Read Head Games Online

Authors: Cassandra Carr

Tags: #Erotica, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Amour

Head Games (9 page)

BOOK: Head Games
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“Hey, easy there, baby. I want you in one piece when I’m done here.”

“Then finish. You’re killing me!”

Bending his head to the task again, he sped up both his fingers and his tongue, and soon Kelly exploded, spilling into his waiting mouth as she ground down on his face. He helped her ride through her orgasm and then eased away from her, running his tongue over his lips. “So fucking good.”

He looked up to see Kelly’s eyes were tightly closed. She was panting, and her chest and cheeks were flushed, and he felt about ten feet tall knowing he’d brought her to that state without even taking his dick out of his pants. Rising, he helped Kelly dress herself again. She brushed her hand over his erection and he hissed.

“Can I help you with that?” She indicated in the general direction of his crotch.

“It’s fine,” he lied. “I wanted to get you off. I didn’t expect you to reciprocate.”

Kelly frowned. “Are you sure?”

He sure as fuck wasn’t sure, but if he didn’t get out of there fast, he was gonna sink balls-deep into her warm, wet pussy. “I should let you go home and get some rest.”

“Oh man,” she replied, flinching. “I’ve kept you here way too late. You need your sleep more than I do.”

Leo grinned. “Yeah, I need my beauty sleep.”

As Leo walked back out to his truck, he had a niggling sense of guilt. What would Scott think of what he’d just done? He hoped his friend would forgive him.

Chapter Eight

Scott and the team arrived back in Buffalo in the early morning hours, and he went straight to bed. The next morning he rose with a renewed sense of optimism. Hopefully Leo had spoken to Kelly and convinced her to give them another chance. He found Leo in the kitchen, mainlining coffee. Dropping into a kitchen chair, he got right to the point. “What’d she say?”

“I think she’s gonna give us some time.”

“Really? She said that?”

“Well, not in so many words…”

“In what words, exactly? You did go see her, right?”



“And we talked.” Leo wouldn’t meet his eyes, and Scott got suspicious.

“Is that all you did?” When Leo didn’t answer immediately, and instead shifted in his chair, Scott continued. “You didn’t have sex with her, did you? We agreed.”

Now Leo finally looked at him, but his eyes betrayed his guilt. “I didn’t fuck her, no.”

“But you did something else?”

“She was on edge, babbling about not deserving the love of one man, let alone two. I had to do something.”

“Oh, you
to do something…”

“Look man, I didn’t fuck her!”

“Yeah, so you’ve said. How would you feel if you went away for a few days and I horned in on Kelly while you were gone? Once she’s with us maybe it’ll be different, but right now…” He wasn’t sure why he was so angry at the thought of Leo and Kelly being together without him, but his blood had instantly boiled when Leo had admitted it. Rising, he got himself a mug and grabbed the coffee. He had a feeling he’d need the caffeine.

Leo took a sip from his own cup. “Look, I made her come with my fingers and my mouth. It didn’t last more than a few minutes. I’m sorry if that upsets you. I didn’t know what else to do to shut her up.”

“Oh, so you only licked her pussy to shut her up?”

Leo rolled his eyes. “I pretty much always want to lick her pussy, and so do you, so don’t give me some self-righteous attitude. It’s done and I can’t undo it, so let’s just move on from here and plan our next move.”

Scott grunted. He knew Leo was right, he just hated admitting it. Slumping in his chair and putting his feet up on another, he asked, “So have you got any brilliant ideas?”

“I think we should take her out on a date. I mean, if you think about it, we’ve seen her at the restaurant and here—that’s it. And pretty much every time we see her, the only thing we do is fuck. Don’t you think we should wine and dine her a little?”

His feet hit the floor with a thud. “That’s a good point. I hadn’t thought of that. No wonder she thinks we’re only in it for the sex and we’ll drop her the minute we supposedly get bored.”

“Bingo. Anyway, I’m going in to see the doc today. If he clears me, I’ll be back practicing tomorrow. She usually has tomorrow off anyway, so I say we ask her out for tomorrow night.”

“Good idea. Do you have her cell number?”

“Yeah, she gave it to me at the hospital in case I needed anything.” Leo winked and Scott had to laugh. Sometimes his best friend drove him nuts, but overall, he really was a good guy. Leo pulled his phone out of his jeans pocket and dialed. Turning on the speakerphone, they both waited for her to answer, Scott leaning forward in anticipation. “Hey darlin’,” Leo drawled.

“Hi. How’s your head?”

“Good as new, I think. I’m going in to see the doc this morning. Hopefully he’ll clear me to start practicing again.”

“Oh, that’s great!” She genuinely sounded excited for Leo, and Scott felt a rush of warmth invade his body that had nothing to do with sex.

“That’s not why we called, though.”


“Oh, yeah, I’m sorry. You’re on speaker. Scott’s here.”

“Hi, Scott! Tough couple of games, huh?”

Scott laughed. “Yeah, it wasn’t a whole lotta fun. I’ve got bruises on my bruises.”

“But you played really well. You should be proud of that.”

“I am,” he answered, as another spark of heat rushed through him.

