Grey Wolf in the White House: The Trilogy (Paranormal BBW Erotic Romance) (4 page)

Read Grey Wolf in the White House: The Trilogy (Paranormal BBW Erotic Romance) Online

Authors: Mia Harris

Tags: #vampire, #werewolf, #bbw, #bbw alpha male, #bbw vampire, #vampire bbw, #werewolf bbw, #bbw president

BOOK: Grey Wolf in the White House: The Trilogy (Paranormal BBW Erotic Romance)
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She knew what he wanted, and she
wrapped her legs around his back as he entered her warm, slick
tightness. Trying his hardest to not slip on the wet tiles, he
thrust in and out of her, supporting her weight in his strong arms
and getting harder and faster with each movement. He slid his mouth
against her ear and growled softly.

“You shouldn’t have ignored me. I lied
to you when I said that I would leave you alone if that’s what you
wanted. I’m not going to let you go.”

Ari still had no idea what he was
talking about, and cried out with delight as another wave of warm
ecstasy surged through her. Moments later, Remy groaned with
contentment and came, spurting his hot seed deep inside of her
before pulling out and setting her back down on the wet

The shower was still going, and Ari
washed away the sticky semen that was now trickling down her leg.
Remy stood behind her, running his hands all over her soft

“God, I love your body… So, tell me,
why were you ignoring me?” he asked.

“I wasn’t. I thought you just used me
the other night, and were never going to speak to me

“I had several messages sent to your
office,” he growled, seemingly not believing her.

“I really didn’t get them,” she said,
squirming away from him and getting out of the shower.

She wrapped herself in a soft purple
towel, and he turned the shower off and followed.

“Well, I just said that I would be away
for a week, and that when I got back I was going to come for you. I
missed you,” he said, his face softening.

Ari handed him a towel, but he shook
his head.

“Let me show you something.”

Right in front of her, he shifted. Ari
gasped as she saw his human body give way to the dark grey fur of
his wolf form, and he looked up at her, his eyes glowing amber
again. He shook his fur like a wet dog, and then suddenly he was
Remy again, completely dry.

“See?” he said, smirking at her. “I
don’t need a towel.”

“That’s not fair.”

“Life isn’t fair.”

She ignored his last
statement and headed into her room, carefully checking that Marco
wasn’t home to see her with the President.
Imagine having to explain that one.
Remy followed her.

“I came home one day earlier than I was
meant to, you know,” he murmured, wrapping his arms around

“Why, because you’re desperate to mate
with me again?” she teased.

“No. Because it’s a full moon. The
legend about full moons being an important time for werewolves is
sort of accurate. Sort of. A full moon is seen by our kind as a new
beginning, and a time for celebration. There’s an old folk saying
that my father used to spout all the time; nothing bad ever happens
on a full moon. It’s been true for me so far. The night that I won
the election was a full moon, you know.”

“What has that got to do with

“I wanted to celebrate the full moon
with you,” he replied.

Ari looked into his eyes, and melted as
she saw the expression in them.

“I really didn’t get your messages,
Remy. Someone must not have given them to me for some reason,” she

“Well, I don’t forgive you just yet.
You need to do more to make it up to me,” he growled, throwing her
on the bed.


The weeks flew by, and soon, Ari’s
internship was nearly over. Remy visited her in the night as often
as he could, although as the President, there was only so much time
that he could give her. Whenever he did have free time, however,
she knew that he only spent it with her. She had never really been
in love before, but whatever this was with him, it was the closest
that she had ever felt.

“Ari, can I speak with you?” Beth
asked, a week before she was due to finish.

“Sure,” she replied, following Beth
into her small office.

“I didn’t want to tell you this in
front of the others, because I figured they would be jealous.
You’re being offered a paid position here once your internship is
over. You would be working here with us, and also over in the
office of Legislative Affairs when they need you. What do you say
to that?”

“Oh my god… that’s amazing! Thank you!”
Ari replied.

“You should thank yourself. You’ve
worked harder and longer than anyone else,” Beth said,

For a second Ari had
wondered if Remy had anything to do with her being offered the paid
position, but Beth’s words told her otherwise.
I earned this.
She sailed through the
rest of the day on a cloud of happiness, and when she got home, she
shared the good news with Marco.

“That’s awesome!” he said, hugging her.
“I need to make some calls and then go out, so we’ll celebrate
another time soon, okay?”


Ari ate dinner alone after
Marco left, wishing that Remy was here with her to share in her
happiness. A knock on the door startled her, and she raced over
excitedly, expecting to see him standing there with his Secret
Service agents.
Why would he come this
early? What if my neighbors see?

Upon opening the door, she
immediately realized that it wasn’t him. It was Damien
The vampire.
He was standing at her door with two other tall, dark-haired

“What are
doing here, Mr.
Xavier?” she asked, confused.

He gave her a thin smile, and again, it
didn’t quite reach his eyes. As Ari studied his face, she realized
that he was actually quite handsome in a pale, angular

“Hello, Miss Mills. I don’t believe
that we’ve met before, but I know who you are, and I know that you
know who I am. You need to come with me,” he said, his voice quiet
and calm.

His eyes seemed to glow a dark red for
a brief moment, and Ari’s mouth dropped open.

“I’m not going anywhere with…” she
started to say, but was interrupted by one of the men holding a
black, sweet-smelling rag over her face.

Her last thoughts as she
fell unconscious were of the President.
Where are you, Remy? Help me!


