Her Daring SEAL (Midnight Delta Book 5) (6 page)

Read Her Daring SEAL (Midnight Delta Book 5) Online

Authors: Caitlyn O'Leary

Tags: #Romance, #Women's Fiction, #military romance, #midnight delta, #Military, #Thriller, #Caitlyn O'Leary, #Her Daring SEAL, #Navy Seals, #SEAL, #Action and Suspense

BOOK: Her Daring SEAL (Midnight Delta Book 5)
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“It’s still a dangerous environment that requires preparation and versatility.  Let’s go grab a cab.”

“I’ve rented a car.  We need to grab the shuttle to the car rental hub.”  She tipped her chin towards the exit.

“Our plane leaves in three hours, why do we need a car?”

“Ever since nine-eleven, they don’t allow lockers here at the airport, so I have all of my Sylvia Hessman gear in a storage rental facility ten minutes from the airport.  I’m going to go get it and get changed, then come back here.”

“Okay, you’re the boss, you lead, I’ll follow.”

“That should last for about five minutes,” she muttered as they headed outside.


hey were back in the airport, seated at one of the little tables at Dickey’s Barbecue, and Rylie felt like a June bug under a microscope.

“Stop it,” she hissed, as she wiped sauce from her lacquered fingers.

“I can’t help it.  I want the old Rylie back.”

“Tough.  And call me Sylvia.”

“I didn’t call you Rylie, I said I wanted Rylie back...Sylvia.”  He tore open a wet nap, and motioned for her to give him her hand, she did. 

“I noticed this charm bracelet before when we were in Houston six month ago.  It has real diamonds and gold charms, right?”


“You’re wearing a thousand dollars’ worth of clothes, and from everything Lydia and Clint told me, you and your foster family are barely scraping by.  I don’t understand.”

“I’m telecommuting and working about twenty-five hours a week for my regular company, the shortened hours are the reason we’re only scraping by, if I could get back to working my normal forty to fifty hours, we’d be fine.”

“What does that have to do with anything?  You could fill your bank account in five minutes. A year ago you damned near funded that children’s home. Hell, you’ve filled Sylvia’s, why not the Jones’ family coffers?”  She looked into his genuinely perplexed brown gaze. 

“That would be stealing.  I don’t steal.  The money I steal from criminals is what I’m using for the Sylvia disguise to bring down the trafficking organization, so that’s acceptable.”

Darius waved his fork.  “Okay, that makes sense.  But, honey,” he emphasized the endearment.  “You’re working too many hours.  Doesn’t your family need you?”

“It’s only been the last six months that has really taken me away.  Char and Sawyer have coped, between them and Mrs. Whitehawk, Georgie has been well cared for.”

Dare lifted his eyebrow.

Rylie’s stomach clenched.

“Look, this thing with Liu has been heating up.  As soon as it’s over, I’ll go back to my normal hours and be able to telecommute from home like I did before, and the money won’t be an issue.”  She’d hated having to choose between making her family do without and continue with this operation, but she knew she was doing the right thing.  There was food on the table, and clothes on their backs.  There just wasn’t money for the extras.  She wished she could help Sawyer pay for his car, but she couldn’t.

“I could loan you some money to tide you over.  I’m a saver.”  She put down her cornbread and searched for the signs of insanity that must be visible.  She couldn’t see anything obvious.

“Darius,” she began.

“Dare.  Even when we’re undercover, it’s Dare.  Or darling.  I would prefer Darling Dare.”  She reached for her soda and took a long gulp. 
Darling Dare, indeed.  Okay, she could play.

“Darling Dare, I am more than capable of taking care of my family.  I don’t appreciate people prying into my business.  Are we clear?”

“I’m not ‘people,' I’m the man you’ve invited into your bed.” 

“Cut the crap.  That’s make-believe.”

“Still, I can help you.  If you need a loan, I’m serious, it wouldn’t be a hardship.  I admire what you’re doing with taking in a foster family.”

“They are not a foster family,” she said hotly.  “They are

Darius held up his hands.  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to touch a nerve.  Did you know I was in the foster system?”


“Of course, you did, you’re the hacker extraordinaire.  I understand this isn’t a matter of you taking in foster kids.  I know this is your family.  I just want to help.  I’m fucking serious about the loan.  Will you think about it?”

