Head Games (5 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Carr

Tags: #Erotica, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Amour

BOOK: Head Games
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“If I hear her call herself a slut again, I swear I’m taking her over my knee.”

“You weren’t even there for one of those occurrences last night. I swear my teeth ground together.” Scott blew out a loud breath. “We’re just going to have to convince her that it isn’t all that unusual.”

“And how are we gonna do that? Tell her about all the threesomes we’ve had? That’ll impress her for sure.” Sarcasm laced Leo’s voice, and Scott didn’t really blame him.

“I’m not sure how, though I think the less talk about our sexual pasts, the better.”

“Agreed. So how do you wanna handle this, Romeo?”

Scott shot him a look, and Leo just laughed. “I think I should do the talking. You’ll get all intense and scare the hell out of her.”

“Fine,” Leo responded, his jaw tight. Just then, Kelly walked out of the kitchen, laden with salt-and-pepper shakers on a huge tray. Leo leapt up, removing the tray from her hands. “Where do you want it?” He looked like he was considering saying something else, and Scott narrowed his eyes at him. This was no time for double entendres.

“Um, over there,” she responded, pointing to a table near the back that had a bunch of supplies set out. She started toward it, and both Scott and Leo followed. Plopping down in a chair, she motioned to each side of her. “If you’re going to be here, you can help.”

“Sure,” Scott answered, grateful she wasn’t throwing them out on their asses. Leo pulled out the other chair and sat down. Kelly showed them what to do to fill the shakers and to replenish the sugar packets in the little holders for each table, and they all set to work. Leo glanced at him once, obviously wondering when Scott was going to speak. He let a few minutes pass and then said, “We’d like to talk about last night if that’s all right with you.”

Kelly looked up. “So talk.”

“We want to know how you feel about what happened.”

“How I feel? I feel like it shouldn’t have happened.”

Leo shifted in his seat, and Scott said a silent prayer Leo would let him continue without interrupting and freight-training the entire conversation. Setting down the salt shaker he’d just filled, he stilled Kelly’s hands and took them in his own. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, honey. You’re an adult. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

Kelly pulled away and gazed ahead, not meeting his eyes. “I acted like a—”

Leo let out a growl, and Scott made a slashing motion in the air. Grabbing Kelly’s chin, he turned her face until she had no choice but to look at him. “I know what you were going to say. You were gonna say you acted like a slut, right?” At Kelly’s reluctant nod, he continued. “You did not act like a slut, and you are not a slut. Do you understand me?”

Kelly shivered. Apparently she liked a little domination too, so he continued. Domination was more Leo’s thing than his, but at this point, he’d do whatever it took to bring about the desired result. Making his voice low and forceful, he said, “Are you listening to me, Kelly? You are
a slut. You were simply going after what you wanted. There’s not a damn thing wrong with that, and Leo and I don’t want to hear you disparaging yourself because of us.” Then, feeling a little reckless, he added, “Leo said he’d put you over his knees if you called yourself a slut, and believe me, honey, he will.”

Kelly glanced at Leo. “You–you’d spank me?”

“Damn right I would.” Kicking Kelly’s chair so she faced him more fully, Leo said, “What we did last night, it was a beautiful thing. There was nothing slutty or dirty about it. We’ve waited a long fucking time for this to happen and we’re not going to let you belittle it. You got me?” Kelly nodded, swallowing thickly. “Now let’s get these done so you can go home. We worked you out pretty good last night and you can probably use a good night’s sleep.” Scott raised an eyebrow and Leo glowered at him. “What, you’re the only one who’s allowed to be a nice guy? What am I, some insensitive prick?”

Kelly reached out and stroked the side of his face briefly before seeming to realize what she was doing and snatching her hand back. “You’re not an insensitive prick.”

Leo smiled at her, and Scott watched as Kelly’s nipples peaked behind her T-shirt. “We
let you get home,” he said, and the spell was broken. They went back to their tasks, and the conversation turned to their schedule for the upcoming week. They were leaving after practice tomorrow for a game in Ottawa and then returning to face the New York Rangers the next night.

By the time all the shakers had been filled and the other closing chores done, Kelly looked exhausted. Just being in close proximity to her had put his cock on high alert, but he knew they had to let her go home. He and Leo walked Kelly to her car, and since the angle of her car blocked the view of them from the road, he took the opportunity to grab her and sink into her mouth, needing to feel even that small connection to her. She was obviously surprised, but she melted against him, twisting her fingers in his thick hair and moaning when he palmed her ass and lifted her pelvis into his erection. He knew he wouldn’t be able to stop if he kept going, so with great reluctance, he released her.

“If you’re gonna give him some sugar, I want some, too,” Leo said, pulling her into his body. He snaked his arms around her, and Scott watched as he plundered Kelly’s mouth. But watching wasn’t making his dick subside any, so he turned partially away before he came at her from behind like he had last night. Leo finally finished kissing her, and Scott turned back in time to see her draw her fingertips over her swollen lips. He couldn’t help the groan that started deep in his chest and forced its way free. Kelly looked over at him, her face uncertain.

“I’m fine, Kel, get in the car.” She did without another word and they waved as she drove away. “Damn...”

“You’re telling me. I think I’m gonna have to rub one off tonight just so I can sleep.”

Scott snorted. “You rub one off every night, dude.”

“What is it they say? If you want a job done right, do it yourself?” Leo grinned. “At least I know I’ll always be satisfied.”

“You’re a pig.”

“Oh come on, don’t tell me you weren’t thinking the same thing as soon as you popped a woody.”

