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Authors: Bella Jackson

Her Dominant Doctor (24 page)

BOOK: Her Dominant Doctor
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She paused as realization started to sink into his thick skull.

“What he didn’t count on was that I would not stand for it and told him as much. If he wanted to give me up, I told him he would live to regret it, but that I would let him go if that was his decision. I made it clear that it was not what I would have chosen, but he never discussed it with me so he could do what he wanted.” This was a side of his mother that he had never seen before.

The tone of her voice softened. “Thomas, when you are in a relationship and it really means something, you realize that it truly does take two to tango. Your father never communicated with me about his fears of what lay beyond after graduation; he just broke it off. If he had communicated with me, then perhaps he would have realized what a fool he was being and avoided all that pain and anguish. He was going to law school in the same state, not halfway around the world. There was no real good reason other than his fear. You see, sweetheart, in the end your father realized that I was right and, if he felt our relationship was worth it, it was the responsibility of both of us to treasure and protect it, together.”

Thomas sat silent in consideration when she asked, “Thomas, do you love Annie?”

“Yes,” he croaked. “I do love her, Mom. More than anything.”

“Enough to swallow your egotistical male pride and admit you were a buffoon?” His loud laugh echoed in the room. Sarah joined him, giggling girlishly as Ryan walked in.

“What’s going on in here?” he asked, baffled at the unusual scene.

“I was just telling your son what a buffoon he was, just like you were forty-seven years ago,” she retorted.

“Oh, that makes sense.” His easy acceptance at the insult made Thomas and Sarah laugh even louder.

At his parents’ insistence, due to the late hour and pendulum of emotions, Thomas slept in his childhood room that night, wearing a borrowed pair of pajamas. He played it all over in his head, ruminating and reflecting.

What a day!
He was bone-tired and mentally saturated. He was also very worried about Annie, not only because they had a knock-down-drag-out fight, but because she was still recovering from the injuries, especially the concussion. Certainly she was doing well, after all, it was only a slight one, but Thomas was still going to worry. Feeling wrung out, he wanted to at least reach out to Annie, hoping that they could talk more tomorrow, that she was willing to see him at least. He sent her a text in the hopes she would respond.


TC: Are you alright?

AO: As well as can be expected. Where are you?

TC: My parents. I’m sorry, can we talk it through tomorrow?

AO: Yes

TC: Good night, angel

AO: Night


Her terse responses had him on edge.
What if she doesn’t want me? What if she won’t forgive me?
These were his final thoughts as he fell into a restless, uneasy sleep.


* * *


Annie was so relieved that Thomas was safe. After her breakdown, she took a long, scalding bath to try and relax. Her muscles had gotten tight from sitting in one place so long. Her head was stuffed up and she thought the steam would help break it up. After soaking in the bubble-filled tub, Annie was calm enough to realize that, regardless of their skirmish and the bitter words they spewed at one another, she would not let Thomas walk away from her without a fight. He was too important to her and, in the end, she knew, though misguided, his angst was borne out of love. They would work it out, of that she was certain.

Thomas was, in many ways, a complicated and an uncomplicated man. He gave his love to her freely and openly, their relationship was built from the beginning on trust and communication. She loved that about him. In everything, including his dominance, he was tender and nurturing, giving her the chance to learn how to submit to him with patience and understanding. They were wholeheartedly compatible in all aspects and their bond had always been iron strong.

The complication lay directly in the center of those very same qualities. He was passionate and unwavering in his commitment to Annie and their connection was soul deep. It was that connection, and his close monitoring and sheltering of it that allowed it to grow and prosper, just as a garden. At the very first signs of infestation or decay, immediate action was required to protect and safeguard the beauty of every flower. Thinking back to that breakthrough Sunday, when he was frantic with worry, she realized that his reaction was based on a need to protect and safeguard her. His approach was to throw his body over the flowers at the risk of smothering them, but eventually he would back up and see that, even damaged, they would still grow. Perhaps it was a silly analogy, but she truly believed that Thomas smothered first, then released his hold once he realized that the damage was minor.

