Read His Angel: The Angel Trilogy Book One Online
Authors: Kimberly Blalock
“Hey love.” Eric winks as he turns in a twirling motion following in the direction I’m heading in. “So, I finally went out with you know who,” he hums in a high-pitched tone of excitement.
He’s the most nervous single guy I have ever known. He’s mostly a homebody. He blames it on Doris and Day, his fluffy little puppies. I’m not sure what kind they are, but cute enough, at a distance anyway, since I’m allergic to dogs.
“So, how was it?” This is a nice surprise. Eric really likes James and has been so nervous for this date.
“He’s definitely a keeper,” he winks, heading back to his desk.
My cubicle waited patiently for my arrival with mail stacked in a heaping pile next to the computer screen. I sit with my hands in my lap, my legs shaking beneath me.
I tap my pen on the desk as I think about a story on a domineering parent that refuses to accept that their adult child may actually be capable of living their own life. Of course this is totally a reflection of my father. I roll my eyes at the thought.
My father is a strong, domineering man with everyone, except my mother. In the Hayes home she runs the show. He’s on the board of directors at the hospital he works for in Denver and I know he’s the same with the people he works with or should I say the people who work for him.
My eyes have been plastered to this computer screen for the last six hours as I made corrections to the article I previously turned in. I only have until four to fix the disaster my work is...
I finish the corrections and glance at the time on my phone. Three thirty glares from the screen. I open a new email and send it to Ramona.
All finished,
I sigh.
I anxiously stand from my desk as I decide to change into my yellow sundress and wedges. If I want to make it through traffic to get to the airport in time, I better go.
I wave goodbye to Eric and Melissa who are chatting at the front desk, and head out to the parking lot to my white Range Rover. My mom and dad bought it as a graduation gift and I love it. However, now that pre-med is over and I am expected to go into the medical program, I am sure that I will only have it for the summer once my father learns of my plans.
I bend down to pick up the keys I dropped as I put my bag in the back seat. I swear I hear someone call out my name. I shrug it off to the busy LA streets and the fact that I’m probably not the only “
Traffic is horrible. I finally pull in to the LAX entrance; it is six fifteen6:15 before I finally arrive. I am sure Amy isn’t off the plane yet so I park my car and wait. My phone beeps.
I’m getting my bags and I’ll be out.
K I’ll be here.
I am so happy I will get to hang out with Amy and maybe she can shed some light on this whole Marco heartache thing.
I watch the comings and goings of the people and they look so happy.
Maybe they are going on an adventure
I think. I’m suddenly shaken from my people watching when a beautiful dark-haired man walks directly in front of my car. He glances at me with his phone at his right ear and then stops as he stares intently at me.
OH…MY...GOD! I blush. He must be a businessman. No, definitely not! He has to be a GQ model. His grey suit is nicely fitted and hugs his amazingly large muscular body. I might possibly be sweating from the heat that is invading my body.
We stare at each other for an awkward few moments. I hear my name and look to my left to see Amy jumping up and down, waving her hands in the air to get my attention. The man turns his head in the direction that has caught my eye, turns back to me, smiles, and then he walks away with a confident swagger.
I step out of the car and help Amy with her bags. I desperately want him to come back, but what would I do with a man like that? I did like the electricity I felt. It has been too long since I had that feeling. The sad lonely Abby is getting too comfortable in this skin.
“Oh my God, I am so happy to see you doll!” she hums.
“Me too,” I say as I hug her.
“Did you see me? You looked very preoccupied with that hunk of man I saw in front of your car. He seems familiar, but I didn’t get a great look at his face.” She winks as she opens the visor to fix her dark bob.
Oh great now I will never live this down. I blush. I just make something up. “Yeah, I think he was lost.”
“Oh, well that sucks, maybe we can give him a ride.”
I know exactly what kind of a ride she’s talking about and I’m not going to let on that I heard what she said.
“Well doll I am so ready to get this party started.” She’s always ready for that.
I smile. “Is anyone planning on going with us tonight?”
