Read Her Dominant Doctor Online

Authors: Bella Jackson

Her Dominant Doctor (25 page)

BOOK: Her Dominant Doctor
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Thomas had clearly gone to great lengths with this scene. Her heartbeat skyrocketed as she thought about taking her place on the bed. A shiver rocked through her in electric anticipation.

Placing two fingers under her chin, he carefully pulled her face to look at him. He crooned, “You look beautiful, angel. You take my breath away.”

Annie was speechless, mystified, a shadow in the cast of flickering candles. Her body ached for him to touch her and, as if he could sense it, he ran his index finger lightly down her right arm. She stood still as he slowly circled around to stand behind her. Her arms were trapped in a sudden embrace, pulling her into him. His hands cupped the underside of her ample breasts, heavy and swollen with need. His fingers captured her nipples, tugging and pinching lightly. Annie was lost in the sensation of his touch, desperate for the hard, engorged cock that pressed against her back. Her head fell back, resting on his sculpted chest. Thomas kissed her head softly.

“Your hair smells so sweet, like flowers in springtime.” He nuzzled his nose deeply into the hair around her ear. “It’s an intoxicating scent, meant to be seductive, luring me to walk deeper into your garden.” His voice dripped with innuendo as he continued to burrow his face in her hair.

As if on cue, the music changed, the deep voice of Barry White spoke over a sultry jazz ensemble. “Do you know the name of this song, my pet, my love?” Thomas slid his hands, slowly, leaving titillating tingles in their path.

Annie had difficulty finding her voice. “N… no, sir, I don’t.” Annie listened to the increasingly suggestive words. “
…because tonight I want to learn all about the secrets… in your garden…

His fingers were dancing on her flesh, leaving a smoldering fire that was consuming her. “It’s called
The Secret Garden
.” Thomas placed his hands on her shoulders, nudging her to turn and face him. The lustful look in his eyes was hypnotic and mysterious. Annie’s mouth went dry. He was a majestic lion, locked on his prey, about to pounce and devour. “Tonight I am going to walk through your garden,” he crooned as his index finger traced one long line from her neck down her collarbone to each of her breasts. “And learn each… and every… one… of your… secrets.”

Oh. My. God
. Annie had never heard anything so sexy, never had an erotic moment like this in her life. Never felt so alive and present. It was like being on a parallel universe, where only the two of them existed. This room was their world. Paradise. She was Eve to his Adam, about to taste the forbidden fruit of unadulterated pleasure.

His lenitive voice broke through the carnal trance of ecstasy created in the room. “Surrender to me, my garden of temptation.” Only his fingertips skimmed the flesh of her blazing cheek. “Garden of my obsession.” Her nipples tightly puckered at the light touch as his hand floated down her body. “Garden of my possession.” Thomas leaned over, his lips brushing hers, cajoling them open with his lascivious tongue. His hands cupped the sides of her head as the kiss deepened in fiery possession. When his lips left hers, they seared a path to her ear as his hands resumed their claim of her body. “Let me love you with never-ending devotion, for you are my salvation. The haven of my soul.” His voice was deep, low, and full of seduction.

Annie’s heart was hammering. She gasped in delight at the sensuous caresses to her body. Caught up in the sensuality, she was barely aware when Thomas demanded she raise her arms. She complied and, in one fell swoop, he pulled the gossamer fabric of her nightie off, revealing her naked form. She stood before him quaking with need and desire. Annie felt reckless and wanton, impatient for his touch and taste, while Thomas appeared impassive and composed. His impressive erection stood in stately splendor and it made her mouth water.

Thomas led Annie to the bed, positioning her in the middle of the mattress amidst the rose petals, and secured her wrists and ankles into the waiting cuffs, spreading her arms and legs wide. Annie was struck by the stark contrast of blood-red leather against her porcelain skin as she watched Thomas move fluidly to each point of contact, scrutinizing the cuffs that lay against her flesh.

Coming to rest beside her, kneeling, Thomas looked at her with appraising eyes as he spoke. “My angel, I want to worship you. I want to discover how deep I can get inside of you, fill you up so full that our bodies fuse into one. That is how much I love you.” Annie saw Thomas pick up a few rose petals between his thumb and index finger. “Red roses, baby, the ultimate sentiment of love. You are surrounded by my love. Can you feel it?” His question was whispered.

