Her Journey Begins (17 page)

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Authors: Karen Einsel

BOOK: Her Journey Begins
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Mom, quit worrying it

ll be okay.

   Sitting on the couch later that night, Barb is doing a crossword while Chris is reading a book and Brad has gone upstairs to take a shower.

Chris, I need a two word answer, nine letters total for

wet intercourse. Let

s see, it starts with an

Wait, I got it. Shower sex, right?



Chris says, as she playfully throws the pillow at Barb.


s in the shower, why don

t you go ask him? I

m sure he can help you with that. As for me, I

m going to bed.

Laughing Chris leans over and kisses Barb on the cheek.

Night mom

   Chris and Barb are sprawled out on the living room floor reading the Sunday funnies when Barb asks her,

Is Brandon coming over today?


I don

t know. Actually I don

t think so. He didn

t say anything about coming over today. I

m thinking he will probably spend the day with his parents.


Well then how about you and I go shopping and have lunch. Just spend some you and me time. What do you think?


Sounds good to me.

   Spending time with Barb shopping is one of Chris

favorite things to do. They don

t usually buy anything, they just mainly window shop and then get lunch at one of the seven kitchens there at the mall. Headed into the record store Barb grabs Chris

arm and points to a sign in the window.

Look. They

re hiring.


Mom, is that why you brought me shopping? So I could put in applications here? And here I thought you brought me shopping, just so we could talk about shower sex

Besides, if I got a job here at the mall, I

d have to ride the bus back and forth to work. Don

t you think its better having me work just a couple of blocks away?

Oh Chrissy, I just worry about you working there at night by yourself.

I know you do mom, but at least let me try it out and see. Then if it doesn

t work out or I don

t feel safe, I

ll look for another job, okay? Now how about some lunch? I

m starving.

   Chris sees the late bell is going to ring in about two minutes and Brandon isn

t here yet. Glancing over at Brent with a worried look, Brent shrugs his shoulders.

Why are you looking at me? He

s your boyfriend. Besides, according to Brandon I

m not even supposed to be talking to you.


Are you two still feuding?


Look Chris, I don

t know where he is, okay?


Fine Brent, But Brandon

s still never been this late before.

Chris glares at Brent as he shrugs again. Ten minutes before class is over Brandon saunters in and hands the teacher a slip from the office before sitting down. Tugging on Chris

hair Brandon tells her good morning beautiful, just like usual. Standing outside the door after class Chris tugs on Brandon

s shirt.

Brandon why are you late?

Yawning and stretching Brandon gives Chris a sheepish grin and puts his arms around her.

I overslept.


Hmm, you overslept. I take it you went to bed too late last night.


Huh uh, my parents were up arguing most of the night.


Brandon, did you tell Brent he couldn

t talk to me?

Brandon shrugs her off.

Chris, run away with me today?



Boy you are tired, because you are talking crazy. What do you mean run away with you? Where would we go?


I don

t really mean

run away, run away

, I just mean we could skip the rest of today and head up to the mountains or down to the beach. Just get away from everyone, just for a few hours.

We can

t do that, besides I have to work tonight.

Brandon leans away from her and Chris can see he

s not happy with her news.

Oh Brandon, I know you didn

t want me to get the job either, but I did, and I

m excited about it.

Brandon shakes his head,


ve got to go.


He doesn

t turn around. With his head hung down and his hands in his pockets he walks off down the hallway.

    Chris hasn

t seen Brandon since he walked off this morning, not even at lunch. Walking across the student parking lot she decides she

ll walk home. Chris is halfway home when Brandon pulls up along side the curb.


Hey beautiful, do you want a ride?

Chris tosses her hair back and sticks her nose in the air.


No thank you. I

m walking home.


Oh, so you think you are too good to ride home with a ditcher, is that it?

Trying not to smile Chris glances over at him.


No, I just need some exercise.


I offered you exercise this morning, but you told me no.


Really, is that what you meant by


away with you? That we were actually going to run? Maybe next time you should clarify what you mean.

Laughing at her Brandon grabs his crotch.


Oh, so next time I

m supposed to say,
Hey baby, want some of this?


Oh gawd, Brandon you are sooo bad.


Okay, last chance, are you sure you don

t want a ride?




Okay, I

ll see you in about 15 minutes then.

Spinning his tires, Brandon peels out and leaves her standing there, shaking her head.

Barb is sitting on the porch swing when Brandon walks up.



s Chris?



s walking home.


Uh oh, you two didn

t have a fight, did you?

Brandon grins at Barb.

No, she just decided she needed some exercise.


So what do you think about her starting that new job tonight?

Brandon wrings his hands and look down at his shoes.

When she sets her mind on something, there is just no changing it, is there?


Sorry, no, she can be quite stubborn sometimes. I take it you don

t like the idea of her working there either?

Brandon shrugs his shoulders.


s her choice.


So what do you have planned for tonight? Do you want to stay and have dinner with us?


Wish I could, but my parents are having company over for dinner and I have to be the good little son and be there. And I can tell you right now, I am not looking forward to it.


Why, don

t you like your parent

s friends?



s Amber

s family, so the answer is, no I don

t like my parent

s friends.


Have you told Chris?


Told me what?

Chris asks as she walks up the steps.

Barb gets up,


m sorry, I forgot my manners. Do you two want something to drink? I

ll be back out with something as soon as I check on dinner.

And Barb goes inside leaving them alone.


Okay, told me what?

Chris asks as she sits down on the porch swing.

Brandon gets up from the chair and moves over to sit next to her.


My parents are having a dinner party tonight and I

ve been told by my mom, that I have to stay home for it


Okay, so what

s the big deal? I have to be at work tonight anyway.



s Amber

s family that

s coming for dinner.


Is that why your parents were arguing last night?


No, I have no idea why they were arguing. I just know my mom was jumping all over my dad for something. I cranked up my stereo and put the pillow over my head. I think I finally fell asleep about 2 a.m. this morning.


So where did you go after you left me this morning?


Nowhere really, I just drove around. I couldn

t go to the cabin, because my mom said she was going up there this morning. Don

t even ask, I have no idea why.

Chris puts her arms around his neck.


m sorry I didn

t go with you this morning.

Brandon smiles and slides his hand up her thigh.

Now you are regretting it, aren

t you? I could have shown you a good time.

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