Her Demon Prince (Forbidden Fantasy) (21 page)

BOOK: Her Demon Prince (Forbidden Fantasy)
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He knew just how
to tease them with the tip of his tongue.

"Agrat, you
need to recover," she said, coming to stand next to him. "I'll go
find a blanket to put over you."

His hand clamped
over her wrist. "I have healed."

"But your
wound?" she protested. She looked down and it had vanished, the healing
water was clearly working its magic.

"Take off
your clothes," he said, his voice pressing.

She saw the
urgency in his eyes and knew he wouldn't take no for an answer. "Fine, but
I'm on top and you don't move your hips."

"As you
wish, Princess."

She pulled her
hand from his grasp. "Why is it that the more complacent you are, the more
suspicious of you, I feel?"

"I wish to
try this, 'on top' position," he said, his eyes lighting up with interest.
"Women of my time would not have dared to demand such a thing unless their
lord ordered it. What I do not understand is why it is necessary to drink ale
and watch football when the woman is on top."

Phoebe's mouth
dropped. "You're channeling that cop, aren't you?"

modern ways puzzle me," he said, appearing genuinely confused.

necessary. That cop's disgusting.
I'm going to give him a piece of my mind if I ever see him again."

"Do not
give him your mind," he said, his face intense with concern.

"It means a
tongue lashing."

He reached out for her. "Your tongue is only to be used on me."

"Oh, forget
it." She stared at him lying there looking like an advertisement for
quality bedding. Already aware of the ache deep inside her and the fierce need
to reconnect, she pulled her
over her head,
reached around her back and unclasped her bra, then slid out of her shoes and
jeans. From the first moment he'd touched her, she never lost the excitement of
his embrace.

He relaxed on
chair and she climbed astride his hips.

"I wish to
explore the new sensation you taught me."

"What new


"Now listen
here, I know you heal fast, but you've had a major battle. I don't want you to
strain or hurt yourself. No playing silly games."

"I do not
think you will find this silly." He reached down, gripped her hips, lifted
her as if she were a doll and positioned her over his face so that she was open
and exposed. He raised his head and carefully licked along the tender folds so
that she wriggled and squirmed. His tongue soon found where she needed him most
and he began to vibrate it, with a velocity she'd never experienced before.

God." Her whole body jack-knifed.

His thumbs moved
from her hips to her sex and he opened her further to his lips and tongue.

She moaned,
rolling her hips, clenching her stomach muscles as he teased her delicate
folds. She wanted to ride him, to impale herself on
she was so close to exploding.

When the tip of
his tongued teased over her clitoris, she arched further but his touch was so
feather light, she moaned in frustration. “Please,” she groaned.

A laugh was all
she received in reply to his torment.

His answer was
to tickle the tip of his tongue over the hood of her clitoris but when she
strained, he withdrew.

A deep groan
emitted from her throat as she thrust her hips urgently as his tongue, still
feather-like, teased over her. She knew that he would not allow her to pull up
off him nor mount him until he was ready for her to do so. Instead, his tongue
licked her from her base to the tip of her clitoris and swirled around the top,
this time intensifying the pressure.

Phoebe bucked,
groaning and shivering. Her prince had an instinctive way of knowing when the
waves inside of her built. He changed his rhythm to long hard licks on the top
of her clitoris. She shuddered, her hips jerking, her legs trembling.

She was
completely at his mercy.

And she was on

Her prince drew
her clitoris up into his mouth, his tongue oscillating over the tip.

A ball of fire
raced from the pit of her spine and exploded in her head. Another flame heated
her body until it too exploded. She thrashed and groaned until finally, she
collapsed, her hands barely supporting her as she moved down his body panting.

He moved her
over his hips, guiding the heavy head of his manhood into place. Pausing under
her, he looked into her eyes.

Nothing was ever
more exciting than this.
This moment of union.
It was
when he was completely hers and all their problems didn't exist. He was hard
and hot as he filled her and she had to widen her thighs to accommodate him.
His hips rolled in an easy rhythm, his pace smooth as he thrust up into her.

When she stared
down into his eyes, they darkened as he lost himself in the moment. This was
her time with him, every minute of it precious because she never knew what
would happen next in her life with Agrat. She clasped him between her hips,
locking her legs around him, and moved over him in an intense rhythm.

His hands moved
to her shoulders and he pulled her down to him and kissed her deeply, so that
she could taste her arousal on his lips. His index fingers thrummed over the
tips of her nipples in time with his thrusts until another orgasm built. She
wrapped her arms tightly around him, feeling the slide of skin on skin and the
velvet sensuousness of his touch.

This time, she
gripped his arms, crying out with the intensity of her orgasm. Her mind swirled
as if it were liquid and she didn’t know where her body started and his

His hips jerked
and he growled deeply as he came deep inside of her.

overwhelmed her, so when he eased himself out of her, she held him. "I
want our lives to be like this."

Agrat stroked
her face. "Forever in my arms?"

"Not having
to worry about what's going to come at us next."

Agrat's mouth
turned down and he lifted her off him. "What you wish for is possible, but
only if I kill Galaden. Come you must shower and take sustenance before I leave
you. You have been through much and you should rest."

"Wait. What
about you? You can't possibly go yet. You're not strong enough," she said
as he walked to the end of the lounge area, opened a door that led to a hallway
with several doors off it.

