Highlander's Passion (The Matheson Brothers Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: Highlander's Passion (The Matheson Brothers Book 2)
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Well, it appeared he’d underestimated his woman. She wielded one of the fiercest of the battle skills and he shouldn’t have forgotten that. Still, he stepped in front of her and shielded her from any coming attacker. There wasn’t a chance he’d lose her.

“Step aside for a moment.” She ducked out from behind him and sent another arc of fire at another MacKenzie.

“Isla, get back!” Iain bellowed as he eyed Isla atop her horse.

“You need me,” she yelled and rode along the warring front, her compelling voice strong. “All will cease fighting and listen to me well and true! Those warriors here from the MacKenzie clan will drop your weapons.”

Their enemy’s swords clattered to the ground, so swiftly Finlay gaped. Their women were strong.

“I’ll be back as soon as I’ve contained my mate. She’s impossible sometimes.” Iain slapped Finlay’s back then raced toward Isla and bounded onto the back of her mount and swept the reins from her. He half bent over her, protecting her as best as he could should anything fly toward her.

Still, Isla wouldn’t be halted. Her compelling voice rang loud and clear even with Iain’s looming. “Hear me well, MacKenzies. You’ll gather your fallen and leave these shores. Your fight is done this day and you’ve lost the battle. Board your vessels and don’t look back.”

The MacKenzie warriors heaved their fallen comrades over their shoulders and stumbled toward their galleys.

“We were wrong to keep them away.” Kirk sheathed his sword.

“Go,” Isla commanded the MacKenzies. “Flee, as fast as you can, and know that the Mathesons are the ‘Son of the Bear.’ No one will take what is ours.”

The MacKenzies boarded and with their oars in hand, rowed into the deep then raised their sails.

Isla grinned and continued, her voice so sweetly hypnotic. “Those here fighting for Gilleoin or to protect the village will tend our own wounded before we celebrate our win. I too am part of the ‘power of three,’ and our enemy will never get past any of us.” She waved at Arabel from under Iain’s arm. “Isn’t that right, sister?”

“Aye, none will ever get past us.” Arabel raised her hands high and sent an arc of fire streaming toward the fleeing MacKenzies. It rippled across their stern and sent their enemy speeding away.

Gilleoin shoved his sword high. “To the ‘power of three’ and their chosen ones! May they forever stand at each other’s sides.”

Cheers abounded and Nessa, Sorcha and Julia raced out of the forest with the villagers spilling out behind them.

With their enemy a mere dot on the horizon, Finlay tossed Arabel over his shoulder and hiked it toward his destrier as lightning sizzled overhead. “You are in so much trouble, my sweet.”

“Oh, I hope so.” She giggled, actually giggled. His woman clearly had no self-preservation. “And I hope you noticed the perfect storm, my stubborn bear.”

“Which will be your saving grace, since right now we’re headed for the cavern. Isla and my brothers clearly have this battle in hand, whereas mine with you has just begun.”

“Well, I do love a good battle.” She patted his backside. “Hurry it along.”

* * * *

Standing before her mate at the rear of the cavern on the small curve of sandy beach, Arabel unlaced her gown. She wriggled the silvery-blue silk down over her shift and folded it on top of a boulder as thunder rumbled overhead. “You said we are each other’s match in every way, and I’m ready to accept our bond, fully and completely.”

“As am I.” He stripped off his cotun and tunic, laid his weapons safely against the rock wall until he remained clothed in only his black leather pants. “Can you read my mind?”

She could, with ease. He longed for her, just as she longed for him.

“Test your fire, my love.”

From deep within, she tried to call it forth but nothing rose. “There is naught. I’m underground and all four elements are in place.”

“Then it wasn’t just the elements coming together in a perfect storm that caused the realignment, but also the four elements together which will continue to dispatch your fire.”

“Aye, thank heavens it is that way.” Her dreams had been answered and her hope now soared to new levels. She could have a life with him, one where they could join as one whenever the four elements came together again.

“Then in between storms, I believe I shall go slightly insane.” Finlay swept her into his arms and bounded with her clasped tight to his chest onto the boulder leading toward the ledge. He jumped from one to the next then strode along the ledge toward the crack in the rock wall where spray misted through.