“So why did you call?”

Leo motioned for Scott to go on. “We want to take you out tomorrow night, get to know you a little better outside the restaurant. It would be nice to be able to talk to you while you’re not working.”

“Ha! That never even occurred to me, but you’re right. I guess I work so much that it seems like home to me.”

“Then you’ll have dinner with us?”

“Um, sure.” Scott had to physically prevent himself from doing a fist pump, settling instead for a brief pounding on his thigh. “Where are we going?”

Leo shot him a panicked look, and Scott kept talking. “Don’t you worry about that. Just wear something pretty.”

“I have one question before I agree to do this.”

“What’s that?”

“You guys aren’t going to…well…make it obvious it’s a date, are you?”

“Are we gonna make out with you at the table? No. We promise to behave.” Leo mouthed “speak for yourself” and Scott waved him away with an impatient slash of his hand. “Where should we pick you up? Home? The bistro?”

“Home. I don’t set foot in the restaurant on my day off unless I have to.” She gave them the address and they said their good-byes. Leo stuck the phone back in his pocket and they exchanged high fives.

“All right,” Scott said, rubbing his hands together. “Now that we’ve got her on board, where are we going to take her? It might not be easy to get a reservation somewhere good this close to the date.”

Leo grinned. “Sometimes being an Intimidator has its advantages.” He grabbed his laptop and began poking at the keys.

“Jeez, were you this slow at typing before you took that puck to the head? Gimme that.” Scott turned the laptop toward himself. “What are you trying to do?”

“Look up the number for the Buffalo Chophouse, and I was doing just fine at it, asshole.”

“Whatever.” The number came up, and Scott gave it to Leo.

The phone must’ve been answered promptly, because before Scott knew it, Leo had put on his “smooth talker” voice. “Good morning. This is Leo Laporte.” After a short pause, he said, “Yes, my head is feeling much better, thank you for asking. Hey, I was wondering if you could do me a favor? I’d like to bring an old friend of mine to a nice restaurant tomorrow night. There would be a total of three of us. Do you think you could squeeze us into a corner somewhere?” Scott pretended to gag, but Leo shushed him. “Awesome, you’re the best! What’s your name? Sheila? I’ll send over an autographed team pic. Thank you so much for your kind assistance.” He hung up the phone and smirked at Scott. “Like putty in my hands, my friend.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Scott rose, his heart lighter than it had been in days. “I’ve got to get to practice. You want a ride?”

“Nah. I’m not seeing the doc ’til later, and it always pisses me off when you guys are practicing and all I can do is watch.”

“Suit yourself.”

* * * *

Kelly smoothed down the skirt of her dress for the billionth time as she seriously considered downing a quick shot before the guys arrived. Leo had called that day to confirm their plans and to tell her he’d been cleared to practice, and ever since then she’d been a jumble of nerves. Today had to be the least productive day off she’d had in months. Every time she tried to start something, her mind would wander back to her date that night and what might happen afterward. She had admitted to herself that there was no way she was going to stop wanting both Scott and Leo and that trying to was just driving her crazy. That didn’t mean she was just going to fall into bed with them whenever they wanted, but if she did, she had vowed to stop beating herself up over it.

The doorbell rang and she forced herself to walk with slow, measured steps to answer it. Both of her men—her men!—were standing outside in suits, looking so yummy she wanted to eat them with a spoon. Her body heated in a flash.

The two of them should come with a warning label.

Before they got carried away again, she grabbed her purse from the small table by the door. Scott took her hand and helped her into the Range Rover and then went around to the backseat. Conversation on the way to the restaurant chiefly consisted of their play lately, along with a brief story Kelly told them about a funny incident at the bistro. Soon they were pulling into the lot of the restaurant.

Once inside, they were shown to a corner table. “Perfect,” Leo said, beaming at the hostess, who was all but drooling on the floor at the sight of the two gorgeous men. Scott pulled out her chair and she murmured her thanks, sinking into it with as much grace as she could. While she and Leo looked at the menu, Scott perused the wine list and ordered a Shiraz-Cabernet blend. They placed their orders, all three choosing the filet mignon with a cracked-pepper coating and Caesar salads to start.

“So tell us how you got into the restaurant business,” Scott said as they dug into their salads.

“Well, I started working in restaurants in high school as a hostess. When I turned eighteen, I became a server and then moved into bartending and cocktail waitressing when I was in community college, trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up. Funny thing was, here I was trying out all these different courses, looking for one that fit me, when all along I’d already found it. I had just never considered working in restaurants to be a career.”

“Were you always a good cook? How did you move from waitressing to cooking?”

Kelly laughed. “By default, actually, and no, I haven’t always been a good cook. When I started in the restaurant in high school, I could hardly boil water. But I was moved from waitressing into pseudo-management at the restaurant, and figured out how much I liked working with the guys in the kitchen and how much I was coming to hate serving customers. So I started spending more time in the back of the house, talking to the cooks and learning how to prepare the food, and the bug bit me. I was hooked.” She smiled, remembering the day it had finally hit her that she wanted to do this work full-time.

BOOK: Head Games
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