Haven's Choice (13 page)

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Authors: Tarah Knight

BOOK: Haven's Choice
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Haven was silent for a moment as she tried to absorb that piece of information. She knew that Barron was angry with her, really angry, but she never would have thought he would ever try to kill her! She thought he was proving a point with his numerous bites.
She even understood just a little why he was so angry and hurt. “Where is he at now?” Brooklyn looked at Verlon and he shook his head, but she kept looking at him until he sighed. “Very well, I personally think you don’t need this right now, but I’ll obey the wishes of my Serah.” Brooklyn smiled at him. “Haven, attacking another vampires Serah is a very serious crime. To intend death in the attack is a crime punishable by execution. Barron is being held until you were well enough to attend his execution.” Haven felt her heart drop! “No! I won’t press charges! They can’t just kill him! There were extenuating circumstances! He is a jerk and bully but he doesn’t deserve to die!” She argued as loudly as she could through her torn up lips.

“If they don’t
kill him, then I will.” Deacon’s voice came out grumbly and rough, like he had swallowed sandpaper. Haven turned to him his eyes were still half closed but she could see the glitter of his rage. “Darling, he is your twin your other half. You can’t mean that.” Deacon pushed his large body into a sitting position pulling Haven into the cavity under his arm. “You are now my other half, my reason for being. He tried to take that from me, not once but twice. I could have forgiven the first time. But when he attacked you the way he did… no, I have no forgiveness.” Then he looked at her frowning once more. As he gently traced her swollen mouth. “I’m surprised that you want him to live, if not for what he did to you than for what he may do to your sister.”

Hannah! Haven had forgotten all about her! “Where is she? Is she here?” Brooklyn nodded. “Yes, Deacon brought her to us the night that you were attacked. It is truly remarkable the likeness between you two.” Haven wondered how it would feel to look at her face on another’s body? She wanted to find out! “Can I see her? Please? What does she know about me, about us?”

“I don’t see any reason why not, Deacon what do you think?” Brooklyn asked. He looked down at Haven who begged him with her beautiful eyes and smiled. “If I know my Serah at all she will make us all crazy until she gets her way. What will you tell her about your condition?” Haven grinned. “I’ll tell her I was in an accident or something! Brooklyn please help me cover up what we can to make me look a little less scary!” Deacon took her hand raising it to his lips for a soft kiss. “She looks nearly as bad as you do right now Haven, are you sure you feel up to seeing her right now? You are still very weak.” Haven scooted herself up in bed looking at him like he was crazy. “I’m positive!”

Myra stood in in front of the bathroom mirror dabbing some ointment on her still bruised and tender mouth. The last customer she had picked up was a real winner. He liked to make you bleed before he could get down to what he paid for. It wasn’t something she hadn’t dealt with before. Being on the streets since she was fifteen, she had taken her share of slaps and punches. The really sad part was the majority of those slap’s and punches had come from the very hands that had sworn to protect her before she ran away. She had been abused in every way imaginable and some
that wasn’t. The last home was the worst; the grandfather in the house was a sick and twisted man. He would corner her every chance he got sticking his knarly old hands up her shirt or down her pants. The night that he had actually attempted to rape her was the last night she spent under that roof, or any roof for that matter. She decided she would take her chances on the streets. She tried to find a job at first to go legit and everything, but no one would hire a scruffy looking teen with no ID or address. So she used what she had, her looks and sex appeal. Her life wasn’t what she envisioned it to be as a child. She learned quickly that not all little girls were treated like princesses and there was no prince charming to come riding up on a white horse to rescue her. So she learned to rescue herself.

But if she were
to pick herself a prince charming, Deacon Northcross would certainly fit the bill. He was the finest man she had ever seen, in real life or on television. When he emerged from the shadows and beat the living crap out of her customer it was like something out of the movies. But then things got real weird, real fast. He stared at her like she was from another planet or something. When he offered to take her to the hospital she had refused, so he took her to his hotel room and cleaned her up. It was there that she learned she had a twin sister. So fast forward a week and here she was staying in one the nicest homes she had ever seen with some of the nicest people she had ever met, and the best looking! It was like living in a soap opera where everyone was perfect and annoyingly gorgeous. Brooklyn was tall over six feet with long glossy black hair that reached her tiny little waist. She had the lightest blue eyes she had ever seen framed by dark sooty lashes that naturally curled without a drop of mascara. Her face was delicate and flawless like a china doll and if she wasn’t so blasted nice she would have hated her just for that. But she was nice, truly a decent and kind soul that she had liked almost instantly. Her boyfriend was really nice as well, and freaking huge! He had to be nearly seven feet tall with a body like a linebacker. Verlon too, was very handsome with sandy blonde hair and deep brown eyes like Hershey kisses. But in her opinion he paled compared to Deacon she sighed as she fluffed her hair and dabbed some gloss on her lips. Myra felt like a drowned cat compared to Brooklyn, but nothing was going to fix that short of cosmetic surgery.

