Goodbye Isn't Forever (13 page)

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Authors: Melanie Blake

BOOK: Goodbye Isn't Forever
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their destination firmly set, Toni concentrated on maneuvering through the
traffic.  Gaddy had finally quit whining long enough for the air to start
cooling off the inside of the car.

text alert sounded on Gaddy’s phone and she instantly read the message.

that from Alex?”  Toni asked.

that was Drew.  She said that she will meet us there shortly.  She’s
through with her work out, I guess.”

have I missed any messages from Alex?  Toni asked, handing Kate her
phone.  She needed all of her concentration on the road as she crossed the
three lanes while trying to slide into the line for the upcoming exit.

briefly scrolled down the list of names.  “No Alex.”  Kate turned and
winked at Gaddy.  “Hey, Toni, you have a lot of texts from this one
person.  Who is…”

Give me that!!  Toni swerved while reaching for her phone.

your eyes on the road, Toni.  You don’t want to wreck, do you?” 
Gaddy threw Toni’s words back at her.

focused back on the road while still reaching out blindly with her right hand
for her phone.

leaned out of Toni’s reach and laughingly read the initials, “PWJ?  Who is
that?  Does Drew’s brother know about PWJ, Toni?  You have been
crushing on James for years.”

tightened her hands on the wheel, muttering, “Of course he does.”

was that, Toni?  James knows about this other person?  This PWJ? 
It’s kind of like A.K., you know, just initials?  Maybe that is it. 
It is code for Alex.  You and A.K. have something going on the side,
Toni?”  Gaddy teased.

that you mention it, Gaddy, I’ve noticed the looks that Toni gives Alex.”

 What looks?” Toni was shocked.  “There are no looks.  I don’t
look at Alex.  She’s my friend.”

that is what everybody always says, Toni.  She is ’just a friend’.
 Poor James.”

James, nothing,” Toni was getting riled.  “James knows because it
James, you nosey people.”

is it James, Toni?” Gaddy prodded.  “That is hardly
initials.  Kate, do you think that Alex gives Toni those special looks,

to tell, Gaddy,” Kate answered.  “Alex gives a lot of guys that special
look.  But, maybe that is her game, just to throw us off.”

shut the hell up, you two!”  Toni was not in the mood for any more
teasing.  “It’s my nickname for James.  PWJ--Pookey, Wookey John…,”
Toni’s voice faltered as she blurted out the words.  Damn it!  Toni
thought.  James will kill her for telling that!

Kate and Gaddy erupted with laughter.

Wookey... Johnson?”  Kate asked incredulously.  “Good grief, Toni!
it and that was the best you could come up with?  I’m
actually embarrassed

Kate.  Maybe James likes his lovey, wuvey name that Toni not-so-cleverly
thought up.  I suppose that it has a certain juvenile charm.  At
least tell me you weren’t sober when you thought of it,” Gaddy added.

just stared at Gaddy through the rear-view mirror.  She refused to defend
her pet name for James.  Toni had first uttered it to him in jest, but
James had found it so funny that it had somehow broken down the last of the
barriers where ‘just friends’ had been left permanently behind. The sex that
had ensued after that had been incredible and they were still enjoying the
newness of their relationship, mainly in private.  As a tribute to that
memory, Toni had added it to her phone as a comic gesture for James.  Both
of them found it humorous whenever it would pop up on screen.

way in hell was she going to tell them that or what James’ answering pet name
had been for her.  She rolled her eyes at the memory.  She would
live that one down!


was sitting on a poolside lounger as she debated on whether to undress herself or
wait for Zand.  Deciding on the latter, she heard the door open and looked
on as Zand sauntered in.  Alex was on her feet instantly and sucked in her
breath as Zand slowly approached her.

only inches separating them, Zand stopped and grinned mischievously. 
Reaching out, he grabbed Alex’s hand and looked at the designer briefs that she
was still holding in her grasp.

something interesting?”

did.  Interestingly, it came flying out of the elevator at me.”


let her eyes slowly travel down Zand’s semi-naked torso.  “Really.  I
guess you would know nothing about that since you seem to be missing yours.”

tilted his head.  “Is that a problem?”

could only stare.  She had to keep reminding herself that Zand had a face
to look at.  And six-pack abs. And a line of hair that seemed to trail
down into his shorts.

watched Alex’s eyes travel down his body and felt the familiar stirring as her
eyes seemed to stop below his waist.  He quickly turned around so Alex
couldn’t see how easily she affected him.

are you doing?”

laughed seductively as he turned back around.  “I’m not sure I know.”

