Haven's Choice (9 page)

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Authors: Tarah Knight

BOOK: Haven's Choice
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Haven felt her thin shell of bravery
completely dissipate with Verlons words. “What? He just left?” She turned to Brooklyn with a look of shock and disbelief. “He isn’t even going to try?” Brooklyn leaned in and whispered. “Shh… all will be well my sweet.” Haven didn’t understand that at all! She finally glanced at Barron and he had a look of triumph in his eyes. That was all it took to stiffen her spine. She turned back to face the counsel her armor once more in place. “Well this will be quick then. The matter before us is a case of unknown precedence. Both of the Northcross brothers are claiming this woman as their Serah. They both have demonstrated clear signs of having bonded with her. They both have beating hearts and functioning lungs. I have also been told that the woman has fed from both without becoming ill. He turned to Haven. “Is this true?” He asked her. “Yes.” She replied. “I have been informed that Deacon the youngest twin was the first to find the woman and the first to claim her as Serah.” He turned to Barron. “Is this true?” Barron gave his head a quick nod. “Yes.” He answered. “I have been told that it was weeks later that you, Barron made your claim on the woman. Why did it take you so long to make your claim?” Barron stepped up to the table. “I was out of the country when I felt the first breath of my Serah, my lord. I came as quickly as possible. When I first found my Serah I was unaware that my brother too was claiming her. Haven muttered under her breath. “Bullshit.” The counsel looked to Haven. “Did you have something to add?” Haven nodded her head stepping up next to Barron. “Yes, actually I do. I was in his brother’s resting place when he found me. I was not aware that Deacon had a twin, so when I saw Barron I assumed it was Deacon. I even called him Deacon, several times. He let me believe that he was Deacon right up until the point where things were about to get… to get…” She trailed off suddenly embarrassed. “About to get what Miss Carver?” The fourth vamp that must have turned at the age of fourteen, prompted.

“I was about to consummate the relationship
with her, but I wouldn’t do so with her believing I was Deacon. I had no reason not to believe she wasn’t my Serah the bonding passion was there for us both and she fed from me.” Haven turned to Barron her eyes furious. “Have you considered that maybe, just maybe I responded to you because I thought you were Deacon? You pompous arrogant ass!  I was going to give you a fair shot! Why did you have to do this?” She turned back to the counsel. “I know I have no say in what happens to me here today. But I assure you if you give me to him I will never be a Serah to him. Never!”

“Miss Carver, we are not an uncivilized group of people. I understand that you have only recently became Leg
end is that correct?” Haven nodded. “Then understand this, we will take into consideration all aspects of this most unusual case before we make our decision.” Haven threw up her hands. “Why does it have to be your decision at all? Why can’t I choose who I want to be mated with for the rest of my life?”  The man in the middle folded his hands together looking at Haven seriously. “Because we feel in this situation when there is not a clear cut choice to be made that the decision must be placed with us. Miss Carver, I assure you that Barron will make you a fine mate. I will guarantee he will treat you with the utmost courtesy and respect. I will expect the same from you Miss Carver. You will be a Serah to Barron in every sense of the word. Have I made myself clear?” With ice frosting her voice Haven replied. “Crystal.”


~ Chapter Nine


Brooklyn tried talking to Haven as she packed her bags for the second time that night. “Honey, please try to make the best of this. While I don’t agree with what Barron did, I still believe he is a good man. I have known him for a very long time, longer than you can even conceive of. He will make you happy if you will give him a chance.” Haven wouldn’t respond. She cared too much for Brooklyn to just tell her what she wanted to hear and at this point that’s all she would be doing. So she hugged her tightly and thanked her for everything then she followed Barron outside. He loaded her bags into the back of a dark midnight blue Dodge Ram. Then he opened the door for her. She slid into the truck without even looking at him. He could tell the counsel that she wasn’t playing nice if he wanted too, at this point she wouldn’t put it past him. She didn’t know who she was angrier with Deacon or Barron. Actually that wasn’t true. She was royally pissed off at Barron, but Deacon had wounded her by walking away without a fight. He just let Barron have her like she meant nothing to him! Coward! For all his underhanded methods at least Barron showed some gumption to get what he wanted. Deacon just claimed to want her but wasn’t willing to go up against the high and mighty counsel of Legend! If she could figure out a way to feed herself without either one of the Northcross brothers she would be done with both of them!