“Well.” She looks at me and smiles. “I’m kind of hoping you are cool with Dominic and his friend Evan going with us.”
“Amy, I really hope you are not trying to set me up with this Evan person!” I say loudly.
“Hey he’s hot and.... he’s
so let’s just hang out with him. No expectations I promise!” She smiles in her very sweet I-am-a-good-girl-I-swear look.
“Ok.” I sigh.
“Trust me, Abby, you will have a good time. I just want you to start over. I mean what kind of guy just doesn’t call after having a relationship with someone for two years? We will have fun tonight I promise, and no worries. Ok?” She smiles in her all white perfection.
“Yeah,” I whisper because I don’t care if I have fun.
“O. M. G!” Amy’s voice raises a few octaves.
“What?” She sounds just like the valley girls on TV I giggle to myself.
Amy and I were raised in Beverly Hills. My parents moved to Denver to run a new hospital. The fact that they are the most successful surgeons in LA is probably the reason they were offered the positions in the first place.
“Nothing, Dominic just sent me a naked pic. Here look at it,” she says, seriously shoving it in my face.
“No! Are you kidding me? I am
looking at your man’s naked selfie.” I laugh as I slap her hand away.
I smile to myself as I watch the road. I am grateful to have my crazy, obnoxious yet beautiful friend here.
Chapter Two
“Oh great, home sweet home.” Amy sighs, giving her famous eye roll.
We arrive at my apartment and carry all of Amy’s bags inside. I fall on the couch from pure exhaustion. Damn, that girl packs for twenty people. Twenty pairs of Louboutins, and fifty pairs of Versace, no doubt.
“We need a drink and then we need to get whored up.” Amy laughs.
“Oh great it’s tramp time.” I wince, pulling my long hair over my face.
“Oh yes doll, that’s how we do. You’re going to throw this caution shit to the wind, and can you
tell me why you moved from your parents’ house to live
This place is as tiny as a match box
” she says as she waves her hand in front of her.
“Because it’s mine and there are no strings attached,” I say.
“Oh, well I understand that doll.” Amy pours us two glasses of wine.
Just what I need about now
I haven’t even told her that I decided not to commit to medical school. I need to have this conversation with her, but now is not the time. I know she will be totally supportive. I’m just not in the mood to talk about the consequences my actions will have. My belly gets nauseous every time I
have to think about it and tonight is all about catching up with my best friend.
We spend the next few hours getting “
whored up
” as Amy would say. I finish applying the lip gloss I’m holding in one hand and take a much-needed shot of tequila with the other as I sit at the marble kitchen bar. If I’m ever going to get through this night I am going to need A LOT of alcohol. I finish the second one when there is a knock on the door.
“Yes! They’re here, let’s do this!” Amy screeches as she runs to the door in her Louboutins, one of the twenty pairs she threw all over my living room floor earlier. She had pouted and said that I needed a shoe closet. Really? This girl will never change, but I love her anyway.
“Great,” I hiss sarcastically, rolling my eyes.
Dominic walks in with his messy blonde hair scattered on top of his cute head, his grey long-sleeve Henley, and his dark-wash denim jeans. Dom is a model and extremely attractive, but also a great friend to me in times I really need one. He has been my shoulder to cry on many times, it’s kind of like having a big brother, I guess. It’s nice since I
truly all alone in this city.
As I stand up from my seat at the bar my heart runs to the edge of a one thousand-foot drop and free falls into oblivion with no warning. I blink, knowing I have to be imagining it. From behind Dom, in slow motion, emerges another man.
He’s exotic, tall, at least six and a half feet, lean, and muscular. Dark, unforgiving tousled hair hangs just above his eyes. As my eyes travel to his face I see bright blue eyes. A beautiful white smile with dimples on either side of his cheeks making their existence known. He has the perfect amount of dark stubble on his tan face. Damn!
His white V-neck t-shirt appears to be a few sizes too small and I say that because of the fabulously hard muscles pulsing out of control, and dark-wash jeans, you know the kind that show every curve of a man’s round bottom and thick muscular thighs. My skin is scorching, tiny little prickles all over threaten to put me on my ass for this gorgeous man.