Later on she
decided to go see what Brooklyn was doing she really wished she could meet her sister, but they had told her it would be a few days most likely because Haven was ill. She had just walked to the door when she heard a soft knock opening the door she saw Brooklyn standing there with a smile on her face. “Hey, sweetling I have a surprise! Haven is feeling much better and is eager to meet you.” Myra suddenly felt butterflies take flight in her stomach. “Oh.” She replied lamely. Brooklyn arched a delicate brow at her. “Do you not wish to see her today? I thought you wanted to meet her, was I mistaken?” Myra shook her head. “No! I mean, yes I do want to meet her! I’m just nervous I guess.” Brooklyn reached and cupped her chin lifting it until Myra looked at her. “Darling, you have nothing to be nervous about! I assure you. Haven is one of the sweetest and most down to earth people I have ever met. You will love her, as she will you. I promise.” Myra nodded then followed her down the stairs and down a long hallway then up some more stairs. To say that this was a big house would be a major understatement! Finally she spotted Deacon standing in the hallway outside of a bedroom door. He smiled at her and her tummy did a slow roll. She smiled back at him as they stopped at the door. “Hello, Myra. You are looking much better. How is your mouth? Still sore?” She reached up and prodded her still puffy lips gently then nodded. “A little sore, but it’s a lot better. Thank you for asking.” He inclined his head in an old fashioned way that reminded her of noble knights and damsels in distress. “Haven is anxious to met you, she is still very weak but too stubborn to admit it. I ask that you keep this meeting short if you can.” Myra smiled at him and agreed then he slowly pushed opened the door and she walked in.

Haven heard hushed voices just outside her bedroom door. She heard Brooklyn and Deacons along with another females. Her heart sped up when she realized she had just heard her sister’s voice for the first time! Then the door was slowly pushed opened and she walked in.

They both stared at each other quietly, each one searching the face of the other. Even after being told that they looked exactly like each other it still didn’t quite prepare them for the shock of actually seeing your face somewhere else other than a mirror. Myra stopped about halfway to the bed where her sister was leaned up against a pile of pillows. She was very pale and covered in bandages. Her mouth was torn up worse than hers, but she was truly beautiful as she smiled with tears in her eyes. Then she reached out her hand encouraging Myra to come closer. “Oh wow, I can’t believe your real.” Haven whispered. Her hand was shaking as she held it out to her sister. Myra smiled slightly, as she too was visibly shaken at meeting Haven. Haven looked at a face that was hers, but wasn’t. There were some differences. Myra appeared more worn, and wary she didn’t have the sparkle that Haven usually found in her own eyes. She hated the thought that her sister had led such a hard life. She noticed that she wouldn’t look her in the eye she kept looking everywhere except at her. Unsure of how to even begin a conversation with a virtual stranger that she had shared a womb with Haven tried to come with a neutral topic of conversation. But Myra saved her and spoke first.

“How long have you known about me?” she asked. Surprised that she was going there that fast Haven held her hands up helplessly. “For sure? Less than seventy-two hours. Did you know about me?” Myra shook her head then walked around the room looking at Hav
ens things. She inspected some items that were on the dresser, smelling her perfume and looking at the brand of lip-gloss Haven wore. “You know I bet that gloss would look good on you too.” She teased. Myra didn’t smile. “Its not my color actually.” Haven had noticed that Myra wore her makeup heavier and darker than she did. Funny she never thought that style looked good on her, but it suited her twin. “Why did you start to look for me now? Deacon said he wasn’t looking for me but I over heard him speaking with Brooklyn. He said that he found me just in time. Just in time for what? Do you need a kidney or something?” Oh crap, Haven thought. She wondered how she was going to explain this? “No, I don’t need a body part from you or anything like that exactly.” Myra arched a brow at her. “Exactly? So what do you need… exactly?”  Haven patted the bed beside her. “Maybe you better sit down. This may come as a bit of a shock. I had hoped to give you more time to get to know us and to feel comfortable with us, but I think I lost that option.” Myra sat in a chair next to the bed and just waited. “Ok, so tell me… what do you think about Deacon?” Myra smiled… a little. “I think he is prime, let me guess… he is gay?”