Barron navigated his way through the city until they came to a large two story home just outside of the city limits. It was a modern design with a lot of glass and steel. It seemed odd to have all those windows for someone that couldn’t tolerate sunlight. They pulled into a large garage that housed numerous vehicles and motorcycles. It appeared that Barron liked his toys big and loud. He got out and gathered up her bags then opened the door for her again. Once more Haven sailed by him without a word. She waited while he got the keys from his jeans pocket and pushed the clicker to open the door to the house. Once inside he led her up the stairs and into a large master suite with the biggest bed Haven had ever seen. When he started putting her bags on the bed she noticed that it was a very large masculine room.

“I’m not sleeping with you.” She announced. Barron turned to her. “As my Serah you will sleep where I sleep.” He countered. Haven crossed her arms across her chest. “Well, now that’s the rub isn’t it? Am I really your Serah? Or did you pay off someone to make me be your Serah? Because I’ve got to tell you right now, what I’m feeling toward you is not very Serah like at all.” He stepped closer to her crowding her. “I can make that change and you know it.” Haven nodded in agreement as she stood her ground. “Maybe, but all that would prove is that the bonds are working. I wouldn’t be responding to you. I couldn’t respond to you right now. The very sight of you makes my stomach turn.” She watched as his jaw muscles tightened and his eyes flared amber. She walked over to look out over the city from the wall of windows that filled one side of the room. She could see his reflection behind her and she wondered just how bad things were going to get.

Barron came
up behind her catching her eye in the window he bit into his wrist and offered it to her. “Brooklyn told me you refused the meal I sent up to you earlier. I won’t tolerate this foolishness Haven.  You will either eat on your own or I will make you. You decide.” Haven knew she couldn’t continue to not eat. She was already feeling weak and shaky. So she brushed past him to go find the kitchen and a glass. Barron grabbed her arm spinning her around. “Where are you going?” He demanded. Pulling her arm from his grasp with a hard jerk she replied harshly. “To find the kitchen and a glass.” He stopped her once more when she tried to leave the room. “You will take from my flesh or not at all.” Haven spun around slapping at his chest with every ounce of pent up frustration she had. “Why are you forcing everything on me? Can I not make the smallest decision on my own? Why are you being such an ass?” He jerked her hard against his chest knocking the air from her lungs. “I’m only trying to feed you! Why must you make everything a fight with me?” He held his still dripping wrist to her mouth holding her head with one hand as he forced her to feed. Haven knew she couldn’t win, so she did what she could, biting down hard to make it as painful as possible. The bonding passion soon rose up within her, but she stomped it down with her anger. Holding his passion filled eyes with her own furious gaze she fed until she was satisfied then she shoved him away.

His eyes narrowed when he realized that she was fighting the bond. “Now its my turn.” He growled. He
gripped her shirt with both hands ripping it open exposing the soft swell of her breast above the lace of her baby blue bra. Then shoving her against the window he lifted her body until she straddled his hard thigh. His gaze burning hers he slowly licked the mound of flesh that was now at mouth level. Haven struggled against the tidal wave of desire that was slowing overtaking her she looked at him with tears filling her eyes.  

