Hidden Destiny (Redwood Pack)

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Hidden Destiny

A Redwood Pack Novel





By Carrie Ann Ryan



Hidden Destiny

A Redwood Pack Novel

By: Carrie Ann Ryan

Published by Fated Desires Publishing, LLC.

Copyright 2014 Carrie Ann Ryan

ISBN: 978-1-62322-041-9

Cover Art by Scott Carpenter

Formatted by
IRONHORSE Formatting


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All characters in this book are fiction and figments of the author’s imagination.






Hidden Destiny



North Jamenson has always held his wolf closer to the surface then others. He's the quiet one, the one no one really knows about yet he holds the darkest secret. He’s watched his brothers find their mates and start families, and now it was his turn. He knows Lexi could be his and her son could be part of his family, but he doesn't know if he's ready to share the darkness that's entwined with his soul.

Lexi Anderson is a mother, a sister, a latent wolf, and a new member of the Redwood Pack. She’s also holding secrets so close to her heart she’s not even sure she knows the truth anymore. When North takes another step closer to wanting to cement their bond, Lexi must come to grips with her past and what it means for her future. The Centrals’ war isn’t over yet and Lexi’s life is on the line as the paths they've chosen takes a drastic turn.








To Michelle. Thank you for finding North.








As the Redwood Pack grows, as does the family that makes each book happen. Thank you Marie Harte for helping me plot a way to make North and Lexi’s story grow within the world I love so much. Thank you Lia for holding my hand when I couldn’t finish this book and not yelling at me when I told you what
to happen. Thank you so much Michelle for coming with me on this journey and totally helping out. You and I aren’t done yet, lady. Thank you Devin and Saya for taking North and Lexi into your hands and helping me figure out what the hell they needed!

Thank you so much readers for being with me each step of the way. I can’t believe North’s story is in your hands.



Table of Contents


Redwood Pack Characters


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen


A Note from Carrie Ann

About this Author

Also from this Author

An Unlucky Moon

Divided Loyalties



Redwood Pack Characters


With an ever growing list of characters in each book, I know that it might seem like there are too many to remember. Well don’t worry; here is a list so you don’t forget. Not all are seen in this exact book, but here are the ones you’ve met so far. As the series progresses, the list will as well.

Happy reading!


Adam Jamenson
—Enforcer of the Redwood Pack, third son of the Alpha. Mate to Bay and father to Micah. Story told in
Enforcer’s Redemption

Anna Jamenson
—late mate of Adam.

Bay Jamenson
—new member of the Redwood Pack. Mate to Adam and mother to Micah. Story told in
Enforcer’s Redemption

—member of the Redwood Pack. Aunt to Emily.

Brie Jamenson
—daughter of Jasper and Willow.

Cailin Jamenson
—Only daughter of Edward and Pat.

—deceased former member of the Redwood Pack.

—demon from Hell summoned by the Centrals. Lover of Corbin.

Charlotte Jamenson
—half-sister of Ellie’s. Will be raised as a daughter by Ellie and Maddox.

Conner Jamenson
—son of Josh, Reed and Hannah. Twin to Kaylee.

Corbin Reyes
—new Alpha of the Central Pack. Lover of Caym.

Cyrus Ferns
—deceased former unit teammate of Josh’s.

—member of the Redwood Pack.

Edward Jamenson
—Alpha of the Redwood Pack. Mate to Pat. Father to Kade, Jasper, Adam, Reed, Maddox, North and Cailin.

Ellie Jamenson
—Daughter of the former Alpha of the Central Pack. Mate to Maddox and mother to Charlotte. Story told in
Shattered Emotions

—young member of the Redwood Pack. Orphan and niece of Beth.

—elder of the Redwood Pack. Lost her mate in the first war with the Centrals.

Finn Jamenson
—son of Kade and Melanie. Future Heir and Alpha of the Redwood Pack.

—deceased former member of the Redwood Pack. Camille’s lover.

Gina Jamenson
—newly adopted daughter of Kade and Melanie. Her birth parents, Larissa and Neil were killed during an attack.

—Healer of the Redwood Pack. Mate to Josh and Reed. Mother of Conner and Kaylee. Story told in
Trinity Bound
Blurred Expectations

Hector Reyes
—deceased former Alpha of the Central Pack. Father to Corbin, Ellie, Charlotte and Ellie’s twin.

—Redwood Pack member and store owner for 60 years.

—deceased member of the Central Pack.

—member of the Redwood Pack and one of the Alpha’s enforcers.

—Beta of the Redwood Pack. Mate to Willow and father of Brie. Story told in
A Taste for a Mate

—hot dog vendor and one of Josh’s former friends.

