ever-present grin, it was more than
Jason could take that early in the morning.

“Can it or I’ll
tell your wife you’re bragging again.”

Jeff’s face
sobered. Jason only felt a little bad about ruining his brother’s good mood.

“I only brag to
you. She wouldn’t mind,” he said. “What’s wrong with you this morning?”

Jason stared out
the side window, letting the question hang in the air. He knew what was wrong.
He missed Carrie, and he hadn’t even left town yet. “Do you miss Megan on the
road trips?”

“Hell, yeah,”
Jeff said. “I’ve tried to get her to come along, but the damned stubborn woman
isn’t going to quit her job until right before the baby comes.”

Stubborn women.
He’d never let Carrie work….
Ah, shit
What am I doing?
He barely
knew the woman, and his imagination was ordering her pregnant self to quit her
job. He didn’t even know what the fuck she did for a living. Jeff elbowed him
in the ribs, snapping him back to the present.

“You used to
miss her, too,” Jeff said, reminding Jason of when they’d first met Megan and
the three of them had tried to make a relationship work. During that time, he
had missed her when they’d been from her, but those memories didn’t compare to
the current empty feeling in his gut. This was so much more, like he was
leaving a part of him behind.

“I did. I still
miss her in my own way. You’re a lucky man,” he said, keeping up his end of the

“I am,” Jeff
said. “No two ways about it.”

There were
disadvantages to having a twin, and one was the way Jeff sensed things about
Jason without him saying a word. He could feel his brother studying him. “Leave
it alone, bro.”

“This new woman
has you all tied up, doesn’t she?” Jeff asked then quickly corrected himself. “Or
rather, you’ve got her all tied up. Which is it?”

“Just shut the
fuck up, will you? I miss her.”

“It’s only a few
days, and there are these things called phones.” He pulled his cell from his
pocket and held it out. “If you both have one, you can talk to each other from
anywhere in the world.”

“Aren’t you the
comic this morning?” Jason smiled at Jeff’s attempt to drag him out of the funk
he’d been in since he went to bed alone the night before. He batted Jeff’s hand
away. “Put that thing away before I shove it up your ass.”

“That’s better.”
He pocketed his cell phone. “I know how you feel, bro. Being away from my wife
is hell, but I talk to her when I can, and focus on how good it’s going to feel
to hold her again when I get home. It keeps me going.”

“I know. But you’ve
had more practice at this than me. Give me a break.”

“She makes you

Jason nodded and
looked at his brother. “Yeah, she does. I’ve never been happier, and to tell
you the truth, it scares the hell out of me.”

“Well, whatever
it is she does to you, I hope it continues. Your game is way up, bro. Keep it
up, and you’ll break the homerun record this season.”

“I could,” he
said, smiling. “Wouldn’t that be something?”

“Sure would. I
don’t know if I have a shot at any records after the stunt I pulled last
season, messing up my elbow, but it would be nice if at least one of us got in
the record books.”

Yeah, wouldn’t
that be a kicker?
“Don’t sell yourself short. Your arm is better than new.
If you don’t go all soft when the kid gets here, you have a shot at the record books
and the Hall of Fame.”

The flight was
undoubtedly the longest of his life. He palmed the cell phone, flipping it over
and over in his hand, wishing he could power it up and check for messages.
Carrie hadn’t called before they’d boarded the plane. If the scene they’d
played out last night had affected her as much as it had him, he hoped she was
sleeping in.

He turned on his
phone the moment the wheels touched the runway and hung back while the others
filed up the aisle and off the plane. Bringing up the rear, he listened to the
voice message.

“Good morning,
Sir.” There was a long pause followed by a sigh, as though she wasn’t sure she
should say what she was feeling. “I miss you.”

hitch in her voice when she’d said those three little words kicked him in the
gut. When he caught his breath, a thrill shot through him. Maybe he wasn’t in
this alone. Maybe she felt the same way he did. That thought brought a smile to
his face while he stood in line to board the bus that would take them first to
their hotel, and then to the stadium for tonight’s game.

“Hey, Jase.”

He looked around
for the man belonging to the familiar voice. The short stop, Tanner Haverford,
grinned knowingly.

 “There’s only
one thing that will put a smile like that on a guy’s face.”

He lifted his
middle finger at his teammate. “Fuck off, Tanner.” He stepped out of line and
turned his back to the guys so he could concentrate on Carrie’s message.

“Thank you for
last night. I…well, it was more than I expected. In a good way,” she added

He couldn’t help
it, he smiled again. Last night had been more than he’d expected, too.

“I did what you
said, Sir. I waited until this morning to remove the plug. It still takes my
breath away when I think of it inside me. I don’t know how to explain it, Sir.
It makes me feel, vulnerable like I’m giving you more of myself than before.
That’s a good thing. I wasn’t sure about anal play, but last night changed my
mind. Once I got past my fear of the plug, I realized how good it felt, and…I
felt how much you care for me. It made me all warm inside, knowing you went to
so much trouble to do this for me.”

He braced one
hand against the side of the bus for support. He dropped his chin to his chest
and concentrated on breathing while he listened to the rest of the message.

“I can’t wait to
give you that part of me, Sir. Please tell me you’ll be home soon. I ache for

Holy shit
He saved the message so he could listen to it again, then walked around the
corner of the bus out of sight. He parked his ass against the back of the bus
with his legs spread for support.
How the hell did I get so
He sucked in a deep breath and willed his cock to stand down. The
last thing he needed was to walk down the center aisle of the bus with a
hard-on. These might be his friends, but they were also grown men with the
maturity of adolescents. Traveling with them wasn’t all that much different
than a road trip to an away game with a bunch of high school jocks.

The back of his
head hit the bus with an audible
. Closing his eyes, he focused on
the new distraction. If that didn’t work, he might just lie under the bus and
let it roll over him. Anything was better than the ribbing he’d take if he
stepped onboard in his present condition.

Jeff poked his
head around the corner. “You coming?”

“Yeah. Give me a

His brother
smirked. “She really does have you hooked.” He shook his head. “Man, I never
thought I’d see the day.”

straightened, adjusting his clothes. For once, he was grateful for the team’s
travel dress code. The loose fitting trousers and coat would cover the evidence
at this stage, where jeans wouldn’t.

“Look who’s
talking.” He clamped a hand on Jeff’s shoulder and steered him toward the front
of the bus. “Megan’s going to have you changing diapers before you know it. I’d
pay to see that—from a safe distance, of course.”


* * *


asshole,” Jason muttered. He threw his batting helmet across the dugout. That
last pitch had
been a strike. He didn’t care what the idiot umpire
said. He had more hours behind the plate than that yahoo, and he knew when a
pitch was out of the strike zone and when it wasn’t.

Jerking his
batting gloves off, one finger at time, he said, loud enough for everyone to
hear, “I hope someone’s taking good care of his Seeing Eye dog while he’s at

His teammates
chuckled. They knew. They understood.

“Calm down, son.
This isn’t the image you want the world to see.” The team manager, Doyle Walker
stepped up, putting himself between Jason and the TV cameras that were surely
trained on him in hopes of capturing a player meltdown. “You know clips like
that never die. The networks will play it a million times, then when you die they’ll
drag it out again and play it in the middle of your memorial tribute.”

His shoulders
slumped. “I know. But Rankin is blind as a bat. Everyone knows it. I don’t know
why the league keeps hiring him back, year after year.”

“Some things
just defy explanation. Remember, you have to go back out there and work with
the man. I’m not saying he would, but he could take it out on our pitchers if
you cross him.”

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