suddenly placed her hands on each side of Zand’s face and pulled him in for a smoldering
kiss.  She didn’t need any more talking, playful or otherwise, right
now.  Seeing Zand’s sculpted body was enough to start a throbbing that she
in no way planned on satisfying herself.

arms slid around Alex’s waist and pulled her body even closer.  Alex
moaned as she felt Zand’s chest against her thin blouse.  She pulled back
a moment and let her hands grasp Zand’s shoulders, slowly sliding them down his
muscular arms.  She couldn’t seem to stop her hands from sliding over his
firm abs.  A taut stomach and defined abs had always been a weakness for
Alex.  And, oh God!  Zand’s were making her weak.  She had
skirted around the waistband of his shorts, but Alex didn’t want to hold back
any longer.  She gazed into Zand’s eyes.  The dark, soulful depths
mirrored her own pools of desire.

Alex,” Zand softly whispered.

wanted to be sure.  “Please what?”  She huskily asked.

watched Zand’s tongue slip out and wet his suddenly dry lips.  Alex,
feeling mesmerized, continued to watch as Zand’s lips formed his soft
answer.  “Please…touch me…kiss me…,” Zand swallowed hard as he added,
“want me.”

was caught off guard at the last emotional request.  She pulled Zand
against her and held him close.  Planting heartfelt kisses on his face and
leaning close to his ear, Alex confessed, “I wanted you when I was eighteen,
Zand.  And God help me, I want you now even more!”

hearing those words, Zand turned his face and captured Alex’s lips with his

flamed and soared as lips met and tongues tasted, time and time again.

hands glided over Zand’s bare back until she felt the waist of his shorts.
 As she slowly slipped her hands below, reality slowly seeped back in as
Alex was made abruptly aware of their surroundings.  While the pool would
be a great place for playing around, it lacked the ambiance for making love.
 And that, Alex realized, was what she wanted to do with Zand.  She
might only have this one chance with him, and she wanted to make it as
memorable as possible.

I can’t do this,” Alex mumbled as she drew back.  She started to continue
and immediately saw the hurt in Zand’s eyes.  Alex softly smiled and
reached for Zand’s hands.  Holding them in hers, she rubbed them gently
and spoke just as soft.

what I meant to say, is, I can’t do this here.  I don’t want to have sex
with you.”

tried to hide his disappointment.  “It’s okay, Alex.  I know that I
hurt you and it was too much to expect to be welcomed back with open
arms.  I had hoped…”

let me finish.  I don’t want to
have sex with you, okay? 
I want this moment to be special.  Romantic.

smiled.  “And doing it in a pool isn’t romantic enough?”

nearly romantic enough for you, Gabriel.  But I seem to remember a
beautiful master bedroom that you have access to.  Please tell me you
brought the key with you?”

reached into his back pocket and pulled out the slider key.  Dangling it
in front of Alex, he teasingly asked, “If I say that you can have your wicked
way with me, will you come back to the suite with me?”

out and grasping Zand’s hand as she passed, she grinned devilishly into Zand’s
twinkling eyes.

try and stop me.”


pulled her car into a parking space in front of the hotel, and shifted into

what are you doing?  The hotel has a valet service!” Gaddy exclaimed.

know.  I just don’t trust those kid drivers.  Who knows what they do
to your car when you are out of sight.”

Kate grumbled, “because who would want a Lamborghini or Maserati when they can
have this!”

don’t knock my Myrtle!  She is steadfast and true!”

Is there anything that you don’t name, Toni?”  Kate asked incredulously.

your information, most people have a pet name for their cars.  And it
usually is a woman’s name.”  Toni stuck her tongue out at Kate.

still laughing at Kate, added, “But Toni, is it just Myrtle?  Or, maybe
pookey, wookey, Myrtle?”

someone talking?  All I can hear is this shrill sound.  Very
annoying, too!” Toni threw back.

ha!  You need to work on your comedic routine, Toni.  Maybe it will
help if I say your pookey, wookey comedic routine,” Gaddy added.

that’s enough.  And no one says a word to Drew.  She likes to keep
her family private.  Okay?  You two agree?”

other words, Toni, if Drew finds out that you spilled the lovey, wuvey name
then she will have James cut you off, am I right?” Kate asked.

no!  You mean that the pookey, wookey, johnson wouldn’t be open for
business?  Oh my, Toni, whatever would you do?” Gaddy gasped, smiling at

what’s the big deal, right?  If James cuts me off, then that just means
that I will have a lot more time on my hands to hang out with you girls. 
Won’t that be great?”

and Gaddy locked eyes for a moment.  “On second thought, Toni, we don’t
want to embarrass Drew or her brother.”