Rylie’s mouth was dry, everything was hitting her hard. 
Damn, her cup was empty.

“I’ll go get you a refill, Sylvia.” 

Rylie admired his ass in his slacks as he walked up to the soda fountain.  She’d always been a sucker for a man in slacks. 
Focus, Jones.
That’s the problem, she was focusing.  She was focusing on a damn fine ass. 
What the hell?  Was she losing her mind?

He turned around and winked at her. 
Dammit, how had he known?

“Here’s your refill.  Please think about the loan.  Just until you go back to working a normal schedule, then I’d expect you to pay me back.”

“I’m not taking your dam...darn loan.”

“Do you say darn when you’re Sylvia?” 

“Oh God, I don’t know if I’m coming or going.”  She set down her cup and folded her hands.  She closed her eyes and pictured being in Albert Liu’s parlor.  She pictured holding the chin of Ursula and staring at her like she was nothing more than property.  Then Rylie held a picture in her mind’s eye of laughing with Brandon and Albert like they were friends and discussing how much profit they were going to make.  Rylie breathed through her nose and exhaled out through her mouth as memory after memory flitted through her mind.  Finally, she opened her eyes, and she pushed away the offending meal.

“I can’t believe you talked me into dining here.  Let’s go to the gate.”  Rylie saw the quick flash of sadness quickly replaced by admiration on Darius’ face.

“There’s the woman I know and love.”  She stood up and smiled regally as he picked up her Louis Vuitton carry-on.  As he reached for her fuchsia satchel containing her laptop, she shook her head.

“This is mine.  It never leaves my side.”


It felt good the way he guided her to out of the little restaurant, his hand warm on the small of her back.  He was so tall she seemed to fit perfectly at the top of his shoulder.


t had been a long flight, and Rylie slept most of the way, she had obviously needed the rest.  Darius had booted up his computer and once again perused the data Clint and Lydia had provided.  He realized they had provided more updates.  Somehow they had made some predictions on at least fourteen potential buyers who were likely to show up in Vancouver for the auction.  Those two never failed to amaze him.  He was lost in thought as they began their descent, and he looked over Rylie’s head and watched the scenery.

Darius had never been to Canada.  He’d done a quick search on Vancouver, and the Northwest.  He was stunned at the beauty.  It was a clear day, and looking out he saw nothing but green trees, blue skies, and the snow peaked mountains as they came in for a landing. 

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Rylie whispered.


“And to think we’re going to go see such rot just kills me.”  Dare covered her small hand.  It looked odd to see it with the blood tipped red nails.  He knew deep in his heart that she was a pink type of gal.  She gripped his hand in return for just an instant and then let go, taking a deep breath.

“I’m looking forward to finally seeing the island.  From everything Brandon has said, Albert’s estate is gorgeous.  I love the water.  You especially should love it, considering how much you like to swim.”

“I even packed my wet suit.”

“You did?”

“Honey, you know swimming in the ocean is a passion of mine.  Of course, I’m going to want to swim while we’re on an island.”  What’s more, he figured he might do a little reconnaissance on Uncle Liu’s yacht. But there was no point in telling Rylie when she had assumed the role of Sylvia.  She needed to concentrate.

“Dare, this isn’t going to work,” she said breaking character.  “I don’t know about you liking to swim in the ocean.  When you say things like that, and I don’t know, they’re going to know something is up.  They’re already going to be suspicious since I’ve never mentioned you before.”

“Really, honey?  Would Sylvia have mentioned her personal life to them?”  He watched as she considered his question.

“No, not really.  The only time something like that has come up is when I got an SOS phone call from Sawyer about Georgie, and even then I didn’t tell them anything.”

“Exactly.  Sylvia is the type of woman to hold her cards close to her vest.”  He waited for her to nod in agreement.  “As for not knowing things about me, I was teasing just now.  I already gave you a biography of Darius Lawrence.  You read it and practically repeated it verbatim.”

“You did the same thing when I told you Sylvia’s cover story.  It was pretty damn scary.”

“Great, now we’re both scary.  But I realized I hadn’t told you about my addiction to ocean swimming and the fact I had packed a wetsuit.  So I told you now.  My bad.”

“Okay,” she relented slowly.  “But how many other things did you forget?”

