Grey Wolf in the White House: The Trilogy (Paranormal BBW Erotic Romance) (3 page)

Read Grey Wolf in the White House: The Trilogy (Paranormal BBW Erotic Romance) Online

Authors: Mia Harris

Tags: #vampire, #werewolf, #bbw, #bbw alpha male, #bbw vampire, #vampire bbw, #werewolf bbw, #bbw president

BOOK: Grey Wolf in the White House: The Trilogy (Paranormal BBW Erotic Romance)
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His voice sounded gravelly and
masculine, and that alone was enough to send her over the edge
again. As her muscles tightened around him again, he buried himself
deep inside her, coming with a loud groan.

Remy collapsed on top of her for a
moment, exhausted, and Ari slid out from under him, trying to catch
her breath.

“So, do you do this to every intern you
meet?” she asked, feeling slightly bolder now.

He growled and pounced on her

“No. But you better watch how you talk
to me.”

“I’m just… I’m still finding it hard to
believe that you’re real,” she said. “I had no idea werewolves were
real. How are you the President… if you’re one of them?”

He smirked at her again, but this time
it was out of amusement.

“Of course you didn’t know we were
real. We hide in plain sight, and perpetuate all the fake stories
about werewolves so that all you plain old humans think we are just
a myth. But I can assure you, we are very real. As for why I’m the
President, well… are you a conspiracy buff?”

“Not really, but I know of some,” she
replied, confused as to where he was going with this.

“Ever hear of the theory that an elite
group of super-rich people secretly run the world, influencing
politics and other such things?”

“Yes. The person that told me that one
also told me that the elite people are all secretly

He laughed softly.

“Not lizards. Werewolves. Or, that’s
how it used to be, anyway,” he said.

“What do you mean? Wait a second. Why
are you telling me all of this?”

“Because you asked. Why, are you
planning on telling someone? Do you really think anyone would
believe you if you went to the newspapers tomorrow and said, ‘I
fucked the President, and he’s actually a werewolf?” he growled,
his eyes glowing amber again.

“Oh. I’m sorry. I just wanted to know.
I won’t tell anyone. Please don’t be angry,” Ari said, suddenly
frightened again as he glared down at her.

The frown disappeared from his

“Good. Okay, I’ll give you a basic
history. You’ve heard of Remus and Romulus, right?” he

“The founders of Rome?”

“Yes. They are commonly depicted in
myths as having been raised by a she-wolf, and that’s actually
true. They were regular human babies abandoned by their mother, and
they were suckled by a she-wolf. They became the first werewolves,
and when they founded Rome they became immensely powerful. Humans
flocked to Rome, and as you know, the Roman Empire was one of the
biggest, most powerful empires to have ever existed.”

“Oh. I guess that makes sense,” Ari
said, recalling the stories she had heard of Romulus and

“Our kind remained wealthy and powerful
until the fall of the Roman Empire. Vampires had started to
infiltrate our ranks, and when an entire empire falls, it falls
hard. We rebuilt, but it took a while. The USA is the new empire to

“Vampires? This has got to be a

Remy glared at her again.

“So you believe that a werewolf can
exist, but you don’t believe that vampires can also exist? Believe
me, they do, and they have been our mortal enemies since the days
of Rome.”

“Go on,” she replied, realizing that he
had a point.

“Our packs are still powerful, and we
still control much of the world’s wealth, and have great influence
on politics to make things go our way. And that’s the real reason I
got elected. But it’s not just us anymore. The vampires are nearly
just as powerful now, and exert almost just as much political

“Do I know any vampires?” Ari

“Definitely. Nearly half of the
senators are vampires. They can walk around during the day, you
know. The whole night-time only thing is another myth designed to
confuse humans. I had a meeting with one today, which is why I was
angry enough to shift right inside the White House, where you saw
me. I was furious, and just wanted to tear things up.”

“Wait… Damien Xavier?”

“Yes, him. He’s a snake. The problem
with vampires is they have this deluded notion that they used to be
in control of the whole world. They want to go back to what they
see as the ‘old ways’ which to them means, total human and werewolf
subservience. So most of them are conservatives, and push the whole
‘going back to old-fashioned ways’ agenda. What the public doesn’t
realize is that their real agenda is eventual slavery of all
humans. And my kind, too. Us werewolves aren’t like that. Contrary
to what you may think, we are actually relatively peaceful. We want
freedom and equality for everyone. After all, we all sprang forth
from the same primordial ooze.”

Ari couldn’t believe her ears. A whole
new world had suddenly opened up to her, and she was excited to
find out more… but first, she wanted to know something

“How did you find my address?” she

Remy laughed again.

“As you know, I remembered your scent
when I found the bobby pins on the ground next to that shelf. And
I’m the President of the USA, in case you had forgotten. I can get
anyone’s address.”

Ari felt stupid.

“Oh. Of course. Why are you here,

“I told you why. As alphas get older,
they are taken over by the urge to mate. You are perfect for me.
Your scent was enough to tell me that, although this body of yours
doesn’t hurt, either. I realize that I may behave in a dominant,
frightening manner, but I assure you that I do not intend to ever
harm you. If you do not want me, I will leave you.”

As he spoke, he ran his hands over the
soft curves of her body, and Ari melted.

“I don’t want you to leave.”

“I meant in general. Right now, I
actually must leave you. My men are waiting outside your apartment
for me, and we both need to be up early, don’t we?”


“I’ll see you soon,

Remy’s stood up, and his eyes glowed
again before he disappeared into the darkness. Ari didn’t remember
anything else after that. Exhaustion overcame her again, and she
fell into a deep sleep, dreaming only of him.


