Half-Breeds: Krinza's Dragon (4 page)

Read Half-Breeds: Krinza's Dragon Online

Authors: Kriss Wilt

Tags: #a, #erotic adult fantasy, #interplanetary travel, #romance adult erotica, #dragon breeding erotica

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No. He wasn’t seriously considering that. He hadn’t
even coupled with her. Something as permanent as blood mating was
out of the question. His frustrations were getting the better of
him. He tried to calm himself and quell his absurd thoughts on his
walk home that night. When he got home, he stood at his front door
for several minutes before decided to go for a flight instead.
Hours later, he returned home, started his fire, and crawled into
his nest to toss and turn until dawn.

Terrian worried his hands, running his claws along
his palms and the backs of his hands. He gripped at his fingers,
twisting them as he walked. He was heading back to Krinza’s
cottage. His thoughts at their last meeting two nights before had
him rattled. He needed to know how she felt, and if she would ever
act on her arousal. He couldn’t keep restraining himself with her;
eventually his instincts would override his mind and demand he
claim her. Not just couple with her, not simply dominate her, but
claim her. He wasn’t sure if blood mating worked the same with half
breeds, since humans didn’t do it, but it was permanent with
dragons. Once blood mated, willing or no, it lasted until one of
the pair died. Every inch of him craved her.

He knocked on her door. When Krinza answered, the
large smile that made her face sparkle quickly disappeared as she
noticed the sadness in his eyes. “What’s wrong Terr?

He stepped in, leaned in against her, and put his
hands on her hips. He kissed her forehead, feeling her hair caress
his lips and inhaled deeply of her scent. His already mounting lust
flared at the scent of her and an immediate burst of arousal hit
him. “We need to talk about this.”

He broke away to close the door and she wavered in
place for a moment, aching at his sudden departure from their
closeness. “About what?”

“About what is between us, Krin. I have wanted you
since I first laid my eyes on your luscious form. You’re perfect in
every way. I need to know if the arousal I scent from you will ever
lead to where I want, no, need it to go.”

“Terrian. I… wait. You can smell my arousal?”

“Well, yes. Can’t you?


“I guess that explains a bit. I couldn’t imagine you
could ignore the lust that pours off me every time I’m here. But I
suppose that if you couldn’t place the scent… I don’t know. I’m
babbling. You didn’t answer my question.

She moved in close to him again, needing to be in the
comforting space of his heat. She pressed her chest into him,
wrapping her arms around his middle and nuzzling her head against
his chest. She felt him warm at her touch. Inhaling deeply, she
searched for the scent of his lust. All she could smell was his
familiar and comforting scent, musky and masculine. “I don’t know
what to say, Terr. You mean a lot to me.”

“You mean a lot to me as well. He cradled her head in
his hands, letting him see her bright yellow eyes. Fear lingered
quietly behind the caring feelings, the comfort she had for him.
Why was she scared? What had she to fear? Especially from him? He
had never been harsh, never forceful with her. He stepped back from
her, “You fear me?” he was genuinely hurt to say the words.

“No!” She reached out to touch him, to be back in the
comforting warmth of him.

“I saw it in your eyes. Just as I can smell it if I
search your scent hard enough. Part of you is scared. Why?” He sat
down near the fire, staring into the flames. He couldn’t bear to
look at her when she answered. A part of him screamed to take it
back; she wouldn’t have to answer, he wouldn’t have to hear that he
was monster pureblood come off her sweet full lips.

“It isn’t what you think, Terr. Please listen to me.
Please understand.” What could she say? She was afraid, but not of
him in the way he thought. She was embarrassed, but couldn’t bear
the thought of losing him if she didn’t explain.

“Do you remember the first day we spoke? Not with
Bru’Nik, but just us here alone. You asked about half-breeds
coupling. The frailty of my flesh. Do you remember?”

He spent a moment to remember the precise
conversation, the exact words spoken. Understanding began to dawn
on him and he looked at her, eyes wide. She went to him, kneeling
down in front of him and taking his hands in hers. “I have wanted
to take you into my nest since that day. When you brought up that
question, it made me think; I have only coupled with half breeds. I
favored mostly human men. I, I…”

“You worry that I will hurt you?” Genuine concern
permeated his voice and he drew her closer to hug her. He spread
his wings to wrap them around her in comfort as well.

