Haven's Choice (15 page)

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Authors: Tarah Knight

BOOK: Haven's Choice
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~Chapter Four


“Hey! What the hell is this? What are you doing?” Myra tugged at the chains that held her wrists. Vernon shook his head. “I’m sorry little one, but you were trying to escape and we can’t risk that right now. It will only be for tonight, tomorrow we can move you somewhere more comfortable.” They finished putting the shackles back on Barron and they left the room. Myra started screaming her head off until Barron couldn’t take it anymore! “Myra! Myra! No one can hear you but me and I can’t help you. I’m sorry.” So she went from screaming to yanking and pulling on the chains until she exhausted herself and hung limp panting from her exertions. “Yeah, I could have told you that wasn’t going to work either.” She flipped him the bird. “Shut up. It’s your fault I’m here anyway! I should have listened to my first instinct and ran like hell.” She watched as he closed his eyes tightly, clearly in pain once more. As uncomfortable as her chains were at least they weren’t blistering her skin. “Always listen to your first instinct, Myra.” His voice was laced in pain and once more she started to feel sorry for him. What was wrong with her? He freely admitted he mistreated her sister, badly, and she was feeling sorry for him? But he also admitted to being really sorry, he looks really sorry. “Barron? Are you truly sorry for hurting my sister?” He frowned at her question. “Yes.” She twisted her wrists in the cuffs carefully. “And if you were given the opportunity to live and to go free, would you vow to whatever deity you deem sacred that you would never ever hurt her again, or any other woman?”

He rolled his head over to look at her. “What are you getting at?” She answered his question with another question. “And are you one hundred percent sure these walls are soundproof? No matter how loud I scream no one can hear me?”
Completely thrown by her crazy series of questions he just nodded. “Ok, here is the deal then. I can get loose from these cuffs. I may have to break a bone or two in my hands but I can do it. After that I will get you loose. Now there are a couple of stipulations that we need to agree on. Rule number one! You will not bite me… like ever! I’m not your walking snack pack, are we clear?” He nodded listening carefully. “Rule number two! You will help me escape and then we will go our separate ways. I refuse to be mated. Are we clear on rule number two?” Again he nodded in agreement. “Rule number three! You promise to never return here and bother Haven or Deacon. Do you agree to rule number three?”

“Myra, they won’t keep you here for very long. Why are you willing to put yours
elf through this? I’ve accepted my fate if that is what is bothering you.”  He watched while Myra leaned forward as far as the chains would allow then she stepped up on the wall behind her so she was literally standing on the wall pulling against the chains with her whole body. “Look, I just need you to get me out of here. I’m not staying in chains not even for one night.” She gritted her teeth as she started to pull harder against the cuffs. She could feel the bite of the metal as it cut into her skin. She felt her bones being pressed harder and harder. She squeezed her eyes shut as the pain increased. “Myra stop! This is insane! They will release you tomorrow!” She ignored him and just kept pulling she could feel her hand starting to slip… just a little more… SNAP!” Myra screamed as the small bones in her thumb snapped under the pressure but her hand slipped free! She leaned against the wall weakly as her stomach tried to heave out her last meal. She took deep long breaths in through her nose and slowly released it out through her mouth. After a couple of minutes the queasiness subsided a little. Her right hand was throbbing in pain but it was free from the cuff the thumb quickly swelling and turning a deep shade of purple.

“How exactly do you plan to take care of yourself with two broken hands? Have you even thought about that?” Not bothering to reply she geared up for round two as she studied the wall to decide how to get the best leverage on her left hand. She finally just placed her foot against it and had started to pull when Barron yelled at her again. “Ok! Stop it! Damn woman, you don’t have to break your other hand. I can get us out.” Myra let her foot slid
e off the wall as she slowly turned and pinned Barron with a death glare. “I’m sorry. What did you just say?”

“I can get free. I just didn’t really think you would be so hell bent on tearing yourself apart or I would have told you before. You’re crazier than I am.” He closed his eyes taking a slow deep breath.  “Just give me a minute.”

