Haven's Choice (4 page)

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Authors: Tarah Knight

BOOK: Haven's Choice
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He raised a sardonic eyebrow as a smirk teased his lips. “Do I?” he asked.

“Yes, you have completely healed from all my bites and scratches, you must be a quick healer.” Haven walked past him back up to the chamber she needed to find something else to put on. Deacon was seriously feeling his oats right now judging by the way he was staring at her.
She spotted the matching housecoat and slipped it on tying it firmly at her waist. Deacon was still trailing around behind her with a bemused expression on his face that frankly was irritating. “I see you changed clothes too. I didn’t think you owned a pair of jeans you didn’t seem the type.” But he should own jeans she thought. Closets full of them because a butt that fine needed to be encased in low slung denim. The black t-shirt and black leather jacket didn’t really seem like Deacon either. Studying him closer she saw that he had also grown some facial hair. Maybe he was trying to appear more modern for her. Noticing her looking at him so intently he shrugged out of his leather jacket and walked toward her “Umm… Deacon? What are you doing?” He prowled closer until Haven felt the mattress hit the back of her legs.

“What would you like me to do?” he whispered roughly.

Haven felt like a rabbit caught in a snare with the hungry wolf closing in on her. She put her hand firmly on his chest. “Slow down
there, cowboy let’s not act too hastily here.”

He pulled her hand off his chest and put it to his mouth nibbling at her fingers with little nips of his fangs. “I agree
. Let’s not act hastily. I like nice and slow much better.” The sensation of his warm lips and the sharp tiny pain of his fangs had Haven forgetting how to breath much less remembering all the many reasons this should not be happening. He slid his hand around her waist slowly pulling her to him. She watched helplessly as his head started its descent. She couldn’t fight her body’s reaction and his seductive skills too she reasoned. It was one kiss she would stop it after one kiss. After all he did save her life, and she nearly killed him for it. He surely deserved some little reward?

The impact
of Deacons kiss was just as devastating as she remembered it. Once his lips claimed hers it was over. All reasoning all rational thought stopped and died a swift death. How was it possible to feel this much and still live? She wanted to crawl inside him she wanted him to crawl inside her. She needed him all over and everywhere at once. Her blood roared through her veins like runaway freight train. She reached up pulling his head closer as their kiss became almost violent in mutual need. In the midst of her carnal hunger another hunger rose to the front feeling her fangs start to lengthen; she slid her head sideways seeking his neck kissing her way to the sweet spot just above his collarbone. She licked once and he groaned his approval she licked again and heard him growl out for her to bite hard and to do it now! He cupped her head urging her closer. Not needing any more encouragement she sank her teeth into his neck feeling her knees go out from under her as a tidal wave of release tore though her body.

           Moments later
as she started to come back to earth she could feel Deacon sliding her onto the silk sheets and sliding in after her the brush of his bare leg against hers had her opening her eyes and trying to collect her thoughts. “Deacon? Please slow down let me catch my breath ok? This is all really intense and I need a minute to adjust.” He hovered over her caging her in between his hard arms and chest. He kissed her temple then her chin the feel of his soft hair sliding across her sensitive flesh was the most erotic thing she had ever felt. “I have searched all over for you my Serah I can’t believe that I have found you at last. You’re so beautiful. But I do have one small request.”

Haven smiled as he continued to brush butterfly kisses across her collarbones. “What’s that request Deacon?”  She asked breathlessly.

As he
honed in on her sweet spot he paused looking down at her. “My name isn’t Deacon, I’m Barron. Deacon is my twin brother.”


~Chapter Four


“Very funny Deacon. I wouldn’t have thought that you had a sense of humor.” She looked up at him expecting him to chuckle or smile or something… but he just looked at her. A little niggle of concern started to raise its ugly head. “You are kidding right? God, tell me your kidding!” She shoved him off of her as she started to panic. “How do I know your really not lying to me? You look exactly like Deacon, and… and… you made me… you know… exactly like Deacon. That’s only supposed to happen with fated couples so explain that?”

Barron frowned as he sat up on the side of the bed. “Well, I look just like Deacon, or I should say Deacon looks just like me because I am the oldest, we are identical twins. So you and Deacon have?” He waved his hand at the bed indicating what had just very nearly transpired bet
ween them. Haven shook her head. “No, at least no more than what we just did. I don’t think.” His frown grew deeper. “You don’t think? You mean you don’t know?” Haven scrambled off the bed needing to put some distance between them. “Look it’s really, really complicated ok?”

Barron stood up and started slipping
his jeans back on. Haven turned away but not before catching a glimpse of prime male bootie. Have mercy! Twins! She knew he was telling the truth. There was something all along telling her something wasn’t quite right with him, but she just chalked it up to this whole fate bonding crap. Deacon was going to flip kittens when he found out!

“So did you mate with my brother? I fail to see what’s complicated about that question. It should be fairly easy to answer. You can even use one word
, yes or no.”