A week later, Ari hadn’t heard anything
from Remy. She hadn’t so much as even seen him anywhere while she
was at work.

“Beth, do you have any idea where Rem…
I mean, President Armstrong is?” she asked as they sorted out

Beth eyed her suspiciously.

“He’s in Australia, at some several-day
conference. He’ll be back either today or tomorrow afternoon, I
think. Why?”

“Oh, I was just wondering. I haven’t
seen him around, that’s all.”

The rest of the day dragged
on, and Ari couldn’t wait to get home. She had been annoyed that
Remy hadn’t contacted her since the night that he had come into her
apartment, but now she was just angry.
used me. I can’t even tell anyone, because who the hell would
believe me?
she thought.

Later that afternoon, she was on her
way back from a coffee-run when she saw him standing with three
older men outside an office. They appeared to be deep in
conversation, and as she hurried past she heard Remy excuse himself
from the group.

“Miss Mills, I need to discuss some
files with you. You were apparently meant to drop something off
with my secretary, but I didn’t get it,” he called after

Ari rolled her eyes and turned to him,
knowing that he was just making up an excuse to talk to her. There
were no files. As she looked at him, she plastered a fake smile
onto her face for the benefit of the group of men that she was
still in full view of.

“Why don’t you go and harass some other
poor innocent intern?” she hissed through her teeth, the fake smile
nearly cracking.

Remy looked confused.

“Didn’t you get my…”

Before he could finish his sentence,
Ari turned on her heel and strode away. Remy couldn’t follow her
without looking suspicious in front of the men he was with. Feeling
amazing for having just snubbed one of the world’s most powerful
men, she delivered the coffee and spent the rest of the work-day on
a high.

“You’re in a good mood. You won’t be
soon, though,” Beth remarked.


“I need you to stay later today. Until
around nine. I’m sorry, but there’s just so much that needs

Ari didn’t mind. Anything that provided
a distraction from thoughts of Remy was a welcome relief. When nine
o’clock finally rolled around, Beth told her to go home and get
some rest, and Ari decided to catch a cab home for once.

“Marco?” she called out as she unlocked
the door to their apartment.

No answer.
He must be out somewhere
She strolled into the bathroom, closed the door and turned the
shower on. As she stripped out of her clothes, she looked at
herself in the mirror. For someone who had been working these
ridiculous hours, she actually didn’t look too bad. She hummed an
old show-tune as she stepped into the shower, tilting her head back
and enjoying the warm water as it flowed over her. A few minutes
later, she thought that she heard a door opening and closing, and
stuck her head out of the shower enclosure.

“Marco? Please tell me you brought me
some dinner, I’m starving and cannot be bothered cooking,” she

There was no reply.
Must have just been hearing things,
she thought, shrugging as she adjusted the water

All of a sudden, the
bathroom light turned off. Ari whirled around to see what had
turned it off, and saw two glowing amber eyes hovering in the
doorway. I didn’t lock the door. Oh crap. The light turned back on
again, and Remy stood there looking at her, his eyes bright blue
He looks angry.

Ari tried her best to cover herself
with her hands.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.
“You can’t just come into my house like this!”

He didn’t say a word, and began to
remove his clothes. He pulled off the tailored suit jacket that he
had been wearing and threw it on the floor, and then pulled off his
tie and unbuttoned his white shirt. Underneath the shirt, he wore a
tight black T-shirt which left nothing to the imagination, and as
he took that off too, she couldn’t help but feel slightly aroused.
His broad chest was sprinkled with hair, and the sight of his
tight, muscular arms and abdomen made her nipples

Remy glared at her as he kicked off his
shoes and removed the rest of his clothing, and then stalked
towards the shower with a predatory look flickering in his eyes.
Ari gasped and stepped backwards, and as he got into the shower
with her, he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her up against the
tiled wall.

Ari felt something digging into her
lower belly and gasped as she realized that he was already
completely hard. She tried to fight her desperate urge to have him
inside her again, and pushed him away.

“So you like playing hard to get?” he
growled, his eyes burning with a combination of anger and

He pushed her wrists above
her head and held them against the wall with one hand, and began to
stroke her clitoris with the wet thumb of his free hand. Seconds
later, Ari felt a warm pressure building in her core, and she knew
that she couldn’t deny herself any longer.
I still want him.

“No,” she finally replied. “I want

Remy’s eyes lingered on her body for a
moment longer before he leaned down and roughly kissed her, his
chin stubble grazing her face.

“I knew it. But don’t tell me that you
aren’t playing hard to get. I sent you eight messages in the last
week and didn’t get a single reply. And then… the way you spoke to
me today,” he growled.

Ari had no idea what he was talking
about, but she didn’t say anything just yet. Now was not a time for
words. She threw her head back and closed her eyes as he nuzzled
her neck and earlobes, before slowly sinking to his knees in front
of her, planting soft kisses on her stomach and thighs.

Reaching one hand around to her behind,
he squeezed it as he used the other hand to part her legs and rub
between her folds. She was already wet, and he looked up at her
with a wicked grin as he moved his mouth over her, sliding his warm
tongue up and down her slit. After a moment of this treatment, he
settled his mouth onto her clitoris and gently sucked and licked

Ari could already feel an orgasm
building as he traced little circles on her sensitive bud, and he
growled something as he did so. The vibrations from his mouth sent
her over the edge, and she gasped and writhed against the wall as
waves of pleasure crashed over her. Remy rose to his full height
and kissed her again, and she could taste herself on his mouth as
their tongues hungrily entwined. Ari’s legs continued to tremble
from her orgasm, and without warning, Remy scooped her up in his
strong arms and held her against the wall.

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