“Oh, sure take your time. I’ll just hang out over here with my throbbing hand that I broke for no reason.” She muttered. She watched as he took several more deep breaths almost seeming to meditate as he swirled his fingers against the stone floor where the chains were embedded. He started to chant something in a language that Myra didn’t recognize. After a few long seconds she saw the stone around each of the anchors start to crack as he continued chanting and swirling his fingers the cracking became louder. He began to strain against his bonds his muscles bunching with effort veins popping out against his skin. Then with a loud crack like a rifle shot the anchors pulled free from the stone floor. He continued to lie there for a few more minutes before he slowly got to his feet. The act of freeing himself while he was in such a weakened condition had taken its toll on him. Myra stood there with her mouth hanging open in astonishment! He walked over to her and with one hard jerk he pulled her chain free then taking her left hand he broke the cuff away from her wrist. Barron was way more intimidating towering over her than he was chained to the floor. She swallowed nervously as he stared down at her his face completely unreadable she remembered exactly what he was and what he was capable of doing to her if he so desired. There wouldn’t be a thing in this world she could do if he decided to drain her dry right here and now. The power that he had just wielded so effortlessly brought home to her that she wasn’t dealing with a punk off the street or a customer that liked it rough. She was standing before a man of Legend, a vampire of old that had been held in chains by his own choice. She had put herself into some pretty stupid and reckless positions before, but this had to take the prize. Then another thought entered her mind as she saw his eyes start to glow while she stared up at him helplessly… exactly when was the last time he had fed? She felt the blood drip from her wrist and she saw his nostrils flare as he caught the scent. “Hey now… remember rule number one? No biting!” He smiled a sinfully seductive smile that had her tummy doing somersaults as he crowded closer to her. “I promised I wouldn’t bite, I never said I wouldn’t lick.” He lifted her right arm and softly he lapped at the blood that was oozing from deep scratches and abrasions from the cuff. His warm tongue cleaned her wrist completely healing her wounds as his eyes held hers captive. Myra stood in shock at the sensations that flooded her body at his touch. As her heart pounded hard in her chest her breathing grew even more ragged she saw his gaze drop to the pulse that was beating frantically at the base of her throat. He brought her injured thumb up to his mouth and swept long licks across the swollen and torn flesh then inserting the wounded digit into his warm mouth he sucked gently on it. She immediately felt a tingling in her hand and in her neither region as she watched the separated flesh draw closer together with every pass of his tongue until it had mended back completely. He let go of her hand and stepped back from her. “Does that feel better?” She nodded her head dumbly still too surprised to speak. He walked back to the other side of the room. “I am already under a death sentence. You are not. I would advise that you remain here until morning. Verlon will come for you and put you somewhere nicer. You really haven’t broken any laws.”

“Then why was I chained up to start with? I clearly did something wrong.” He started gathering up the chains placing them neatly in the corner where he was chained down. “We still have people that hunt us My
ra. We must be very careful who we expose ourselves to. Brooklyn and Verlon allowed you here because they assumed you would become one of us. Since things have changed you have become somewhat of a risk.” She stared at him in disbelief. “Do they think I would expose my twin? I just found her I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.” He nodded. “I believe they would have come to that decision as well, however they needed to minimize the risk for tonight. You were trying to run.” She walked over to the door. “ I can’t risk my life on what they may or may not decide Barron. My plans haven’t changed. I’m still leaving.” She looked back at him. “Are you coming with me or not? If you’re still in the mood to off yourself you can do it after we get away from here.” He came up to her searching her face. “They will hunt us Myra, you because you know too much me because of my crime. Do you really want to live the rest of your life on the run?” She shrugged. “Hell, I’ve been running my whole life already Barron. This isn’t anything new.” Something in her voice must have convinced him because he nodded. “Very well then, but don’t ever say I didn’t warn you. I would ask that you would allow me to relocate you to a different country. Again I feel responsible for your being brought here in the first place.” When she opened her mouth he placed his finger over it causing them to burn. “I may have phrased that as a question, but it really wasn’t. I will take you somewhere safe before we part ways. That is my stipulation for allowing you to leave here. Do you agree?” Deciding that she probably didn’t have much of a choice she agreed then reached for the door. “Myra why don’t we travel my way?” Before she could ask what he was talking about he had pulled her against his chest and the world dissolved away…


