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Authors: Frank Tallis

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Abraham, Karl 89

absent mindedness 46, 103

absolute threshold 14

Academie de Medecine 18

Academie des Sciences 18

Adler, Alfred 72, 75

Aeneus 6

alien hand 123-24

America (and psychoanalysis) 87-90

American Psychoanalytic Association 88

amygdala 135

analytical engine 3

analytical psychology 76

Anaximander 130

Andersen, Hans Christian 29,54

anima archetype 81-82

animal magnetism 16-17

animus archetype 81-82

anorexia nervosa 155

Anna O see Pappenheim, Bertha anterior commissure 120

anterograde amnesia 128

anxiety neuroses 153

apperceptions 3

arachnophobia 136

archaeology 68-70

archaic vestiges 80

archetypes 76, 80-82

Aristotle 31

De Anima

artificial somnambulism 20-21

Arp, jean 86

art therapy 78

Atanasoff, john V. 91

Augustine, St ix

automatic drawing 26

automatic processing 103

automatic writing 26


Babbage, Charles 3, 91

Bacon, Francis 51

Bacon, Francis, (twentieth century artist) 168

Balzac, Honore de 29

Baquet (Mesmer’s) 18,20

Battaille, Georges 85

Story of the Eye

Beech, H. R. 155

Belknap, Raymond 148-49

Benedickt, Moritz 58

Bernays, Martha 56

Berne, Eric 83

Binswanger, Ludwig 73

Blackmore, Susan 179

‘Back to Basics’ 179

Blake, William x, 4, 166-67

Bletchley Park 91

blindsight 125

blind-spot 116

Bogen, joseph 118

Bohm, David 178

Bohr, Niels x, 166

Bowlby, john 83

Bradley, Brendan 140

Braid, james 24-25

Breton, Andre 85

Le Poisson soluble

Breue josef 52,53-9

Studies on Hysteria

Brill, A. A. 73

British Broadcasting Act 150-51

British Psychological Society 151

Broadbent, Donald 98-99

Perception and Communication

Brown, j. A. C. 74

Browning, Robert 29

Bruner, jerome 93, 95

Buddha 179

Buddhagosa 179

Buddhism 179-80

Bush, George W. 149

Burroughs, William 168

Byron, George Gordon Lord 7


Calcutta Mesmeric Hospital 24

California Institute of Technology 119

California School of Medicine 112

Calvin, William H. 146

camouflage 142

Capgras delusion 139-40

capture errors 103

Castellanos, Alex 149

Carpenter, Benjamin 31, 92

Carus, Karl Gustav 14


catharsis 54, 164

Chambers, Robert 130

Charcot, jean Martin 35, 39-41, 47,51-52,55-56

Cherry, Colin 97-99

‘Some experiments on the recognition of speech with one and with two ears’ 97

Chevreul, Michel 26

Claparede, Edouard 128

Clark University 87

cognitive psychology 93

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor x, 7-9, 59, 77

Kubla Khan
’ 8, 166

Lyrical Ballads

collective unconscious 79

Colossus 91

commisurotomy 118

conditioning 96, 137-38

connectionism 106




control errors 104

controlled processing 103

Copernicus x, xii, 71, 171

corpus collosum 118, 123

effects of early trauma

creative illness 79

Crick, Francis 146

crisis 17

cryptomnesia 29


Dalf, Salvador 86

Damasio, Antonio 128-29, 177

The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness

Dante Alighieri 6

Darwin, Charles x, xii, 71, 130-33,147,171

The Expression ofthe Emotions in Man and Animals

The Origin of Species 131

Darwin, Erasmus 130

Dawkins, Richard 144

The Blind Watchmaker

The Selfish Gene
144, 146-47

David (Damasio’s case of) 128-29

Davis, Andrew jackson 26

Principles of Nature

deception 142-45

Deeke, Luder 114

defence mechanisms 62

defence mechanism test (DMT) 155-56

Delvaux, Paul 86

de Maupassant, Guy 29

Dennett, Daniel 176

Consciousness Explained

De Quincey, Thomas 9-12,59,77

Confessions of an English Opium Eater

Suspiria de Profundis

Descartes, Rene xii, xiii, 166, 174-75

Treatise on the Passions of the Soul

desensitisation 158

Despine, Antoine 27

determinism (neurochemical) 178

Devif’s Trill (sonata) 167

dichotic listening task 97-100

Dickens, Charles 23

dipsychism 28, 123

dissociation 50

Dixon, Norman 94-5, 101-2

On the Psychology of Military Incompetence

Preconscious Processing

Subliminal Perception: The Nature of a Controversy

Dostoevsky, Fyodor 29, 122

dowsing 26

dream work 64

du Maurier, George 29

Dumas, Alexander 29


Eaden, Frederick van 13

early selection 99

Ecole Normale Superieure 36

Edelman, Gerald 146

EEG (electroencephalography) 113-14

ego 61

ego analysis 83

Einstein, Albert x

Elizabeth von R. (Freud’s case of) 63

Elliotson, john 22-3

Numerous Cases of Surgical Operations without Pain in the Mesmeric State
’ 23

Ellenberger, Henri 51, 181-2

The Discovery of the Unconscious

Eluard, Paul 85

Empedocles 130


endopsychic myth 69

Enlightenment 1-2, 5, 15

ERP (evoked response potential) 113-15

Erwartung 84

Esdaile, james 24

Evelyn, john 31

Evolution (Theory of, by Natural Selection) 133

evolutionary pressure 134

evolutionary psychology 142

exposure (behaviour therapy) 161

Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick’s) 85

Eysenck, Hans 174


face recognition 139

fear (conscious and unconscious neural pathways) 136

Fechner, Gustav 13

Elements of Psychophysics

Nanna, or on the Soul-life of Plants

Zand-Avesta, or the Things of Heaven and the Beyond

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