Gently, he set her on her feet beside him and she swayed closer, grazing his chest with her hard nipples. Her mind fuzzed, became consumed with the need to mate and join as one.

“Unless,” he murmured, “the four elements needn’t just be a brewing storm. There is water misting over us, the wind which is usually a constant outside, and I could easily create a fire pit at the back of the cave and ensure it is lit if there’s no lightning. The element of fire should be acceptable no matter what form it comes in.”

“And we are already underground. Do you think that might truly work?”

“We’ll try it out once the storm has passed, before we leave this cave.” He stroked down her sides, his gaze moving over her chest where her damp shift clung to her skin and outlined her breasts. “In the future, if what I hope works, we could build an underground home not far from Ivanson Castle and ensure it holds a fireplace, a very large and comfortable shower to provide the water, and if there isn’t enough wind churning outside, I’ll erect a wind machine that can easily be turned on.”

“That sounds divine. I believe I’m going to enjoy the conveniences of your future time.”

“I’m going to ensure it, and right now, you’re tempting me beyond my endurance.” He bent, fastened his mouth over her nipple and sucked it into his mouth, cloth and all. She moaned at the sweet sensations that rippled through her.

“That feels wonderful.” She gripped the leather tie at the waist of his pants and pulled it free and passed it to him. “This is for you, afore I lose my mind.”

“What is—ahh.” He nodded and grinned. “A handfast binding. Perfect.” He slipped the tie from her fingers, clasped his right hand with her right and wrapped the thin strip of leather around both their wrists. “Arabel, with all my heart and all that I am, I wish to bind us together as husband and wife, and before a year and a day passes, I’ll ensure we’re wed proper before our clans.” He looked deep into her eyes. “I have fallen in love with you each and every time we’ve been together. That I know to the depths of my soul, and right now, I can’t live another day without you at my side.”

“You are my mate, my match in every way. I long to speak vows with you, vows you’ll now remember.”

“Then I’ll begin.” He lowered to his knees, caught her hands and brought them to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “I, Finlay Michael Matheson, of Ivanson Castle, pledge my troth to Arabel, of the House of Clan Matheson. With this handfast, I take her as my wife for the next year and a day, and as my mate for all time.” He tightened his grip on her hand. “You’ll be mine, in every single way.”

She sank to the knees, her fingers twined with his. “I, Arabel, of the House of Clan Matheson, pledge my troth to Finlay Michael Matheson. With this handfast, I take him as my husband for the next year and a day, and as my mate for all time.” She stared at the leather bound around their wrists and smiled as she raised her gaze to his. “Now we seal the vows with a kiss. We did so the first time.”

“Are you sure?” A teasing glint lit his golden eyes.

“Aye, very sure.” She captured his mouth and kissed him, until his hard body wrapped around and stamped hers with a fierce heat she needed more of.

“Whatever you need from me, you’ll speak it.” He looked deep into her eyes. “I want to know what you like, or what you don’t like. What you’d prefer for me to do, or not do.”

“As you told me the first time. I want to experience everything you can offer, Finlay, to be with you in every way, our bodies joined as one.”

“Then first, I need to remove your shift.” He tugged the leather strip binding their wrists free then rose to his feet and drew her up. “Is that acceptable?”

“I’m no’ sure what’s taking you quite so long.”

“Because I’m as nervous as hell, woman. I’ve never lain with a lass before while you’re far more experienced in the act of lovemaking and have bedded me.” Grinning, he shook his head. “Which could only make sense between the two of us.”

“If I remember correctly, you removed your trews first and I got to fondle and take your shaft in my mouth.”

“That would never have happened first”—he tapped her nose—“not when your pleasure must come before all else.”

“Ah well, ’twas worth a try.” A sneaky giggle escaped her.

“I can see I’ll have to keep my eyes on you, which I can’t wait to do.” He crouched, grasped her hem and lifted the cotton. With the fabric at her knees, he slid his hands over her calves, along the curves of her outer thighs until he exposed the curls covering her mound. Leaning in, he nuzzled between her inner thighs, his nose bumping the entrance to her core and with a low growl, he breathed her scent in deep, his claws slicing free then retracting. “You smell like warm honey and something very, very nice. My bear is clawing for a taste.”

“Just remember, whatever you do to me, I intend to do in return.” Palms flattened to the slick rock wall behind her, she reveled in the spray of cool water washing over her. No steam. No fire.

