Heart's Betrayal (20 page)

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Authors: Angel Rose

BOOK: Heart's Betrayal
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“I tried to convince him not to go, but apparently, Tilly went into labor early. She might lose the baby.”

“I don’t understand, I thought the baby wasn’t Eddie’s.”

“Have a heart, Jen, she could die.”

“I didn’t think of that, I’m sorry, I’m so confused.”

“I thought you were undercover? How could you be calling me right now?”

“This is an emergency…I need to speak to Michael, now!” he shouted.

“Okay, hold on.”

    I ran upstairs. I was so nervous I dropped the phone then picked it up and walked into the bathroom and gave it to Michael.

“Who is it? I’m taking a shower?” he said annoyed.

“It’s Dave.” He grabbed the phone from my hand and grabbed the towel and slid it around his waist. His hair and body were sopping wet. I walked out and gave Michael some privacy. I heard him talking, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying, the water from the shower was stifling the sounds. I leaned up against the door to try to hear but it didn’t work. Michael came out and started to get dressed.

“Where are you going?”

“Dave was in London, but he should be arriving at JFK in two hours, he wants to meet, something about Eddie and Tilly, the baby, it’s a mess.” he said nervously.

“Is there something I could do?”

“Yeah, pray…pray, she’ll be okay.”

“Oh my God, this is terrible, when did Eddie leave?”

“A few minutes ago…he’s on his way to the airport. I have to run, I love you!” he shouted and ran out the back door, got in his car, and drove away at a rapid speed.

     I glanced over at our wedding photo on the mantle. Eddie, Tilly, Margaret, Dave, Michael and I, Standing together smiling from ear to ear, loving life, loving each other. How did we get here? So much tragedy in so little time. Lord, please, save Tilly and her baby. I got on my knees and said a prayer.
















    Two days had passed and we heard nothing from Eddie. We couldn’t get in touch with Tilly, either. Michael had gone back to work today. He stood over in the city with Dave the night before. He said they were making sure Tilly and Eddie had everything they needed but they haven’t heard from him. Dave left to London again last night to check up on Tilly and Eddie. I guess I had to believe everything that Michael was telling me because I didn’t want to believe otherwise.

     My cell phone vibrated on the table near my bed. It was Dave. I picked it up, but it was too late. He had hung up. I tried to call back, but it just went into voicemail. I heard Michael walk in through the front door from work.

“Hungry, babe?” I asked.

“No, I had a snack in the car on the way home.”

“Where were you?”

“Work, why?”

“Dave just called me on my cell phone.”

“Really? He’s in London. You know that.”

“Umm...yeah, I forgot.”

“I’m going to take a nice hot bubble bath. I haven’t taken one of those since I was a kid.” He dismissed the questioning in a heartbeat and changed the subject in a flash. I was going to keep asking, but to be honest. I just didn’t care anymore. Dave, Eddie, and Tilly just weren’t my problem anymore and I was so tired of making them a priority in my life. My life was with Michael, and I needed to stay focus on us, even though, he was dragging everyone else back in.

“Count me in.”

  I placed the towel near the sink in the bathroom and glanced over at Michael who was undressing. Michael seemed intoxicated by the thought of being in a hot tub full of bubbles with me. His beautiful eyes said everything, and all I had to do was drop my lace bra and panty on the bathroom floor. He scooped me up by my waist and placed me on the marble counter near the sink.

“Hmmm…my favorite meal of the day.” He said softly while placing his lips on my tender flesh.

“What happen to the bubble bath?” I asked.

“Who needs bubbles when I can have you melt in my mouth and make bubbles of my own.” He smiled seductively and closed his eyes, enjoying the taste and savoring one lick and stroke after the next. It didn’t take long before the pressure was building up quickly in my core and soon my hips pushed against his lips hard. The explosion in his mouth made me gasp for air and my body shook as I held on to his silky black hair. He kept his lips and tongue tight around my clit as it pulsated between his lips.
I could barely breathe.
I slid off the sink once he let me go, and placed his hard arousal in my mouth.
He tasted so good.
It wasn’t often that I gave him a blow job. He never liked me in this submissive position for some reason, but tonight, I wanted to return the favor. He grabbed a hold of my hair and pushed gently into my mouth. Every inch of him tasted like the sweetest lollipop I’ve ever sucked on, stroking up and down his shaft gently with my hand and grazing his sac with my tongue. He relished the moment as he stared into my eyes, then came in my mouth with one hard push. I swallowed it all as he closed his eyes, biting his bottom lip in ecstasy. A deep groan escaped his lips as his hard manhood continued jolting in my mouth.

“Baby, Jesus…fuck…I love your mouth.” He said panting.

     I loved having control over him, something I rarely had. He smiled as his erection softened and slid out of my mouth. He lifted me gently and stood staring at me, wiping the side of my mouth with his thumb.

“I’m never letting you go Jenesis. Not for a moment, not ever.” He whispered.

“What’s wrong Michael?” I asked, my eyes meeting his.

“I just love you so much. I always feel you’re going to be taken away from me.” He grabbed me by the hand and lifted me.

“Why?” I placed my head on his chest.

“Because that’s what always happens.” I stood silent and held him around his waist sliding my hands up and down his tight, slick back. He kissed the top of my head gently, then escorted me into the tub and turned on the water.

“It’s never going to happen. Never.” I held his hand and he kissed my cheek.

