Read Head Games Online

Authors: Cassandra Carr

Tags: #Erotica, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Amour

Head Games (6 page)

BOOK: Head Games
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“Right behind you.”

Together, they went into the kitchen. Kelly was just turning from the walk-in cooler. Scott picked her up and set her on the prep table, pushing between her legs and using her hips to draw her to him. “I missed you. I missed this.” He tugged impatiently at her tight T-shirt and Kelly batted his hands away.

“Door! Lock the outside door.” She looked up at Scott with lust-hazed eyes. “Please.”

Swearing, Scott took off for the front door. After locking it, he came back into the kitchen, pulling the T-shirt over her head and dropping it next to her.

“I missed you guys, too.”

Scott made short work of her lacy, light-pink bra, and then Leo took her hands, placing them on the table. “Leave them there.” Looking her up and down, he said, “You have no idea how much we want you.” The skin on her chest was flushed with desire, and he moaned. “So fucking sexy, so perfect.” He turned her head and began to kiss her.

Leaning down, Scott latched onto her nipple and drew it into his mouth. She clutched at his head and directed him to her other breast, but he grabbed her hands and put them back on the table, where Leo immediately covered them with his to prevent her from moving again. She whimpered. In his peripheral vision he saw Leo attack her neck from behind. She dropped her head back onto his shoulder and groaned.

“How do you guys do this to me so fast?”

“Because you want us every bit as badly as we want you,” Leo answered, and moved his lips to her mouth. He covered the moan she let out when Scott delved into the waistband of her pants, underneath her panties, and found her core, rubbing it.

She tore her mouth away from Leo, panting. “It feels so good.”

“It’s gonna feel better in a minute,” Scott promised. Together, he and Leo pushed her to the center of the table and removed the rest of her clothing.

Leo moved away and removed his suit pants and then held up his dress shirt, as he climbed onto the table and straddled Kelly’s torso. She was eyeing his dick like a starving woman, and Scott knew if he didn’t get inside her soon, he was gonna lose it. Reaching into his pants, he pulled out a condom. Thankfully, he’d come prepared. He took off his own suit pants and threw them on an adjoining table. Leo had pushed Kelly’s tits together and was sawing his cock in and out of the tunnel he’d created. The sight was beyond erotic, and Scott rolled on the condom as quickly as possible and checked her pussy. Very, very wet and ready for him. He drove into her and fully seated himself.

“Hot damn, you feel good, baby.”

“So do you,” she told him. He concentrated on her pussy swallowing his cock while Leo did his thing on top of her. It didn’t take long for his orgasm to threaten to explode. He put his thumb on her clit and began to rub in a circle. She gasped, and he went faster. He wanted her to come before either of them did, but knew his control was frayed at best, and Leo didn’t sound any better.

“Come for us, Kelly. Come on, baby,” he urged her. He saw Leo begin to pinch and pull her nipples and her pussy clenched in response. “Keep doing that,” he told his friend, and Leo gave a jerky nod. “Yeah, just like that, honey, just like that.”

“Oh, God…” She contracted around him again. “Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God…” Her words changed to a high-pitched squeak, and Scott knew they had her. He let go as her pussy began to milk his cock, pouring himself into the condom. Off in the distance he heard Leo come, but couldn’t even spare a thought for him, as his orgasm went on and on.

When he was finally spent, he pulled out of her immediately, worried about the viability of the condom. Everything seemed okay, though, and he grabbed some paper towels to wrap it in. Grabbing his pants, he threw them on and went to the bathroom to flush it. He returned to see Leo wiping his cum off of Kelly’s breasts, and a surge of jealousy went through him. Jealousy? He and Leo had always shared women, and he’d never experienced anything like he had just now. Maybe the difference was that he was clearly in love with Kelly.

He didn’t have time to ponder further, as Leo helped Kelly up, giving her a quick kiss before pulling his own pants on and ducking into the bathroom. Scott approached Kelly and ran the backs of his knuckles over her cheek. She sighed and leaned into his hand. Gently, he tilted her chin up and kissed her, just a brief brush to her lips. “Thank you. That was incredible. I’ve been thinking about you the entire time I’ve been away.”

Kelly blushed. “I’ve been thinking about you, too.”

“We’ll let you go tonight, but soon we’re going to take you to our place again so we can worship this gorgeous body of yours the way it was meant to be enjoyed.”

Her blush deepened, and he cocked his head to look at her. “Why are you so embarrassed by us wanting to touch you?”

“It’s just…” She bit her lip, and he had to restrain himself from licking at the marks she made. “It’s just weird. I mean, I don’t consider myself anything to write home about—” He began to protest, and she put her fingers to his lips. “I just can’t believe that not one, but two extremely hot, eligible men like you would want me.”

With a twinge of regret, he stepped back, knowing he wasn’t going to be able to vanquish that particular problem tonight. “Let me help you get dressed so you can go home. We don’t want our baby getting overtired.” Her lips twitched. “What?”

“I kind of like the sound of that.”

“Me, too,
.” He emphasized the word this time. “Me, too.”

“I just need to wipe this table down. I can’t leave it, knowing what we did on it.”

“I’ll help.”

She handed him a rag, and together, they cleaned the table. He and Leo walked her out again and went home, this time at least able to sleep without a severe case of blue balls.