Finlay continued to rise, just as he had the first time they’d joined, his hands stroking over her hips, her belly, his fingertips brushing the undersides of her breasts. Each of his touches sent a bolt of raw heat racing through her. Finlay would claim her, make her his in every way, and nothing could have brought her more joy than being here with him, right now.

Hands sliding up along the smooth, sheer rock wall, she gave herself completely to him as he peeled her shift higher. His lengthy cock, so hard and full, the head escaping his loosened waistband and poking out, made her body sing for closer contact. She lifted one leg, wrapped it around the back of his legs and tugged him closer. “This mated bond is so wonderful.”

“And all-consuming.” He rubbed against her, his entire body as slick and wet as hers as he swept her shift over her head and touched his lips to hers. “You’re so beautiful, your skin so creamy and soft.” He flapped her undergarment onto the ledge, shoved his pants down his thickly muscled legs and laid the leather down as another barrier against them and the stone. Then he swept her up, laid her on top of their clothes and kneeling between her spread legs, captured her breasts in his hands and eased them together. Thumbs swiping her nipples, stiffening them further, he licked around her aureoles, first one and then the other. “So wet and hard. I need more,” he rasped.

“Take whatever you desire.”

He kissed her again, so deliciously he turned the heat radiating through her blood into a roaring fire, until every inch of her sizzled and every one of her thoughts scattered. She needed this, needed him.

“You’re all mine.” Greedily, he sucked one nipple deep inside his mouth and played the tip with his tongue.

Delicious heat radiated through her blood and she arched her back, thrust her breasts ever deeper into his exquisite touch and whimpered. “Finlay, I need more.”

“I’ve got you.” He rubbed her nub as he continued to lave her breasts and she gasped as white-hot pleasure struck her and rippled outward. She soared as he drove her over the edge, so swiftly and completely, her body so in tune with his touch. Stars shimmered, and ever so slowly, she came back down.

“That was beautiful to watch,” he whispered against her ear.

“I want you inside me, now.”

“Soon. Your scent has wrapped itself around me and I wish to taste what beckons me below.” Grinning, he slid one finger along her wet folds and licked his lips as he eyed her entrance. “Did I do so the first time?”

“Aye, you left no part of me untouched.” As he wouldn’t this time either. The promise of all that would come shone in his passion-filled gaze.

* * * *

“This is a moment I’ve craved.” Finlay longed for his mate, the only woman he’d ever love. Such a ravenous hunger rolled through him. “I want your scent on my tongue, as well as in and around me. I want to have you so deeply ingrained inside me, that you’re as much a part of me as I long to be a part of you.”

He slid onto his belly between her knees, raised her legs, hooked them over his shoulders until her bottom lifted off the ledge and she lay fully exposed to him. From the overhead vent, light filtered through even as the storm raged. The lush pinkness of her enticed him. So beautiful, and all his.

With her inner thighs spread, he traced along her folds then plunged one finger inside her. She bucked and moaned, her beaded nipples hardening even further. “I see you like that.”

“There is naught you can do that I willnae like.”

“Then are you ready for more?” He stroked her harder and faster, rubbing his thumb across her nub until she arched into his touch.

“Aye,” she panted, “love me however you please.”

He added a second finger then dipped his head and licked her flesh. His bear rumbled in appreciation then he removed his fingers and thrust his tongue inside her, stroked the inside of her channel then retreated and did the same all over again. Lapping her, he built her next orgasm to a peak with his mouth and tongue alone. This was what he wanted, to hear her soft cries for more, to know her passion rose to such heights because of him. A myriad of sensations stormed through him and his cock throbbed, so heavy and full and wanting as he drank at the very heart of his woman.

“Finlay, I cannae take any more. I need your mouth on mine.”

“I’m coming, love.” He lifted up, licking and nipping her skin as he did, along the sweet line of her groin, around her belly button and her tasty midsection. Then he gorged himself on her full breasts and her pebbled nipples. Higher still, he moved, along her sweet collarbone and over the soft flesh of her neck. He laved his mark, still as visible as when he’d bitten her earlier in the day, then nibbled on her tiny lobe. All of her became a heady, intoxicating rush he wanted to drown himself in.

BOOK: Highlander's Passion (The Matheson Brothers Book 2)
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