Heart of the Wild (13 page)

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Authors: Rita Hestand

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: Heart of the Wild
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Moving to the door, he purposely shut his mind to the scene he had created, closing his eyes tight and willing himself under control before he opened the damned door! But there were other parts of him not so willing to behave. Noticeable parts.

He groaned inwardly as he opened the door to Tanka and Gina, his brother and friend. They would never know about this from him, he vowed as he greeted them with a smile and hug.

He grabbed Tanka first, gave him an awkward hug, then Gina. However, when he turned back to Kasie, he grimaced as he realized that her breasts were firmly imprinted against the sweatshirt. Perhaps he wasn't the only one not in control. His own condition wasn't much better, and anyone who could add could have put it all together.

Without hesitation, he smiled at her. "Kasie, I guess you remember my brother, and this is Gina Reynolds, his friend, our friend."

He wasn't about to explain further to any of them, especially after what had happened between him and Kasie. He could literally kill them for showing up when they did. He needed some time to assimilate what had happened between them, without interference. It wasn't supposed to end like this. He should never have let things go so far, and kept it under control. He only hoped his brother and friend would keep their curiosity to themselves.

Kasie would be gone again in a few days, and he would never see her again, and the realization that he gave a damn bothered him. Worse still, he had wanted her and hadn't taken her.

Wouldn't his revenge have been over and done with? No, he suddenly realized that wasn't the kind of revenge he sought. He wanted more than her mere body.

She was going to be married. She was John's daughter. But all the excuses in the world didn't stop him from wanting to make her his. What was wrong with him?

He needed a mountain woman, he had told himself time and again. A woman with staying power. A woman that didn't need microwaves and dishwashers. A woman that would love him, not break his heart and run. He had told himself that for eight years, and he suddenly realized that he had never once believed it. He needed Kasie. He was sure of that.

Kasie seemed to be struggling with her own composure. She had noticed her obvious body reactions, too, but did nothing to cover it up. Perhaps she wanted to embarrass him. It was too late for that, judging by their expressions. Instead she held her head high and smiled, shaking hands with Tanka and Gina Reynolds.

What must they think? For the first time in his life, Chayton Amory felt as though he might have been wrong. Had she been afraid to trust the feeling between them? She had been such a child, then; a child that taunted him, made him insane with wanting.

The couple looked surprised, but made no comments. Chay knew Tanka would have plenty to say later, in private.

"Well," Tanka drawled effectively, giving Kasie a full fledged once-over, "you're about the last person I expected to see here."

"I'm merely entertaining her till John arrives."

Wrong word. Both heads flew up and smiles cracked. Kasie shot him an instant frown.

"You certainly don't owe us an explanation, Chay," Gina said, her red lips curling into a knowing smile. "So, you're John's daughter. Tanka's spoken of you so many times. I feel as though I know you, or should. It's a pleasure to meet you. Yes, I can see it now. The same eyes."

Gina had practically inspected Kasie like a side of beef at the market. Chay sighed, indulging Gina, and watching Kasie for any reaction.

"You know my father, too?" Kasie asked, then nodded, "But of course you do. Everyone knows him around here, don't they?"

"Not well, but I've had the pleasure of meeting him on several occasions. A nice man." Gina pursed her lips.

Chay moved protectively towards Kasie now. She looked like a little lost pup, and she had done a fine job of not losing her cool. He draped an arm over her shoulder and pulled her against him, knowing he'd get a tongue lashing from her later for the action. He felt her stiffen, and saw her total disregard for him in her eyes. She hated him at this moment.

"Gina is an airline hostess."

"Really, how exciting."

"It gets to be old hat after a while, believe me."

Tanka and Gina wandered further into the room, immediately striking up a conversation with Chay.

"So, are we squared away with the Boone contract?" Amory was asking, his tone indulgent as he glanced at his brother.

Tanka smiled, a big smile that nearly covered his entire face. "My brother, we needed some time off, anyway. So John's coming up here, eh?"

"Don't change the subject, little brother. Rosie told me all about it. You let Meyers beat you out of the contract, didn't you? I was afraid of that all along. I knew I should have bid on it, myself! What were you thinking?"

"Boys, boys," Gina cried, running to both of them, putting her arms around them and smiling. "Let's not fuss about something you can do nothing about. Tanka's right. You needed some time off. The two of you haven't had a vacation in years. And then there's that bathroom you keep promising to finish."

"Yes, well, I've been reminded about that by several others already. And yes, John's coming up here. I just spoke to him in South America on the ham radio. He's been delayed."

Tanka nodded. "I heard something about a disturbance down there on the news."

As mad as Amory was about the contract, Tanka's words about the delay made up for it. His growing frown vanished as though it had never been, and he slapped his brother on the back and smiled at him.

It was obvious Kasie heard it, too.

"By the way, I've heard rumors they are after Ole Blue again," Tanka was saying, as he lit his pipe. He settled by the fire, his glance occasionally straying to Kasie, then back to his brother.

Amory nodded, his big shoulders slumping. Funny what a strange affection he had for that silly old bear, despite the added aggravation. They went back a long way. "Yeah, they aren't just rumors. He's become a real nuisance. He nearly ransacked this place the other day. And we aren't the only ones, so I'm told. I scouted the area and found his den. He's not even bothering to stock up for winter. He's just a tired and very spoiled old bear. And thanks to Kasie here, he'll be back, I'm afraid."