Joseph Brentwood
—deceased former Alpha of the Talon Pack.

Josh Jamenson
—former human Navy Seal. A Finder and partial demon. Mated to Reed and Hannah. Father to Conner and Kaylee. Story told in
Trinity Bound
Blurred Expectations

Kade Jamenson
—Heir and future Alpha of the Redwood Pack. Mate to Melanie. Father to Finn, Gina, and Mark. Story told in
An Alpha’s Path
A Night Away

Kaylee Jamenson
—daughter of Josh, Reed and Hannah. Twin to Conner.

—deceased member of the Redwood Pack. Witch and friend to Melanie. Mate to Neil and mother of Gina and Mark.

Lexi Anderson
—former Talon Pack member and new Redwood Pack member. Mother to Parker and sister to Logan.

Logan Anderson
—former Talon Pack member and new Redwood Pack member. Uncle to Parker and brother to Lexi.

Maddox Jamenson
—Omega of the Redwood Pack. Mate to Ellie and father to Charlotte. Story told in
Shattered Emotions

Mark Jamenson
—newly adopted son of Kade and Melanie. Her birth parents, Larissa and Neil were killed during an attack.

Melanie Jamenson
—former human chemist and mate to Kade. Mother to Finn, Gina and Mark. Story told in
An Alpha’s Path
A Night Away

—Redwood Pack Elder.

Micah Jamenson
—son of Adam and Bay.

Mrs. Carnoski
—elderly customer of Josh’s when he was human.

—deceased member of the Redwood Pack. Mate to Larissa and father of Gina and Mark.

—member of the Redwood Pack and former lover of Cailin’s.

North Jamenson
—doctor in the Redwood Pack, son of the Alpha.

Parker Anderson
—new member of the Redwood Pack and son of Lexi’s.

Patricia (Pat) Jamenson
—mate of the Alpha, Alpha female, and mother to Kade, Jasper, Adam, Reed, Maddox, North, and Cailin.

—disgruntled member of The Redwood Pack.

Reed Jamenson
—artist and son of the Alpha of the Redwood Pack. Mate to Josh and Hannah. Story told in
Trinity Bound
Blurred Expectations

—deceased former member of the Central Pack.

—deceased former member of the Central Pack.

Willow Jamenson
—former human baker and now mate to Jasper. Mother to Brie. Story told in
A Taste for a Mate.






“You’re going to get her back for me, right?”

Caym closed his eyes at Corbin’s repeated question. The pain behind his temples increased with each word, as if even his brain couldn’t stand the man beside him anymore. With a flick of his wrist, he could kill the little wolf and be done with this game, but alas, it wasn’t time.


Corbin had only one thing on his mind…her. It seemed as if she was the only thing the bastard wolf talked about anymore.

No, not said,
, as if Corbin was the one really in control and pulling all the strings.

How little the big bad wolf knew.

Caym turned over on his side, the silky black sheet sliding down his hip to expose just enough to get what he wanted from the Alpha of the Central Pack. Corbin’s eyes traced his body, yet Caym suppressed a dry quirk of his lips.

It never failed to amuse him that with just a little skin and light-to-heavy petting he could have this wolf eating out of the palm of his hand.

Well, maybe not amuse. Caym didn’t feel amusement or any other form of real emotion. He might portray anger and other heightened feelings if the situation called for it and if it would help him in his conquest, but it was never real.

As a demon, he didn’t
to feel anything. He could if he wanted to, but most days, he couldn’t care less. The blood running through his veins had enough anger and betrayal flowing through it, he didn’t need to add anything else to it.

If he wanted to feel emotions, though, at the moment, all he’d do was yawn with boredom.

First Corbin had wanted Caym to find Ellie, the wolf’s sister, and bring her back.

Now the damn so-called Alpha wanted Caym to find this long-lost woman of his. How Corbin was consistently losing women boggled Caym’s mind, but it wasn’t his place to say anything about it.

Well, at least not yet.

Caym ran a hand down Corbin’s naked chest and lifted a brow. “If you’re awake enough to worry about a woman, then I must not have done my job.” His hand slid lower, and Corbin groaned.

Sex meant nothing to Caym. He’d rather have the blood in the Alpha’s veins or the heart beating in his chest. Fucking the wolf, though, let him have more control without having to show that he was the one actually in charge.

As long as Corbin took the blame for their actions against the Redwoods, Caym could sit back and wait for his chance to take it all.

The Redwoods and, of course, Corbin wouldn’t know what hit them.

Corbin pulled away, but the heat didn’t leave his eyes. “I want her, Caym. She left me, and I’ll be damned if I let her get away with it.”

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