Helios Awakened (The Helios Chronicles #1) (20 page)

BOOK: Helios Awakened (The Helios Chronicles #1)
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Madison shook her head. “If you go after him and you get sent to prison, I...” Madison closed her eyes and tapped his chest lightly with her balled fist. “I couldn’t handle that.”

Andrew closed his eyes, fighting back the tears that were forming in lieu of the anger he was unable to express. He took several deep breaths, trying to calm down. When he finally looked at her, he had an intense and almost hostile expression on his face.

“Don’t keep things like that from me, Madison. I can’t protect you after the fact,” he said with his voice tight.

“I’m sorry, baby. It won’t happen again, I promise.” Madison tapped her forehead against his chest before mumbling, “Can we go inside now?”

He smirked slightly and kissed her lightly on the forehead before tossing her over his shoulder and carrying her in the house. As they undressed and laid with each other, they both had lingering thoughts of what Jimmy had said and the implications of it. Madison was less concerned with her own safety, focusing more on Andrew’s well-being, while Andrew’s primary concern was protecting Madison from anything Jimmy may decide to do. Both found sleep difficult yet did not discuss the matter any further.


Andrew had been sitting on his bed, sketching, for several hours. He was trying his best to settle himself down after what Madison had revealed the night before. He was no longer angry at her but his hatred for Jimmy was escalating with every passing minute. He didn’t know why Jimmy had such a vendetta against him. He barely knew him, but now things had gone too far. He was targeting Madison and that was not acceptable. Andrew glanced up when he heard a knock at the front door and then heard his aunt welcoming someone in. Andrew returned to his drawing, secretly glad that his aunt had a visitor because he didn’t think he could avoid the inevitable talk she was desperate to have with him much longer. He knew she meant well but he was not accustomed to discussing his thoughts and feelings all the time.

“Madison, it’s good to see you again,” Olivia said, opening the door for her.

Madison smiled and stepped inside. “Hi, Olivia. Is Andrew here?” Madison asked, nervously moving from one foot to the other.

“Yes, he’s in his room.”

Madison drew her bottom lip into her mouth. When Andrew left that morning, he had done it before she had woken up. She had been antsy all morning, worried about him to the point where her grandmother told her to go over and check on him. She felt silly but she didn’t really know him well enough to know what his tells were and whether she should be concerned.

“Is everything alright, dear?”

“Umm, yes, I just wanted to visit with him.”

“His door is the first one on the right.”

“Thanks, Olivia and, umm, thanks so much for volunteering to take care of my grans this weekend so Andrew and I could go to the concert.”

“It’s not a problem, dear. I love your grandmother so I am sure we will enjoy each other’s company.”

“Well, just make sure to study up on your jeopardy answers,” Madison said with a laugh. “I’m going to go back there, if that's alright?”

“Of course,” Olivia replied as she went into the kitchen.

Madison walked down the hall and tentatively knocked on the door. Hearing Andrew say come in, she cracked it open and stepped inside, seeing him with his back against the headboard and a book in his hand. He didn’t look up right away and when he did he smiled from ear to ear.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, getting up quickly and walking over to her.

“I wanted to see you.”

His head swooped down and he kissed her gently. “I’m glad you did.”

Madison smiled and started looking around his room. It was a small space with just a double bed and a dresser that had a stack of sketch pads on it, along with a coffee cup filled with pencils of various sizes. She noticed that everything was neat and in its place. She casually walked to the bed and sat down. She was desperate to look at his sketches but didn’t want to invade his privacy. Andrew set his current sketch pad on top of the pile on his dresser before sitting down next to her.

“What were you working on?” she asked, eyeing the book.

“Just some stuff I had in my head from yesterday.”

“Can I see?” she asked, giving him her best pouty look.