“No. Not really. I worry that the act will hurt. Not
that you’d hurt me. I know you would never intentionally hurt me. I
worry that instincts would cloud our minds and that we’d end up
regretting what we had done. I don’t want to lose you and I was
scared that you’d leave me after. Just as our sense of smell is
similar, yours is a little different from mine. What if it is the
same with coupling? I was always too scared to ask the particulars
of pure blood dragons mating.” She kissed his neck, nuzzled into
him, and caressed his powerful arm with her hands.

With Krin settled into his lap, caressing and kissing
him, Terrian’s mind fogged. Her tail was teasing against his wings
and her scent filled his nose. Breathy and with eyes only
half-open, he replied to her, “I think we should take our chances.
I can’t fathom us every regretting our actions with each other. And
if anything feels wrong or displeases you, just tell me. I will
always listen to you.”

The heat emanating from him permeated into her,
causing her own heat to rise. Being enveloped by Terrian,
surrounded by his wings, sitting on his lap, she was drowning in
his intoxicating scent. It made her head a little light and her
mind a little foggy. Her lust rose sharply and she moistened
between her legs at his caress. He kissed her face and stroked her
hair. As she felt his arousal press against her from between his
legs, a soft wanton whimper escaped her lips. Letting her instincts
guide her, she raked her claws across his back and turned her hips
into him. When his hips responded in kind, she untied his robe,
letting it fall to his waist. He grabbed her around her middle with
one arm and while bracing with other, he rolled them around so that
she laid on her back below him. Removing his arm from behind her,
he gently untied the halter of her top and bared her very human
breasts. A low rumble of approval reverberated in his chest as he
gently caressed them. Ever mindful of his claws, he began to gently
massage them, watching her face as her passions grew.

After several long minutes of eliciting whimpers from
her, Terrian put his claws to use. He gently severed the fabric
that held her dress in place around her hips. It was destroyed, but
he doubted that she minded. Her scent had never reached this level
of… need. He was drunk on it; having to use every ounce of control
to keep from claiming her. As he stared, drinking in her naked
form, she opened her eyes and smiled at him. Her eyes were as
hungry as his own. Her hands caressed his chest, his arms, his
stomach. She lit his every nerve on fire. Trailing down to his
hips, she found his robe still tied in place and frowned. Noting
his handy work, she smirked at him with mischievous eyes and
replicated the work with her own claws on his garments. He had
raised his head, allowing himself to fully appreciate every touch
she pressed to his hide. Massaging the muscles in his hips, he
ached for her to move just a bit lower…

Shifting his wings, he pressed his body down onto
hers, grinding his hips and kissing her deeply. He felt more than
heard the growl that rose in her chest. Her tail tickled around his
ankles, giving him an idea. Even though his instincts called for
immediate domination and his own release, he was determined to be
tender, gentle, and passionate with her. With the tip of his tail,
he traced an imaginary design from her ankle up the inside of her
legs. Slight quivers let him know that her nerves were as excited
as his own. Lying beside her, one leg resting in hers, he cradled
her head in one hand, massaged her breast with the other. Claws
were a disadvantage in some aspects, but he was clever. He took his
tail and teased her outer lips, testing the moisture as it grew
between her legs. She raised her hips, whimpering at the
sensations. Her own hands clawed at him, they seemed to scream for
him end her torment. He finally pressed his impromptu digit against
her opening, agonizingly slowly separating the folds. He proceeded
in an inch and then another. Deep moans and growls signaled her
approval and want for more.

He continued to make good use of his digit, tickling
and caressing her from the inside. As he felt her body writhe and
tense, he grabbed at her hip and pulled her into himself. He
kissed, nuzzled, and nipped at her neck, letting her shallow
breaths spur him on. Her body tensed more, he felt her inner
muscles press against him hard, her claws dug into him as she bit
into his shoulder. As soon as she let lose a cry of pleasure, he
removed his tail and gently raked his claws across her throbbing
lower lips. Her eyes shot open as her pleasure doubled over with
the sensation. He gently lifted her and took her to her nest, no
sense in brutalizing her wings against the floor for no reason.

