His Angel: The Angel Trilogy Book One (4 page)

BOOK: His Angel: The Angel Trilogy Book One
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“Doll, have I ever disappointed you?” She follows her rhetorical question with a nod in Evan’s direction.

I roll my eyes hoping all can see because once again I am sure everyone can hear her.

Dom and Amy are hand in hand, well ass in hand, as we approach the six-foot, 300-pound bodybuilder at the door.
My God what does this man eat?

“Dominic Costa,” Amy announces to the beast at the door. Dom is definitely handy to have around with all of the connections he has landed in his line of work.

“Thank God,” I say only to myself.

“What’s the problem, you don’t like standing in long lines for hours at a time?” Evan asks with his dimples jumping off his smile.
Oh, that smile. Am I drooling? Shit, I think I’m drooling.

The place is seriously packed. I wish I brought a hoodie to cover myself up with or an umbrella, or maybe a bat in case I need to knock the shit out of someone. This is not where I want to spend my free time. The only reason people come here is to get laid, right? Look at me. I look like a freaking hooker at a disco with this glittery shit. I roll my eyes.

Seriously, guys do know girls don’t look like this all the time, right?

“I’m going to get a drink,” I yell in Amy’s direction, but she doesn’t hear me over the music.

I decide I will go by myself to the bar and get a couple of shots. I don’t even look to see if Evan follows along.

After pushing and shoving myself to the bar I wait for twenty minutes to get the bartender’s attention, and it is seriously pissing me off. I’m pretty much forced to come here and now that I’m here I can’t even drink. Really! I lean against the bar and feel someone’s hand touch my ass. I am wearing a short black skirt, white glittery top that has no back and falls very low over my chest with black boots and a long fish braid to the right side. I turn around hoping to verbally assault whoever it is.

“Hey babe, did it hurt when you fell…from heaven?”

Are you fucking kidding me?

I turn around to face the bar because the douche behind me is clearly drunk.

“Hey what’s wrong? You think you’re too good to talk to me?”

And this is exactly the reason I wish I had a bat. “Well as a matter of fact that’s only one of the reasons. We will be here all night if I go over all the problems with this situation and I’m so

Mr. Douchebag takes a step into my bubble, my perfect bubble and that is it. “Back. The. Fuck. Up. I’m not interested in your drunk ass. You reek of alcohol, you spit when you talk, and you’re not even cute. I realize you were probably dropped on your head as a child, but that isn’t my problem.”

His buddies now gathered around, watching the scene unfold are booing and yelling how he has just been burned. I roll my eyes because I don’t want to be mean and it kind of leaves a ping of guilt in my stomach for being such a bitch to him, but seriously he needs to be put in his place. I turn towards the bar once again.

“You’re a fucking cunt.” He laughs.

Oh hell, no he didn’t. I clench my fist and turn my body towards Mr. Douchebag in hopes that I will make contact with his smug face. And there he is, Mr. Tall, dark, and dangerous. Evan picks Mr. Douchebag up by his throat holding him in the air. Dom is standing there too as Douchebag’s friends are thinking about interfering. It looks like they thought better of it and backed off.

Evan says something to Douchebag and throw’s him back. I don’t know what he said, but whatever it was seemed to do the trick because he stumbles to the ground, gets up with the help of his little buddies, and quickly stumbles away.

I know that Dom and Amy love this place, but I am not impressed. I would rather be in my pajamas at home topping off my wine glass.
My heaven.

Evan walks to where I’m standing at the bar. “Hey, are you ok? Did he hurt you?” Evan’s eyes are hard and soft all at the same time.
His eyes.

“No, he didn’t hurt me, he just pissed me off.”

Evan throws his head back with a deep sexy laugh. Oh my God, that laugh. “Yeah I guess being talked to like that would piss me off too. I should have broken him in half.” His eyes are hard again.

“I was getting ready to knock him on his ass when you got here.”

Evan tilts his head as he looks at me with a smirk on his face that says, ‘
Yeah right

“What? I’m not a princess. I can take care of myself.” I hold my hands on my hips to show him I’m serious.

“Yeah a regular Power puff Girl and all that.” He reaches his hand out and runs it down my arm. I shudder from the electricity the contact produces.
His touch, plus my skin, equals possible orgasm at any moment.