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go home. If we don’t get a decent night of sleep, Tom’s gonna beat our asses tomorrow.” Both of them shuddered and headed for Leo’s car.

Chapter Five

The boys went to Ottawa and won in front of Leo and then returned home to face New York with Scott in net. A lot of goaltenders would hate the rotating playing schedule that Tom used, but both Scott and Leo thought it worked well. Neither got overplayed or fatigued, and Tom could play the goaltender that performed best against a team if need be, too. Most elite athletes would feel in constant competition with each other, and in some ways, they were, but only to push the other to be the best he could be. Both men were a little older, and at this point in their careers neither could handle playing seventy games a season. Having the rotation in place had allowed them to prolong their careers, as Leo was currently forty-one, while Scott was thirty-eight.

The team beat New York by three goals, and Scott had an easy time of it in net, only facing eighteen shots. After the game, both were starving, and, of course, eager to see Kelly. They’d talked strategy in their hotel room while they’d been away and decided to try much the same thing that had worked the first time—flirt a little, make her feel at ease, and then move in jointly. Scott also convinced Leo they should take their cues from her behavior. If it was obvious it wasn’t going to happen that night, they would be patient and wait for another night, no matter how much waiting tied their dicks in knots.

When they walked in the door at Kelly’s, Scott sniffed the air with anticipation. Kelly had made an apple pie, but he could smell something else, too. Italian? Leo led the way and they sat down in their customary seats at the counter. A waitress came over and both ordered water. She brought it and then went into the kitchen. Shortly thereafter, Kelly appeared. “Rebecca said you were here.”

Leo smiled, responding, “Yep, in the flesh.” She colored slightly but said nothing—a good sign.

Scott spoke up. “What’s that I smell? Italian?”

Kelly turned to him, her eyes alive with excitement. They’d looked much the same when they’d made her come, and his cock began to stiffen.

Not now, boy. Soon. Be patient.

“It’s something new that I’m trying. It’s actually Mediterranean. I thought you guys might let me use you as guinea pigs.” She smiled shyly, and Scott grinned. He loved to hear she was cooking them something. This wasn’t the first time she had tried out a new recipe on them, and as far as he could tell, she’d never produced a loser. His stomach grumbled and he put a self-conscious hand to it, but Kelly just laughed. “The dish is called Chicken Tawook.”

“Chicken what?” Leo asked.

Kelly smiled again, looking more confident. She loved to talk about cooking and food, and Scott got the idea she didn’t have many people around who would listen to her ramble on and on. He thought it was adorable, though, and Leo seemed to feel the same way, as he nodded and motioned for her to tell them more. “Chicken Tawook. It isn’t as scary as it sounds. It’s a Lebanese dish. It’s got this terrific marinade with garlic, yogurt, tomato paste, and a bunch of spices. The tomato paste and spices were probably why you thought it smelled Italian. I’ve been baking it for about an hour on a real low heat. I should go check it, actually. Do you guys want to try it?”

“Hell yes, that sounds awesome,” Scott replied, and Leo nodded his agreement. She went back into the kitchen, and the smell intensified. Scott guessed she’d taken it out of the oven. Soon, she reappeared with two plates laden with skewers of the succulent meat, and Scott’s mouth watered. He plucked one of the skewers off the plate and then dropped it again. Kelly smirked.

“They’re hot, dumbass,” Leo said.

“Yeah, I got that memo, about ten seconds too late.” Kelly handed him a towel and a fork, and he grabbed the skewer, pushing the meat off onto his plate with the fork. Leo simply picked it up with his own towel and started nibbling at it right on the skewer. “You’re such a barbarian.”

“I’m not a barbarian. I’m efficient.”

“So what do you think?” Kelly was wringing her hands together, and it tickled Scott how much she cared what they thought.

“It’s fucking fantastic, honey,” Leo answered. “You gonna put it on the menu?”

“I haven’t decided yet. Maybe. After all, the reviewer from the paper called this place ‘eclectic,’ so I can probably afford to venture out a little.”

Leo’s mouth was full of chicken, but he managed to get out, “You should.”

“Thanks.” She turned her attention to Scott and said, “What about you? Do you like it?”

“Very much, though it might be a little heavy on the garlic. Is it supposed to be that strong?”

“Hmmm. Well, there are four cloves, and Mediterranean food is notorious for being heavy on the garlic. But I’ll keep that in mind, thanks.” She waited until he took another bite and continued. “All the food in that area is basically the same with a few variations—different spices, different methods of preparation, that sort of thing.”

“I love how excited you get when you talk about food.”

“Just like you and Leo when you’re talking about hockey.”

Scott nodded, considering. “I guess it would be pretty similar, wouldn’t it?”

“Anyway, enjoy those and I’ll go grab your slices of pie.”

She moved off to plate their desserts, and Scott leaned over to Leo. “That was like eating heaven.”

Leo shook his head. “Eating her pussy is like eating heaven.”

“I wouldn’t know, but I intend to rectify that as soon as possible.”

Kelly dropped off their pies. “I’m going to go back into the kitchen to clean this up. Call me if you need anything.”

Scott exchanged a look with Leo. “We will.” They polished off their meals in short order and plowed into the tasty dessert. Soon, both were sitting back, rubbing their bellies. “I could fall in love with her just for this,” Scott declared, looking at the door leading into the kitchen. Now he wanted his second dessert. But would she be up for it? He stood. “Time to put Operation Seduction, Part Two, into effect.”

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