Hidden Desires (14 page)

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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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BOOK: Hidden Desires
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"Jeez Cayd, could you be any more obnoxious?" Jodie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey, I'm sorry Denise, you just caught me off guard is all." The shop keeper looked embarrassed.

"Aw, It's alright. Didn't you want to see me?"

"Uh yeah!" The tall woman said with a little too much enthusiasm. "I was just telling Jodie how I was going to call you tonight."

"You were?" Denise looked hopeful.

"Yeah." Cayden grinned.

"Cool! What do you want to do tonight?"

"Well, ladies, it's been fun..." Jodie said as she gathered her belongings. Even though she didn't agree with Cayden's wanting to have a one nighter with Denise, the shop keeper was an adult and Jodie knew it was time to leave.

"See ya, Jo!" Denise waved.

"Uh, yeah." The brunette watched as Jodie left.

"Sooo, it's just you and me Cayden." Denise purred.

"So it is." Cayden said running back behind the counter. "I just want to be here in case someone comes in." she explained.

"Uh huh." Denise wasn't buying it. She followed the tall woman behind the counter and stood in front of her. "Cayden, are you afraid of me?"

"What? Me?" she pointed to herself and laughed. "Afraid of you? No, I don't know where you would get..." She paused as Denise climbed into her lap and straddled her legs. She stiffened up like a board.

"You were saying?" The shorter woman teased.

"But I'm at work!" Cayden tried to wiggle out from underneath.

"If you're not afraid of me, you'll kiss me right now."

"Uhm, Denise, I like you...."

"Do you know how hot I am for you Cayden Riley? All I could think about was your lips, and how I want to kiss them."

A strange but cocky feeling washed over the shop keeper. "Oh yeah?" she asked with a smirk.

"Yeah. So kiss me."

*  *  *


Grant pulled his car out of the public garage and started driving. Where? He wasn't so sure yet. He was livid. So livid in fact that he had already created his own scenarios regarding Cayden and Brooke. Cayden was the one Brooke was running out to see every night, and Cayden was the one who corrupted his sedate, quiet Brooke. Cayden manipulated Brooke, feeding her something... some lines of shit and now she was defiant and full of attitude. Cayden made Brooke want her. Why else would his girlfriend be so enamored by her? Grant already had them in a torrid sexual affair. "Of course there isn't another man!" He sneered. In Grant's mind, Cayden was the enemy.

First the angry stockbroker stopped his car in front of Brooke's parents house, fully intent on telling them their sweet little daughter was having an affair... with a WOMAN, but as he glanced up at the parking signs, the street sign came into view and he was reminded of the address on the receipt from the Fuzzy Belly Deli. He peeled out of his spot and turned the corner with a screech of the tires.

*  *  *


Cayden made the first move, tilting her head up and parting her lips. Denise groaned triumphantly before closing her eyes and pressing their lips together. Cayden allowed Denise to kiss her, she even opened her mouth up... giving permission to deepen the kiss. The tall shopkeeper hummed happily as Denise kissed her hungrily. Cayden hardly ever let anyone get the upper hand, but it felt different this time. Usually when women fell all over the attractive brunette, she couldn't be bothered, but this time... this time she was going to let it happen. It had been so long since Cayden kissed another woman, it felt so good.

Denise groaned again when large hands drifted up and down her sides, and rested on her hips. She tangled her hands in Cayden's long black hair, something she'd been wanting to do ever since she first saw her.

Cayden couldn't help purring when Denise sucked on her lower lip. She felt a twinge of arousal in the pit of her stomach, and after going without for so long, that tiny little twinge felt like heaven.

Hearing Cayden's pleasure gave Denise a surge of adrenaline and she pressed her body tightly against the taller woman.

Cayden was slightly confused. She suddenly had no idea why she was holding out so long. It felt great to have a woman on her lap, pressed up against her needy body, sucking her tongue.
What was I waiting for? So many women offered this to me and I turned them down. Why? Am I crazy? I'm only human. I need to get laid once and a while. God this feels good.
Cayden arched slightly into Denise, letting her know it was ok.

The bell over the door tinkled and Cayden suddenly realized exactly where she was. She sat bolt upright, nearly bucking Denise of her lap and onto the counter.

"Holy shit Cayden! I'm so sorry!" Denise sputtered. "I forgot where we were!" She panicked, scrambling off of Cayden's lap quickly and looked like a guilty child.

"Well pardon the hell out of me!" Jodie said in total disbelief. In all her years knowing Cayden she'd never seen her with her tongue down anyone's throat before.

"JO! Oh my god!" The shopkeeper held her chest, trying to calm her pounding heart.

"What the hell?" Jodie laughed out loud. "That's the
thing I ever expected to see just now."

Cayden took offense. "I'm capable you know."

"Oh, I never doubted that. I just know a much different, more uptight Cayden. The Cayden I know would never..."

"That's enough Jo."