I fidget with my hands, holding them tight to my sides as I attempt to keep myself balanced or at least keep me from going over cliff Evan. I breathe, not realizing I haven’t since he walked through the door. I think I see his mouth curve into a smile.
Does he know what he’s doing to me? Shit!
Amy walks over to me wearing the tight white dress that she earlier said Dom deserved to see her in. She knows what she has to offer and she isn’t afraid to tell you about it either. I have always admired her for that.
“Um, he’s hot right?” she whispers.
“He’s ok,” I shrug, biting my bottom lip, my eyes never leaving his.
“Evan Young, this is my best friend in the entire world Abigale Hayes. She’s in medical school, and very smart.” She winks.
nice to meet you Abigale.” The way he says “
” has my knees buckling.
Oh, I’m in big trouble
“Yeah you too, but please call me Abby.” My face heats.
Holy hotness!
I am NOT getting caught up in this because I know exactly where
leads, and if given the chance it’s
where it’s going. Oh yeah, to my bed all night long. I really need to be slapped out of my sex god coma.
Pure lust and need escape through my lips as I take a breath. A one-night stand is not my game, and Marco… Oh my God, what about Marco? I am not that kind of girl.
Who am I really trying to convince here?
“Are we ready?” Dominic asks, reaching for Amy.
“Yes baby,” Amy answers, kissing him on the cheek.
“You ok doll? You look like a fucking zombie,” Amy whispers, which really means she says it loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. And yeah, I’m sure I’m pretty much a zombie. I could have gone without being outed like that though. My face is on fire with embarrassment.
I stand in the middle of the living room feeling awkward. Being set up on a blind date, and having Marco on my mind will surely send me over the edge. The guilt is starting to wash over me because I truly do not ever remember feeling this turned on for Marco. I mean yeah, the sex is good, at least from the very little experience I have, I think it is good.
Marco is only the second guy that I had ever been with. I had been with Addie’s boyfriend’s best friend Andrew Dillon once when I was fifteen, but I really don’t think that counts since he only lasted two or three minutes. And after Addie died I kept to myself. Dr. Kendrick said that is just one of the many things that I deprived myself of out of guilt for being alive when Addie isn’t.
Amy and Dom walk out the door hand in hand. Evan gestures for me to walk out the door by placing his hand on the small of my back. I shiver from the electricity the contact evokes and yet I’m slightly offended because I haven’t asked to be touched. I mean yeah he’s hot and he can probably throw me on the ground and get what he wants here and now, but there isn’t a need to act like he knows it. This girl at least, if nothing else, needs her dignity.
We decide to drive my Range Rover to the club since it has more room than Dominic’s Porsche. I notice Evan follows me to the driver’s side and he brushes against me as he leans in and opens the car door for me. Wow, this may only be the second time anyone has ever done this for me and even then I think it was my father.
“You didn’t do that.” Amy playfully smacks Dom on the arm.
“Thanks bro, always looking out.” Dom huffs
Dom and Amy jump in the back before I can ask her to ride up front with me. I am feeling a little nauseous from the mix of tequila and nerves and I need to get some space from the sex god at this point. If I stand any chance at all I
The drive is quiet other than the music playing in the Bose system. I am grateful for the lack in conversation because I don’t know what to say. What do you say to a guy like this?
Hi. I’m boring, I like long walks on the beach, but wait, I don’t like going out because I’m boring and oh yeah I’m boring
I glance in the rearview mirror and know right away the reason it’s so quiet. Amy and Dom are clearly making up for lost time. I shake my head, catching Evan’s attention.
“Doctor huh?” Evan asks.
Oh. My. God. Now I have to speak and I don’t know if I can.
“Um, well pre-med.” My mouth feels like cotton has been stuffed inside of it, as I only speak four one syllable words to him. I can’t imagine what will happen with a whole sentence. I grip the steering wheel, I need to hold on to something, anything.
We arrive at Club en Fuego with a line from the front door all the way down the dark street.
“Amy, there is no way I am waiting in this line,” I hiss.