“What? No! Why does everyone think everyone is gay?” She shook her head then tried again. “No
, he is most assuredly not gay trust me on that.” Myra’s eyes narrowed slightly. “So are you and Deacon hooked up? Because if not…” Then she trailed off. Haven felt her own eyes start to narrow but she quickly cleared her expression. “Yes, we are hooked up, but the reason why I asked you what you thought of Deacon is because he has a twin.” That seemed to get a reaction from her. “No joke? There are two men that fine walking around on planet earth?” Then she frowned. “Is he gay?” Haven rolled her eyes in pure frustration. “For the love of Pete! No he is not gay! No one here is gay, all the men like women and all the women like men. Geez!”

“So what do you need me for?” She asked. Haven thought hard trying to think of a way to tell her enough without telling her too much and freaking her out. “Deacon and his twin, Barron came from a different country. They are not from here. They have different way
s of … um… meeting women.” Myra didn’t comment she just sat there listening. “They believe that every man or woman has a special person created just for them, two halves of the same soul. When these two meet its instant attraction and insane chemistry. Their hearts bond and that’s it. No one else will work for them.” She waited to see if Myra would have any questions but she continued to sit there silently listening. “When I met Deacon, it was almost a instant attraction for me. I mean yes, I noticed he was fine, but he came on so strong that it really rattled me. Plus I didn’t like the no choice part.” 

“Hold up. What do you mean no choice? If you
’re trying to tell me that I’m this Barron’s soul mate or whatever and that I don’t have any choice, you have got the wrong girl. I always have a choice!” She then stood up and was walking out with Haven calling out to her to wait to let her explain when Deacon walked in. “Is everything alright?” he asked. Myra looked up at him. “I don’t know what kind of freak show your running here, but you can count me out. I’m packing my things. I want to leave.” Then she stormed past him. He looked at Haven. “What just happened?” Haven looked at him in misery. “I think I just messed everything up.”

Deacon sat down next to her. “Surely it can’t be that bad?” Haven rolled her eyes. “Wanna bet?” He shook his head. “Tell me what happen?” As briefly as she could she told him what she had told Myra ending with a heartfelt plea for him to go talk to her and try to make her stay.


~Chapter Twelve


Myra threw her clothes into her bags however they would fit. Wrinkled clothing was the least of her worries right now. She knew something fishy was going on in this place. Her instincts had been screaming at her since she walked in the door. No one was really as nice as Brooklyn and Verlon or Deacon. Now she knew why, they were part of some kind of cult or something. Probably wanted to use her as a brood mare to birth children into their little compound. “Not going to happen!” She whispered furiously as she threw the last article of clothing into her bag. The only thing she didn’t pack was her blade. It was a six-inch switchblade with a creamy white mother of pearl handle; it was a thing of beauty. It had gotten her out of more than one jam and it would get her out of here as well. She inspected the blade for any rust or corrosion before she put it in her pocket. She really hoped she didn’t have to use this on Deacon it would be such a shame to scar that beautiful face of his. As she was gathering up her bags she heard a gentle tap on her door. “Myra? It’s me, Deacon. Can I come in and talk to you?” She sat down her bags but slid the blade out of her pocket and up the sleeve of her long sleeved shirt then faced the door. “Like I could stop you.” She called out.

Deacon opened the door
slowly and leaving it opened wide he walked in giving her a small smile. He sat down in a chair on the opposite wall from the door letting her know that he wasn’t trying to trap her in the room. After what Haven had told him he figured Myra was about to bolt, and judging from her stuffed bags he knew he was right. “Haven told me that she didn’t do a very good job explaining things to you. I thought maybe I could try?” Myra shook her head at him pinning him down with a hard glare. “Listen Deacon, believe it or not, I really don’t get into sister swapping or freaky kinky sex games ok? You are fine as hell I’ll give you that, and even if your twin is as hot as you I’m no one’s destined soul mate and you can just forget about telling me that I don’t have a choice. My sister may be gullible enough to buy into that load of crap, but I’m not. So I’m leaving, are we clear on that?” She reached down to gather up her things and was nearly to the door when Deacon spoke again stopping her in her tracks with a single question. “Do you believe in vampires?”

