Grey Wolf in the White House: The Trilogy (Paranormal BBW Erotic Romance) (5 page)

Read Grey Wolf in the White House: The Trilogy (Paranormal BBW Erotic Romance) Online

Authors: Mia Harris

Tags: #vampire, #werewolf, #bbw, #bbw alpha male, #bbw vampire, #vampire bbw, #werewolf bbw, #bbw president

BOOK: Grey Wolf in the White House: The Trilogy (Paranormal BBW Erotic Romance)
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“Not that you didn’t deserve it, by any
means. You are a very smart girl, and a hard worker. It was
well-deserved. I just know how cut-throat and competitive it can be
in this line of work. Anyway, I didn’t want to see you get hurt by
him, as I knew he was bound to do.”

“Well… what happens now?” Ari asked,
still not quite believing anything that this smooth-talking vampire
was telling her.

He stood up and looked down at her,
holding his hand out. As he fixed his hypnotic gaze on her face
again, Ari felt compelled to take it.

“Come, eat your breakfast. I would hate
to see those beautiful curves of yours waste away,” he said, a thin
smile turning up the corners of his mouth.

Ari studied his face again
as he escorted her over to the little table where the breakfast
tray sat, and she noticed that his lips were very red compared to
the rest of his pale, angular features. She gulped down the
now-lukewarm espresso, and then tore into a croissant.
Wow, I am starving.
between mouthfuls, she questioned Damien some more, and started to
feel more comfortable with him.

“I want to know more about vampires.
From what Remy told me, you originated slightly later than humans
and werewolves. Is that right? Also, where are your fangs? How can
you just walk around in the day-time? Do you really drink

He grinned, and as he displayed a row
of straight white teeth, two fangs suddenly popped out of his gums,
and then retracted. It was so fast that Ari couldn’t tell where
they had come from, or where they went when he retracted

“You have many questions, Ari. I knew
you would. As I said earlier, you’re a very smart young lady. The
lie that Remy has told you of our origins is one that many
werewolves are told, and they believe it without question. But let
me tell you the real story.”

Damien finally sat down across from
her, and then continued to speak, his soothing voice washing over
her, making her feel at-home despite her strange and unfamiliar

“Romulus and Remus were the first
werewolves, and as I’m sure Remy told you, they were two abandoned
babies who were suckled by a she-wolf. That much is true. However,
they were not human babies.”

“What do you mean?”

“Vampires and humans have co-existed on
this Earth since the dawn of time. They shared a sort of symbiotic
relationship; vampires needed human blood to survive, and humans
needed vampires to keep their population numbers down lest they
breed too much and over-populate, as humans are known to do. I
realize this sounds awful to you, but it is just how nature

Ari wasn’t all that
horrified. She understood; after all, it made sense to her.
Nature is a wild, cruel place, and it’s all about
survival and co-existence with other species, I suppose.

“Anyway,” Damien continued, “vampires
have a sort of quality in their own blood. I suppose the closest
word to describe it is magical, although it is not actually magic.
We aren’t undead humans, and we can breed, contrary to popular
belief. We just choose not to breed very often, to avoid
over-population, seeing as we can live so much longer than humans.
Did you ever study evolution in high school?”


“Then you’ll know that
humans are simply a divergent species from the original archaic
Homo sapiens
. You are a
Homo sapiens
, and for another example, the
Neanderthals were
Homo sapiens
. Vampires are
Homo sapiens vampirensis
We are related closely enough that we can interbreed, and even look
very similar. Although, we very, very rarely

“Oh. What about the

“I was getting to that. As I said
earlier, vampire blood has a certain… quality to it. The two
abandoned babies that became the first werewolves were not human.
They were vampire.”

Damien smiled and cleared his throat

“Their blood had that quality to it,
and when they were suckled by the she-wolf, they somehow
transformed into the first of their kind; a divergent species of
vampire. Does it make sense to you that a plain human baby could
just ‘become’ something like a werewolf, simply due to drinking a
little she-wolf milk?”

“I guess not.”

“Exactly, my dear. Many of the elder
werewolves know this, but they choose not to admit it, even to
themselves, it seems. Remy knows. But he lied to you, so you would
fall for him.”

Ari was starting to realize that
everything Damien said made perfect sense, and it was becoming
clear that Remy had not been honest with her at all. Her heart felt
like it was sinking into her stomach, and she could feel hot tears
threatening to spill onto her cheeks. Damien reached across and
placed a cool hand over hers.

“I’m very sorry to have to tell you
these things, Ari. I just wanted to keep you safe.”

“I know. I still don’t know exactly why
you’re protecting me, but thank you,” she replied, smiling weakly
as she fought back tears. “Can you tell me more?”

“Certainly. When the werewolves gained
power in Rome, they brought in worldwide laws to stop vampires from
killing humans by draining them, and also began a mass culling of
known vampire families.”

At this, Damien’s face dropped
slightly, and Ari detected a hint of sadness as he

“The law itself was fair enough; the
people and vampires in ancient times were, after all, far more
savage than they are today, so in today’s terms the practice of
draining humans to death does seem rather barbaric. Today, we
simply feed on them in their sleep without killing them, and they
simply wake up thinking that a large bug has bitten them, or
something like that. Unfortunately, this, along with the
mass-culling of vampires, has led to an explosion of human
over-population. The world is in chaos, and it is partly the fault
of the werewolves for their attempt to cull vampires,” he


“As long as the werewolves continue
their political and financial domination of the world, order will
never be restored. They don’t care; werewolves are rough, violent
creatures who feed on chaos and ruin. They are hoping for more war
and destruction, just to quench their thirst for

“So you really are protecting me from

“Yes. As I said, you may remain here as
long as you wish, but if you want to leave, no one will stop you.
As a show of good faith, I brought you this.”