He opened
another door to a large bedroom with an ensuite and motioned to her. The shower
was roomy with two showerheads. Crystal-colored tiles decorated the walls
giving the area an ethereal feel. He reached in and turned both on, took her
hand and pulled her in with him. He bent and kissed her, his lips as gentle as
the warm water that coursed over her. "I love you. I have always loved
you, and I mean to end this curse by taking Galaden's life. I will never let
you fall prey to him again. When I next see you, I will present you with his

She swallowed
hoping Agrat's threat was a turn of phrase as she had no desire to see
Galaden's severed head, despite her fear of him. A sick feeling grew in the pit
of her stomach and she had a distinct urge to scrub herself clean. She wanted
this crazy vendetta to stop. She picked up the liquid soap bottle and pumped
some soap into her hand.

He scooped his
fingers into the soap and washed over her back. "Does this not please you?
You will be safe."

worried." She turned and grabbed his arm fearing that he might vanish in
front of her even though they hadn't finished their shower. "Galaden has
Daniel and Cassiel with him."


Phoebe rubbed
her soapy hands together and ran her hands over his body, mentally remembering
the feel of him, every muscle, every ridge and nuance of his body. He was
precious to her. "The son Galaden had with Rachael." She felt Agrat
start under her hands.

He turned.
"Galaden had a son? I thought that was a rumor."

She squirted
more soap into her hand and finished washing herself, rinsed, waited until he
had rinsed off and turned off the taps. "When Galaden kidnapped me, he
forced me to remember my past life after you were turned to stone. I don't
think my past life with him was as you thought. Certainly, in the dream he
wasn't cruel. He let me keep our child, Daniel, and I raised Cassiel as my son,

"Daniel is
most certainly my son. Why did he not dash the babe's head across some rocks in
the way of our people? Galaden hated me."

to the dream, he wanted the boys to love one another."

dawned in his eyes. "The boys were raised as brothers like we were."

appeared happy when he was in the nursery," she said.

Sadness pierced
Agrat's expression and his mouth tightened. "Don't be fooled by your
past-life memories. The creature we deal with now is not the Galaden I knew as
a boy when his sweet angel nature was still apparent. He was capable of love
then. This vow will consume him until he knows nothing else. He will kill

know." A shudder passed through her at the memory of Galaden's sword at
her throat and the deadly intent in the angel's eyes. "It's just that I
think you killing Galaden is not simple now Cassiel and Daniel are here. Cass
is brave. He stopped Galaden from murdering me, even though he was ordered to
stand aside."

A hiss of
surprise left Agrat's lips. "The angel son disobeyed his maker? He didn't
turn to stone?" Agrat opened the shower screen door and pulled two towels
off the rack.


"But the
angel lore is that he must obey his creator without question or his body starts
to change." He put one towel around her shoulders before drying himself,
his face puzzled.

"But that's
my point. Cassiel did everything to stop Galaden killing me. He put his life on
the line. He tested the lore. His whole body trembled but he didn't turn to
stone. Galaden was furious at his disobedience, but Cassiel said he'd have to
kill him before he got to me."

"The young
angel is brave.
A true warrior.
I owe him my gratitude
for keeping you safe when I could not."

"Yes, he
Very brave.
That's what concerns me. Agrat, what
if Cassiel tries to stop you killing Galaden?"

will stop me exacting vengeance on Galaden." He slung his towel around his
hips and strode from the bathroom into the lounge area.

Phoebe raced
after him and grabbed his arm. "Agrat, stop. We have to talk about this.
There's a lot more at stake than you think. Cassiel still loves his father and
he saved my life. You cannot hurt him."

"I do not
desire to make war on Cassiel. I am in his debt."

"What if he
joins in and fights against you to save Galaden?"

Agrat pulled her
to him and stroked her hair, but she wasn't fooled. Rigidity ruled his body, so
she struggled out of his embrace, determined to see this problem through, but
she couldn't do it naked. She saw her crumpled jeans, bra and dirty
on the floor where she'd tugged them off.
Reluctantly, she pulled them on again wishing she had a change of clothes, plus
she needed to eat. Her head was spinning with hunger and this was not a time
for weakness. Agrat couldn't leave without her. She spied bananas in the fruit bowl
on the dining table, walked over, pulled one off the bunch, peeled it and bit
into the fruit, not taking her eyes off the prince.

The prince made
a chopping motion and his dagger flew from the kitchen into his hand. His eyes
began to glow and in an instant, he was dressed in his battle gear.

wait. I'm coming with you."


"No? You
don't get to say no to me. I'm not some lowly concubine in your service."

The prince
cupped her face and stared into her eyes. "That is not how I think of you.
My dreams at night are full of you, of what we can have together when we are
free of this curse. I want to wake up to you each morning. I want to come to
know our son. I want more children with you. You are my life. I will not put
you in danger."

Phoebe took his
hands from her face and squeezed them tight. "I won't be left behind
wondering what has happened to you. I'd rather die than go through that again.
I'll never forgive you if you leave me." She looked down at her clothes.
"I can't go to the hospital like this. I look like a vagrant. Take me back
to my apartment so I can get changed."

"It isn't
safe to put you in the path of Galaden," he growled.

"My world
has been turned upside down since you came into it. Nothing is safe and I hate
it. I dislike living with constant terror but if loving you means I'm not safe,
then somehow I have to live with it. I'm coming."


Phoebe dropped
his hands and put her own on her hips. He'd better not leave her behind.
"If Galaden breaks Cassiel as to my whereabouts, he'll come here and kill
me while you're gone. There's no such thing as a safe house. There'll be no
second chances for me. I'm staying by your side. I'm safer with you."

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