Hidden Desires (8 page)

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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Wade set up the coffee table with plates and beers and waited for Cayden to come home. When he heard the key in the door he smiled, and La La Bird ran to the door like a dog to greet her. It wasn't often that Cayden wanted to eat together, usually she'd hole herself up in her room and eat by herself. Wade was happy he'd have the opportunity to eat and talk with her.

"Hey, call off the hounds." Cayden said as La La stretched his long fat body up the tall woman's leg.

"He's just happy to see you, and don't play that game with me, I know you love him."

"Do not." the brunette said, walking into the living room with the cat attached to her leg. "He's not a pet, he's as big as a house, eats as much as I do... he should pay rent."

Wade grinned. "Gimme the dumplings!" he said excitedly.

"God, you're easy." Cayden joked, handing him the entire bag. "I'm going to change, be right back."

Wade unpacked and set up the food, and smirked knowingly when he found the shrimp. "See, I told you she loves you," he told La La and began cutting up shrimp for him. When Cayden came back, Wade frowned. She looked tired and sad and reached for a beer first. “How was work?" he asked, opting for the roundabout approach as to what was bothering her.

"Same as always. Oh, Blanche came in this morning. She annoyed me a little, her dog needs some attention."

"Why don't you call the groomer to make a house call again?'

"The groomer refuses to go to her house any more."

"That bad huh?"

"Worse. So how was your day?" she asked as she speared a piece of broccoli. Wade's day was always the same. How exciting could it be working as a security guard in a lingerie shop?

"Cool! I got to play butch cop today." He said puffing up his chest.

"No joke? Someone stole something?"

"Yeah, this chick took a few pairs of panties. I got to hold her in the back room and look menacing until the cops came." He failed to tell her that the only reason he caught her was because he was scoping her out as a possible date for Cayden.

"You have the sweetest job. Half naked women running around you all day long. "

Wade shrugged, feeding La La shrimp. "It's nothing special for me, but it could be dangerous for you. Too much eye candy for you to handle. You're hormones would rebel and stage a coup."

Cayden threw a chop stick at him. "I like being single just fine... and I get sex, my hormones are comfortable thank you very much."

"EW! I don't want to know that! Now every time you close your door I'll be thinking that your doing it."

Blue eyes twinkled playfully. "How do you know I only do it in my room?" she teased.

Wade looked at the coffee table, Cayden raised an eyebrow. He looked at the easy chair, she raised the other. He looked at the couch he was sitting on and Cayden wiggled both eyebrows.

"You did it on the couch didn't you." he said more than asked, standing and sniffing the cushions. "La La get off the couch, Aunt Cayden soiled it." he moved over to another spot on the couch.

Cayden laughed out loud and it felt good. "Shut up! Like you don't do it."

"Yeah, but I don't sit here on the couch, ankles to the wind..." he said, spreading his legs and lifting them in the air.

"You should try it." Cayden winked.

"Speaking of all things sexual, how's Jodie?" he asked, wondering if they may have had a fight, causing his friend's mood. "I haven't seen much of her lately. Anything new in the romance department?"

"Please." The tall woman rolled her eyes. "You know, I think she actually wants to date Shelly! She seem interested and Shelly is only after one thing so I think they'd get along perfectly."

"Really" After you told her what a disaster your date was?"

"Hmph. Well, she doesn't think it was all that bad. Actually, I've probably not been giving anyone much of a chance. I think I'm just supposed to be alone. I'm over dating."

"You always say that though." Wade said with a knowing smile.

"Yeah, but I mean it. I had enough. Either they're nuts or they're straight."

Wade watched her eat as he thought about what she said.
True... they've all been crazy in one way or another but straight? Where'd that come from?
"You never mentioned any straight girls before." he said curiously.

"There was this woman, at work. Most adorable smile, sparkling green eyes, great hot little body, cute dog too..." Cayden drifted off.

Wade raised his eyebrows in surprise. Cayden was actually showing genuine interest in a woman. "Yeah, and..."

"Straight." she frowned.

Bingo! Here's the big pisser! Straight girl turned her down! Poor thing. Go easy Wade.
"Oh, are you sure?"

"Actually, I don't really know. I may have come on too strong and scared her."

Not expecting that answer, Wade almost choked on a won ton. "You! Too strong???" He was floored. This woman must be something else on wheels for Cayden to react in such a way. "For real?"

"I just said
I did. I don't know. She was definitely checking me out... with interest and suddenly just as everything's flowing perfectly she throws her boyfriend at me."

Cayden looked hurt and pissed at the same time. Not knowing the exact circumstances, Wade knew to tread carefully. "Maybe she told you she had a boyfriend to see your reaction? She may not have read you right." he offered. "I mean, when's the last time you flirted with someone?"

