Read Her Dominant Doctor Online

Authors: Bella Jackson

Her Dominant Doctor (22 page)

BOOK: Her Dominant Doctor
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Thomas knelt between her widely spread thighs. Seeing her pussy weeping with her natural lubrication, he growled. “Pet, I haven’t even touched you and you’re already so swollen and wet. I can smell your arousal and it is an intoxicating aroma.” His seductive tone was a hypnotic aphrodisiac that caused her arousal to flow more heavily. Bending over, his face was right between her legs appreciating the gourmet meal he was about to partake in.

“You please me, pet. Your body knows your dom is here and responds accordingly.” His fingers ever so lightly stroked the outer lips of her labia, slowly slipping inside her warm pussy. Her clear liquid drenched his fingers. “Tell me what you need, pet.”

“Please, please, sir… please fuck me,” she begged.

Thomas was surprised at her language. Not that he minded. He enjoyed dirty talk out of his pet’s mouth. It was just so rare to hear her say ‘fuck.’ Teasingly, he
tsk tsked
. “Such filthy, naughty language coming out of that pretty angelic mouth.”

“Please give me your cock, sir. Fuck me with your cock,” she pleaded.

Thomas was at also at his breaking point. His dick ached to be inside her, buried so far that they fused into one being. His balls hung heavy. Annie was a feast and he was starving. “You want me to fuck you, pet? You want my cock?” Three of his fingers acted like a piston, stretching her scalding cavity as he pumped them.

“Y… yes. Yes! Please… sir. May I have your cock?”

Thomas plunged into her pussy with force, balls deep inside her. Annie screamed, her words unintelligible. Pulling out slowly, he flexed his hips and rammed himself in again. “You… feel… so… good,” he gritted. “Come, my pet. Come for your sir. Milk my cock with your pussy.”

Annie moaned as powerful spasms gripped him like a vise. It was all he needed. Her drenched pussy squeezed his cock as he came with hot spurts of semen filling her pulsing channel. He groaned so loudly, it ricocheted off the walls in an echo of pleasure.

Both were breathing heavily as they came down from the high of orgasm. Thomas pulled out of her carefully, walked to the bathroom, and returned with a wet washcloth, which he used to wipe Annie. Tossing the cloth on the floor, he proceeded to untie each of her limbs and remove the blindfold.

As he crawled into bed and pulled her into his arms, she whispered, “I love when you tie me up and fuck me senseless. Thank you, sir!”

Thomas laughed into her silky soft hair, kissing her head. “You do have a way with words, my sweet pet. Do you think you can sleep now, love?”

As if on cue, Annie tried to stifle a yawn. “Yes, I’m sleepy now.”

“Then rest.” Thomas pulled her closer to him and kissed her head again. Within minutes, he heard the gentle breathing that let him know Annie was asleep. Breathing in her scent, he closed his eyes and let sleep take him.


* * *


The next day, Thomas was in his office doing research and study in preparation for an upcoming surgery of an eight-year-old boy with a rare type of tumor on his small intestine. He was ready to perform the procedure and could recite the information verbatim if asked; however, he believed in being over-prepared. The incessant ringing of his cell phone, sitting propped up on his desk, interrupted him. He answered, not recognizing the number. His heart seized in fear when Karen Zaher introduced herself as the human resources coordinator for the agency Annie worked for. She explained that Annie had been injured at one of their satellite facilities and had been sent to Plymouth Hospital by ambulance.

Thomas did not remember leaving his office or finding his car. Peeling out of the parking lot, he loaded the address into his GPS, then used his cell phone to call the hospital and obtain information about Annie’s injuries. He was terrorized with fear not knowing the extent, but knew that, if her employer called an ambulance to transport her rather than have someone drive her directly, it was serious. The nursing manager gave him little to go on, other than she had arrived and was being assessed by the staff. She reminded him that little information could be shared without the patient’s consent due to HIPAA laws.
Fuck HIPAA laws!
The ‘patient’ she referred to was his Annie! His angel! Thomas was not an overly religious man, but, as he drove at maximum plus speed, he prayed to God and all of the saints that she was going to be okay.
I can’t lose her.