~Chapter Fif


“What do you mean they are gone?” Haven looked at Deacon like she couldn’t understand the words he was saying. “I said they are gone. They escaped sometime last night.” Deacon paced the length of the room as Haven tried to make some kind of sense out of what he was telling her. “Ok, tell me again why you had my sister chained up in the same room as your brother? Wasn’t the plan to keep her away from him? When did that plan change Deacon?” He stopped pacing and faced her. “Myra was leaving. She was too great a risk to be allowed to just leave. Now I wasn’t going to leave her there for very long, one night at the most until we decided what needed to be done. We didn’t have anywhere else that was secure enough to hold her.” Haven flung her arms up “So lets just chain her to a wall right next to her soul mate who, by the way nearly killed me while he was having a temper fit because you know… I wasn’t his soul mate! That makes perfect sense!” She started to say something else, but she heard Brooklyn’s voice in the hallway. She didn’t sound any happier than Haven right now. Giving Deacon her best this- isn’t -over -look she went to the door and opened it. “Oh! Sweetling! You must be frantic! Don’t you worry dear we will find them and bring them back! I cannot believe that my very own mate would make such a poor decision. Believe me, I had no knowledge of this!” Brooklyn wrapped her up in a fierce hug. Haven hugged her back then she looked to Verlon who was actually looking as shamed faced as Deacon was at the moment. “Well it was clear that Barron was just waiting for the right opportunity to escape. I’m afraid we may have given him the perfect reason when we placed Myra in the room with him. I really thought he was too out of it to even realize who or what she was. Now I fear she may be in grave danger. The counsel will send out a search party immediately. Don’t worry Haven we will get your sister back.” Haven walked over to Deacon and he pulled her into his arms kissing the top of her head. “I know you will Verlon. But will it be too late?”

An hour or two later Haven laid nestled in Deacons arms back in their cave. Her body was feeling stronger by the minute after a couple of feedings. Now she felt the pressing need of another
insatiable hunger well up in her as she nuzzled her mate’s throat. She placed gentle kisses and warm licks against the strong column of his neck, smiling as he growled his approval. She still had not had her way with him as he deemed her too weak. But now… now she would not be denied! She reached up and rubbed her finger against the deep furrows that were between his eyes. “My Serah frowns too much… whatever shall I do to remedy that?” She started by kissing the spot between his eyes then she kissed the outside corner of each of his eyes making her way down to where his sinful mouth awaited her. Deacon captured her lips when she got near enough holding them captive as he drew them in. He teased them with quick barely there sweeps of his tongue drawing hers out to play with his. He was being tender and gentle, but Haven was in no mood for gentle and tender, she needed her mate to take her and make her his! Scouring from her body and soul every trace of his brother. Haven straddled his lap then sitting up she removed her shirt quickly followed by her bra. Cupping her breasts together she teased the male under her, when he reached for them she leaned back denying him his treasures. “Haven.” he warned. Using a carefully planned seduction she raised her arms over her head lifting her hair while she arched her back. Then she began to roll her hips starting a slow grind against him. He groaned as he watched the show she was putting on for him placing his hands on her hips to hold her down harder against him. He thrust up against her suddenly causing Haven to gasp as the tables were turned against her. “Do that again!” she whispered. Shaking his head she heard the sound of fabric tearing under his claws. “These are my favorite jeans!” He didn’t look the least bit sorry as he pulled the shredded denim from her body. Haven narrowed her eyes at him. “Oh, you will pay for that!” He didn’t even pause as he sat up going up to his knees bringing Haven along with him like she weighed nothing. In a quick twist he had her face down on the mattress pinning her beneath his heavy body. For a brief moment Haven flashed back to the night that Barron had her in this same position, attacking her with fangs and claws. She stiffened as fear permeated her lust filled mind. Deacon sensed the change in her he eased his hold on her, but he didn’t turn her loose. “No. I will not allow him to intrude. You know it is me, you know you are safe.” He tightened his grip on her until she relaxed down into the mattress once more.