“Promise me that whatever happens, you’ll never leave me. Promise me.”
“I promise.”  He sat in the tub behind me and pulled me close to his chest. We stood silent in the tub just listening to the trickling sound of the water as the tub filled up slowly. He added the gel to the streaming water as we both watched the bubbles form over our toes. The bath water was warm and it felt soothing as we lay together immersed in the heat of the tranquil water. We said nothing else to each other.
Forever was in the stars for us, because he was my heaven on Earth, and there was nowhere else I wanted to be than in his arms forever.


     Michael was awakened by his cell phone vibrating on the bed under his pillow.

“Hello?” he said yawning covering his mouth.

“Who’s this?”

“What?” His rubbed his eyes.

“Hello?” His lips puckered up as he rolled his eyes up into his head.

“Who is this?” he barked at the phone. “Hello?”

Michael hung up the phone and tossed it on the floor.

“Michael, what happened? Who was it?”

“I don’t know, I couldn’t hear, they were babbling and laughing, they sounded like they were drunk.”


“I heard other voices in the background.”

“Wrong number, who cares.” He rolled over on his back and placed his hands behind his head. He tilted his head and glanced over at me.

“You know, you were dreaming again last night.”

“What do you mean again?

“You’ve been having nightmares. I didn’t want to tell you.”

“Wow, how comforting. Thanks for letting me believe I haven’t had a nightmare in months.”

“I think you should go back to therapy. With everything that’s going on…I don’t want to lose you. It’s starting to freak me out.” I rolled out of bed and stood by the window.

“You’re right, I should…If I would’ve known I might have done something about it.” I rolled my eyes up into my head and slapped him playfully on his arm.

“I just can’t do anything until I hear from Tilly and Eddie…I’m so worried.”

“I thought we weren’t going to focus on
anymore. When is all this going to end? I can’t take much more of this.” His blue-green eyes teared up a little as he jumped out of bed and grabbed me tightly by the waist. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him on the lips. I stared at him for a moment and then walked away.

Michael’s cell phone rang again.

“Look, it’s the same number, you answer it.”

I grabbed the phone from his hand.

     “Hello, who’s this?”

“It’s me Dave, don’t say anything to Michael.” I glanced at Michael and then turned my head.

“What? Why?” I asked as I pressed speaker phone and signaled to Michael to be quiet.

“I don’t want to worry him.”

“Then why did you call his phone?”

“Because I knew he would make you answer it the 2nd time.”

“What’s this all about? Have you heard from Eddie and Tilly?

“Are you alone…or are you lying?

“I’m alone.” I stared at Michael, then placed my finger on my lips to silence him as he sat on the edge of the bed.

“Well, I called to let you know that Tilly is okay, but the baby was born only 2 pounds. She’s fighting for her life.”

“Oh my God, Dave. A girl?”

“A girl…But Eddie is M.I.A.”

“You mean he’s not in London? I thought you and Michael were watching over him to make sure he got there in one piece?”

“Is that what he told you?” A sinister laughed rolled off of his tongue.

“What do you mean? Why are you laughing?” My voice lowered. I felt frightened.

“Nothing, Michael always gets the story wrong, that’s all. We were… it’s just that we lost contact with him, that’s all.”

“Dave, this is ridiculous. Where is Eddie?” I insisted. “You know Dave, lately, everything has been funny to you, a joke, in fact, and I don’t find any of this funny, what the hell is going on with you?” Michael snatched the cell phone out of my hand.

“Dave, its Michael, you mean to tell me you couldn’t wait until tomorrow to tell me all of this?” he said angrily.

     Dave hung up the phone, and Michael was infuriated. He clenched his fists and threw the phone against the wall and yelled “FUCK!”

    At that moment, we heard a ruckus in the driveway. We stood still, then glanced at each other. My heart automatically started beating fast. Michael ran down the stairs, jumping two steps at a time. I followed him as he sprinted through the kitchen out the back door. The metal garbage cans were scattered about, garbage thrown everywhere covering the black top. We scanned the driveway. My heart was pounding. Michael placed his hands in his front pockets as he stood in the middle of the driveway turning his head from side to side looking for clues as to who or what might have done this. We couldn’t rule out the wild animals, but the force of the garbage cans being thrown made it clear it was a human. Michael was furious. I on the other hand, was scared as shit. I was frightened, really frightened, especially knowing that Eddie was missing. My hands trembled as I grabbed Michael’s hand and directed him back into the house. He stopped in the kitchen, leaning against the counter and said,

“It’s okay Jen, tomorrow we’ll get an alarm system put in.” He looked at the corners of the room as if looking at the perfect spot to put cameras in. “I love you. I’ll never let anything happen to you. I promise.” his eyes were glowing but at the same time fear set in, almost, as if he were waiting for something to happen. I would put my life on the line for Michael and I know he would do the same for me.

    The next day he called ADT and they put an alarm system in the house with cameras installed in each corner of every room, except our bedroom. The outside of the house had cameras, especially where there were blind spots. He took the day off from work to make sure the company installing the alarm took every precaution necessary. I sat inside making sandwiches and coffee for the guys who were working. As I inserted another cup in the Keurig the house phone rang and the answering machine picked up.

“Jenesis, I was thinking about you all day today. Last night’s phone call was really meant for you. I’m glad you picked up. You made my day. You should see Tilly’s baby, she’s very tiny, but she’s going to make it. Big blue eyes, black hair…a nice resemblance to her father, which by the way isn’t Eddie. Enough about her…I had a dream you were here with me last night, wish you were. When you get this message call me at this hotel. Here’s the number…”

    The answering machine stopped playing suddenly. I thought I was hearing things.
What the hell was going on?
It didn’t seem like that was Dave. Someone had to be playing a trick on me. Michael came in from the garage through the kitchen scooping up a finger sandwich and the coffee on the counter.

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