He stared at her for a long time before standing and reaching for his current sketch pad. He handed it to her and watched as she opened it to where the pencil was marking the page. Madison gasped when she saw the detail of his sketches. He was drawing the Piute Mountains and what she assumed was the trail he and Jayden had been on. She flipped the pages and was in awe at his obvious talent. As she continued to back track in the book, she felt slightly embarrassed by the many pictures he had drawn of her. One page was filled with various depictions of her eyes while another was her mouth, many biting her lip. There were also several of her legs and a few of her behind. She smiled as she went through the pages and then gasped at the drawing he did from their first time together. It was a very sensual picture of her lying naked on his Harley, her head was tilted slightly to the side with her eyes barely closed, her bottom lip was in her mouth and she had a look of complete ecstasy on her face. Madison’s body flushed at the memory of that event. She looked up at Andrew who seemed to be a little worried.

“I see something in my head until I can actually put it down on paper.” He looked down for a moment. “Is it okay? I meant no disrespect to you or anything.” His brows furrowed in concern.

“Andrew, my God! It’s beautiful. They all are. You really have talent, baby.”

Andrew smiled, pleased that she wasn’t angry and that she liked what he had done. Madison looked around at the stack of books.

“Are all of those recent?”

He shook his head. “No, most of those are from the time I was in prison.”

Madison glanced at them but didn’t want to impose. If he showed her, she wanted it to be his choice. Andrew was conflicted. Some of the pictures depicted things that were sort of bad but then again she seemed to really like what she had seen so far. He hesitantly stood up and brought the pile over to her.

“Baby, sit with me, okay? Let’s look at them together,” Madison said, cupping his cheek.

He exhaled a loud breath and nodded as he sat on the bed and motioned for her to come to him. Madison scooted next to him as he put his arm around her shoulder. He used his other hand to push a couple of books out of the way and grabbed the oldest book. He smiled hesitantly as he opened it to the first page.

“These are really dark,” Madison said softly when they were midway through the book.

Andrew turned to her and nodded. “I wasn’t in the best place back then. That was my first book.”

Madison nodded and continued to look at the drawings, feeling as if the happiness in the room was slowly being sucked out. There were a few people in the drawings which generally looked menacing but mostly it was scenery that should be light and joyful but was drawn dark and evil. Churches, homes, motels, she even recognized Hollywood Blvd but it didn’t look like it did when they were there. It was drawn dirty and dangerous and she noticed there were pictures of needles scattered throughout the drawing in places they had no reason to be, such as the bricks of a building or embedded in a manhole cover. But what had caught her eye was a man, very small and almost unnoticeable. He was hidden within the complexity of the picture, sitting against the wall with his legs drawn up. His head was between his knees with his arms over his head so Madison couldn't make out his face but she knew instinctively who it was. She traced her finger along the known street and then over the man in the picture with a look of sadness on her face.

“This is you?” she whispered, not taking her eyes away from the desolate man against the wall.

He sighed. “Yes.”

Madison looked up at his miserable and forlorn face and touched his cheek lovingly before setting the book down and picking up the next one. The second book was not as dark as the first one and she wondered if anything had happened during this time or if he was just expressing his feelings at the moment. There were a lot of images that she didn’t recognize as anything in particular as they were very abstract in nature yet she found that if she stared at them long enough the shapes of people or things began to take form. This was definitely a different style but still very good. As she got closer to the end of the book, the pictures became more distinct. She smirked when she saw the picture of a man and woman kissing on what looked like a Harley. She glanced at him and smiled.

“This looks familiar,” she said with a wink.

He grinned as she looked back at the drawing. It was strange for him to see all these pictures again. He didn’t routinely go through these books. It was his habit to finish one and start another. He would sometimes go months without sketching anything and some days he couldn’t set it down. While he was in prison, he was limited to the amount of sketching he was actually able to do. He usually only got a few books a year so he learned to make the most out of everything. Madison seemed to really enjoy his drawings and as he watched her he found himself drifting away. Memories of his time in prison floated to the surface and took him to a time that seemed so long ago.

“You have or had a bit of a crush here, Mr. Harrison.”