Myra stopped dead
and without turning around she whispered. “What?” She could tell from the distance of his voice when it came that Deacon hadn’t moved when he spoke again. “I asked if you believed in vampires?” She laughed softly. So that was their game, they were a bunch of wannabe vampires playing make believe. “No Deacon, I stopped believing in vampires along about the same time I stopped watching for Santa and the Easter bunny. Good bye gorgeous thanks again for saving me.” She took a step into the hallway and slammed into Deacons rock hard chest. He reached out to steady her as she rocked back on her heels. “What the hell?” She quickly looked back into her room where he was just sitting and the chair was now empty. She stepped back away from him eyeing him with suspicion. “Ok, that was a neat trick. But like I said, I’m leaving please step aside.” Deacon sighed. “I don’t want to frighten you Myra, so maybe you should let me talk to you a little more.” In an instant she had dropped her bags again and had the razor sharp edge of her blade pressed against his throat. She watched as his eyes widen slightly in surprise. “That’s right sexy boy, I’m not one to be pushed around, I could have handled the creep the other night and I can handle you. I would hate to mess up your pretty face but don’t think for one second that I won’t. If it comes down to you or me, I choose me every time.”

The next thing Myra knew she
felt a blurring motion, and she was back in her room sitting in the chair that Deacon had been sitting in earlier. He was across the room leaning against the wall holding her blade. He ran his thumb across the edge watching as a bead of blood welled up from the cut. He licked it off then raised his eyes to her. “You need to be careful you could really hurt someone with this.” Then he walked over and handed it back to her. Myra waited until his back was to her then she aimed it right between his shoulder blades and let the blade fly! Quicker than her eyes could follow he turned, caught the knife, then flung it back at her impaling it in the wall a scant inch from her head. Myra gasped as the blood drained from her face. No one could move that fast, no one human anyway!

Deacon watched as the blood drained from Myra’s face. Her eyes were scanning the room searching for a way out. He shook his head as he approached her carefully. “Myra, I’m not going to hurt you. No one here will ever hurt you. You are safer in this house than out there on the streets. You think you are dangerous? There is nothing out there more dangerous than me
, then my kind.” Myra swallowed thickly. “Your kind?” She whispered. He nodded. “Yes, we are called by many names, nosferatu, the undead, upir, but you would know us best by vampire.” Then he smiled revealing the sharpest fangs she had ever seen.

Myra stared at Deacon or at what was at one time Deacon. The being before her now was something straight from the pits of hell! His eyes were glowing a deep sickening greenish yellow and his teeth! God
, his teeth looked like snake fangs long and slender and curving backwards slightly into his mouth. Even his face looked different the facial bones harder and more pronounced. She was pretty sure of three things right now. One this was no joke and Deacon really was a vampire, two her sister most likely was one as well, and three, and this one freaked her out the most, the guy they said was going to claim her was probably one too! She felt her blood freeze in her veins as she tried desperately to process what was standing before her. Then Deacon closed his eyes took in a couple of deep breaths and suddenly he was Deacon again. No fangs, no glowing eyes, just handsome as hell Deacon and Myra threw up at his feet.

A couple of hou
rs later Deacon came back to Haven’s room. She smiled as he opened the door then walked over kissing her sweetly on the forehead. She wished her mouth would hurry and heal so she could kiss him like she wanted to. The way she felt now she may not let him come up for air for six or seven years, but then he really didn’t need to breathe anyway. Deacon pulled back and caught the smoldering look his Serah was giving him. He felt his own fires start to flame up at her look, but he firmly pushed them back. “Stop it Haven.” She smiled slowly licking her lips as her eyes ran up and down the length of his hard body. “Stop what?” She asked innocently. He reached down and took her face in his hand bringing it right up to his own as he caressed her injured mouth. “Stop begging for the kiss you know I can’t give you right now.” She reached up and pulled his head down further so she could whisper into his ear. “Then kiss me somewhere Deacon, please I need to feel you to erase him.” She felt a shudder go through his big body as she swirled her tongue around the curve of his ear. “Serah, I’m begging you. I do not have the strength or the will power to be gentle with you right now as you need me to be.” He looked into her eyes and Haven felt the full weight of his desire, no his absolute need, for her. It shook her to her soul, and she knew she had to have this with him now!

