Hidden Truths (48 page)

BOOK: Hidden Truths
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Luke didn't protest when Nora peeled back layer after layer
of the bandages, looking as if she were unwrapping a long-awaited present.

When Luke stood before her naked, Nora smoothed her hands
over the faint red lines that the bandages carved into Luke's skin.

Luke shivered under the gentle touch. Heat rushed through
her, and she barely resisted the urge to throw Nora onto the bed and cover her
body with hers. It had been so long.

But Nora's gaze commanded her. She glanced from Luke to the
tub. "Get in."

On trembling legs, Luke climbed into the tub. Warm water
lapped at her already burning skin.

Nora's gaze wandered over every inch of Luke's body and
lingered on her breasts.

Years ago, Luke would have crossed her arms over her naked
chest. But now, she sat still under Nora's gaze, arms on the rim of the tin
tub, and let Nora look her fill. How could she feel self-conscious when Nora
stared at her as if she were the most beautiful thing in the world?

Nora sank onto her knees next to the tub. She grasped a
square of soap and looked deeply into Luke's eyes while she lathered up a washcloth.

In the past, bathing had been private for Luke, something
that happened behind locked doors, a necessary evil and a danger rather than
something to enjoy. Sharing the experience with someone had been inconceivable.

"Close your eyes," Nora murmured.

Luke didn't hesitate. Her eyes closed.

Nora's breath brushed her ear. "Tip your head back for

Warm water flowed over her head, then Nora's fingers were in
her hair, caressing wet strands and massaging Luke's scalp. Every bone in
Luke's body melted, and the tension of the last two months drained from her
body. "Lord. This is heaven."

Water splashed as Nora cupped her hands and rinsed the soap
from Luke's hair. Her fingertips brushed suds from Luke's face, protecting her
from getting soap in her eyes. She used her fingers to wash behind Luke's ears,
then picked up the washcloth again.

Luke's skin tingled when Nora ran the cloth up her arm. The
soapy touch trailed across her shoulders, then down the other arm. Nora lifted
Luke's hand out of the water and kissed each finger before running the
washcloth over them.

A tingle ran through Luke. Her body came alive under Nora's
hands, as if it had been asleep for the last few weeks.

The cloth dipped under water, washing Luke's feet and
calves, then teasing the back of her knees. She gasped when Nora slid the
washcloth up the inside of her leg. Luke's eyes shot open. Her chest heaved,
and water sloshed, dripping onto the floor and drenching Nora's dress.

"Your dress," Luke said, voice rough and
breathless. She stared at the bodice that clung to Nora's chest.

Nora looked down at her wet dress. "Maybe I better take
it off." Her voice was smoky, filled with heat.

Luke lay transfixed as the skirt fell to the floor, followed
by the bodice, then Nora's corset and drawers. She struggled to climb out of
the tub and into Nora's arms.

A soft touch to her chest held her back and made her sink
back into the water. "Not yet," Nora said. She picked up the
washcloth again and trailed it down Luke's breastbone. When she reached Luke's
navel, she leaned over Luke and kissed the damp hollow between her collarbones.

The washcloth slid up Luke's sensitive side. It circled one
breast, then the other. Nora's fingers skimmed the curve of Luke's breast,
making Luke arch into the whisper of a touch.

Nora gripped her hand and directed her to stand.

She poured a pitcher of warm water over Luke. Nora's gaze
followed the suds down Luke's body. "You are so magnificent."

"You are the magnificent one, darling." Luke
wanted to say more, but Nora wrapped her in a towel and pulled her into her

Their bodies pressing against each other, Nora walked her

Luke followed blindly until she felt the edge of the bed
against her legs. She shook off the towel and slid onto the bed, pulling Nora
on top of her. Compared to the warm, smooth skin, the sheets felt rough beneath

Their breasts pressed together. "Oh. Oh, this is
so..." Luke's heart hammered against her ribs. Or maybe it was Nora's
heart. She couldn't tell anymore.

Playful teeth nibbled her earlobe, sending shafts of heat
down Luke's body. Nora rained kisses down the side of Luke's neck and licked
away drops of water. Soft locks fanned over Luke's chest like a protective
curtain, tickling her skin. Nora's tongue caressed Luke's shoulder, and she
pressed a tender kiss to the faded scar before she trailed kisses down Luke's
breastbone. She licked circles around one breast.

