Hanging On (3 page)

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Authors: Michelle Zurlo

BOOK: Hanging On
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That would be dangerous. This was the kind of man in which she could lose herself.

“None of that,” she chastised. “You don’t get to touch me without permission. You get no pleasure that I don’t approve. You may not come until I give you permission.”

Pushing herself away from him, she bent to secure his feet. He struggled against the bonds, but they were too strong. “Sophia,” he whispered.

Though he used the wrong title, the entreaty was a beginning. Ignoring him, she returned to Livia. When Sophia had dressed Livia, she ran her hands along the sultry blonde’s body, reminding herself where Livia liked to be touched and how. She wanted a beating, nothing severe, just enough to heat her skin.

Grabbing a bulb vibrator and a tube of lubricating gel, Sophia approached her waiting submissive. “Spread your cheeks.” Without changing her bent position, Livia reached back with both hands and spread her ass wide. Sophia squirted gel onto the toy and some onto her fingers. Livia sighed and gasped as Sophia massaged the gel into her. She tensed when Sophia removed her fingers, knowing what was coming next.

The bulb parted her, shoving hard and fast into her little puckered hole. A low moan escaped.

If they played again, Sophia would have Drew fuck her that way while she used a vibrator or clitoral stimulator from the front. She could hang


Livia from hooks in the ceiling, and they could use her body as a plaything.

Livia would love it.

But that was not in the plan tonight.

Sophia turned the dial to medium, sending vibrations through Livia’s body.

Livia was a good girl. She didn’t move her hands one bit, even though she knew what was coming next. She liked a light whipping, so Sophia gave it to her, paying special attention to her ass. Resting her forehead on the bed’s footboard, she moved in time to the rhythm of the lashes. Cries fell from her lips.

When she was a good shade of pink, Sophia stopped. The marks would fade in an hour or so, but until they did, she would be sensitive to the lightest of touches.

“Mistress, please.” Her whispered words caught in her throat. The straps and the lick of the whip had worked their magic. She was primed and ready to come.

With a light hand on her shoulder, Sophia guided Livia to Drew and arranged her on top of him, her back to his front. The chair might not be comfortable, but he provided the perfect cushioning. Sophia wanted to lie on him like that, to feel his chest against her back. “Lay your head on his shoulder, and let your legs fall to the outside of his.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

A tap on the quick-release freed Drew’s legs. “Spread your legs wider.” Annoyance and frustration thinned his lips. He hesitated before complying, opening Livia even further. Sophia rewarded him with an absent caress on the cheek. He turned into her palm, seeking to kiss her there. She pulled away before he made contact and returned her attention to Livia.

“Touch yourself,” she commanded. “Outside only.” Her fingers were red and stiff from the whip. Ever so slowly, she moved them across her body, caressing her tender flesh as she found her saturated folds. The bulb in her anus vibrated, and her fingers worked quickly. Sophia watched Livia’s face. She was in heaven. A pleased smile tugged at her mouth, which Drew saw.

Her eyes met his, and she realized her mistake. In avoiding looking at him, she thought he wasn’t looking at her. From the expression on his face,


she wondered if his eyes had ever left her. Had he watched Livia being whipped, or Sophia whipping her?

Recovering quickly, she studied his face. The punishment had been effective. He hated being restrained, restricted from the action, and he didn’t bother to hide that emotion. Sophia thought he might pull at his handcuffs a little more, but he didn’t, opting instead to stare at her. He ensnared her with his eyes, and electricity jolted through her body. She recognized a hunger in him that echoed in her.

He wanted her.

She wanted him to want her. She shouldn’t want it, but she did, and, in that moment, he knew it. Reaching behind him, she broke the connection and released his wrists.

“Touch her.”

His hands roamed Livia’s body at Sophia’s command, spreading sensual circles of pleasure. The pressure he used was perfect, arousing kittenish sighs and moans from the woman under his fingertips.

Sophia tamped down a twinge of jealousy. “Pinch her nipples.” He did this, too, never taking his eyes from Sophia. This slow seduction had her wet and swollen. If he kept this up, she might have to turn in her title. She never thought a man could topple her without a single touch.

Screwing in her spine, Sophia shifted her attention to Livia. She was ripe, so ready. He rolled her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, and she moaned loudly.

“Mistress,” she panted. “Please, oh, please.”

“Stop.” Immediately, Livia halted her actions, whimpering a protest.

Sophia waited, reveling in her power. Finally, she nodded. “Drew, finish her.”

He reached between her legs. Fingers from one hand found her clit, while fingers from the other plunged inside. His quick mastery of her body was a clear message to Sophia. The seed of doubt inside her grew. Nothing about this man was submissive. It wasn’t that she expected him to give in without a fight, but only a true submissive would fight or enjoy the process.

He seemed to be tolerating it, like it was a means to an end. What end?

Sophia wasn’t out to prove anything, and she didn’t want someone in her playroom who wasn’t going to enjoy himself. Why had Livia brought him?


She lifted, arching away from his body and toward his hand, and screamed, “Mistress, please let me come.” Sophia didn’t answer. She wanted to see what Drew would do without that permission. He pumped his fingers into her without varying his pace, as if he needed to prove to Sophia he knew his way around a woman’s body.

Could he play
body that well? She shook away the recurring image.

“Mistress, please, I need to come,” Livia begged, sobbing on the edge of hysteria.

Sophia waited ten more seconds. It wasn’t a long time, but it was forever to a wet and swollen sub. Leaning close, she whispered, “Come, Livia. Give me what is mine.”

She climaxed with abandon, but neither Drew nor Sophia paid her much mind. He held her in his arms as she calmed, his attitude less of a cuddle and more of a reticence to drop her on the floor.