please don’t do this Barron.” She begged. He licked once more whispering savagely. “You will respond to me!” Then he sank his fangs into her tender flesh. Haven cried out as he bit down sending wave after wave of sensation rolling over her body. When he started rocking her core against the rock hard muscles of his thigh Haven knew she was lost she tried so hard to fight it, but it was hopeless. With a sharp yank he ripped open her bra his gaze burning even hotter as he looked upon her. “So beautiful.” He whispered before taking what was before him.  Haven tunneled her long fingers through his hair fighting the desire to both pull him closer and push him away. He licked his way from her breasts up her chest to her mouth. Capturing her lips with his own he kissed her deeply using his thumb to open her mouth even wider as his tongue demanded her participation. As he continued to rock her against his leg Haven felt the first tremors start low in her belly gasping for breath she started rocking herself against him she was close! So close… but suddenly he lifted her from him, denying her what was just within her reach! Barron lifted her up by gripping her arms tightly and with three long strides he reached the massive bed tossing her roughly down on it she barely had time to draw in a breath before he was landing on top of her. The assault of her body and her desires continued not giving her time to cool down or to think a clear thought. He nuzzled the side of her neck and ear licking and kissing until she was once more helpless to do anything but melt beneath his skillful lips and fingers. Sitting up suddenly he unsnapped her jeans pulling them slowly down her legs taking her panties off with them, then he cupped her most secret place feeling the affect he was having on her. Stroking her gently Havens back came up off the mattress begging him to please finish please let her release. But again he cruelly denied what was nearly hers. Standing up he removed his own shirt and jeans before settling into the cradle of her thighs. Holding her face in his hands so she had to look at him he rocked against her making her gasp and tremble. “Who am I?” He asked. When she just shook her head he rocked harder. “Who am I?” He demanded once more. “Say my name!” Nudging at her entrance just short of giving her what she so desperately needed. “Barron!” Haven screamed out as he thrust himself deep sending her crashing over the edge her screams of release sent Barron falling after her…

Haven slowly came down from the heights of passion. Suddenly the feeling of Barron
’s heavy body on hers was invasive and unwanted. She shoved at his shoulders until he rolled off of her then shrugged out of his grasp when he tried to pull her into his arms. Haven rolled over tucking herself into a tight ball of misery. She hated this… she hated Barron for bringing her to this, she hated Bryon for making her this. She hated Deacon for walking away. She simply hated! She couldn’t even cry, her pain and shame a hard knot in the center of her chest. Feeling the mattress shift Barron rolled closer to her, sliding his arm around her bare waist. He kissed her shoulder softly murmuring soft endearments to her she didn’t catch too much of what he was saying until he called her Serah. That went all over her! Haven quickly got to her feet unmindful of her state of undressed as she looked down at Barron. “Let’s get one thing straight here and now. I am not, nor will I ever be, your Serah. You may be able to convince a roomful of people that I am you may even be able to convince yourself that I am. But as God as my witness, I am not your Serah! If I need to break it down for you even further I can.” She reached and grabbed a lightweight blanket that was folded at the end of the bed wrapping up in it. “I responded sexually, but I had no choice. If you remember I asked you to stop. You knew I didn’t want it, that I didn’t want you. After what you have done here tonight I swear I will never willingly come to you. You may be able to make my body respond, but that’s all you got. A body. I hope you enjoy it.”  She turned and started to walk away but was stopped short when he grabbed the end of the blanket jerking her to a stop.

“I would prefer willing, but its not required. I will treat you just as nicely or as badly as you treat me Haven. This can be a peaceful union or a battlefield, but the one thing I won’t tolerate coming from your lips is
‘I’m not your Serah.’ You are my Serah, now in every sense of the word, you may not like it you may not want it. But it’s now a fact. I will leave you to decide how we will continue from here.” Then he got up and walked from the bedroom closing the door gently behind him.  Blinded by tears that wouldn’t stop Haven felt her way to the bathroom and the shower. She turned the hot water on all the way and stepped inside letting the water scald his touch from her body. “There has to be a way out of this! There has to be!” She whispered. She sank down to the floor of the shower on her knees rocking back and forth as the hot water washed over her.

After pulling on some cut
offs and a pink camisole Haven padded in bare feet down stairs searching for Barron. She found him out on the terrace watching the sky slowly turn pink with the rising of the sun. He had slipped on some jeans and a button up shirt but the front was left open.

“Barron?” She whispered softly. He turned and faced her but didn’t speak.
His eyes were guarded as he watched her. Haven rubbed her bare arms as she walked up to stand before him. Without looking up she spoke. “I don’t want to fight with you, and I won’t promise to be a meek, obedient, little Serah. That’s not in my nature. What you did was wrong. I will never agree with it, or the ruling. But I don’t want our lives to be a constant war either. I hope that is enough, because that is all I have to give you.” He looked at her with suspicion as he took in her face scrubbed free of makeup and her wet hair pulled into a ponytail. He pulled her into his arms and gripped her jaw. “Open your mouth for me.” He demanded. She tilted her face upward to give him full access but her heart iced over.