The bartender finally serves me. I decide on a double Rum and Coke. I’m going to need to have a lot of alcohol to get through this night. Evan pays for my drink as I reach into my clutch for the twenty dollar bill I intended to pay with.

“I’ve got this Abby,” he smiles.

Ahh, there’s that damn smile again. Am I seriously going to do this every time he smiles? Because if I am, this is going to be one hot achy night.

Evan reaches past me and lays the tip on the counter, not that he deserves it for making me wait so long, but I know they work for tips so I’m not going to make a big deal about it.

I grab my Rum and Coke and head in the direction I saw Amy walking when we arrived.

“Hey Power puff Girl, wait up.” Evan’s arm wraps around my waist guiding me through the crowd.

I am so small up against his tall, thick, muscular frame, and the fierce touch of his arm around my waist is needed because I am about to fall to my knees from his scent alone. His touch is unreal, so controlling and demanding.
I take in a much-needed deep breath as we continue through the crowd.

We walk around for a while looking up to the three-story balconies that hold the club’s VIP patrons before finding Amy and Dom. They are in the VIP section to the right of the bar.

“Hey, there you are,” I hear from behind me.

I turn around and Evan’s grip tightens. I see Tallinn standing there. She’s my friend from high school. We never really get to hang out much now because of our super busy schedules.

She works for her father at his real estate firm in Orange County. Tallinn is five feet tall with platinum blonde hair to the middle of her back and a kick-ass tan.
Totally Barbie material.

“Hey, how are you?” I ask, giving her a big hug when Evan finally releases his hold.

“I’m really good.” Her slur says she’s about five-too-many-drinks good.

is this?” she asks. Well more like drools.

“Tallinn. Evan.” I wave my hand in front of each of them as I introduce one another.

Keep your claws away.
I smile.
Where the hell is this coming from?
I ask myself.

“Well hello there.” She looks him up and down and then gives a wink of approval.

“Amy and Dom are here too.”

“Oh Dominic,” she fans herself.

Dom definitely has several fans around town, but when Amy is home he makes it very clear that he’s off limits to everyone, but her.

“Hey, come over to my VIP section later.” She points in the direction she’s referring to. “There are a ton of hot guys over there and I won’t let any of them take advantage unless you want them to.” She winks and laughs again. “Oh shit I’m sorry, are you two together?” Something tells me she’s hoping we aren’t. Having a boyfriend never stopped her from being with anyone.

Evan and I look to each other at the same time, in search of that answer ourselves.

“Yeah we are,” Evan growls while still watching me.

My body is responding to this man in ways I didn’t even know it could. My mouth is dry, the hair on my body stands at attention and moisture pools at my apex.

“Um, sure we’ll see about heading over there.”

“Ok sexy mamma.” Tallinn’s boyfriend Andrew approaches from behind her, picks her up over his shoulder and walks away. Her ass is totally hanging out of her skirt but she doesn’t seem to care.
. I roll my eyes.

Wow why is my internal sexy girl being so bitchy tonight?

“There you are doll! Where did you go?” Amy asks.

“To the bar for a drink and then I ran into Tallinn, she invited us over to her VIP section.”

“Oh that sounds like fun, let’s go,” she cheers. “Hey, oh good, Evan is with you,” Amy winks.

“Yeah, he saved me from a TDB.”

“Good, I told you I don’t disappoint.” She’s so pleased with herself.

I turn around and notice that tall, dark and dangerous is gone.

“Hey where did your man go?” Amy asks.

“First of all, he isn’t my man and second, I have no idea.” I wouldn’t not want him to be my man, but seriously he’s probably just hoping to get me into bed and I don’t really need the drama of a one-night stand. I’m not saying that I wouldn’t enjoy the hell out of it, but I don’t think my heart would know how to say good bye if I’m being honest.

“Well, he’s a big boy he’ll find us,” Dom replies.

“Ok I haven’t seen Tallinn in forever. Let’s go over there.” Amy stands from her seat on Dom’s lap and smooth’s out her skirt.

As we fight our way through the crowd we spot Evan with a tall woman just as exotic as he is. She has long, dark shiny hair and is wearing a slinky, black satin dress.