Part Two

The faint chirping of birds
outside woke Ari up, and she rubbed the sleep from her eyes before
sitting up. For a few seconds, she didn’t remember what had
happened, and then suddenly, memories from the previous night began
to flood through her mind.
Damien Xavier…
his henchmen… kidnapped.

Fully alert now, she sat up
and looked around. Her mouth dropped open as she looked around at
the beautiful room that she was in. It was enormous, with a classic
French-style interior design in soft muted colors. The furniture
appeared to be antique, and outside, she could see the top tree
branches of a large oak tree. Two little birds sat on the branch,
and for a few moments Ari watched them, trying to figure out
exactly what had happened, and where she could possibly be.
What the hell is going on?

Looking down and pulling the blankets
off herself, she noticed that she was wearing the same clothes from
last night. It didn’t appear that she had been harmed in any way,
either. Just as she decided to get up and try the closed door,
there was a soft knock.

“Miss Mills, are you awake yet? If so,
may I enter?”

The voice on the other side of the door
was calm and smooth, and Ari immediately recognized it as that of
Damien Xavier.

“Umm… yes,” she called out,
unsure as to what she should do in this situation.
Why am I here? Why did he kidnap me, and why has
he put me in such a nice room?

The door creaked open, and Damien
entered. He was carrying a tray with several croissants, fresh
fruit, Greek yogurt and an espresso.

“I thought you might like some
breakfast,” he said, placing it on a small table near the

Ari leapt to her feet.

“What the hell is going on? Where am
I?” she asked.

Damien strode back over to the door and
blocked her from being able to leave.

“Miss Mills, please give me five
minutes of your time to explain why I brought you here. I am deeply
sorry for the way that I had to bring you here last night, but I
didn’t see any other way at the time. If you don’t want to stay
after I am done talking, then you are free to go. I will not stop
you, but I would be very saddened by your departure. I brought you
here for protection,” he said.

His voice was so calm, so soft, and Ari
didn’t know what to think at all. His green eyes stared directly
into hers, and she felt weak at the knees. It occurred to her that
she should be feeling afraid, but something in his face told her
that she was safe here.

“Okay. Five minutes,” she said, trying
her best to sound angry.

“Thank you. As I said, Miss Mills… may
I call you Ari?”

“If you want.”

“Ari, I brought you here to protect
you. I realize the way that I behaved towards you last night was
unforgivable, but you would never have come with me if I had just
asked, would you?”

“No,” she agreed. “What do you mean, to
protect me?”

“The President is a very dangerous man,
Ari. You don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into with him. I am
aware of your little affair, but I am even more aware of what a
special young woman you are,” Damien said, his eyes almost hypnotic
as he watched her face carefully, trying to gauge her

Ari’s brows knitted together in

“How do you know about that? How is he

Damien laughed softly. He beckoned to a
velveteen chaise longue, and she crossed the room, shooting a
still-suspicious glance at him. When she was seated, he sat next to
her, careful to maintain some distance between the two of

“As I was saying, Remy Armstrong is a
dangerous man. All of his kind are dangerous, in fact. They are
rough, mean, and consummate liars. I suppose that he has fed you a
pack of lies about himself, and also my kind.”

“The vampires?”

“Yes. I am glad he has at least told
you of our existence, although I assume what he has told you is
just another of his lies.”

“Why should I believe anything you say
about him? You kidnapped me!”

“Yes, I know. I tried to explain that,
but as I said, I understand if you do not forgive me for it. As
long as you are safe, I do not mind if you hate me. Please keep
listening,” he replied, his tone as calm and smooth as

Ari didn’t say anything, but nodded her
head for him to continue.

“Politics is a nasty business, as I’m
sure you’re starting to realize. I received a tip that the
President had started a sexual relationship with one of his
interns, and I knew it was you. I didn’t want to see you go down a
dangerous path, so I brought you here to protect you. I knew it
wouldn’t be long until he was controlling your entire life and
dragging you down with him.”

“What exactly is so dangerous about
him?” she asked, still completely confused.

“His kind claim to want peace and
equality, but if that is so, then tell me… why do they do so little
about it? Over half the world’s wealthiest citizens are werewolf,
and what have they ever done to eradicate poverty and suffering?
Very little.”

He cleared his throat before

“They hide behind their human masks and
sit in politics, pretending to care about the average real human,
but truthfully, all they want is to maintain their hegemony, and
take things back to the days of Rome. I’m sure you know about

“Yes. Remy told me that Romulus and
Remus were the first werewolves, and they founded Rome, which led
to their later progeny becoming immensely rich and

“That is correct. To this day, they are
still rich and powerful. I suppose he told you how vampires invaded
their ranks, almost leading to their destruction?”

“Yes. Is that true?”

“Somewhat, yes. They were oppressing
human and vampires alike, and we had to do something about it. And
we have; we have removed many of them from positions of political
power and replaced them with humans and vampires who actually want
to do good.”

Ari was still no closer to
understanding exactly what was happening.

“You still didn’t explain why you’re
protecting me,” she said.

“I have been watching you very
carefully since you started your internship, Ari. It was I who
lobbied for you to be offered the paid position. You have a lot of
potential. I would hate to see that wasted and slowly destroyed by
a dangerous werewolf such as Remy Armstrong.”

Ari’s heart sank.
So I didn’t really earn the job, then.
Damien must have seen the hurt in her eyes,
because he continued to speak.

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