"Never mind me anyway, resume sucking face. I forgot my date book." The waitress scooted into the back room with a wink to her tall friend.

"Cayden, I'm so sorry. I really wasn't thinking. That could have been anybody that walked in!" Denise said, very upset.

Cayden chuckled, thoroughly relieved that it was her friend that walked in. "Yeah, but it wasn't. It was just plain Jo."

"I heard that." Jodie called from the other room.

"I feel so stupid." Denise said covering her face.

"No, come here." Cayden crooked her finger at the woman. She couldn't have her taking all the blame, after all she was a willing participant. "I liked it. You didn't do anything wrong." She smiled.

"So I can kiss you again?" Denise asked coyly.

Cayden's body remembered the kiss and her eyes narrowed. "Absolutely."

Their lips met and Cayden groaned. She forgot just how much fun kissing had been. This time she forced entry into Denise's mouth and her tongue was immediately accepted and sucked. The tall woman slipped right back into the haze she was in before.

Jodie re-entered the shop and after getting over the initial shock of seeing Cayden making out again, decided to play games.

Both Denise and Cayden chuckled into each other's mouth as Jodie wrapped herself around them and began humping Cayden's leg.

*  *  *


Grant looked through the window of The Fuzzy Belly Deli and nearly fell over onto the sidewalk.
What is this? Some freaking cult!?

The door flung open and the three women separated in a flash.

"Which one of you freaks is Cayden?" Grant asked loudly, and angrily.

Jodie raised her eyebrows and tried hard not to look at Cayden. "Who the hell are you?"

"Are you Cayden?" He asked again, coming closer to Jodie.

Cayden stepped in front of Jodie. "I'm Cayden. What's your problem?"

Grant looked her up and down and was unable to deny that she was one good looking woman. However, her eyes were like ice chips and scared him just a bit. Gathering bravado, he took another step forward and was standing in Cayden's personal space. "You stay the hell away from my woman! Do you hear me?" He punctuated his question by poking her in the chest.

The tall woman clenched her jaw and fists. "What? Who?" she asked in angry confusion.

"I can't believe you have to ask that! How many women do you have? What the hell are you anyway?" Grant yelled, his fury scaring Denise.

"Listen to me, buddy, I don't know what the hell your talking about, so either you start explaining, or you get the fuck out of my shop!" Cayden began walking, backing him up as she did.

Grant's hostility was evident as his eyes burned into Cayden's. "What ever you did to my girlfriend, you better just undo it! She was perfectly fine until she met you! You don't need any more, she's not a slut." he yelled, eyeing both Jodie and Denise

"Hey!" Jodie began to protest when Cayden cut her off.

"Undo what?" Cayden yelled back in frustration. "To who?"

"Brooke! You brainwashed her or something!"

Jodie and Cayden shared terribly surprised looks.

"Brooke?" Cayden asked, both eyebrows raised.

"Don't play stupid with me, you know who she is!" Grant spat.

"Brooke." Cayden repeated, trying desperately to figure out what this man was talking about.

"You listen to me, I don't want you anywhere near her or else." He threatened.

Cayden had enough. Her nostrils flared and she narrowed her eyes dangerously. "No, you listen to me," she growled, pushing him towards the door. "I suggest you get the fuck out of my shop before I do something I'll regret."

Jodie ran to open the door and Cayden threw Grant out of it.

They all watched as he yelled his way to his car and peeled away.

Jodie shook her head in disbelief. "Brooke? What the hell did you do Cayden?"

"Me? I didn't do anything! I don't know what he's talking about!" Cayden demanded.

"Ok, I believe you."

"Who the hell is Brooke?" Denise asked.

"The blonde on rollerblades from the park." Jodie explained.

"You didn't do anything to her and she looked at you like that?" Denise asked skeptically.

"I swear!" Cayden insisted.

"What was that all about then?"

Cayden looked to Jodie who had no answers and they both shrugged

"The question is," Cayden said, "What did Brooke tell him I did?"

"I don't like this, Cayd." Jodie said with furrowed brows. "Why would Brooke tell him anything at all? Especially naming you in particular."

"Who the hell knows? I'll find out though." Cayden swore. She was angry as all hell and not about to let this pass.

"Cayd, I have to go, really. I'm going to be late for work."

"Yeah, whatever." The tall woman replied with a deep frown.

"Do you want me to go too?" Denise asked.

"Yeah please. I really want to be alone now."

*  *  *


Brooke held great handfuls of silky black hair in her clenched fists, pulling Cayden closer to her breast. The blonde's legs tightened around the tall woman's body as she pressed up into Cayden, stoking the fires of her arousal. Brooke groaned loudly, urging Cayden to bite. Sweat formed between the blonde's breasts and on her upper lip, her need was great and her sex was aching for relief. "Please Cayden." she moaned, pinning the dark head down. Vibrant blue eyes looked up at her hungrily as the brunette hummed around the nipple between her lips.

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