Gaddy quickly agreed.  “No, we do not want to do that.  Your secret
is safe with us.  No worries!”

thanks!  I knew that I could count on you.  Hey, wait a minute! 
Should I be offended?” Toni called as Kate and Gaddy quickly exited the car and
practically ran to the hotel.

locked her car and called after her retreating friends, “Hey, wait for
me!  Kate!  Gaddy!  Slow down!  I want to swim, too!”


holding Zand’s hand, Alex led them down the hall to the elevator and pushed the
button.  It arrived without delay and dinged as the doors spread slowly
apart.  Alex entered first and pulled Zand in facing her as the doors
silently closed them inside.  Pulling him in for a kiss, Alex let her lips
softly taste Zand’s.  She pulled back slightly and sucked Zand’s bottom
lip in between hers.  Alex continued to nip gently when the elevator
stopped and the doors crept open.

wanting to waste another moment, Alex eased her tongue over Zand’s lips and
explored the warm cavern inside. Settling her hands on Zand’s waist, she guided
him backwards until they had exited the elevator.

ended the kiss and gazed into the liquid brown softness of Zand’s eyes. 
She had missed those eyes more than anything over the years.  She could
remember the sheer comfort she used to feel by just gazing into them as Zand
would talk.  It didn’t matter what it was about.  Alex would lose
herself for a while, watching as one emotion after another would manifest in
the darkness.  Zand couldn’t hide his emotions.  It was always
evident in his eyes.

Alex let herself search the chocolate pools, she was unsure of what she
saw.  Lust certainly.  But something else was there.  She tried
to look deeper, but Zand chuckled and, looking away, moved forward, pulling
Alex with him.

you are trying to hypnotize me, Alex, there is no need.”

stopped at the door to the suite and slid the magnetic key into the slot. 
As the door clicked and the green access light appeared, Zand turned the knob
and pushed.  Indicating that Alex should proceed him into the foyer, Zand
allowed his eyes to travel over Alex’s body.  Maturity had carved an
already well-formed teenaged body into a beautiful and sexy work of art. 
If Zand was a connoisseur of anything, it was art.  And this piece was

Alex asked, walking toward the bedroom.

I can be whatever you want,” Zand whispered into her hair as he caught Alex
from behind.  Zand turned Alex around to face him, letting his gaze take
in every shape and contour of the beauty before him.  He smiled
seductively as he leaned in and kissed Alex softly.  He let his lips
travel to Alex’s neck and planted light kisses as he worked his way down to her
shoulder.  He breathed in and caught the faint scent of Alex’s
perfume.  He closed his eyes as the reality of the moment sank in. 
He was finally living the dream.  The dream that he had been having over
and over for the past twelve years.  Even longer, if he was honest with
himself.  This dream had begun when he first met Alex.

Alex whispered.


tell me you are not going to sleep!”

smiled as he lifted his head and gazed at Alex.  “Not even close. 
Nothing, and I mean nothing, is going to keep me from you.” Zand leaned down
and kissed Alex again, leaving no doubt as to how awake he really was.  As
the kiss intensified, Alex let her hands roam, not surprised when she felt her
hands moving down Zand’s ribcage.

ended the kiss and led Zand by the hand into the master bedroom.  The room
was as romantic as Alex had remembered it to be.  It was elaborately
decorated in subtle hues of mocha and cream.  It was both beautiful and
relaxing and that was exactly what Alex had wanted.  It had a dream like
quality that she found oddly appropriate.  She led Zand to the large king
sized bed and stopped beside it.  This was it.  Alex raised a hand to
Zand’s cheek and slid it gently behind his neck.  Applying slight
pressure, Alex pulled Zand into her approaching lips, and lingered. 
Breaths mingled as contented sighs were emitted.  Alex knew she was taking
control, but couldn’t help herself.  She had waited a long time to have Zand
all to herself and she wasn’t wasting one single minute.

free hand found Zand’s bare waist and pulled him in closer.  The kiss took
on a life of its own as it deepened and became more passionate.  Alex felt
what little control she had left becoming sorely strained.  She moaned
into Zand’s mouth as she let her hands have the free reign they so obviously
needed.  Her mind registered the feel of firm skin beneath her hands.
 A fleeting thought that she had never felt anything so perfect flashed
briefly and was soon proved wrong when her hands found their way again to
Zand’s stomach and traveled downward once more.  She couldn’t control the
shaking of her hands as they found the snap that held Zand’s shorts. 
Strong hands suddenly covered hers for assistance, and the moan she heard sent
tingles through her body.