My heart jumps when I make eye contact with Evan. And this is exactly why I don’t do one-night stands because I don’t like to be used. Why the hell did he say we were together and then run off to the first hot girl? Well, I’m not that damn bad. Am I?

Dom rolls his eyes at Evan.

“I thought you brought him to keep Abby company Dominic!” Amy complains.

“Yeah well now he’s keeping someone else company.” He shrugs.

And there it is, he’s my babysitter. I fume.

Evan almost looks shocked, like he’s totally busted, but I don’t give a shit what he does. Well maybe I do a little.
I am not going to make that known though. I just met this guy and my thighs are already squeezing together to stop the ache that is producing in high volumes.

We finally make our way to Tallinn’s VIP area, Tallinn ushers us to the seats she has off to the side and points to the private dance floor.

She’s right, there is a ton of hotness here. And since I am clearly not with Evan, maybe I need to take advantage after all.
My inner sexy girl has her evil eyes on.

Everyone is seated drinking or dancing. All seem to be having a great time. I walk to the red leather chair and sit next to Tallinn who is back in her own world now. Evan is following me, but I pretend not to notice. I feel like a teenager around him and it is seriously pissing me off.

My heart has been a crushed mess for too long. I can’t add to that with another guy and another heartache that is sure to follow.

“Hey, I’m really sorry, Abby. I was being a total dick back there. I just saw someone that I know and...” Evan says, while running his hands through his beautiful onyx hair.

I don’t care what he does. Or do I? Shit. Shit. Shit.

“Listen I really appreciate it, but it’s cool.” I plaster a smile to save face. He reciprocates and sits back in his own chair.

I don’t want to be pathetic Abby tonight. I want to be strong independent Abby at least for one night. I can do that right? Ah who the hell am I kidding? I want him.

I try to turn my head, but can’t. He’s solid, cut everywhere the clothing doesn’t cover, the complete masterpiece.

The ache’s back.

His eyes are being illuminated from the black lights that seem to be everywhere. This man is sexier than I am. I subconsciously run my hand down my thigh. I’m probably licking my lips. My inner sexy girl is about to make her entrance.
Damn her!

The waitress walks in our direction in her strapless black dress, watching Evan with her plump red lips parting, ready to take in her prey.

She sits down on his lap, asking him what he wants to order, completely dismissing the fact that I am sitting there. He isn’t mine, but he could be. By the way she asks I am assuming she’s also on the menu.

Evan seems as amused as I am by her boldness.

“You see that beautiful-as-hell woman right there? I’m with her and she knocked the shit out of the last female that hit on me so…” He leans forward and rests his hand on my thigh giving me a wink.

I think I’m going to shrivel up into a ball of nothing but orgasm when his hand travels higher up my thigh.
Holy hell!
I picture my inner sexy girl touching herself. Oh my God. I eventually come back to reality.

Holy shit! This dude is hilarious right now. When she jumps up like her panties are on fire I burst into laughter. I’m very aware that my inner sexy girl is still having her moment of pleasure.

“My girl will have a Rum and Coke and I’ll have…my girl.” He waves his left hand, dismissing her, while his right hand continues to travel up my thigh. His eyes never leaving mine.

There is something dark and mysterious about this man and I want desperately to have him.

I break the trance and once the waitress is gone we break out into a fit of laughter.

“Did you see the look on her face? Oh my God that is priceless,” he responds once he catches his breath.

Ok so this guy
cool. Well, he’s sexy as sin, but he seems like a pretty cool guy to hang out with in a pinch.

Oh Abby, you are in serious denial.

“I was also going to order two shots of tequila, but… I’ll let it slide this time.” I laugh.

“You shouldn’t mix your alcohol Abby.” The seriousness in his tone brings that damn ache floating to the surface again. I didn’t realize I like the man to take control like this, but I do.

I turn my head in search of Amy and Dom, trying desperately to break the connection with Evan. He clearly wants me, but what about the girl he was talking to earlier? I can’t compete with her, she’s so beautifully perfect and I can’t see myself surviving through the destruction that this man can cause me.

As we sit in silence with each other, two women that look like they are probably around my age, wearing less than both the girl earlier with Evan and the waitress, stare at him. I decide I can’t possibly watch the ogling that is literally slapping me in the face any longer.

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