Her Journey Begins (18 page)

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Authors: Karen Einsel

BOOK: Her Journey Begins
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Chris grabs his hand before he gets to her crotch,

Go home and get ready for you date with Amber, so I can go help mom make dinner. I want to eat before I have to go to work, and Brandon

Chris says sweetly,

You better not be late to school tomorrow because Amber kept you awake until 2 a.m.


Chris, I love you.


I know and I bet that

s what you tell all the beautiful girls. Now go home.

Chris walks into the kitchen and Barb turns around.


s Brandon?

I sent him home to get ready for his date with Amber.


Oh Chris you are so funny. Aren

t you worried about her having dinner at his house?


No, not on his part anyway. It

s just his mom that bugs me. So

do you want some help with dinner?


No, but you can sit in here, do your homework, and keep me company if you want.


eyes follow Brandon as he passes her desk on the way to his own.


re here early this morning.

Brandon sits down behind her and tugs on her hair.

I thought we could talk before class starts, but first, good morning beautiful.

Chris starts to fidget. She wants to know what happened last night and yet she doesn


How did dinner go last night?


Chris, turn around and look at me.

Chris shakes her head.


m afraid to.


Okay, you are going to hear some stories today. It just depends on how much Amber blabs.


What kind of stories? You make it sound like something happened between you and Amber last night. Did something happen Brandon?


Well after dinner my mom said to me,

Brandon, why don

t you take Amber up to your room?

And I asked her,

Why would I want to take Amber to my room?

And she threw at me,

I just thought the two of you could listen to some music. You

ve taken Chris to your room, why not Amber?

And she said it in a tone that

I just looked at her and told her flat out, You invited them, you entertain them, I

m going to Brent

s and I walked out. Now depending on Amber

s mood, she

s either going to say, I took her to my room and we made out, or she

s going to tell everyone that you are a slut. Your turn

how was your first night at work?


Brandon! Does your mom know I

ve been to your room?


No, I don

t think so. I think she was just trying to see my reaction. Now are you going to turn around and look at me?

Sighing Chris turns around in her chair,


m a slut now? Okay

If the shoe fits, I guess


s okay, I guess it

s better then you making out with Amber in your room. A slut? Come on, really? As for my first night at work, I liked it. I am learning. I

m a little slow, but the customers were polite and patient. Your turn

Brandon do you still love me?

A smile is tugging at the corners of his mouth, but Chris sees a desire burning in his eyes.

Run away with me and I

ll show you just how much.


Ugh, I

ll never get rid of the moniker,
, will I?


No, but that

s okay, as long as you

re only my slut and not anyone else


Chris looks off to one side, then the other with just her eyes and mumbles.


m going to have to look up the meaning of that

The bell rings and the teacher and the other students start coming in.

   Brandon and Brent are already sitting at the table when Chris walks up with her tray. They are looking here and there avoiding eye contact with her.


Alright you two, quit smirking. I

m not a dirty, untidy woman. And I

m not promiscuous.

They both start laughing out loud.

Shut up

   Brandon is standing next to Chris

last class when she walks out.


What are you doing here?

Brandon leans closer and whispers in her ear.

I came to walk


promiscuous girlfriend home.

Chris hands him her books.

Well at least that sounds nicer than slut. So, we are walking home today, how come?

Brandon takes her hand.

Because, it

s our special time and I love walking you home.



s your car?


Brent has it and he

ll pick me up at your house later.

After dinner Brandon drops Chris off at work. Brandon knows he doesn

t want to go home yet and ends up hanging out at Brent

s for a few hours. Walking in, Brandon sees the light on in the den and heads towards the stairs.


Brandon, come here, I need to talk to you before you go upstairs.

Brandon takes a deep breath and walks into the den.


Have you been at that girl

s house since you got out of school?


No mom, I

ve been at Brent

s and that girl happens to have a name. It

s Chris, or don

t you remember.


s mom waves her hand in the air.

Fine, but she isn

t the reason I called you in here. What I want to talk to you about is how disrespectful you were towards our guests last night.


What do you mean? I wasn

t disrespectful to them. Maybe you shouldn

t have been offering their daughter to go to my bedroom with me. I

m going to bed.


Brandon, come back here.

Brandon stops, but doesn

t turn around and go back.


I want you to quit seeing that girl. Do you hear me?


Night mom

   Walking into class the next morning, Chris sees Brandon has his head down on the desk. Chris kneels down next to him and whispers.

Brandon, what are you doing here so early?

As her hair brushes across his forearm he grabs it and tugs.

Good morning beautiful.

Chris sees the dark circles under his eyes.

Good morning. Now why are you here so early?


I didn

t have any place else to go.


Oh Brandon


Chris I can

t wait to graduate, then you and I can get married and get a place of our own.


Are you asking me to marry you?

Brandon lifts his head and looks into her eyes.

I will, but not yet. Will you say yes?


I don

t know. You sure know how to take the surprise out of it.

Brent walks in and sits down.

What are you two talking about?

They both ignore him.

Brandon you haven

t even asked me to the prom yet?


Will you go to the prom with me then?


No, probably not.


Good cause I already asked Amber.



Laughing Brandon puts his head back down and covers it with his hands.


m kidding. Now will you marry me?

Brandon uncovers his head and folding his arms on the desk, he lays his head down. Poking Chris

arm Brandon nods towards Brent.

Chris looks over at Brent and sees his mouth hanging open. Laughing she tells Brandon,

Yes, if I have to.

Chris stands up, reaches over, and smacks Brent on top of the head,

Close your mouth, we are only joking.

And then sits down in her seat as the teacher walks in.

   Chris, what

s your mom making for dinner?


I have no idea, why?


No reason. I was just wondering.

Brent looks up at Chris.

Because, I

m taking Wendy out for pizza and then hanging out at her house, so he doesn

t have any place to go. Hey, I

ll let you two work this out. I see that new cheerleader waving at me. I

ll catch you later.

Chris grabs Brandon

s hand.

Come on.


Where are we going?


I don

t know. Somewhere where we can hide out till lunch is over, maybe under the bleachers. I

ll let you feel me up.

Brandon grins at her and Chris smiles back.

I knew that would cheer you up.

Sitting on the grass under a tree in the quad area, Brandon

s lying down using Chris

lap as a pillow. Chris runs her fingers through his hair.

Maybe we should take a break from seeing each other for awhile.

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