Heat followed her touch. Luke's body tingled from head to
toe. Tension pooled in her belly. She couldn't take more teasing. She threaded
her fingers through the red locks and pulled Nora's mouth to her breast.

Both of them groaned.

Nora caressed Luke's breasts with her hands, her lips, her
tongue, licking, sucking, stroking.

Weakly, Luke lifted her head to watch. Seeing how much joy
Nora took from her body, from touching it, tasting it, gave Luke new
appreciation for her female form after spending every minute of the last two
months hiding it.

Nora rasped her teeth over the tip of Luke's breast.

"God, Nora." Luke let go of Nora and grabbed the
sheet instead. She was so close to the edge already that she felt as if she
were free-falling. She wasn't afraid. Nora would catch her.

Breath fanned over Luke's belly. She writhed and arched when
Nora dipped her tongue into her belly button. Nora sucked on the skin beneath
Luke's navel. Her hands slid up Luke's thighs; one hand came to rest on Luke's
hip while the other found Luke's fingers and entwined them with her own.

Nora nudged Luke's legs apart and settled between them. She
pressed a kiss to the inside of Luke's thigh, then looked up. "I love

Hot breath between her legs sent tingles up and down Luke.
"Oh, Lord." She groaned. "I love you too."

Then Nora's mouth was on her.

Luke's moan mingled with Nora's contented humming.

Nora's tongue flicked over her, circled, then dipped lower.

"Nora!" Luke raised her knee and ground herself
against Nora. Her heart thudded in her throat, along with the pounding pulse
between her legs. Feeling the answering tremor in Nora's body made her blood
burn hotter.

Then Nora closed her lips over Luke and suckled.

Luke's hips surged up. Her mouth fell open, and she gulped
in a mouthful of air. She disentangled her hand from around the sheet and
gripped the back of Nora's head.

The pressure in Luke's belly ratcheted higher. The first
tremors threatened. Her heels dug into the bed.

Nora gripped Luke's hips, holding her in place.

A wave of ecstasy crashed through Luke, washing away sound
and sight, leaving just touch. She arched against Nora, stiffened, then fell
back onto damp sheets.

Nora crawled up, her curves brushing over every inch of
Luke's body, and collapsed into Luke's arms.

With shaking hands, Luke caressed Nora's flushed cheeks.
"Lord, Nora," she rasped through a dry throat, "what you do to

Nora kissed her, and Luke surged against her when she tasted
herself on Nora's lips.

"Welcome home," Nora murmured.

Luke rolled over and kissed Nora's neck. "Now let me
say hello too."

*  *  *

The whisper of Nora's hand trailing back and forth over her
bare chest sent shivers down Luke's body. Then Nora paused with her hand on
Luke's breastbone.


Luke smiled. She folded her hands in the small of Nora's
back, chaining Nora to her body, and kissed her. Nora tasted of salt and
passion. "Measles could never hold a candle to you."

"You!" Nora reached beneath the covers and pinched
Luke's hip. "That's not what I meant. Now tell me what happened on the way
back from Fort Boise. And I don't want the heroic tale Charlie told over
supper. He tried to hide it, but he was limping, wasn't he?"

Sighing, Luke let go of Nora and slipped into her
nightshirt. She wouldn't be able to rest and sleep with her body uncovered like
that. At least not so soon after returning home. She needed time to reconnect
with that part of herself.

"What happened?" Nora reached for her own
nightgown and slipped it over her head.

Luke's first instinct was to protect Nora from the harshness
of life, but the years taught her sharing her troubles was better for both of
them. She took her time getting back into bed and settling the blankets over
them, then said, "Two men waylaid us in camp one morning. They wanted to
shoot us while we were asleep."

Nora jumped up.

"Everyone's fine," Luke said. "We were lucky.
Charlie took a bullet in the calf, but that's all."

"Lord." Nora rubbed her breastbone and sank back
against her pillow. "What did they want?"


A deep line formed on Nora's brow. "What for?"

"I stopped them from laying hands on an Indian woman in
Fort Boise." The memory of the woman in the alley still made Luke tremble
in outrage.