Arriving at the reception area, Thomas asked to see Annie, stating that he was her fiancée. He added that he was a doctor in Boston, thankful that he was wearing scrubs and his identification badge. He did not care what he had to say or do. He had to get to Annie.

A nurse opened the door behind the reception desk and motioned him through, explaining that Annie was having a CT scan, but that he could wait in the examination bay for her to return. After Thomas asked what her injuries were, the professional nurse spoke with compassion, telling him that Annie had a head injury, a suspected broken wrist, and various abrasions and bruises. Encouraged that she woke from unconsciousness in the ambulance and was oriented to person, place, and time, he could finally breathe. He was also grateful to be told that Annie had asked for him as soon as she had been brought in and, knowing he was en route to the hospital, the staff had assured her that he was on his way. The nurse, patting his shoulder, concluded that Annie had been happy to hear it. Thomas was grateful to the kind woman who served as an unwanted, though necessary bridge between him and his Annie. She no sooner finished talking with him when an orderly pushed Annie’s gurney into the tiny curtained bay.


“Annie.” They cried out simultaneously with voices thick with emotion. Thomas reached for her hand and felt the déjà vu of the familiar act. He stroked her hair back from her forehead and tucked it behind her ear, soaking in the sight of her form. He carefully examined the bruises along her temple, his fingers probing the area causing her to wince. “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“I’m okay, Thomas, really, I’m fine,” she soothed.

He snorted in frustration. “Yeah, you’re fine.”

He saw Annie recoil and instantly regretted that his response was to lash out with harshness.
She doesn’t deserve that.
Stop being an asshole!
Thomas admonished himself.
She needs you to be strong and in control

Swallowing, Annie started to speak but they were interrupted by the doctor entering her room. After introductions, she apprised both of them about Annie’s injuries. The attractive, petite Asian woman was pleased to report that the CT scan was negative and Annie only had a slight concussion. The x-ray was negative for fracture, her wrist merely sprained. They were going to give her a brace to wear to allow it to heal. Thomas thanked God her injuries were relatively minor.

After the nurse came in to give them the discharge instructions and a prescription for pain medication, Thomas walked Annie to his car, his arms fully bracing her as she ambulated. He periodically pressed baby kisses into her hair, holding her tightly to him. He helped her to get into his SUV and, when he sat in the driver’s seat, paused, resting his head on the steering wheel. He finally felt like he could breathe, as the jumble of emotions receded into pure, unadulterated relief. “I’ve never been so scared in my life, Annie,” he whispered, his throat tight with emotion. “Thank God you’re alright.” He looked over at her. “You’re my world, angel.” His eyes were shiny with tears that had threatened to spill since he answered his cell phone to that terrible call.

He cupped the side of her face, pushing her hair back behind her ear, just soaking in the sight of her, as he swallowed the tears caught in his throat, fighting the overwhelming emotion.

Annie pulled him to her with her left arm. “I’m okay, baby. It’s all okay.” Her calm voice was soothing. They embraced each other for long moments as Thomas felt calmer and regained his composure. He pulled back suddenly, concerned that the awkward position with her body slightly turned was causing her pain. Falling into doctor mode, he told Annie to sit back and rest her head, buckled their seatbelts and drove home.

Thomas stopped at the pharmacy on the way to fill Annie’s prescription. He used the drive-through window, refusing to go into the drug store and leave Annie alone in the car. The extra minutes of waiting gave her the first real opportunity to tell Thomas exactly what happened to cause her injuries.

“I was having a normal, relatively quiet day at work when I was paged to one of the classrooms with a ‘code red,’ which meant that there was a major behavioral incident happening. So I ran out of my office like a bat out of hell to find my new guy rearranging the room. The one I told you about that was having a difficult time.” She looked at Thomas, questioningly.

He nodded. “I remember.”

“There were three staff trying to contain him. He was wailing in between biting his hand hard enough to make it bleed, sweating profusely, and his eyes were darting and unfocused. I could just tell he was in fight-or-flight survival mode using pure, reptilian-brain instincts. He was actively engaging in self-injurious behavior so I called a ‘sit down,’ which is the key word to alert staff to physically intervene.” Annie stopped, looking contemplative.

