Hidden Desires (9 page)

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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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BOOK: Hidden Desires
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Jodie and Cayden reached the entrance to the park and Jodie insisted that they go to a particular ices vendor. She claimed that they had the best mango flavored ice in all of New York City. Cayden grumbled but went along with her friend, she figured an ice wouldn't hurt and went about deciding what flavor she wanted as they walked. Once they got there and ordered, Jodie wanted to stay right there and eat, making Cayden very suspicious. Behind the dark glasses, blue eyes watched a very innocent looking Jodie as the tall woman leaned on a low wall and ate her ice. Just as Cayden was starting to feel a little less nervous, two women walked up to Jodie and the brown haired girl shrieked.

"HI! Fancy meeting you here! Cayden, come here, these are my friends Barbara and Denise. Wow, small world isn't it?"

Cayden scowled so hard her eyes all but disappeared. Jodie set her up and she didn't even see it coming. "Oh yeah, small world." she groused.

"So, Barbara, Denise, wanna see the dog show with us?"

Of course the two women agreed without hesitation. Cayden watched Jodie with the women and figured out that Barbara was Jodie's, and Denise would be
. Hidden eyes scanned Denise up and down. She was attractive enough to the tall woman and Cayden decided that it couldn't hurt to have her around as long as she didn't get too close. Besides, she'd stave off any other potential women. The brunette swore to herself to get back at Jodie as soon as possible, but for now, she plastered a smile on her face.

"So, Cayden, is it? Do you like dogs?" Denise asked, sidling up to the tall woman.

Cayden nodded politely.

"Do you have any pets?"

"My room mate has a cat." Cayden murmured.

Denise frowned. Jodie said Cayden wasn't much of a conversationalist, but this was hard. "So, do you want to start heading to the show?"

"Why the hell not." Cayden began to walk and was startled when Denise linked arms with her. She looked down where their elbows met and sighed.
Ok, she's cute and she'll keep others away.

*  *  *


Brooke was quite excited once she reached the park. She headed straight for the road that all the skaters hung out on, thrilled to be there. She watched with a smile as the pros did tricks and jumps. The music was blaring from a boom box and the beat was forcing her to move. She swayed a little, bopped in place and rolled her feet back and forth, still reluctant to join the others. However, once she saw a bunch of children roll by, she changed her mind and jumped right into the crowd.

*  *  *


Cayden and Denise were a ways ahead of Jodie and Barbara so they decided to stop and wait for them to catch up. The air was a little tense between them and Denise was getting frustrated. She thought Cayden was gorgeous and couldn't wait to touch her some place other than her arm. Jodie warned her that Cayden was a little uptight about public displays of affection, but she was terribly attracted to the sexy woman and hoped she could change that. She was dying to see the blue eyes Jodie talked about at length, but the tall woman wouldn't take off her sunglasses. Cayden's expression was hard to read, but her lips never changed their indifferent appearance, not giving Denise any idea what was on her mind.

Conversation was slow, and Denise tried to keep it going. She watched the rollerbladers shoot by and cheered as they did intricate moves. "Hey, Cayden, do you rollerblade?"

"I know how, but I'm not as good as these guys."

"Yeah, some of these people are fantastic! I don't know how to rollerblade, I'm afraid I'll never get the hang of it."

"It's pretty easy once you get the balance thing under control. Look, there's a guy teaching someone, why don't you get lessons?"

"I suppose I could, but I'm afraid I'll fall down and break something. I'm a bit of a klutz." Denise continued, grateful for a subject Cayden responded to.

"You'll be fine. There's so much protective gear..." Cayden stopped talking and stared dumbly.

"Hey, she's cute! Do you know her?" Denise asked of the blonde woman Cayden was staring at.

"Sort of." The tall woman was floored. Brooke was skating there, with the crowd, smiling and laughing, bopping to the music. She was wearing lycra shorts and a small half shirt with the sleeves cut off, showing much more skin than the last time they met. Cayden had to work to breathe as she watched Brooke's skin glisten in the sunlight.

"Hell, look at that body!" Denise commented.

Cayden nodded, unable to speak.

Jodie finally caught up and followed Cayden's line of vision. "Holy crap, Cayd, it's her! Damn... she's fierce!"

Cayden swallowed hard.

Denise began feeling jealous and leaned into the tall, dumbstruck woman, pressing her cheek into Cayden's arm. It didn't seem as if she noticed, she was so wrapped up in this rollerblader.

Cayden pulled her sunglasses down her nose and as soon as she did, Brooke met her gaze. The small blonde stared into Cayden's eyes, giving the shop keeper goosebumps.

Jodie looked between Cayden and Brooke, shocked at the way they both seemed magnetized to each other's eyes.
How do you like that?! They're smitten! Cayden's a goner!

Denise glanced up into the most gorgeous eyes she'd ever seen and practically wrapped herself around the tall woman.

Cayden tore her eyes away from Brooke's intense green gaze and drank in her whole body. She was surprised at how tone and muscular the small blonde was and even more thrown by the way her belly was twirling with the information. Her stare lingered on the expanse of skin the half shirt provided and her mouth watered. Just then, a whole bunch of skaters blocked Brooke from Cayden's view and when the crowd cleared, Brooke was gone.

