Hidden Desires (5 page)

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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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The blonde eventually clamped her fingers around Fred's snout and began to relax. Brooke's nerves were less frazzled from the release and when she finally got a hold of herself she had forgotten all her worries as she watched Cayden laugh.

"Ohh man.. I'm so sorry..." The tall woman apologized between chuckles. "Mrs. Friedman usually comes in on the first or fifteenth. She took me by surprise too."

"She was....
." Brooke giggled.

Cayden puffed out her chest and came out from behind the counter. "So, this is Fred, huh?" She said, scratching the dog under the chin. "He's a cutie." she added when he began to lick her finger.

"I wouldn't say he's cute... he looks a bit like a rodent if you ask me, but you can't help but love him."

"So, what brings you back?" Cayden asked, quite sure of what Brooke's answer was going to be.

"Oh yeah... well... Fred wanted to thank you for the treats." She said, holding the small dog at arms length. Cayden's close proximity was making her feel warm.

"He did, did he?" The tall woman leaned her back against the counter and crossed her arms. "Is there anything else I can do for Fred?" she asked, realizing that this meeting chicks thing wasn't so hard.

"I don't suppose..." The blonde thought for a moment. "Oh! You wouldn't have some sort of doggie cologne would you?"

Cayden smiled toothily. "But of course."
Hey, this is really easy! Hand her the cologne and ask her on a date. Piece of cake.
she thought cockily. Walking over to a shelf, she thought of Wade and Jodie and how they'd react when she told them she picked up Brooke all by herself. "We have a lot of different kinds." she turned to show Brooke, but the small blonde was right behind her and she bumped right into her. "Sorry."

"That's ok, I snuck up on you." Brooke admitted with a blush, hoping that Cayden didn't notice that she was staring at her butt.
Why am I acting like this?
Thoroughly embarrassed, she cleared her throat. "You pick one, surprise me."

Why is she blushing? Oh come on, you know why she's blushing, she wants you.
"Ok, I suggest CK-9. It's a knock off of CK-1. Or if he's neutered we have White Dalmatians." she joked, totally sure of herself.

Brooke giggled like a schoolgirl. "I'll take the CK-9."

"Okay, shall we give him a spritz?" Cayden asked, coming within inches of Brooke.

The blonde felt unusually shy and backed up a step. "Sure, go ahead."

Cayden sprayed Fred on his back then lifted his tail and sprayed his butt, making a funny face as she did. "All set."
Ask her, ask her now... she wants you, go for it.

"Good, it smells great! My boyfriend just hates it when I smell like dog."

Cayden's bubble burst so hard that it was currently zooming in circles around her head, making rude fart noises. The word boyfriend echoed loudly in her ears and she suddenly felt offended. "Oh, I see." she said, trying not to let her emotions show. "It will be four dollars for the bottle." She said with a forced smile.

"Thank you" Brooke said with a genuine smile, catching herself once again looking at Cayden's butt as she walked behind the counter.

Cayden rang up the purchase quickly as she tried to hide her disappointment. "You have a great day now."

"You too!" The blonde replied happily. "Maybe I'll see you again?"

"Yeah, that would be great." Cayden nodded, swallowing her urge to sneer as she watched the blonde leave. She really had no idea why she was reacting like she was. She had no prejudices and held nothing against straight people but once Brooke said she had a boyfriend, Cayden felt hurt.


HE SMALL BLONDE sat on the couch in her parents' condo, watching Fred eat his peanut butter cookie with enthusiasm. Brooke smiled as the tiny dog worked that treat with determination, having only two teeth left. A huge yawn overtook her and she leaned back and put her feet up on the coffee table. She closed her eyes and sighed heavily. Brooke was exhausted and wanted to sleep more than anything, but lately, sleep hadn't come to her no matter how hard she tried. Her lips began to curl up at the sides as she replayed her recent visit to the Fuzzy Belly Deli.

Boy, that Ida was a nut! Poor Cayden, what she has to put up with. I hope there aren't many more like her
. Brooke smiled wider when she remembered Cayden's expression as Ida began to sing.
Cayden. Cayden is such an unusual name. I wonder where it came from? What's her background? I never saw eyes that color blue before.
Brooke's shoulders dropped down and her body began to relax.
I wonder if she has a boyfriend... she's not married, unless she's one of those married people who refuse to wear a ring. She's so gorgeous, I can't imagine her being single. I know if I were a guy I'd be all over her
. The blonde felt her cheeks get warm.
I can't believe I thought that.
She giggled nervously.
I'm not a guy. I'm not supposed to be thinking that way... unless it's true and I really do have a crush on her
. Brooke felt her heart begin to race and she took several deep calming breaths to bring it back to normal.
No reason to panic. It's perfectly normal for a woman to have a crush on another woman. It happens all the time
. She nodded trying to convince herself.
You hear the stories of girls having crushes on their teachers, and babysitters.... uh oh... I'm not a teenager with a case of hero worship am I? I'm a grown woman
. Blonde eyebrows furrowed.
Ok, so I have a crush, so what? It's not like I want to have sex with her... I wouldn't even know what to do
. Brooke's head lolled back and visions of Cayden's smile filled her head. She thought about their brief conversation and how the tall woman behaved and she gasped out loud.
You know? I think she was flirting with me!
The blonde blushed.
Yes! She was! Sooo, she's gay huh? Well, gay or not, I'm sure she's taken, she's too attractive not to be and why do I even care? I'm not interested in her that way. I just want to be her friend. Yeah, that's it, her friend.