Reaching under her, he removed the vibrating bulb and handed it to Sophia. She had forgotten it was there, which was completely unlike her. Of course, it was vibrating against his cock because of the way Livia was positioned. He would have been hyperaware of it.

Sophia opted not to punish him for removing it without permission.

She pulled Livia to her feet. Slowly, Sophia released the buckles on the straps she wore and slid them down, leaving her naked. “Go lay on the bed with your head toward the wall. I’m going to tie you down.” Panic flared in her eyes, and only the trust established between them over several years made Livia follow that order without protest. Livia didn’t care to be restrained. She liked tight, binding clothes, but not tight bindings.

She had threatened Sophia’s comfort level by bringing Drew. She didn’t do it on purpose. He certainly wasn’t the first “date” she had brought. But Sophia did feel threatened, and she hated the lack of power and control that came with that.

Maybe it was a little vindictive, but Sophia wanted to threaten Livia’s comfort level, too. Drew had seen too much in Sophia’s face. This game was about control. She needed to reestablish her control.

With a crook of her finger, Sophia ordered Drew to stand. He did so with difficulty, standing in easy reach of her. She should have ordered him to strip. Guided by something foreign, she reached forward until her hands landed on the snap of his jeans. Before a thought could process in her


normally quick mind, Sophia undid the snap and unzipped the fly. Free of its confines, his thick hardness grew even larger.

Drew’s arms hung at his sides in anticipation. From the corner of her eye, she saw his fingers flex and stiffen. He was fighting the urge to touch her without permission. It was something, at least. She hadn’t blown this thing completely.

Sophia stared at Drew’s abdomen. A light trail of hair began at his navel and disappeared into his underwear. With his jeans open, the tip of his erection extended beyond the waistband of his boxer briefs.

Her chest constricted. She didn’t understand how a perfect stranger could affect her so profoundly. Sophia willed her hands to not shake as she slid her fingers between the soft skin of his hips and the cotton material covering him to push his clothing downward. She crouched, following his jeans to the floor, running her hands down his thighs and over his calves. He lifted one foot, then the other, so she could completely remove his clothes.

Glancing up, Sophia saw his hunger, stronger than before. Lowering the direction of her attention, she saw that his erection was perfectly positioned.

It was a good size, both long and thick. She was seized with the urge to taste him. She fought it and won, but just barely.

He held out a hand to help Sophia to her feet. She ignored it, rising on her own steam. She was so wound up just from being near him that she could have run a marathon twice.

“Go stand next to the bed.” She turned and walked away to secure Livia to the bed frame. It was a specially made bed with four sturdy posts. The head- and footboards were low. Each piece of wood had places to secure the different kinds of bindings she used. On Livia, she used soft, padded bindings that held together with Velcro. This was going to be difficult for her, and Sophia didn’t want to add unnecessarily to Livia’s discomfort.

As she leaned over the side of the bed, Sophia felt a hand wander down the denim of her shorts to caress a bare thigh. It was strong and warm and purposeful. There was nothing tentative in what he demanded with that touch. Moisture spurted between her thighs in response. Her body and her mind wanted the same thing. Only reason kept Sophia from acting on her base instinct to push him to the bed and devour every inch of his bare skin.

Without appearing to divert her attention too much, Sophia slapped away his hand. He earned a punishment for that. Part of the fun of breaking


in a new submissive—if he was one—was teaching them the rules. Drew learned not to speak out of turn. Now, he would suffer the penalty for unauthorized touching.

When she was satisfied Livia was secure, Sophia pinned Drew with one of her deadliest gazes. “Lie next to her, on your side.” She settled him in position, and then she took the same position on the opposite side. Lazily, she trailed her hand across Livia’s collarbone. “Mirror me. Whatever I do on this side of her body, you do on your half.” He nodded his understanding. Sophia trailed her fingertips across Livia’s skin. He followed her actions. Sophia pinched Livia’s nipples, twisting them hard until she cried out. He did the same without taking his eyes from Sophia’s. She traced a path to Livia’s pussy and parted her lips.

They caressed her clit from each side, squeezing it between their opposing fingers. Livia squirmed, fighting her restraints even as she moaned in ecstasy.

When Sophia slid her finger inside Livia, Drew did the same. More than was necessary, she glanced over to him. She told herself it was to make sure he was submitting as well as following directions, but she knew that wasn’t the truth. He wasn’t submitting as much as he was playing along, and she just liked looking at him.

Together, they set a slow pace. Sophia inserted a second finger, and so did he, twining them with hers. She couldn’t look away from him. In an unspoken accord, they increased the pace. Livia’s moans went unheeded.

“Mistress,” she cried.

That gained Sophia’s attention. Hastily withdrawing their fingers, Sophia pressed a kiss to Livia’s cheek. “Not yet, Livia. Not yet.” It was time for Drew’s punishment.

Sophia pushed herself into sitting and adjusted her tank top, which had become twisted as she moved next to Livia’s body.


She liked the way he said her name. His voice sent pleasant shivers down her spine. She couldn’t remember the last time that actually happened.

“Yes?” Half of her hoped he would say something outrageous, earning a more severe punishment. The other half was afraid of the same thing.

“I have pleasured two women before, quite successfully.” Sophia resisted smiling at his offer. “Haven’t we all?”


He groaned and closed his eyes, and she knew her response was punishment enough. The image of Sophia with two beautiful, nude women was forever etched in his mind.

“Straddle her face,” she directed. “You’ve earned a punishment.” Color drained from his face. She knew he was dreading what was to come. “You said I could ask questions.”

“Touching, you idiot.” Livia stirred at last. “You cannot touch Mistress without permission.” She struggled to lift her head and meet Sophia’s eyes.

Sophia hadn’t known Livia was aware of Drew’s wandering hands.

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