Grateful for his text, Annie was relieved he was safe at his parents. He had been in such a state, and she had been concerned about his ability to focus on driving. She truly understood his idealized need to keep her safe, and she reciprocated that need—though she was not quite as adamant and forceful as he was. Wide awake with her thoughts into the wee hours of the morning, Annie finally welcomed the bliss of slumber and the hope that the next day would bring resolve.

Chapter Nine



When Thomas arrived at her house the next afternoon, Annie was struck by the depth of her feelings for him, especially when she saw what he was holding. Just as when they first started dating, Thomas brought flowers. It was not a bouquet, but a round terra cotta pot, about ten inches around. Adorned with a white ribbon around the base, the full pot held stately stalks of purple hyacinth. Holding it out to her, he asked, “Will you?”

“Of course I will,” she responded. His gift of the fragrant blooms was an apology and a request to be forgiven. They sat in the living room, the scene of the previous day’s explosion of volatile emotions and overwhelming frustration. In the light of mid-afternoon sun, the room was a shelter as they spoke at length about everything from their fight, the origin of emotions, the need for one another, the definition of their D/s relationship—everything was out in the open and discussed thoughtfully. Thomas shared his frustration, which stemmed back to Annie’s initial refusal to move in together and that, unspoken as it were, lay dormant but present inside of himself. Annie relayed her uneasiness at his initial reaction to her health and safety, but concurred that it came from a deep abiding love.

“I won’t be able to stop worrying about your safety, Annie. I love you with every part of my being and I can’t be without you. Can you understand that?” Thomas asked.

“Yes, of course, I understand, Thomas, and I don’t want to be without you either. I will be more cognizant of your needs and I ask that you work on acceptance.” She continued. “Thomas, you need to understand that, before you came into my life, my job was all that I had. In a very convoluted way, I cling to it, knowing that my ability to help my clients is the closest I will ever get to experience maternal nurturing. I won’t go so far as to say they are my children, but in many ways, they are like my children. It’s as much a spiritual experience for me in a mother earth kind of way as it is a career. I felt like you were not only attacking my job, but a vital part of my being.”

“I knew your job was important to you, but never realized it meant that much. I mean, I love being a physician. In many ways it is a calling, but I wouldn’t view it at the level you characterize your career.” He paused. “I’m so sorry, Annie. That ultimatum was… just… so…”

“I know and it’s okay. I don’t think I ever explained the degree to which my work defines who I am. Never really thought about it before in any real articulate way. I thought a lot about it last night.”

“Me too. My fear was irrational and my solution absurd. I’ve never felt the depth and breadth of love that I feel for you, Annie. It’s unnerving.”

Annie’s eyes filled with tears. “I love you too, Thomas, so much.”

Spent from the hours of non-stop talking, Annie crawled into his arms so Thomas could hold her. In those quiet moments, Thomas kissed her head repeatedly as Annie ran her hand in soft circles on his chest. Those chaste kisses and touches, confirmation of their reconnection, culminated into passionate unspoken sentiments of love when they moved to the bedroom and undressed.

“I need to be inside of you,” Thomas declared, his nude body moving to kneel between her legs.

“As I need you to be inside me,” Annie replied.

Their intimacy was intentional and unhurried. Purposeful and deliberate touches as they reintroduced each other to the planes and valleys of their bodies. Thomas was consumed with desire as he lingered over every curve of Annie’s trembling flesh, leaving her with pulsating need deep in her belly. Annie relearned every sinew and angle, cataloguing Thomas. His body hummed as she skimmed her fingers ever so lightly over him.

After several rounds of what could only be described as decadent lovemaking, Thomas and Annie worked up enough appetite to go out for dinner. They finally made it to the Chinese restaurant that Thomas had originally planned to take Annie on their second date, their plans having been thwarted by their need for one another.