Everyone's eyes turned on her, as though she had suddenly torched the cabin.

"Yes, Ole Blue paid her a rather untimely visit, and she decided to feed him."

Amory didn't bother hiding his enjoyment. "But I guess we should be thanking her, she did save the lean-to."

Tanka quirked a brow. "Saved it?"

"That's her story."

Kasie sneezed, and started to explain, but they went on chatting and changing the subject.

Amory shot her a reproving glance, "Better get some socks on those feet, Kasie."

She wiggled her bare feet, and shrugged, deliberately ignoring his advice.

"So, how long will you be staying, Kasie?" Gina asked, moving a strand of raven hair out of her eyes, and adjusting her beautiful yellow ski suit as she sat by the fire on the floor.

"Not a minute longer than I have to, I assure you. I'm afraid my father is being his regular untimely self."

"Some things can't be prevented," Amory said with a scowl. "Kasie is understandably upset at the delay of her father, and her impending marriage being put on the shelf, so to speak."

"Delay being the key word," she added, fueling their curiosity. Gina seemed to notice the bed's demise, and glanced from one to the other, but had the good manners not to say anything.

"You're getting married?" Tanka and Gina both chimed, as though they had misjudged the scene.

Kasie smiled and nodded. "Yes, I am."

"To whom?"

"Some rock star, Rick Springer, I believe. Ever heard of him?" Amory asked, a frown lining his ruggedly handsome face.

Gina nearly jumped up, her eyes sparkling with interest as she glanced at Kasie once more. It was obvious she couldn't believe Kasie was marrying Rick Springer. "Have I? Why, he's the most popular rock star on the charts toady. And the dreamiest. She's going to marry

They looked incredulous.

"Still may." Amory moved about them restlessly. "You see, John wanted to stop the wedding long enough to find out if she really loves this guy. That's the reason she's here. I sort of brought her here against her will. And she's not too happy about it, either. She was under the impression her father would be here when we arrived. Needless to say, he wasn't. And of course, this blizzard isn't helping matters. There's no way she can leave. How did the two of you get up?"

"You kidnapped her?" they both shouted. Ignoring his last question, they glanced from one to the other.

"I suppose," he answered, as his glance met Kasie's head on, "that's the way it looks, yes."




Chapter Six


Amory stared after the Park Ranger a long time. Then his shoulders slumped, in that decided Amory slump, Kasie mused as he closed the door. She knew the news wasn't good, just by the slump of those big strong shoulders. God, she seemed to read this man so easily.

"Well, that settles that; no one's going to be coming in or out of here for a while. The storm has caused a lot of other problems that weren't anticipated. There's been a washout at the Chambers Creek Bridge just the other side of the ridge. The roads are blocked, trees are down, and there's no sign of the snow letting up for another day or two. We are officially stuck."

Gina waved an exasperated hand in the air. "Great, just great. I've got a flight tomorrow. I know it's my own fault, but I never figured on such weather this time of year. We haven't had weather like this in years. In the dead of winter, yes, but usually not this early."

"We all have our problems, Gina," Amory was saying, his eyes straying to Kasie more than once.

"I'm sorry honey, I should have taken you down yesterday with the rest of the tour party. I was just being selfish, I wanted you with me a little longer," Tanka said, trying to cajole Gina.

"It's not your fault. I just hope I have a job when I get back."

Join the club, Kasie thought miserably. No one was worried about her job. In fact, she had become almost oblivious since Tanka and Gina arrived, not that she minded. After her last encounter with Amory, she welcomed the distraction.

Kasie studied Tanka silently. He had been a reluctant friend once, before Amory announced their engagement, but now he seemed friendlier, perhaps out of loyalty to his brother.

He had the most beautiful sleek, long black hair that hung to his shoulders, and deep set piercing black eyes always carried a smile. His mouth was wide and friendly, and he must have had a sense of humor, for his eyes reflected it with little crowfeet marks. He wasn't tall like Amory, but he was built strong, like a locomotive.

Kasie's eyes flitted from Tanka to Gina. She was all round and softness. Her dark eyes danced all the time, and her raven hair swung a little shorter than Tanka's. But her figure was undeniably all female. She curved in all the right places. Nothing like herself, Kasie sighed, tall, and lanky.

The next day everyone seemed to be stepping on everyone else's toes around the cabin. But the second day started out with more organization. Amory and Tanka were busy most of the morning, and Gina didn't get up till noon.

It gave Kasie time for snooping.

Everything on Amory's desk had to do with logging, the ecology, and forestry. From the quick assessment she made, Amory wasn't doing all that bad. And from all the notes, he seemed quite serious about the ecology, too. Somehow that made her happy. At least that was a point in his favor. Most loggers didn't care about the ecology, at least not to the extent that Amory obviously did.

Strange, but a large figure was scribbled on the pad in big red ink, and out to one side it was marked, "Paid in Full". Funny, but the writing was so different, as though those words were written with emotion, or perhaps relief.

She got a quick idea about his bookkeeping system, and shook her head. Boy, did he ever need an office manager. A computer could do wonders for his books.

She glanced about for reading material, but Forestry Journals were all she found. There was not one good mystery.

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