continued to support Alex’s hands as they freed him and began exploring her own
body.  Zand released Alex’s hands and reached for the hem of her
top.  He grasped the silky material and pulled upward over Alex’s now
upstretched arms, letting it fall unheeded to the floor.

stared at the creamy mounds that protruded slightly above the lacy, black bra
that struggled to conceal them.  He reached out with his right hand,
letting his fingers lightly graze the exposed skin.  He traced an
imaginary line created by the edge of the bra from one cup to the other. 
Swallowing was becoming difficult as Zand dipped a finger behind the left cup
and stroked his way inside.

gasped at the contact and closed her eyes.  She reveled in the feeling as
Zand stroked one breast and then the other.  He eased his fingers out and
squeezed the lace enclosed breasts before reaching around Alex, and with a deft
flick of his wrist, unhooked the intruding garment.  Zand’s eyes greedily
followed the progress as he gripped the bra straps and pulled them down Alex’s
arms, exposing the creamy mounds to his fixed gaze.  The bra dropped to
the carpeted floor as Zand opened his hands and unabashedly reached for what his
eyes had been feasting on.

God!” Zand groaned when his hands made contact.  The feel of Alex’s
breasts was almost more than he could take.  The dream started to fade
from Zand’s mind as the reality he was experiencing was so much better. 
Zand dipped his head as the need to taste the tantalizing pair was proving to
be too great to ignore.

moaned louder as Zand lightly kissed one breast then the other and repeated the
process.  He kissed his way back up to Alex’s lips and pulled her into a
tight embrace.  He could feel the edge of the bed against his legs, and,
with Alex’s body molded against him, Zand allowed his body to fall onto the
plush mattress.

lips found Zand’s and from there, Zand couldn’t tell where he ended and Alex
began.  Warm kisses covered his body as he felt himself being stripped of
his shorts.  He was barely aware of his hands on Alex, except when he
would discard an article of clothing that suddenly appeared in his grasp. 
In record time, Zand’s awareness had dwindled down to only include the cool,
soothing sheets beneath his naked body, and the splendid weight of Alex resting
on top.

smiled as she sat up and faced Zand. She let her eyes slowly rake over his
body.  Alex could already feel the heat of her desire against the inside
of her thighs.  She had been more than ready since Zand had brought her
near the edge with his lavish attention to her breasts.  She didn’t think
that she could ever have felt so much from just that, but, Zand was proving her

was just as attentive as she explored the hardened body of Zand Gabriel. 
She touched and stroked as much as she could possible reach from her position
on top.  She realized that she had purposely been avoiding one prominent
area in particular, and reaching down, Alex couldn’t resist lightly touching
his sensitive skin.  At Zand’s sudden intake of breath, Alex smiled
seductively at the man she seemingly held captive under her body.  She could
feel her own readiness as she raised up and slowly allowed her body to ease
down, completely enclosing him.  The sensations that assaulted her senses
were so agonizingly sweet, that Alex couldn’t suppress a low groan.

pounding in Zand’s ears barely allowed the penetration of Alex’s seductive
moans.  He was finding it increasingly difficult to fight the urge to just
flip Alex over and find sweet release.  But a quick round was not what he
nor Alex deserved.  Zand had waited a long time for this moment, and he intended
to make it a night that Alex would never forget.  Realizing that he
couldn’t feel as much of Alex as he wanted or needed, Zand tightened his hold
on her hips as Alex’s started to move in response.

and Zand both moaned at the increased contact.  Zand let his hands roam up
Alex’s back and maneuvered her so that her breasts were positioned above his
waiting mouth.  The attention to her already heightened senses, proved to
be Alex’s undoing.

Zand,” Alex moaned as she threw her head back.

need you now!” Zand rasped, as his climax overtook any coherent thought. 
He held on to Alex tightly as he sensed she was right behind him.

was overwhelmed by the sounds coming from Zand and soon screamed as her own
flooded her with waves upon waves of pleasure.  She held onto Zand just as
tightly as the last of the intense contractions racked her body.

arms and legs still entangled, Zand and Alex lay sprawled across the bed. 
Lazy and spent.  Hearing only the soothing sounds of their slowing heartbeats,
they were soon lulled into a peaceful slumber.

dreamless slumber.  For once, neither had to endure the dream that had
haunted them for over a decade.  The dream of having what you desired only
to awaken to the emptiness of an elusive reality.

reality had finally graced the long-awaited lovers with its incredible

the dream?  Forever faded back into darkness.

just couldn’t compare.

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