She turned back around thankful to see he at least had his jeans back on although he was shirtless. Jerking her eyes away from the broad expanse of hard male chest she met his eyes. That sardonic look was back. She frowned at him. Identical or not, there were
clearly some differences. “So did you or didn’t you do the deed?” he asked again.

She tossed his shirt at him. “Put that on before Deacon gets back. I already told you that I didn’t think so.”

He caught it and pulled it on then sat down and reached for his boots. “You know, fate and bonding aside, I would still think that a female would know if she had mated with a man, if not then he really didn’t do his job.” He looked up at her with that now familiar smirk. “I bet you wouldn’t have to think twice about remembering my mating.”

Feeling the need to knock him down a peg or twelve Haven crossed over and stood before him. She lifted his head with a finger under his chin to meet her gaze. “You know Barron
, not to knock your claim to fame or anything, but your brother had me there… with just his kiss. No blood required. That’s how I know that we have not done the deed. If we had not only would I remember it, I would still be recovering from it.”

his lips thin to a hard edge she knew she had scored a direct hit. Score one for Haven! Hearing footsteps in the tunnel she knew that Deacon had returned. She scurried over to sit at the table, putting as much distance between her and Barron as possible without actually leaving the room. She pasted on a bright smile as he walked in. “Hi, honey look who came to visit!”

Deacon entered the chamber and saw the last
thing he ever wanted to see, his brother alone in the same room with his Serah. He watched as Barron stood up from the chair he was sitting in and walk over to stand behind Haven. He recognized the look on his face. He would imagine that it mirrored his own.

Hello brother, it’s been awhile. How are you?” Deacon casually walked over and held out his hand to Haven he was grateful when she took it without question and stood beside him. Barron saw the move and respected it, but he gave Deacon a look that said this wasn’t over.

I have been well. Traveled once more to the South Seas. Spent some time in the Amazon. How are things with you squirt?” He tried to goad Deacon by using a hated childhood nickname. Being the eldest by four minutes he held it over his head at every opportunity.

Seeing both of the men together in the sa
me room Haven was more than freaked out over just how identical they truly were. Dress them the same and shave Barron’s face, and you would not be able to tell them apart. But upon closer inspection their expressions were as different as night and day. Barron came off as a playboy, cocky and sure of himself. Deacon had a quite strength, a calm demeanor that spoke of a chained tiger held loosely tethered just under the surface. He showed that strength now by not rising to the taunt that she knew Barron had just tossed out. “I have also been well. I see that you have met my Serah. Had I known you were coming I would have been here to welcome you.” The rebuke hung heavy in the air. Haven felt her tummy tighten into knots wondering just what Barron was going to tell Deacon. Would he tell him everything? How would Deacon react? Would he let Barren have her? Would he just walk away? Funny three hours ago the thought of Deacon walking away would have thrilled her. Now? Not so much.

I do apologize for not calling ahead to tell you of my visit, however I wasn’t aware that I would find you here. You see I was on a mission.”

Haven actually felt every muscle in Deacons body tighten, but he remained calm. “Really? What mission would that be?” Barron smiled then nodded toward Haven. “I felt the call of my

Haven laughed nervously.
“Umm… Deacon what is he talking about? I thought you said that I was your Serah?” He tightened his fingers over her hand. “You are my Serah, clearly Barron is mistaken.”

arron walked over and grabbed his brother’s hand slapping it on his chest to feel his pounding heart. “There’s no mistaking that now is there little bro? There was no mistaking the fated passion that was between us earlier either.” The chamber was suddenly filled with a deadly quiet. Haven felt the blood drain from her face when Deacon turned his eyes to her. “Haven?” That was all he said just her name, but she knew what he was saying what he was asking her. Shooting Barron her very best death glare she tried to explain.

Ok, before I start let me point out that your identical twins. I was operating under the assumption that there was only one of you in this world so when he showed up why wouldn’t I think it was you? Huh? Secondly…” She suddenly trailed off not sure of what her second point was exactly. She was relying pretty heavily on her first. She could see the muscle in Deacons jaw start to jump.

Did he touch you?” He spoke the question to her but his deadly stare was for his brother.

She squirmed under hi
s direct stare “Well, we didn’t actually… I guess you could say… that is we…”

Barron suddenly answered the question. “Yes. I touched her
, and she touched me. The bonding passion was there for both of us. So much so that she found her release while she fed from me.”

The sound of his words reverberated off the chamber walls
seeming to echo and repeat. Haven suddenly felt sick. She dreaded looking up into Deacons eyes. “Haven? Is this true?” he asked her. Not able to look at him she just nodded her head staring at the floor.

So brother here is something we never expected. Who would have thought that as twins we would have the same Serah?”

Deacon pulled Haven tighter into his side, surprising her. “We don’t. There has to be an explanation. Haven is mine and mine alone. I don’t care what transpired
between you. She clearly thought she was with me. I find her guilty of nothing.”