As the hours turned into days and the days turned into weeks they settled into a
somewhat peaceful routine. They would visit with Brooklyn and Verlon quite often. She thought that Barron must think she needed female companionship. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. If anyone could see right through her plan it was Brooklyn. So she had to be very careful around her. To outside eyes they appeared adjusted and if not exactly happy then at least content. Haven was very good at playing the accepting Serah and she had to admit that Barron did try very hard to make her happy. The problem was she didn’t have to wonder which brother was her soul mate. She knew, and it wasn’t the one standing beside her. She wondered every day where Deacon was and what he was doing. Did he wonder what became of her? Did he even care? She expected his absence at first but it had been six weeks since the counsel meeting and he still hadn’t shown up and no one had heard from him in all that time. She couldn’t come right out and ask about him, for that would raise red flags so she listened very intently anytime his name was mentioned. Tonight the mood in the room was somber for there was increasing concern about a group of rogue vamps that were turning females looking for their own mates. Brooklyn looked up at Haven as she entered the room. “Darling, please tell Verlon what happened to you. I have already given him the basics of the story but I feel he should hear it directly from you.” Haven nodded then sat down and told her story of how she became a vampire…

was working at an all night coffee bar, which to her made no sense. Why would anyone want coffee at three in the morning? But to her surprise there were actually a lot of people who did. She learned that there was a whole other world that existed after midnight. After a few weeks she had adjusted to her new nightlife and had learned her patrons needs and wants fairly quickly. Most were in and out without small talk, just grabbing their much-needed shot of caffeine then heading back to where ever they came from. But there was this one guy that came in every night at exactly two twenty three and ordered nothing. He sat in a booth reading an old book for exactly thirty-three minutes then he would leave her a twenty-dollar tip and leave. Haven knew her boss would have a world-class hissy fit if he knew she was letting a non-buying person sit for so long in his booth. But Haven kept her mouth shut. The guy wasn’t bothering anyone, and he tipped really well for nothing. Besides he was the finest man she had ever seen. He was tall and built like a professional swimmer with long lean muscles that spoke of hours in a pool somewhere. His hair also testified to his outdoors lifestyle it was a bleach blonde that only comes from hours in the sun. He had aqua marine blue eyes that were framed by sinfully dark long lashes. Oh yeah… he was definitely eye candy, and she enjoyed her treat every night. She had stopped going over to his table to ask if he needed anything so he surprised her one night when he waved her over. Grabbing her pad and pencil she hurried over to see what he needed. He looked up at her as she approached and Haven felt that look all over her body. He smiled softly when she reached his side. “Hi, did you decide to try some of our famous coffee? It’s guaranteed to give you a hop that just won’t stop!” That made his smile widen even more. “I hope they pay you a lot to use that ridiculous line.” Haven grinned showing off her dimples. “Actually it’s not as bad as the one he came up with. Everyone has the hot’s for our coffee pots.” The man actually winced. “Dear God.” He muttered. Haven laughed. “So what can I get you?” She asked. He held out his hand gesturing for her to have seat across the booth from him.  “Just a moment or two of your time if you don’t mind?” Haven looked around to make sure none of her other customers needed anything then she slid in the seat. He smiled at her once more and Haven felt tingly all over. The guy could be a millionaire if he could bottle the power of that smile. “I have a small confession to make. I have been coming in here for two weeks now trying to work up my nerve to ask you out. My name is Byron De ‘Court, and you have stolen my heart my fair lady.” Haven blushed furiously. “Oh, have I now? Well it seems only fair that I should give you a chance to recapture what I have stolen. What did you have in mind?” She couldn’t believe she was flirting back so outrageously, but there was something about this guy that just made her want to do whatever he wanted. That in itself should have been a clear signal to beat feet. “When will you be available? I will surprise you with our destination.” Haven’s lust induced mind finally woke up enough to stop herself from just agreeing to that statement. “You know I think I will ask you out so I can choose the destination. How about that? A girl can’t be too careful these days you know.” Byron smiled. “Do I appear to be a boogie man Haven? Do I frighten you?” Before she could answer he looked at the clock on the wall then he rose to his feet. He bent down and brushed a kiss across her forehead. “Til tomorrow’s eve my fair lady.” Then he quickly left the bar. As Haven watched him leave she whispered. “Oh, you scare the hell out of me buddy.” But she knew she would be watching for him tomorrow night.

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