A happy feeling washed over Brooke and in less than five minutes, she was sound asleep.


Cayden rushed off of the subway and hurried home. She had picked up a pint of Ben & Jerry's and it was at that perfect melty stage. The tall woman had a date with her bed, the remote, and a spoon, and she couldn't wait. It was the only date she ever looked forward to. Her pride hurt and she didn't know why. She didn't ask Brooke out, so she never really got shot down, but she felt awful just the same.
Yes, my bed, and a spoon,
she thought as she fished her keys out of her back pack.
Just me and my ice cream.
Cayden kicked the front door closed behind her and tossed her keys on the table. "I'm home." she called out wearily as she pulled off her shoes. Unable to wait until she got to her room, she took off her sweaty top as she entered the kitchen. She retrieved a spoon and stuck it in her mouth, opening her shorts on the way out.

"Hey, in here." Wade said from the living room.

Cayden balled up her shirt and stuck it under her arm as she turned for the living room. She knew she'd have to share her grief with Wade sooner or later, and she opted for later, knowing he'd allow her the time. All she wanted was the quiet safe haven of her bed. "Hey, I'm not much in the mood..." Cayden stopped short of the couch in horror.

"Um... Cayden... this is Shelly. You
remember you had a date tonight?"

The tall woman held her balled up shirt to her chest in an attempt to cover herself. "Oh... yeah... right..." she stammered, glaring dangerously at Wade, the spoon still in her mouth.

Shelly, never taking her eyes from Cayden's well filled out bra, stood and held out her hand.

Cayden, one hand holding her shirt, the other a pint of melting ice cream, shrugged. "Umm, I better..." she nodded at her bedroom and ran away.

Wade chuckled nervously and ran after her, leaving Shelly sitting there grinning like a wolf. He tapped lightly at the closed door just as he heard the spoon hit a wall, and prayed Cayden would forgive him.

"I hate you."

"No you don't," he said, entering the room. "You love me."

"Not now I don't. GOD! I was standing there in my bra!"

"Oh please, like a lesbian never saw a woman in her bra before."


"Alright, so you're embarrassed right now, it's not the end of the world. Would it make you feel better if I went in there without any pants?"

"Fuck off."

Wade cringed. "Honey, it's okay, really."

"Easy for you to say, and what the hell is
out there anyway? You said she had one tattoo! She's covered in them! And she's HUGE!"

"Yeah, well... so she's a little muscular. You never minded the occasional butch."

"Butch? Wade, she's a little more than butch. You know that's not my type!" Cayden threw herself on the bed and frowned.

"She's really sweet. La La Bird likes her."

"La La Bird is no great judge of character. He loves you."

"Come on Cayd, just go out to dinner with her."

"No. I'm not going, make up some excuse."


"NO! I don't want to go anywhere with anyone, especially someone that looks like

"Okay, what's wrong? This is much more than Shelly."

Cayden sighed heavily and flopped across her bed. "I had a bad day, a really bad day. I shouldn't take it out on you or Shelly, but I really want to be alone tonight." she pouted.

"Honey, maybe going out will take your mind off of the bad day."

"I'm not going anywhere with her. No. She's covered in tattoos, she's one big walking bicep. Wade I like women! She's not a woman!"

Wade leaned over Cayden and raised both his eyebrows in surprise. She was never so abrasive. "What's gotten into you?"

Cayden slumped deeper down into the bed. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't say things like that, I had a really
bad day."

He knew the answer to the question already but had to ask. "Wanna talk?"

"Not really. Maybe later. Wade, I really don't want to go anywhere tonight."

"Please, pretty please..." he stuck out his bottom lip and put his head on her lap, whimpering.

"No, Wade!" she insisted, moving out of the way of La La as he jumped on the bed. "And watch it!" She told the cat who was sniffing the ice cream.

"Look Cayden, I'm sorry, I'll go out with Shelly tonight. It's okay."

Wade looked so pathetic and crestfallen that Cayden felt guilty. "You really think going out will make me forget my day?"

"Depends. What happened?"

"Nothing. I'll tell you later. Go tell Shelly I'll be out in 20 minutes. I need a quick shower."

"Cayden you're the best!" Wade jumped up and down with excitement. "I owe you big time!"

"Remember that. Oh, and take this with you." she threw the soft container of ice cream at him.


Brooke was at the country club, sitting at one of the bright white umbrella tables sipping a cocktail. She was smiling and relaxed as she watched the golf carts trickle by. Grant came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. She smiled and leaned back into the warm body, reaching up and covering his hand with her own. Something was wrong, but not enough to alarm her, just a small niggling feeling that something wasn't quite right. She felt Grant's body move, his head lowering for a kiss. She tilted her head back and opened her eyes at the last second to meet seductive blue eyes. Their lips met briefly before Brooke knew what to do. "Cayden!" She shouted, waking herself up from the dream. She looked around in confusion, not remembering where she was or how she got there. Recognition slowly dawned on her and she groaned. "Jesus!" she blurted out loud. "What the hell was that?" She questioned her dream. It disturbed her. "Great. I finally fall asleep and I'm having lesbian dreams." She was irritated and upset. It was dark out and she had no idea how long she had been asleep. "I can't believe Grant didn't call." she muttered, fumbling for the lamp switch. Once the light was on, she looked at her watch. "Ten thirty! Oh my god!" She jumped up off the couch and ran out the door.

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