Barron smiled his
smirky little smile that Haven was quickly coming to despise, because it usually meant something nasty was about to come out of his mouth. “What do you hold me guilty of brother?”

Deacon shook his head before walking away to the other side of the chamber taking Haven with him. “I would be dishonest if I said I didn’t fear this very thing happening. We have shared so much, but I thought surely in this the fates would have a plan. I know we are not the only twins of legend. I know that Haven is my
Serah, but I cannot deny the signs of your body, so I hold you guilty of nothing as well. However, let it be understood that won’t give you leave next time.”

Barron’s face grew as dark as a thundercloud. “Give me leave? Perhaps it is I
who should not give you leave. I have as much right to her as you do, you saw the signs.”

Deacon stepped slightly in front of Haven. “I have given the only warning I am going to give you Barron. Heed it well.”

His twin took a step closer and fearing immediate blood shed Haven stepped between them. “Ok! Stop it both of you! You’re acting like a couple hounds fighting over a bone! Well, this bone has something to say so both of you sit down and shut up.” When they both looked at her she pointed to the chairs next to the table. “Sit!” She ordered. After they had sat down Haven walked back and forth thinking furiously. “Ok Barron you said that you heard the call of your Serah. How long ago did you hear it?”

He smiled. “Would you like that broken down into months, weeks, days or hours?” At her deadpan stare he shrugged

“About a week shy of five months.”

Haven glanced at Deacon, but he didn’t seem surprised. “Ok, so both of you felt your
Serah at about the same time. Is it possible that you just haven’t found her yet? Your true, Serah, Barron? Is it possible that because of the strong ties with your twin that you can feel the same feelings about me as well?” He actually gave her question serious thought. He looked so much like Deacon with that expression that she was freaked out again.

I honestly don’t know Haven. I only know what I feel to be true, that you are my Serah. I know that Deacon feels it just as strongly as I do.”

Is there someone you can ask? Perhaps a leader or captain or whoever would have some authority on this? Surely this has happened before.”

Deacon shook his head. “This is the first that I have heard of it in my seven hundred of life. Barron, have you heard of this? You have traveled even more so than I. You may have come across something like this, or even similar to this.” Haven knew his answer before he gave it.

“No, I have not heard of two males claiming the same female with both showing the signs of being bonded. Haven, if I may ask you a question. What makes you so sure that Deacon is your true mate and not I? You responded to both of us and I’m guessing that you were able to fed from both as well. Does it come down to preference?”

Haven looked from one man to the other. Was it just that she preferred Deacon, if so why? He did save her life and truthfully he seemed not as annoying as Barron, but could she honestly say she knew for certain which one was her true mate? Both had fired her up easily enough. She avoided Deacons eyes once more she replied. “I wish I could say with one hundred per cent certainty that Deacon was my mate, but I’m sorry I really can’t. Part of it could be that I know nearly nothing about bonding. I have the bare basics but that’s it. Maybe if you could explain it more to me that might help.”

“No. You have been told what you need to know. I know that you are mine that is why fate allowed me to find you first. This is done. Barron I’m sorry, but you will have to continue searching for your mate.”

Both Haven and Barron looked at Deacon in surprise. He had gone from being reasonable to declaring how things were going to be in a matter of seconds. His face grew hard and he walked over and took Havens hand firmly.

“What if I don’t agree dear brother? What if I decide to challenge you for her?” Barron threw out the challenge in a voice completely void of any emotion.

So be it.” Deacon growled.

Haven watched in horror as the men started circling each other like wolves fighting over prey. What had happened to the voice of reason? It was here one second and gone the next! “Stop this! I won’t allow you two to beat each other senseless! There has to be another way. We will find another way!” Neither paid her the slightest bit of attention. Barron charged first ramming his shoulder into Deacon
’s torso lifting him off the ground and slamming him into the cave wall. The rock splintered and cracked under the impact. Deacon returned the favor by slashing at his brother’s shoulders with now razor sharp talons ripping through the shirt and deep into Barron’s muscles. Haven screamed repeatedly as the blood flew for them to stop. She ran over tugging and jerking on one brother then the other begging them to stop. But they continued to tear into each other like rabid animals growling and roaring. Fighting from one side of the cave to the other trampling whatever came in their path. She had to jump out of the way several times to keep from getting steamrolled. She truly feared they were going to kill each other and then she would be left to starve to death!

Suddenly a very large man and a really tall woman appeared from out of nowhere. The man grabbed Deacon
, and the woman grabbed Barron pulling them apart and holding them.

Stop this at once!” The mans deep voice bounced around the cave like a tennis ball the power and authority in the voice alone was enough to have Haven ducking down behind the bed. They shook the men until they stopped fighting and stood sulking like scolded school children. The woman turned Barron loose with a stern look then she glared at both of them.

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