She pushed gently on his shoulders until he moved to one side the
n she got up and walked over locking the door. He watched her with hooded eyes that flared when she stopped and let the thin straps of her black silk nightgown slide down her arms her nightgown slipping slowly from her body until it pooled at her feet. “Deacon, your Serah needs you.” He squeezed his eyes shut tightly. “My love, you are still too weak… please I’m begging you let us wait until you are stronger.” His voice was thick with pent up desire. Haven walked over and grasped his hand placing it upon her bared breast. “Your love will make me stronger Deacon. Does your Serah need to beg for what she needs?” He opened his eyes, which were now glowing the deepest amber. “Never!” he whispered savagely. He stood up from the bed gently running his hands over her hips and around the curve of her slim waist pulling her tightly against his body. “I’m so worried that I will hurt you.” He said softly as he kissed her collarbones and made his way up to her ear. Haven gripped his hair in her fists forcing him to look at her. “I survived what he did to me in his anger and hatred, how much more will I be able to take from you given in love and reverence? Make love to me Deacon, make me your Serah!” She saw it when the fight left his eyes he quickly swung her up into his arms then she felt a tingling all over her body like an electric current was running through her suddenly they were standing in his sparkling cave. She smiled her approval as he walked over and laid her gently down on the massive bed his eyes drinking in her body that was now his and his alone. He felt his hands shake as he began to take off his shirt his fingers fumbling with the tiny buttons.

Haven smiled then stood up and covered his hands with her ow
n. “Let me.” She slipped each button through its slot slowly revealing taunt smooth skin that she kissed as it came into view. His breathing hitched with every kiss as she took her time getting to the last button. She ran her hands across his strong shoulders pushing the fabric down his arms until it landed on the floor. Haven savored the satiny feel of his warm body as she kissed and nibbled her way across his chest then trailed more kisses on his shoulders then around his broad back.  Occasionally she let a little fang slip and took a love bite here and there, he hissed and groaned so she knew he liked it. She made a full circle around him loving every inch of exposed flesh until she was face to face with him again. She picked up his hand placing her face in his palm she kissed the center then took each of his fingers into her mouth teasing the tips with tongue and fang. “Haven.” He groaned in warning. She placed her finger over his lips. “Shush… do you remember when we were at the cabin and you told me the thing that you wanted most from me?” He didn’t reply he just watched her with eyes burning with love and passion. She smiled then placed her hands on each side of his face so he would look directly into hers. “I love you Deacon Reinhold Northcross. You are truly the other half of my soul, you are everything that is good and beautiful in my life I will cherish you and honor you as my Serah for as long as God allows us to walk this earth, and for whatever lies beyond this existence. Thank you Deacon for being man enough to walk away and find the way for us to be together forever. You had asked to know the look on my face when I was looking at the man I loved, and my sweet Serah I am looking at you.” Haven watched as a single tear traced its way down Deacons strong cheek.

Not another thing existed for
them for several hours, as Deacon paid homage to the wonder that was his Haven. He kissed her wounded mouth tenderly laving the cuts and bruises with his tongue until Haven moved restlessly under him. He kissed and soothed very bite mark and every wound that Barren had left upon her body. He traced his hand down the soft curve of her hip looking into her eyes when his hand cupped the sweet juncture between her thighs. Haven gasped and arched her back when he stroked through her curls into her wet heat sliding a finger across the sensitive nub that had her moaning and tossing her head back and forth on the pillows. He licked his way across her chest stopping to tease and torment her swollen breasts. He then traveled on until his tongue found that sweet spot just above her collarbone where her pulse was beating wildly calling him. Haven again ached her back begging him to take what was his he opened his mouth and with a low groan he sank his fangs into her throat as he slipped his finger into her channel.