A smile that held equal parts concern and pride tugged on
Nora's lips. She cradled Luke's face and looked into her eyes. "Still
rescuing damsels in distress, like you rescued me from my life in Independence."

"I didn't rescue you. You rescued me."

Nora's smile grew brighter. "We rescued each other. I
think Tess and Frankie rescued each other too. I like them together."

Luke hummed her agreement and settled against Nora's warmth.
Her eyelids drooped, but she fought to stay awake. "Can we talk about
what's going on with Amy?" She had asked Amy half a dozen times during and
after supper, but Amy brushed her off. Even Nora told her "later"
when she asked.

The smile vanished from Nora's face as if someone had doused
a kerosene lamp. "I have to tell you something."

Nothing good, if the expression in her eyes was any

Luke sat up. "Something worse than Adam setting the
barn afire, hurting Amy, and knocking you out?"

"Yes." Nora hesitated. "No, it's not really
bad, just surprising and confusing. I don't know how to tell you."

"Just say it," Luke said over the pounding of her


Luke's joyous reunion with Nora made her forget everything
else for a while, but now that she thought about it... "Amy and Nattie
both seemed unsettled tonight. What happened?"

"Nattie too?" In the light of the kerosene lamp,
worry lines carved themselves into Nora's brow. "She seemed a bit sad,
probably because Phin and Hendrika will leave soon, but I thought she was dealing
well with all of this."

"All of this?"

"Amy and Rika saw Tess and Frankie kiss."

For several seconds, the lump in Luke's throat didn't allow
for an answer. "No wonder Amy is upset. I bet she didn't even know two
women can love each other like that."

"She knows more about it than we thought, Luke."
Nora leaned against Luke's shoulder as if searching for strength. "Amy has
feelings for women."

Luke shook her head to clear it.
"Just because Amy hasn't shown much interest in her suitors doesn't mean

"She told me today. Or rather, I dragged it out of her
through tears. She is so ashamed she couldn't even look me in the eye."

Luke's heartbeat roared in her ears. Their proud daughter
ashamed, crying hot tears of anguish... The thought made her ache, and she
trembled with helplessness. "How long?" Luke's voice sounded much
calmer than she felt. "How long has she known about her feelings?"

"I don't know. Amy was nearly hysterical, so I did most
of the talking and she just stammered a few confused words. But I got the
feeling she has known for some time. She remembered what the townsfolk did to
Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Sutherland."

"But if she has known for this long, why didn't she
ever come and talk to us about it?" The thought of Amy suffering alone stabbed
at her heart.

"She thinks I'm in love with the most wonderful man God
ever created." A smile smoothed the worry lines around Nora's mouth.
"She doesn't think we understand."

Luke's temples pounded. She gripped her head. "Do you
think if Amy had grown up with a real —"

Nora pressed her fingers to Luke's lips. "Don't even
think that. I grew up with a father and three brothers, yet here I am, loving
you. If we start thinking that we are to blame for Amy's feelings toward women,
then we're telling Amy that we think it's wrong."

"Right. Right." A trembling breath escaped Luke.
"What do we do?" She felt as she had seventeen years ago: not knowing
how to treat Amy, how to talk to her, sure that everything she did and said
would be wrong.

"I don't know. I already talked to her, told her that
the love between Tess and Frankie isn't any less worthy than the love between a
man and a woman."

"Do you think she believed you?" If Amy had heard
what the god-fearing people of Baker Prairie said about "unnatural
women" like Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Sutherland, Luke doubted Nora's
reassurances had done much good.

"I'm sure she understood it here," Nora tapped her
finger against her forehead, "but I'm not sure if she accepted it
here." Her palm pressed against the upper part of Luke's unbound breast.

Luke covered the hand with her own and clutched it to her
pounding heart. She knew how self-hatred could grow over the years, brick by
brick, until it created a wall around your heart that could not be overcome by
rational arguments. "I'll talk to her." She threw back the covers and
swung her legs out of bed.

"Not now, Luke." Nora grabbed a handful of Luke's
nightshirt and held her back.

"You think Amy is sleeping after a day like this?"
Luke knew she wouldn't sleep a wink all night, so surely Amy was still up too.

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