With a momentary look of uncertainty, she looked into
Terrian’s eyes, “roll over.”

Unable to do anything but comply, he spread his wings
beneath him instead of tucking them in close, and laid on his back…
this was new, it should be interesting. She noticed that his
eyebrow was raised at her.

Too late now, she thought. Positioning herself over
him, she teased his inner thighs with her own tail. She played her
claws along his hide and she lowered herself and positioned her
body between his knees. She gentle grabbed his solid arousal,
teasing it with gentle licks and claws. When she took him fully
into her mouth, she felt his hips slightly buck, his entire body
tense at the sensation. His wings ruffled in pleasure and she
ruffled hers in response. As her tongue played against the tip, and
teased around it girth, her hands and claws caressed every inch of
him where they could find purchase. After several minutes of
pleasurable growls emanating from his chest, she felt as his hands
lifted her, pulling her face to his. He laid her on his chest,
wrapping his arms around her and kissing her deeply. He’d never
been with a female like this.

Soon he was jarred from his indulgences in her full,
moist lips when he felt her hands on his phallus again. She had
brought up her knees and positioned her hips over his. He hadn’t
even noticed. She teased his tip against the moist opening into her
and when he raised his hips, she did as well. His instincts flared,
how dare a female deny him access, she was his and he would have
her! Her eyes met his, and he whimpered his need to her. His
instincts could scream all they wanted, he was at her mercy here.
The few seconds of teasing felt like an eternity. From what he
could tell from his tail’s exploring, she would be extremely tight
around his main rigid member. A moment of uncertainty crossed his
mind as he feared he would hurt her, but at that moment, she slid
the tip between her lips and into the warm moisture beyond. Slowly
she lowered her hips. She allowed in an inch and then retreated,
only to return again. Then she lowered another inch and Terrian
moaned; his instincts making him clench and release his claws,
doing everything in his power to keep himself from grabbing her
hips and forcing himself into her to the hilt. Inch by seemingly
painful inch she slowly descended down, delving him deeper and
deeper into her. Finally, when she was nearly fully around him, she
reared back and raised herself to hover at his tip. Suddenly she
spread her wings and pressed him into her fully, releasing a snarl
of pure pleasure.

Terrian's entire body convulsed at the sudden
pleasure, redoubled at the sound of her outcry, he released the
mental hold he had on his hips, now, rocking them in time to her
movements. Her momentum increased, and in little time, she was
quivering with a new release of pleasure. Her inner muscles pulsed
around him and Terrian refused to break contact with Krin as he
turned her over onto her back, lowering his full weight onto her. A
contented purr escaped her throat as she looked to him, grabbing
his face and bringing it to her to kiss him deeply. Weaving one arm
between her legs, Terrian raised one of her legs up to allow
himself better access to her blissful core. Slowly, he began to
pump in and out of her. Careful to pay attention to every twitch of
her muscles, he watched for the slightest sign of pain.

He would thrust slowly into her, and then he would
press into her faster and deeper. When she neared climax, he would
again slow himself only to work into a fast pace again. Every time
he slowed and denied her orgasm, her tension built, like a spring
being slowly coiled tighter and tighter with every round. Somehow
amidst all of the pleasure, he had ended up on his knees, leaned
back with Krin wrapped around his hips. Her toes touched the floor,
though barely. His face was buried in her breasts while her arms
encircled his head. She held onto his neck, digging in her claws in
her passion. Her other hand clawing at his back and wings. He felt
her heart pound, her claws digging into him, the pleasures flooded
through him and he felt he’d lose control. She was nearing her
orgasm again and he was too near himself to torture her any longer.
When she threw her head back in a cry of pleasure, his eyes focused
on the pounding artery there. His hand found the back of the neck,
pulling it into his face. He played over it with his lips, his
tongue, his teeth. His penis found her deepest inner reaches, felt
them spasm beyond imagining, squeezing him ruthlessly. Suddenly he
felt her tense and convulse around him, her claws digging into his
throat. He opened his mouth and licked her neck, ready to bite
down. A gasp ran through his as she bit his nick first, her canines
puncturing in, her tongue lapping at his blood. His orgasm came,
wracking his body in pleasure, a coppery taste in his mouth. He’d
bitten her too.

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