Andrew shook his head as he came out of his thoughts. He glanced down at the book and could see that she was at the part with his sketches of Skylar Chase, the well-known actress and wife of the only guard at county that he had liked. He had done about ten different drawings of her. Guard Reeves picked a really nice portrait of her. When Andrew had seen Reeves after his anniversary he had told Andrew that his Sky had absolutely loved the gift and the following day Andrew had found a top of the line drawing kit on his bed.

“I did those for someone else,” Andrew said, clearing his throat.

“This is Skylar Chase, right?”

Andrew smiled. “Yes.” He tapped the picture that Reeves had selected. “He picked that one for her so I drew it on an artist board and he framed it. Apparently she really liked it.”

“That’s very cool, baby.”

Madison turned back to the book. The drawing was exquisite to say the least. It was romantic and beautiful, set in some garden. The expression on Ms. Chase’s face was that of someone deeply in love and the hand... There was something so alluring about it, a lover calling his love to him. She assumed the hand belonged to Ms. Chase’s husband and briefly wondered who that may be. She had heard that Ms. Chase was very private and Madison had never seen a husband in any picture of her. She couldn’t figure out how Andrew would know him.

Madison had been really happy with the past couple of books she had looked through because they had been very cheerful. She was on book eight and wondered what had changed from books four to six to these. Books four to six had, once again, been very dark. There had been many images depicting dark figures in the corners of rooms or pictures of blood dripping off of trees, just overall sadness and despair. It had made her feel uncomfortable and when she had turned to ask Andrew about them, he looked to be in a different place. It was clear to her that he expressed himself through his drawings, so what did those drawings represent for him. She suspected the dark figure was his father but she would never ask him. It was interesting to her that she could already tell when he was having a hard time and when he was not based on the content and texture of his depictions.

Andrew glanced at what she had already looked through and what was left and sighed. He then took the book out of her hand and dropped it unceremoniously on the floor next to his bed. He did the same with the others. When he turned to look at her, she had her arms crossed over her chest and she was arching her brow in anger. He grinned and kissed her lightly on the lips.

“Madison, this will take all day to go through. Can we save the rest for another time?” Andrew asked, hoping she would stop pouting.

“Okay, fine,” she said, smirking evilly at him.

She moved from her position and straddled his lap, bringing her mouth to his, her tongue tracing his lips until he opened up for her. He moaned in her mouth and she felt an ache within her. She needed him and she knew he needed her too. It didn’t take long before their passion got the better of them and they were set on pleasing one another.  When their desire had been quelled, he gently moved his hands over her body and down her lower back. He then gripped her waist and pulled her back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her tightly as she turned her head slightly so that he could kiss her gently on the lips.

“I love you, Mr. Harrison,” she said as her eyes fluttered closed.

“I love you too, Ms. Ellis.”

He kissed the tip of her nose, then her closed lids and finally laid a lingering kiss on her forehead. His mouth moved up and down her neck, sending delicious shivers across her skin. They stayed in this position for several minutes, neither wanting to part from the closeness they felt when they were connected like they were.

“I should head back to my grans,” Madison finally said with tremendous reluctance.

“Okay,” he replied yet made no attempt to move.

“Can I take the rest of your books to look at?”

She heard him take a deep breath in. “Why are they so interesting to you?” There was a hint of sadness in his voice.

“They're interesting because they’re you, Helios. It’s like getting a little glimpse into your life, into your mind and soul. You don’t want me to see them?”

He sighed again. “It’s embarrassing, Madison. Some of the stuff I drew was just crazy shit in my head.”

“Helios, baby...” She turned completely around so that she could face him. “I love you and there isn’t anything in those drawings that would make me not love you. But if you really would rather I not see them, then it’s okay with me. I won’t pressure you.”

“Is this one of those reverse psychology things?” Andrew asked with a grin.

Madison smiled widely. “Depends on if it works or not.”

“Hmmm.” His lips found hers again as they kissed tenderly.

After several more minutes of kissing, Madison knew that she had to get up and go back to her grandmother’s. She had been gone for over two hours and as much as she wanted to be here with Andrew she was well aware of her obligations to her grandmother. Madison reluctantly pulled away from his succulent lips and removed herself from his lap.

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