“Yes, Thomas, I feel it all around me. I feel it pour out over me in a cascading ribbon, binding me to you.”

He poured his soul’s desire into the velvet warm kiss when his lips reclaimed her. “You make me happier than I ever thought I could be, angel,” he spoke softly into her mouth. “I want to love every inch of you and when I am done, you will be a mosaic of red rose petals, evidence of my desire and affirmation of devotion.”

Annie’s skin was over-sensitized, scorching. She felt his fingers touch her in the most unexpected place. With reverence and devotion he traced the scars on her stomach. He caressed each one with his masterful fingers, placing wet, silken kisses over them before depositing a red rose petal over the shiny half-inch marks. “I start at the origin of our connection, for without these marks, I might never have found you.”

Overcome with emotion, Annie could not stop the tears from spilling down her face. His beautiful, heartfelt words consumed her soul. A small sob escaped from deep in her throat, thick with tears. Thomas instantly stopped to search her face. Blurry vision did not distort the reflected image when Annie discovered that Thomas too had tears streaming down his aristocratic face. “I love you so much,” she said, her voice hitched with emotion. “How did I get so lucky?”

“I am the lucky one, my darling,” Thomas corrected. “You are everything to me. My world.” His words were punctuated with clarity and purpose. His mouth hovered over her left breast as he whispered, “My heart.” His kisses over her heart were tender and delicate. Thomas spread a handful of petals over the area of her skin made damp with his mouth.

She was covered in rose petals by the time his mouth lazily trailed to her mound. Rose petals were strewn on her arms and torso. They caressed her face, filling her nostrils with their delicate scent. They were sprinkled over her thighs when Thomas ignored the apex between them, rather exuberantly dropping handfuls of petals up and down, all over her body. “My mosaic of longing and desire, respect, admiration, and devotion. My mosaic of love.” It was raining petals. She was covered with them. Soon, Thomas was kneeling between her splayed thighs, looking at her swollen, ignored mound. “Ah, and here,” he stated, stroking her drenched pussy lips, “here are the loveliest petals of all. Secret petals saturated with nectar. I cannot wait to taste their sweetness.”

Thomas took his time exploring, his tongue dancing around her clit as his fingers sunk into her swollen folds. “Mmmmm,” his lips vibrated on her sensitive folds. “So good.” His fingers, like pistons, penetrated with steady, deep thrusts.

Annie was aware of every sensation, his every touch building her need. Her world began and ended with Thomas and the arousal elicited from his mastery of her body. She was lost to everything except the climb to orgasm. “Oh, Thomas, oh, yessss,” she begged him. “Right there, oh, please.” Her mewling sounds were breathy, as her core tightened in arousal, ready to shatter and sweep her away. “P… p… please,” she implored the word, spoken from deep in her throat.

Answering faintly, muffled by the sound of his lips pressed into the essence of her womanhood, Thomas gave mercy to her plea. “Come, angel.” Annie’s body writhed, her back arching off the bed, the restraints securing her limbs as an extension of Thomas’ grasp on her. She screamed, guttural sounds originating deep within, as the orgasm shattered her, the aftershocks singeing every pore in her blazing flesh. As she rode the continuous waves of pleasure, Thomas plunged himself inside of her, fusing them as one. Her pussy pulsated against his cock, grasping it. He glided through the silk of her lubrication, building a steady rhythm to climax. “Annie!” he shouted. Hot spurts of ejaculate mixed with her arousal, the culmination of their joining. Annie was still awash in little electric currents as another orgasm drew near. “I’m gonna… again. Need. So close.” With a few thrusts, Annie exploded with another orgasm. She cried out simultaneously as Thomas exclaimed, “I love you,” in synchronized harmony.

After releasing her bonds with gentle caresses and kisses upon each point of contact, Thomas left her to bask in the glowing aftermath post-climax as he prepared a bubble bath. The soaking tub was easily large enough for both of them as they sank into the pool of steamy water. The jets helped to loosen the muscles that were strained from the vigorous workout. Held in his arms, Annie thought there was no place she would rather be than with Thomas. He had, in a very short period of time, become the most important thing in her world. She needed him to exist, as he was now a part of her being. With him, she would never be alone or feel lonely again.