* * * *

The next morning, Kelly brought a big bucket of bleach water over to the prep table where she’d had sex with the men last night. Despite having thoroughly cleaned it then, she had a compulsion to do so again. She remembered how the men had removed her clothing and theirs before giving her an explosive orgasm. Scott had even helped her clean the table afterward, but now, in the harsh light of day, she had an overwhelming need to make sure it was completely sanitized before doing any prep work.

Removing a rag from the bucket, she began to scrub. Her assistant, Bonnie, came over. “Didn’t these get washed down last night? I told Jeff to do it before he left.”

“He did, but this one didn’t look clean.”

Bonnie regarded the table. “If you say so.”

“Look, I run a tight ship, and I don’t like sloppy work!” She felt bad making Jeff out to be a slacker, but what else was she going to say?

“Okay, okay.” Bonnie held out her hands in supplication. “I’ll just go…start the bread.”

“Fine.” Kelly didn’t look up, afraid her face would give away her guilt. Bonnie moved away, and Kelly put more muscle into her scrubbing.

She was still at it ten minutes later when Bonnie returned to her side. “You okay, boss?”

“I’m fine.” When Bonnie didn’t answer, Kelly looked up. “What?”

Bonnie cocked her head. “You just seem, I dunno, distracted. And strangely obsessed with cleaning one table.”

“I’m—” She stopped herself, but Bonnie picked it up nonetheless.


“Look, I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”

“Anything I can help with?”

Kelly barked out a laugh. “I wish, but no.”

“All right. I’ll leave you alone—this time, but just know we’re all here for you if you need us.”

“I appreciate that.” Throwing the rag back into the bucket, Kelly looked at Bonnie. “So what’s next on the prep list?”

Chapter Six

Kelly took a peek at the television over the counter as she rushed by. The dinner hour on Friday night was hopping, which she was profoundly grateful for, but the Intimidators were also playing, and she kept missing the action as she ran from the kitchen to the storeroom, to the walk-in, to the front of the house, and back again. The kitchen itself was getting trashed because no one had time to clean up properly, and she hated that. She vowed to set herself to tidying up as soon as the restaurant slowed down. Her staff would be just recovering from the long night and they’d still have their side work ahead of them, so she was probably on her own.

An hour later, she heard a gasp from the patrons in the restaurant and darted out of the kitchen to see what was up. Leo was lying prone on the ice. Another player was helping the team’s trainer onto the ice, and the others were standing around Leo, looking down at him. Kelly turned to the room. “Did anyone see what happened?”

One patron nodded. “Took a shot right to the side of his head.”

“But they wear those helmets, so it can’t be that bad, right?”

“Well, he hasn’t moved since he went down…” the man answered, shrugging.

Kelly’s eyes were glued to the television. She saw Bonnie in her peripheral vision. “Take over the kitchen for now.”

“Sure, Kel.” Bonnie walked back into the kitchen, but Kelly didn’t even spare her a glance. Biting her lip, she stopped to consider.

Maybe he just got knocked out cold.

He still hadn’t moved. The camera panned over to the bench area, and Kelly saw Scott warming up to take Leo’s place. In between stretches, he was checking out what was happening on the ice, his face betraying his worry. Kelly put a hand over her heart as the trainers continued to work on Leo. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity but was probably only a moment or two, Leo sat up, and the crowd erupted in cheers. He raised his blocker briefly in acknowledgement and then staggered to his feet with the help of two teammates. They half walked, half carried him to the bench, where he and Scott exchanged a few words before Scott took his place on the ice. Play resumed, but all Kelly could think about was that she needed to get to the hospital. She needed to see if Leo was okay.

Rushing back into the kitchen, Kelly took Bonnie aside. “Look, I don’t have time to explain, but I’m going to the hospital. Can you hold down the fort here?”

“Of course,” Bonnie answered. She cocked her head. “I know you said you didn’t want to explain, but this is going to look awfully weird. Between the way you acted just now and your sudden departure, there’s gonna be a lot of questions. What do you want me to tell the staff?”

“Tell them Leo and I are friends, which is true. You guys all know how often they come in after games.”

Bonnie nodded. “But it’s more than that, isn’t it?”

“I have to go. My cell is on if you need me.” She ducked into her office to grab her coat before Bonnie could question her further. How was she supposed to explain something to Bonnie that she didn’t understand herself? Jumping in her car, she made it to the hospital in record time. When she got inside, though, she stopped short. Would they even tell her anything? It wasn’t like she was family. Her uncertainties were shoved aside, though, as she heard loud arguing down the hall. Turning, she headed that way, ducking to get by the nurses’ station without them noticing.

“I don’t need a fucking CT scan. I got hit with a puck. It happens at least once every practice and every game.”

Kelly would’ve smiled if she hadn’t been so concerned. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door leading into the area.

“Miss, you can’t be back there. The waiting room—”

The rest of his sentence was cut off when Leo spied her. “Kelly!” His brows drew down. “Why are you here?”

“Duh. I saw what happened. I figured they’d bring you here since you got knocked out cold.”

“Yeah, Brad insisted on it,” he answered, pointing to the team’s trainer, who just shrugged and went back to filling out forms.

BOOK: Head Games
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