Cayden shook her head and sighed heavily, feeling disappointed and empty. She just then realized that Denise was laying all over her and she suddenly felt angry.
Brooke saw her hanging all over me!
She stiffened up and fumed, then raised an eyebrow.
That makes me mad why?
She looked down at the doe eyed Denise and smiled faintly, almost sadly and pushed her glasses back into place. Looking around once more, and not finding Brooke, she sighed loudly and slumped her shoulders. "Come on, let's go."

*  *  *


Brooke's heart was beating a mile a minute. She was so startled to see Cayden standing there that she froze to the spot. Feeling stupid, but unable to do anything about it she just stared like a fool. Her mouth went dry when she spotted the tall brunette, and she felt like she was glued to her eyes. Brooke's legs felt like jelly and she blushed hotly, her dreams embarrassing her as if Cayden knew about them by looking at her. As Cayden's gaze drifted all over her body she gasped. She's flirting with me again! Brooke forced herself to blink and when she did, she was able to focus on the whole scene and not just the blue eyes. It was then that she noticed the woman hanging all over Cayden. Clearly they were a couple, or they wouldn't have been that intimately close in public. She disappeared in the first crowd and hid behind a tree to compose herself. Despite the woman attached to her arm, Brooke felt drawn to Cayden. Her stomach was fluttering and her body reacted as if those blue eyes were touching her skin as they drank her in. She felt them caress her bare belly and her legs in a way no human had ever touched her. It scared her, but excited her at the same time. She was disappointed that Cayden had a girlfriend but didn't know why. She expected that the tall beautiful woman was taken from the very beginning. Still, she felt sad, and when she peeked out from behind the tree to watch them walk off, it felt worse.

*  *  *


Cayden was having a terrible time, all she could think about was Brooke. Jodie tried to make dumb conversation, and it worked occasionally, but the tall woman's mind was on one thing only, Brooke. She cursed herself and got more moody as the night wore on. At one point her thoughts turned from wanting Brooke, to feeling hurt by her. The later it got, the more touchy feely Denise became... and the more Cayden allowed it. She felt as if she were getting back at Brooke, teaching her a lesson. Of course this was impossible, as Brooke had no idea what was going on inside Cayden's head, but it made the blue eyed woman feel as if she was doing something to hurt Brooke back. The evening ended with a small make-out session which did nothing sexually for Cayden, but it made her feel smug just the same. Cayden wasn't sure why she accepted a second date with Denise, but she did. Shoving the phone number into her pocket, she glared at Jodie instantly shutting the stunned woman's mouth.

After Barbara and Denise left, Jodie turned to stare at Cayden. "Well... that was.... not like you at all! What is going on?"

The shop keeper shrugged. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I just need to get laid."

"No way. There's more to it than that. People just don't do a 360 like that unless you suddenly developed split personality."

"Yeah, that's it." Cayden replied sarcastically.

"It's the blonde on blades." Jodie declared.

Cayden exploded. "What the hell does she have to do with anything? Shit! She's straight Jo! She's got nothing to do with anything! Can't I just decide to date?"

"NO! Not after you were totally convinced that all women were evil and you were going to become a nutty old spinster woman just hours ago. Denise is cute Cayd, but she's nothing so special that you would behave like you did. There were no sparks from you, I know you well enough to see that. You're doing the wrong thing,. Denise is totally into you and you're going to play her cuz of some straight chick. That's just wrong."

Cayden shrugged again. "I don't really care."

Jodie shook her head in disappointment. "Think about it Cayd. I'm going home."

*  *  *


Brooke had to make a special effort to pay attention to the road as she skated home. She couldn't stop thinking about Cayden, and replaying that hungry expression Cayden had when her blue eyes wandered over her body. It made Brooke shiver to be on the receiving end of such a sexy look. She still felt disappointed that the tall woman had a girlfriend, but it didn't stop her body from reacting, she couldn't help it. She tried as hard as she could to recall a time when one of her boyfriend's looked at her that way and couldn't come up with anything. Brooke smiled broadly as she rolled up to her building, thrilled that she could have that kind of effect on anyone. She felt alive, sexy and desirable. It made her feel awfully cocky. If she could make someone like Cayden look at her like that, surely there were others that will too. She secretly wished that Cayden would look at her like that again and blushed.
Stop it, or you will be dreaming about it tonight,
she warned herself. She whistled cheerfully as she put her key in the door, but her happy bubble burst as soon as she opened it and saw Grant's expression.

"So, you finally decided to come home."

Brooke winced and sat down on the floor to take off her skates.

"Do you realize what time it is?" he asked, pointing to the clock.

Brooke looked at the time and shrugged. "It's 9:30. What's the problem?"

"You've never come home this late before!"

"So? Is it past my bedtime? Did I have a curfew?" Brooke asked as she threw her skates into the closet.

Grant fumed as he watched her walk away. He followed her into the kitchen, "This has to stop. You're not going out until all hours on those things, dressed like that any more! You belong in the house at night so I know where you are."

Brooke swallowed a few gulps of water before replying. "I happen to like those
, Grant, and never you mind how I dress. It's hotter than hell out there. And besides, I'm having fun for a change."

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