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Authors: Frank Tallis

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Advocates of the dynamic unconscious have been sanguine in the face of this criticism. They have never ceded the superiority of scientific truth above psychological truth, choosing instead to argue that, although it might not be possible to produce a map of the dream world, you can certainly go there -and that too is evidence. Not inferior evidence, but merely evidence of a different kind.

Ellenberger writes;

Actually, we have to deaf with two conceptions of reality facing each other, and it would seem that the realm of psychic life can be approached from two sides, both legitimate: either with the accurate technique of measurement, quantification, and experimentation of the research specialist, or with the immediate, nonquantifiable approach ofthe dynamic psychotherapist.

Ellenberger goes on to suggest that a rapprochement between psychodynamic and scientific psychology might be best achieved by philosophers. He proposes that extended reflection on the nature of psychic reality might reveal what he calls a ‘higher synthesis’ – a conceptual framework that would do justice to ‘the rigorous demands of experimental psychology and to the psychic realities experienced by the explorers of the unconscious’.


Double dates of publication refer to the original publication date and the date of the edition consulted, respectively. The works listed are those of most relevance to the chapters concerned.

1 Depths below depths

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3 The philosophy teacher

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5 Darkness rising

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6 A new vocabulary

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8 Darwin in the dark

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