He reached into the pocket of his
expensive-looking suit jacket, and pulled out a cell

“Hey, that’s my...”

“Yes, it is your phone. If you wish,
you can call anyone you want, just to prove that I am not stopping
you from having contact with the outside world. I’ve made some
adjustments so that your whereabouts cannot be traced from the

“What will happen if I leave?” she

“Right now, you are in my mansion, in a
safe vampire compound. If you go outside this property, Remy will
be able to pick up on your scent and locate you. If that is your
wish, then by all means… go to him. As I said, I will not stop you.
I only thought that you should know what you are getting yourself

“And if I stay? What about my

“If you stay, I will be able to keep
you safe at all times. As for your job, if you choose to stay, I
can arrange for you to work for my political campaign instead of
taking the paid position in the White House. I would pay a better
salary, and it would be a great opportunity. Again, if you choose
to leave, the White House position is still available to you. I
took the liberty of calling in sick for you today, so don’t worry
about that.”

Ari contemplated the situation. She
still had many questions, but the vampire was beginning to gain her
trust. Everything he said made so much sense, and while he had
seemed cruel the first few times that she had seen him, he actually
seemed kind and gentle now.

“Beth said that you have a reputation
for being a tyrannical boss,” she said.

A smile played on Damien’s lips, and
this time it reached his eyes.

“Yes, I admit that sometimes I can be
rather abrupt with my employees. As a vampire, I have no need for
sleep, and I tend to forget that humans need rest sometimes. So I
often end up working them too hard. It is something that I am
working on, believe me.”

“Why not just hire vampire staff

“Because we have great respect for
humans, as our equals in this world. It would be unfair and
unethical to only hire vampires. It would be like nepotism, really.
I hire the best candidates for the job, whatever they

“What if a werewolf

The smile faded from his

“A werewolf would not apply to work for
a vampire. They can smell us a mile away, and cannot stand being
near us.”

“Oh. I need a shower,” Ari

“Certainly. I will leave you to it,” he
said. “If you need anything, come downstairs and find one of my
assistants. They will provide you with anything you need. I have
several meetings to attend today, and will not be home until this
evening. I have taken the liberty of buying you a laptop computer
and several books that I think you might like. They are over there.
There’s also a wardrobe full of clothes for you.”

Damien pointed to a desk and
shelf that Ari had somehow not noticed until now, and then smiled,
stood up and exited the room. Ari finished the fresh fruit on the
tray, and then stood and stretched, yawning widely. Earlier, she
had noticed two doors across the other side of the room, and she
assumed that one of them was the wardrobe.
The other must be a bathroom.

She padded across the soft
carpet and opened one of the doors, and gasped as she saw the size
of the wardrobe. It had a bright light installed that automatically
turned on when the door opened, and there were rows and rows of
beautiful shoes, along with countless blouses, coats, cardigans,
dresses and skirts hanging up. Opening some of the drawers, she
found brand new lacy underwear, bras that were somehow her exact
size, and several pairs of expensively-cut pants and jeans.
I think I could get used to living with a

After selecting an outfit
for the day, she took it into the other room. She was right about
it being a bathroom; it was a beautiful, spacious room with a
double basin, full-length mirror on one side, what appeared to be a
large spa bath on the other, and a shower. She undressed and took a
long hot shower, and as the warm water flowed over her body, she
remembered the time that Remy had burst in on her in her shower at
Why did you lie to me about
everything, Remy? I was just starting to fall in love with

Feeling more than a tinge of sadness,
she decided to get out, and once she was dried and dressed, she
picked up her cell phone. Something had just occurred to her, and
she wanted to know the answer.

“Hello?” said a familiar female voice
on the other end.

“Hi, Beth. It’s me,” Ari

“Oh, Ari, how are you feeling? Your
room-mate called in sick for you… at least, I think it was your
room-mate. It’s hell here without you. I hope you feel better

“Yeah, I’m really feeling bad,” she
lied. “Listen, did I ever get any letters or messages delivered to
the Chief of Staff Office?”

“Yes, you did. Several, in fact. Hang
on a second,” Beth replied, before erupting into a fit of

As Beth coughed, Ari was
suddenly suspicious of her.
If she knew,
why didn’t she give them to me?

“I saw that they were marked as
personal, so I had them forwarded to your apartment instead. I hope
that’s okay. Was there some problem?”


“No, I was just wondering, that’s all.
Thanks, Beth. I’ll talk to you later.”

After they had said their goodbyes, Ari
felt stupid for having distrusted Beth. Despite her sending them,
Remy’s messages from when he was in Australia hadn’t made it to
Ari’s apartment, so what had happened to them? It had been
bothering her for weeks now, but she hadn’t had time to really
think about it until now.

Pushing the question from her mind, she
spent the rest of the day reading on the chaise longue. It was
quite nice to be able to take a break from her hectic work
schedule, and at lunchtime and dinner, a kindly older woman knocked
and delivered meals to her room. At this stage, she hadn’t quite
decided on what she was going to do, but figured she may as well
enjoy Damien’s hospitality until tomorrow, at least.

After dinner, she curled up on the bed
with the laptop, pleased to note that Damien had copied lots of her
favorite movies and TV shows onto it. Halfway through an episode,
there was another knock at her door.

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