Annie was surprised after their robust lovemaking that Thomas insist they go out. Both dressed comfortably after their bath, Thomas in jeans and an untucked navy blue, button-down dress shirt. Annie wore denim capris with a white tee shirt and red cardigan, in keeping with the colors of their earlier scene. They dined at The Tides restaurant in Marblehead, consuming the freshest seafood, most likely caught early that morning. Thomas dipped the succulent lobster meat in butter while Annie squeezed lemon juice on a healthy portion of baked haddock, the first bites bursting with the flavor of the sea. It was outstanding.

Suggesting they walk off the rich meal, Thomas embraced Annie, placing a chaste kiss on her lips before walking hand-in-hand on the beach, the same stretch of shore that they had walked after dinner with at his parents’ house, weeks before. Annie was caught up in her loving thoughts of Thomas and the sensational day he had planned for her.
It was perfect. He is perfect
. So distracted, it took her a few minutes to realize that they had stopped walking. Annie looked up at Thomas and saw love reflected in his ocean blue eyes. She followed his gaze, turning slightly to see that they were standing in front of the same flower-box covered house that she had chosen as her castle when they played her father’s game. The steps leading to the deck were lined with white luminaries, the candles flickering soft shadows of light as the sunset behind the house.

She was surprised when Thomas grasped her hand and led her up the stairs to the deck. It was also outlined with luminaries burning brightly.

“Thomas, what are we doing? This is someone’s house. We’re trespassing.” Annie exclaimed.

Thomas placed his index finger over Annie’s lips. They both stood frozen, immersed in their surroundings. The flowers, at the end of their lifespan, still beautiful, were gently swaying in the breeze as the strong scent of the sea salt air mixed with their fragrance. There were seagulls flying overhead as the sky continued to darken, day turning to twilight.

“Shhh, angel, it’s fine. I know the owner of this house.” His fingers laced with hers, leading her a few more steps onto the middle of the patio.

Annie’s brow furrowed in confusion. “You do? How?” Her head was spinning as she awaited his response.

Eagerly, he continued. “I thought this would be the perfect place to tell you something very important.”

Annie noted the pure, chiseled perfection of his face. His expression was a strange combination. It was a mix of purity, affection, and earnestness, coupled with candor and enchantment, and he had a hopeful glint in his eyes. She could not imagine the important information that he wished to tell her, making the moment even stranger because of his insistence that he do so in this unusual spot. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she waited for him to continue.

Thomas took both of her hands in each of his, thumbs tenderly stroking her knuckles. “I love you, Annie. I love you more than anyone or anything else in this world. It is a depth of love I never knew I was capable of.” He was leaning into her, so close, bracing. His masculine scent, mixed with the fragrance of nature surrounding them, was pleasantly distracting, so Annie had to concentrate and really listen to his words. She felt increasingly that his description of ‘important’ was an understatement, especially with the insistent tone in his voice.

“I never knew the power of love before you,” he professed. “You brought me to life and I am so grateful to have found you.” Thomas let go of her left hand as he dropped down to one knee, pulling a small velvet box from his jeans pocket.

Oh, God!
She was truly shocked. Happiness bubbled inside of her as a warm glow flowed through her. Her mind was completely blank as she absorbed the monumental declaration.

“Ms. Annie O’Reilly, I loved you from the moment I saw you. I love you now and I always will. You are my soul mate, my other half. My best half.” The love that shone in his tear-filled eyes wrapped her in euphoria. “You bring out the good and joy in my life. You make me happy and I need you. Will you marry me?” Thomas kissed her hand, releasing it to open the box and reveal a sparkling marquis-cut diamond solitaire. It was elegantly mounted on a simple vintage rose gold band, etched with a floral pattern. It was exquisite.

Annie stood there, spellbound and speechless. Right before her was everything she could ever want. Thomas, in an old-fashioned gentlemanly gesture on bended knee, offered her an everlasting symbol of his proposal. All her hopes and dreams could not compare to this moment. Her eyes swept to his face, searching for his gaze. She saw, reflected in them, his soul. She had unwavering belief that he spoke the truth.
He loves me. He wants me.
Unshed tears fell freely. Her heart was full and whole. He was her other half, just as she was his.

Through thick tears she responded, “Thomas, I never knew that I could love someone the way that I love you. I feel it so deeply and completely. There are no words to adequately describe it.”

BOOK: Her Dominant Doctor
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