His Angel: The Angel Trilogy Book One (9 page)

BOOK: His Angel: The Angel Trilogy Book One
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“Are you ok?” he asks.

I didn’t realize he pulled the car over to the side of the road and turned in his seat to take all of me in.

I’m so embarrassed, I barely know this guy and now I’m throwing all of my emotional garbage in the back of his Hummer. I quickly raise my head and turn to the window, nonchalantly wiping away a tear while plastering the ‘I’m fine’ face on.

He eyes me cautiously again as he speaks. “I’m very sorry that happened to you Abby.” Evan looks straight ahead with no emotion in his words.

“I’m good, I just don’t talk about it much, so when I do it’s hard.” I’m not even close to being ok, but he doesn’t need to know the loneliness I feel for my identical twin sister.

“Hey, I want to take you somewhere.” He seems relieved of the trance he has been in. “It’s sort of lame though, so don’t laugh.” He shoots me a smile.

“It can’t be that bad.” I laugh.

We drive to Vernon Park and I follow Evan to the fountain. “What’s so funny about
? I’ve been here many times. I run the track here.”

“It’s not the where we are it’s the, what we are going to do.” Evan sits at the edge of the fountain and removes his black dress shoes and socks, rolling up his suit pants.

“Um Evan what are you doing?” I whisper, sure he has lost his mind.

“I like to sit with my feet in the cool water.”

I can’t help it, I explode into laughter. “You’re right, this is lame.”

“I like to come here when it’s all too much, I close my eyes and imagine I’m somewhere else.”

“Why not just take a vacation?” I take a deep breath.

“Yeah, that sounds good. Maybe I’ll take you with me.” He reaches over, grazing my hand with his. Electricity ignites in response, I’m paralyzed from the contact.

Evan’s phone buzzes, he hisses under his breath, placing it on the concrete ledge.

The fountain is large. “Last spring they created this water garden,” I say as Evan seems stressed about something.

The colors are amazing, they take my breath away. I step out of my red heels and follow Evan into the water, sitting all the way back so I don’t fall in.

Evan sits very still, holding his eyes closed for several minutes. I become caught up in the serenity, closing my own eyes. I take a deep breath while splashing the water with my feet. It feels so cool and welcome.

When my eyes open Evan is watching me. “I told you. It really is something.” I blush as he speaks.

Evan is confident, but he doesn’t seem to know it and that is a complete turn on. He’s quiet, strong, and beautiful. I feel trapped in my own body when he’s around. My soul begs to jump out to take him. I am scared to let go like that again. I have a bitterness for the loss in my life and getting past that may never happen. We sit as we absentmindedly splash each other.

“Thank you.” My smile is real this time, I do feel better. “Tell me something about you Evan.” I splash him again.

“What would you like to know?” Evan clenches his hands to his sides.

I can tell it isn’t easy for him to let people in. Maybe Evan’s just as messed up as I am or maybe he doesn’t think enough of me to say. Either way, if we’re going to continue whatever this is, I need to know something.

“Where are you from?”

His jaw is clenched now. “I’m from here. LA.” He doesn’t relax.

I continue splashing my feet in the water grateful for the absentminded task. “So, what do you do for a living? Or do you get paid to be hot like Dom?” I laugh, trying to lighten his mood.

“I’d rather talk about you.” Evan quickly reaches for my waist pulling me onto his lap, taking my breath away.

He pulls my face to his, his forehead presses to mine. “I’d rather talk about you in my bed, Abby.” My name rolls off his tongue like cool cream in the warm sun. “Let me take you home.” He presses his lips to mine, slowly entering my mouth.

Everything around me falls away from my grasp. I don’t control this, I don’t control my breath, or my heart beat, I’m bare. Everything is him, the warmth, tingling, taste, touch, but the lust belongs to both of us and we know it.

“Let me take you home,” he repeats. Evan doesn’t stop, his hand slides to my inner thigh controlling my breath as it becomes ragged and hard. I run my hands through his hair, pulling him closer, making my need for control known.

“I want to fuck you into oblivion… Abby.” My name is a harsh breath as he takes me back into his mouth. I can’t stop, I don’t try, but I couldn’t if I did.

My mind is clouded, how did I get here, to this place of complete satisfaction, I am completely wanton for this man. I want him to take me right here.

Evan’s phone beeps again and he growls in response.

“Come on.” His demand says he needs to be alone with me and quickly. Evan picks me up, placing me on the ground, grabbing our waiting shoes. We walk hand in hand along the sidewalk to his monster.

The park has a few people walking through, but the two in suits are the ones who catch my eye. Odd. As I take all of Evan in I realize he’s wearing a suit too and it’s perfection. I dismiss the two from my mind.

Bright blue eyes suspend me in time, as he reaches down, pulling me to his chest, capturing my mouth with his. “You are so beautiful.” He sweeps the loose hair from my face. All of my doubts are washed away with his touch.

Evan is holding the door open to my apartment as I enter. He picks me up and starts for the bedroom at the end of the hall. Every minute I’m with this man I become brave and take another step away from the edge of insanity. Every touch sparks life to wake inside my heart.

“I want to feel you, I want to be inside of you giving you everything.”

We enter the all-white bedroom that’s kissed with a few bright colors that make the room pop. Evan gently sets me on the down comforter. He stands above me, sliding the back of his hand down my face. Watching him there has the blood in my heart pounding against the walls trying to break free.

He lays his suit jacket on the back of the sandy beige armchair, undoing his cuffs. He slowly removes each button of the white dress shirt that caresses his muscular frame and slides it off.