Haven’s body exploded as she felt Deacons fangs slid into her neck at the same time his finger slid into her body
. She writhed under the weight of his body as he stroked her to peak after peak then with one smooth glide he thrust through her last release filling her until she knew they were one body one soul one heart forever. He rocked over her holding her tightly to his chest as he rolled over to his back allowing Haven to take the lead as she straddled him finding her own rhythm. Their bodies melded together their sweat soaked skin sliding against each other easily. Haven looked down at Deacon as he gripped her hips while she rocked against him, never in all the times she was with Barron did he look at her like that, like she was his most precious treasure and as her release came upon her and she heard Deacons roar of satisfaction, she felt the memory of his twin wash away.

Deacon gently stroked Havens bare back as she slept
soundly sprawled across him like a cat. Her gentle little snores actually sounded like a cats purr just a little bit. He grinned slightly at the thought of her reaction if he told her she snored. He would keep it their little secret. But then he frowned, when realized that Barron probably knew this about her too. How many times did he hold her in his arms like this after making love to her all night? How many times did his twin hear her cry out as she came apart in his arms? Deacon could feel the rage building as he tried to breathe through it. Haven lifted her head and peered at him with sleepy eyes. “Why are you growling? Is something wrong?” He shook his head as he smiled at the one thing he would kill his own twin for. “No, my love, I wasn’t growling, I was snoring.” He teased. “No, you were definitely growling. I was probably the one snoring.” She rolled over and stretched her arms high above her head then popped her toes as she stretched out her legs. Deacon rolled over onto his side propping his head in his hand. “So you already know you snore then?” Haven rolled her eyes. “Like your brother could keep that to himself.” She immediately realized her mistake when she felt Deacon go very still. “Oh crap! Deacon I’m sorry! I just didn’t think!” Deacon rolled back over onto his back and stared up at the ceiling of the cave trying to reign in his temper. “Its fine Haven. I will have to learn to live with the fact that he knows as much about you as I ever will.” He got up and sat on the side of the bed. “That’s not true Deacon, I mean yes, ok he knows I snore, but I know what you’re getting at here and I want you to stop it right now.” He cocked his head at her. “Just stop it? That’s a little hard to do Haven. There are certain things that no one should know about you, but me. I’m not sure how I can stop thinking about that.” Haven got up slipping on Deacons shirt as she walked over to stand in front of him. She shrugged her shoulders. “Well, I guess you should have thought about that before you left me with him then huh?” He cut his eyes up at her sharply. “You know I had no other choice Haven.” She shrugged again. “Actually I don’t know that Deacon, I don’t know what choices were available to you but let me tell you what choices were available to me when you left. None! Not a single… damn… one! I had no choice but to live with Barron, have sex with Barron, feed from Barron, I had no choice but to believe that you didn’t want me enough to stay and fight! You could have at least told me what you were doing, you could have done that much for me.” Deacon rose to his feet looking down at her. “Not three hours ago you were thanking me for being man enough to walk away and do what needed to be done so that we could be together, now you’re condemning me for the same act?” He walked away from her down the small corridor to stand next to the pool his temples throbbed with frustration. Haven came up behind him. “No. I understand that you needed to do exactly what you did Deacon. What I’m upset and hurt about is the way you did it. Why couldn’t you have told me that’s what you were doing? You could have found a way to get a message to me or something!” He turned and looked at her. “Haven, I needed you to believe that I didn’t care enough, I needed you to believe that I was done with you it was for your own protection that I did it the way that I did.” She looked up at him with tear filled eyes. “But why? Do you know how hurt I was? I felt so betrayed and… and… thrown away.” Deacon felt those tears burn like acid on his heart. He gathered her up into his arms. “Baby, tell me truthfully, do you think that if I had told you what I was doing, that I was coming back for you that you could have kept that to yourself? I know my brother well enough to know that he would have driven you insane. I knew you would most likely tell him during one of those moments, and then what? What if he had attacked you when I was too far away to reach you in time? I know I hurt you Haven, but I did it to keep you safe. Please forgive me.” He tilted her head up so he could kiss each tear from her face. “Say you forgive me, say that you understand.” He whispered against her lips. She nodded her head. “Ok, I guess I understand, but it still hurt. But I do understand. There is nothing to forgive.” He kissed her mouth gently and carefully then pulled her back into his embrace. Now they just had to see what happened with Barron. He may have found his Serah too late.

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