“What happened next?” he urged.

“I was across the room with three staff in between him and me, formed in a semi-circle. As they prepared to move toward him, he got into a running back position, you know, like in football?” Thomas nodded. “Well, he was solely focused on the door in that moment and I was the barrier between him and escape. He charged, knocking down two staff and slipping through the third. I quickly reacted, getting into a stance to grab his arm in a physical hold.”

Thomas was barely breathing as fear locked into him. He had to remind himself that Annie was okay. Injured, but would heal. He needed to stay focused. Her voice sounded raspy. “We’re all trained to handle those types of situations.”

“What about a sedative?” he asked.

Annie’s eyes shot fire.

Thomas raised his hands in surrender. “I’m asking because I don’t know the details, what you can and can’t do. I’m asking to understand.”

Her expression softened. “Physical holds are the only option. We don’t have pharmaceuticals or tie-down restraints like in a hospital. It’s a community-based program. Those options are illegal.”

Annie closed her eyes as if picturing the next moments in the story, only Thomas knew it was not just a story; it was an actual event that had affected her. She had physical injuries, but had also endured mental stress and emotional strain. Desperate to reassure her that he was with her, he called her name quietly so as not to startle her. Annie opened her eyes. Thomas rubbed his knuckles with a feather-light touch down her face, then pushed her hair behind her ear, his touch lingering.

After he encouraged her to continue, Annie recounted the next moments of the incident. “I was not able to get a firm hold on him, though I did get a grasp on his arm in an attempt to gain control. Unfortunately, his startle reflex kicked in and he pushed me away with some force, causing me to fall backwards. I lost my footing and my body shifted right, aligning me perfectly to slam into the wall. I reached out to break the fall and felt a shooting pain in my wrist. I think the impact caused me to rebound and I crashed my head into the hard surface of the tile floor.” She shook her head. “I don’t remember anything after that until I woke in the ambulance disoriented. I asked for you, Thomas. That I remember.” The small smile on her face made him happy.

“You asked for me?” he asked, wanting to hear her say it again.

“Yes. The EMT told me to relax, that they were taking me to the hospital and would get in touch with my next-of-kin.” Annie stopped, looking up at him. He was certain his expression was tense and Annie looked concerned. “Thomas? Are you alright?”

He could picture everything perfectly from her description. The onslaught of images of her lying on a cold hard floor, her fragile body slammed violently by another person, causing her injuries were enough to make him want to punch a wall. Or hunt down the kid who did it and the staff that failed to do their jobs, leaving his Annie in the line of fire. Thomas tried to control his anger, but he was seething.

“Yeah, I’m alright, Annie.” They sat in the silence of the vehicle with the atmosphere a strange combination of gloom and relief. “Let’s get you home now.” Thomas started the vehicle.


* * *


From the moment he ushered Annie into the house, he was fastidious in his care, directing her to take a pain pill and go to bed to rest. Feeling the weight of the events and aches in their aftermath, Annie did not protest when Thomas undressed her as she sat on the toilet in the bathroom. She desperately needed to pee and she asked him to leave for a few minutes. His staunch refusal to give her privacy ticked her off, but he was insistent that with a concussion, she would be under his strict supervision for the foreseeable future. She wanted to argue the point but his festering irritability was perceptible enough that she knew better than to challenge him.

The depth of emotion that Annie saw on his face when they first got in the car tore Annie’s heart to shreds. His distress reminded her that she was not alone, that there was another person in this world who loved and cared about her, for which she experienced nothing but heartfelt gratitude. More than that, however, it made her realize that life was fragile, as was the love that they shared. Not fragile in the sense that she feared it would break, but with an understanding that vulnerability was frightening, especially the vulnerability of losing that love. She had come to rely on Thomas for so much more than she ever imagined. He meant more to her than she could express with words. Her feelings for him were steadfast and permanent with no doubt that he felt the same way about her. She wanted to make him feel better and knew that the best way to accomplish this was to give him control and abide by his commands, believing that to do so would help him regain his balance.

BOOK: Her Dominant Doctor
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