“Whatever I forgot, I’ll tell you in private.”

“That’s another thing, I expect our rooms to have eyes and ears.  But I have a plan to circumvent that.”

“Care to share?” he asked as the plane touched down.

“I want you to be taken by surprise.”

“I don’t like surprises.”  He really didn’t, not on a mission.  “Seriously, Rylie, you need to tell me everything.  We’re a team.”  Again he watched her carefully consider his words.  The woman did
understand the meaning of team.

“Are you telling me everything?” she finally countered.  “I’m thinking this wetsuit for exercise is a bunch of bullshit.”  He winced.

“Okay, you’re right.  Lydia told you about Albert’s uncle coming in on his yacht.  I’m pretty sure he’ll be parking the damn thing in the harbor of Albert’s private island.  I might want to take a midnight visit.  Now it’s your turn.”

“I have an EMF bug detector with me.  I intend to flat out accuse Liu of bugging the room and demanding a new one.  I want him to know I won’t put up with his shit right from the get-go.  It will help to put us on an even footing.”  He liked it. 

“You know the room won’t be nearly as nice.”

“Hopefully, it’ll have two beds,” she shot back.

“Probably just one smaller bed, all the better to cuddle.”  Rylie bit her lip.

The captain announced it was safe to get up and start to deplane, saving her from having to respond.


t took three hours to get through customs and downtown to the hotel where they were now with Albert Liu and his lover, Brandon Folger.  Rylie watched the three men size each other up.  They couldn’t be any more different, but Darius did a remarkable job of putting them at ease.  He was extremely deferential to Albert, and immediately admired Brandon’s watch which made him preen.  Rylie didn’t think he could have played it any better.

When she thought about it, he did seem more like a covert agent than a Navy SEAL.  Had she only seen him in this context, or at the hotel in Houston months ago she would have thought he
a spy?  Thank God she had retrieved those top secret training files and watched him kick ass with his team mates, otherwise, she would think he was just a pretty piece of ass.  At that moment, Darius’ hand snaked out and wrapped around her waist and drew her to his side.

“The luckiest day of my life was when I bumped into Sylvia at the Seagerstrom Center for the Performing Arts in Orange County.  She was there with an associate of mine, but it was worth severing that relationship in order to win her affection.”

Rylie gave him a demure smile.  “Dare made an admirable showing.”

“You make that sound so businesslike, pretty lady.  I remember quite a few seductive nights.”  He tenderly kissed her temple, and she swayed closer to the heat of his body. 
Seductive nights indeed.

“I’m pleased Sylvia has finally consented to bring a guest to my home.  I have been feeling rather put out she did not want to mix business with pleasure.  It is my belief one cannot truly have a successful partnership unless a true level of trust is shown.”

“As I have told you in the past Albert, my personal life is complicated.  As you get to know Dare, you will see just how
his business life is, and why it took so long for him to get away for a visit.”  She gave Liu a quelling glance.  Albert had been apprised of the fact that Darius supposedly knew nothing of the real products being auctioned.  Her cover story was she was an expert in acquiring rare artifacts for interested international buyers.

“Sylvia, making time for you is always a priority,” Darius said smoothly.  He looked around the sumptuous hotel suite.  “So, Sylvia explained we would be travelling tomorrow to your estate, is that correct?”

“Yes.  We thought we would host you tonight here in our suite.  Brandon has arranged for a room for you here at the hotel tonight, and then tomorrow morning we’ll take a boat to the island.”

“I want to hear all about your gaming company,” Brandon said.  “I have a friend who works at a company that markets boutique firms.”  Rylie tensed.

“He markets companies?” Darius repeated.  “I really don’t need to market my company to investors.  We’re well funded.  As for marketing, everything is handled by our in-house marketing staff.” 

Albert gave Darius an impressed smile while Brandon looked a little disappointed.  She was sure he had been on a fishing expedition, and Darius had, again, handled himself.  There was a discreet knock on the door, and two carts of food were brought in, and the dining room table was soon laden with an assortment of steak and seafood.

“I ordered a variety,” Brandon said as he escorted them all to the table.

“I picked out the wine,” Albert said.

“Albert always knows the best vintage.”  Brandon indicated where everyone should sit.

“While we’re here in the Northwest, I prefer Washington State wines, which are excellent,” Albert explained.

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