Deciding to broach the topic, Annie asked Thomas where he thought they should live if they were to move in together. Thomas, caught off guard at her openness to resolve that particular issue, radiated joy, his ever straight, bright white teeth smiling in a way that was sexy as sin.

“It seems to me we are both going to need to compromise. I know that we both love our houses, but what if we sold them and purchased our own house?” Thomas offered.

Hesitantly, Annie bit her lip, then asked, “Do you think we’ve been together long enough to take such a gargantuan and permanent step?”

Thomas tried to keep the frustration out of his voice. “How long is long enough, Annie? What benchmarks to we have to pass to reach the final destination? Not that moving in together is the end game either. Someday, I will ask you to marry me, Annie O’Reilly, and you will say yes. I want happily ever after with you by my side.”

Annie knew on some level that Thomas would eventually want to talk about marriage, but hadn’t thought he would bring it up so publicly or openly so soon. “I was just getting used to the idea of living in sin and now you spring marriage on me?” Her playful tone reassured Thomas. The last thing he wanted was to spark another fight.

Amused, he responded. “Perhaps you should consider it a dress rehearsal rather than living in sin.”

“Okay, it’s a dress rehearsal, but where will it take place? What’s the solution?”

“I go back to my original question, what if we sell our houses and buy one together?”


“Where do you want?”

“Are you going to keep answering my questions with more questions?” she asked with delightful irritation.


* * *


She viewed Thomas as incredibly good-looking because he was. Physically she was very attracted to him. There was so much more to the attraction, however. Thomas exuded kindness, compassion, strength of character. These components to his personality helped make him the beautiful man he was. They also made him the terrific dom he was. Her dom.

It was ‘her dom’ who gave strict instructions for Saturday. Thomas told her that he was planning a specific scene and sent her out of his house so he could get ready. He made her an appointment at Merriweather Spa for ten o’clock in the morning. Annie had an hour-long massage, rejuvenating facial, and manicure and pedicure. It was an indulging decadent treat that she had never experienced before, but could quickly get used to. The primping and pampering was fantastic, made more so because Thomas had arranged it for her. She was a little miffed that he had paid for it as well, but he had insisted that she not argue the point, so she let it drop.

Once finished, Thomas instructed her to come home and go to the guest bedroom where further instructions would be provided. Annie picked up the note, written on heavy stock cream paper in handwriting that was much neater than one would expect from a doctor. The command was for her to shower using the cherry almond scented scrub provided. Shave, everywhere, and wash her hair with shampoo that had a complementing scent. He wanted her hair dried and styled as usual, no makeup.

On the bed lay a very sheer white baby doll nightie. The spaghetti straps were made of satin and the gown fell over her body like a soft cloud, landing at about mid-thigh. The material was completely see-through, leaving no doubt of her arousal, given her pert nipples were sticking out erect. Her French-manicured fingernails and toenails matched it, giving her a chromatic look with only the color of flesh and virginal white.

Thomas instructed that, when ready, she was to leave the guest room and knock on the door to their bedroom. She did so and waited until the door opened. Before her was her magnificent looking dom, naked as the day he was born. Annie’s eyes slowly swept up his body, taking in every outstanding inch of his muscular body. She was pleased to see his cock twitch and stiffen as a result of her leering. It was a heady feeling to know that she had the power to affect him in such a way.

Thomas took her hand and led Annie into the room. Taking several steps to enter, the sight before her made her stop abruptly. Thomas stood beside her. The room was a display of seductive, romantic eroticism. The bureau and nightstands were covered with white pillar candles, casting soft flickering light around the room. There was music playing softly in the background, a Jim Brickman piano piece, the name of which escaped her. The main attraction was the bed. Covered with a white fitted satin sheet, red rose petals were strewn all along the sides of the mattress. Each post of the dark mahogany bedframe had thick padded red leather cuffs attached with matching straps tied to the posts. The cuffs, all four of them, were lying on the mattress blending into the red sea of rose petals.

BOOK: Her Dominant Doctor
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