Deacon slowly kissed each scar t
hat was inflicted upon her body caressing every inch of her until she was writhing under him begging. He leaned down whispering against her ear. “Who am I? Say my name!” Haven squeezed her eyes shut as memory after memory flooded her mind of Barron demanding the same thing. Deacon flipped her over lifting her legs to his shoulders he inched downward until he was at eye level with the heart of her passion. “Look at me Haven.” he demanded softly. She rose up until she could meet his gaze. “Never again.” he promised.  “Say my name one time, then I’ll never ask again.” Haven reached down and with her own sharp claws she cut the sides of her panties, slowly drawing the damp material away from her body in one smooth motion. Slipping her fingers through her dark blonde curls she opened herself for him. “You are my Serah, I give myself to you freely. Deacon it was you. It was always you. I need you.” She saw satisfaction flare briefly in his eyes then he turned his gaze downward to the glistening evidence of that need. Lowering his head he tasted the proof of her need, the essence that was Haven.

Haven gripped a fistf
ul of Deacons thick sable hair, as he loved her, her hips jerking in response to the building climax that was roaring toward her like a runaway freight train. “Don’t stop…please my love don’t stop!” she begged. He slipped his hands under her butt lifting her even closer to his mouth. He felt her thighs tense around him as she suddenly found her release. Her body bowing up off the mattress her fingers clamping down on the hair that she had fisted. Deacon quickly rose up and jerked her body down so he could capture her moans of passion. He swallowed her groans and her sighs as he plundered the soft interior of her mouth. He pierced his tongue on her sharp fangs letting her taste him. When she reached for him he took her wrists and held them by her head, he held her as she struggled to reach out to him, but he denied what she wanted. Her eyes blazed with hunger as she bared her fangs nipping at his mouth as he kissed her. He roughly shoved her legs apart thrusting deeply as he jerked her head to the side and buried his fangs in the tender skin of her throat. He pumped forcefully one… two… three times… as she came apart crying out his name over and over and over then at the very end he offered her his neck his own release coming at last when she sank her fangs into it. Haven slowly floated down from the heights of heaven as Deacon stroked her back and sides. She remembered the words she had spoken to Barron the day they met about not ever recovering from making love with Deacon. It appeared she knew what she was talking about. He curled her into his chest holding her as she practically purred in contentment. Her world was perfect… well almost perfect. Actually the more she thought about it this was the only thing perfect about it. “Stop harshing my groove.” Haven snorted in laughter at Deacons totally unexpected comment. “What did you say? Do you even know what you just said?” She looked up at him his eyes at that sexy as hell half asleep position his voice a soft grumble against her ear. “Yes, I do. I worked very hard to get you all boneless and pliant against me, now you’re worrying and getting all-stiff again. So stop it.” She smiled then settled back against him. “I’m sorry my love, I can’t help worrying about Hannah out there with Barron. She has even less of a chance against him than I did with her still being human.” Deacon grumbled something under his breath. “What?” He shifted so he could look down at her. “I said if she is still human. He won’t leave her that way for very long. I expect him to turn her and then make her feed from him so she will be dependent upon him. If he does that then even if they are caught he would not be executed.” Haven looked at him in surprise. “Not that I necessarily want him to be, but why not? What would have changed?” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Because they would be sentencing your sister to death as well. How would she feed?” Haven frowned. “You could feed her couldn’t you? I mean if I could feed from both of you it would make sense that she could too right?” He shook his head. “I would bet not. The reason that you could feed from us both was because she had not been turned and because in your heart you had not made a choice yet. Hannah may not have that option. I think that’s why the night he attacked you he didn’t feel anything for you. Your choice overpowered his right. Even the bonds of fate could not fight that.” He reached out and ran his finger over the furrows that were now between her eyes. “Serah, I promise I will do everything in my power to find your sister and to keep her safe.” Haven arched her brow at him. “Even if that means your twin must live?” Deacon smiled at her. “Even if. In case I haven’t told you, thank you for choosing me.” Haven smiled as she tilted her head upward offering her mouth to Deacon. She laughed softly. “I had no choice my love, I had to listen to the call of my heart answering the call of yours…”       


~The End~

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