"Maybe. I don't know. She really got to me Wade. I don't know why but I can't stop thinking about her... just forget it." she said, frustration clearly evident.

"Ok, but if you see her again, don't write her off completely. You never know, Cayd. She might be at home kicking herself right this moment for passing up the opportunity with you."

Cayden shrugged and continued eating. Wade ate too, but his mind was working a mile a minute.
Must speak to Jodie




Y THE END of the week, Grant was completely at a loss as to what happened to Brooke. His usually easy relationship suddenly turned complicated. Brooke was going out every day after dinner rollerblading and not coming home until after dark. When she did come waltzing back home, she showered, drank a bottle of water and went right to sleep. When he would ask her where she went, she would shrug and reply, "Around." Grant didn't like this new independent Brooke. He liked the old compliant one much better. The only plus side to this whole thing was that Brooke was asleep moments after her head hit the pillow and the majority of the time, she fell asleep with a smile on her face. However, this did nothing for Grant, and her independent attitude was unacceptable. As he sat and waited or her to come home, he went over everything he was going to say to her. After all, he was the man, he was the one who was supposed to go out gallivanting while she stayed home. That's the way things were supposed to be and he was going to tell her so.

*  *  *


Cayden's week went by as it always did, slow but not painfully so. Jodie popped into the shop on occasion, telling tales of her newest dates, suggesting a few women that she thought Cayden might be interested in. The tall shopkeeper just rolled her eyes each time. Cayden wasn't interested in dating. She was happy to go home alone, eat dinner and watch TV in her bed. No complications, no responsibilities. She often wondered how Jodie could have this long string of one nighters without any problems. She also secretly wished that she was able to pull something like that off, meet a good looking woman, sleep with her and forget her. It would make things so much easier for the brunette to have a no strings fling once and a while, but she knew she couldn't do it. She'd feel guilty, like she used the women, and that would bother her too much.

At home, Wade tried to draw more out of Cayden in regards to the blonde that seemed to disrupt her life, but nothing was revealed. Cayden wanted to forget that she ever met Brooke, and refused to talk about her to Wade, to Jodie, to anybody. It was bad enough that Brooke invaded her thoughts and dreams, she didn't need to talk about her too.

Cayden came home Friday evening with a veal parmagiana hero and was eager to prop herself up against the foot of the bed and eat in peace. However that was not to be.


Blue eyes narrowed at the half opened door and the tall brunette stopped mid-bite. "What?"

"Phone. It's Jo!"

"Tell her I died." Cayden bit into her sandwich and sighed. Moments later Wade thrust his hand into the room with the phone swinging by the antenna from his fingers. "Thanks bud. Didn't you owe me one?" She took the phone and sighed again. "Yeah."

"There's this really cool impromptu dog show in the park tonight. Come with?"

"No way. I'm in my pj's already. I'm not getting dressed."

"Please Cayd? I don't want to go alone. Anyway, aren't you the one who doesn't like me traipsing around alone in the park after dark?"

Cayden frowned. "Central Park?" she asked, contemplating it. "What do you mean by dog show?"

"Oh, some people are getting together to show off their babies. It's nothing official or fancy. I just thought you might want to get out."


"I'll be over to pick you up in a few!" Jodie said enthusiastically and hung up before Cayden could confirm.

"SHIT! She did it again!" The shop keeper scowled and put the phone down just as Wade poked his head in the door. "What do you want?" she grumbled.

"Are you going?" he asked excitedly.

"Looks like it."

"Cool! Yay! You never know, there may be a few good looking women showing off more than their dogs!"

"I should have known there was a catch. I'm only going to see the dogs, and keep Jodie in one piece. Now, shoo, and let me finish eating before she gets here."

Wade smiled deviously and skipped down the hall.

*  *  *


Brooke took a different route this time on her travels. She was going further each time she skated and this time she was on the Upper East Side. She was enjoying the nightly outings and the freedom she felt. She was also pleased that she was getting the exercise she had given up for reasons she couldn't remember. She loved the feeling of her muscles working as she pushed her legs further on each stride. However, it seemed just as she hit her pace, she had to stop for traffic lights and it was getting frustrating. She stopped at a corner and looked around curiously.
Hmmm, I bet I could make it to the park tonight. It's still early...
She was reluctant at first to go to the park, there were so many professional bladers and she was afraid she'd look stupid in comparison, but now, she felt pretty confident.
Yeah, I'll do it! No traffic lights, no car exhaust, lots of trees...
Brooke smiled to herself as she took off towards the park.

*  *  *


Grant looked at the clock and frowned. "Where is she? She's usually called by now." He picked up the phone and dialed Brooke's cell phone number and slammed down the receiver as the cell phone rang in the bedroom. "She didn't take her damned phone!"

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