I watch as his tongue sweeps across his beautiful bottom lip. I ache to be that lip, I want his tongue to sweep across my body, every inch.

I sit up on the edge between Evan’s legs reaching for his pants, my hands lingering at the V just above his button. Evan watches with his bright blue eyes and I bite my bottom lip. My hands trail over the tight abs that are waiting for me.

He runs his hands through my hair unclipping the pins, tossing them to the dresser.

“Eres Bonita. You are so beautiful, Abby.”

“Evan,” I beg. He slips my top off then my skirt, leaving me with only a white satin bra and panties.

We lie side by side, kissing and touching with desperate need. He cups my face in his large tan hands.

“I’m going to take you now Abby. I’m going to make you mine.” His mouth meets mine with fierce wanting.

His hand slides to my panty line trailing it with circles. I’m anxious for him to do what he has promised. I hold my breath, needing him to just do it.

him to make me his, claim me, without a doubt this very second that is exactly what I
him to do. Should I tell him that I don’t want him talking to random whores at the club or anywhere for that matter? Am I ready for that? I don’t know anything about this beautiful man and yet I love everything.

“Abby, have you ever had a safe word?”
Safe word? What the hell do I need a safe word for?
“What, like for S&M or whatever they call it?” I hiss, not amused.

Evan laughs in response while tossing his hands through his hair. When he does that I can see the absolute perfection outlined in his arms.

“When you want me to stop in the middle of something I may be doing to you, say the safe word and I’ll stop, it actually gives you the control.”

“Why would I want you to stop? Can’t I just say stop?”
What the hell is all of this about?

“Oh you won’t want me to stop I assure you.” He caresses my cheek, kissing the tip of my nose. “I want you to pick one, I have plans for us.”

My body tingles in response.
Hmm a safe word, well how about angel?
Angels are safe for me. My sister is my angel and I may have always felt alone, but I always felt safe having her watching over me.

“Angel,” I spit out.

“Why angel?” His brows furrow.

“Angels are safe, it reminds me of my guardian angel, Addyson.”

The second I say my sister’s name Evan’s body freezes, the hand I’m holding turns ice cold, and the blue in his eyes I have always loved is hidden behind darkness.

“Angel, ok,” he whispers, coming out of his paralyzed state.

Evan traces his fingers up my body, barely touching my skin, leaving an electrifying sensation. He reaches for my wrist, pulling my arms above my head.

“I’m taking what’s mine.” Evan begins tying my wrist with a piece of cool silky material.

My stomach begins to feel nauseous, being tied up isn’t in my game plan. My control is everything and nothing that I have, I can’t give this up.

“Evan,” I cry.

“I’m here Abby, to protect you, pleasure you, and…and I’ve got you. Safe word.”

The words that he says are sincere, caring, and sexy as hell. He moves in closer and I feel him breathe, his tongue sliding across my lips, gently biting my bottom lip.

The way he touches me alerts every nerve in my body. “I’ve got you.”

Giving this control, whatever control I do have, away, would mean starting from scratch at the edge of the cliff I have just taken two steps away from. I’m not prepared for the pain I know I will feel, as soon as he has his way with me I will crash into the oblivion alone, cold, and destroyed.

I wriggle my hands attempting to loosen the bind, but it isn’t tight.

“I’m not going to hurt you Abby. You will be giving me control over your body to do with as I wish, but I only wish to control your pleasure.” His hands slide softly over my needy breasts, down my flat abs meeting the edge of my white satin panties. Electricity follows to my wanting area as I wait for him to take his control.

I want him to take it, I can’t move, I can’t fight it anymore because I want everything he wants to give me and everything he doesn’t.

“I’m going to cover your eyes now Abby, don’t be afraid.” He lays his soft full lips on my thigh.

Evan stands from the bed and messes with his suit pants and retrieves an item. “I’m going to place this on you now.” He slowly places a mask over my face covering my eyes, it’s a silky soft material just like what’s on my wrists. I don’t say a word. I want this, it’s different, but I trust Evan, I might have my doubts tomorrow, but tonight I am his to pleasure.

My eyes are covered and there is nothing, just darkness. Evan is silent, I can only hear my rapid breathing and heart rate speed up as he moves around on the bed.

“What are you doing?” I whisper into the darkness.

“Abby, I want you to be quiet unless I ask you a question, do you understand me?” His demand is carnal.

I’m not sure how I feel about the demand, but I’m tempted to break the rules to see or
the punishment that he will surely be giving. I’m definitely living in the moment. I would’ve never given this control over so easily to anyone before Evan. He’s flawless with reassurance and I just can’t doubt him.

A warm silky barrage takes over in my darkness. My thin petite body is hyperaware in this twilight. I feel him devour each cell with his large warm hands. My body tightens with apprehension, lust, and awareness. Every touch is light in the darkness.

I have died in the darkness so many times, I have been left alone here in the very body he touches. I’m broken, weak, sad, and hanging by a thread. I want to live, and be happy; don’t I deserve it? Doesn’t everyone deserve the chance to write their own destiny?

“Ahh…” Evan’s hands trail along my panty line as he removes them.

“I said no talking Abby.” His voice is soft yet firm. I laugh.


My skin burns as something comes into contact with my breast. My nipple is pulsing with pain and desire. “Ouch.”


Damn it!

“No talking Abby.” His voice is so intense.

Warm hands slide to my flat abs stopping just under my left breast he punished for my disobedience. My breast aches for the touch I know is coming. My nipple is harder than it has ever been. I want to scream at him to touch me here, there, and everywhere. I’m startled when I hear him chuckle to himself in response to my labored breathing.

Not cool Evan, not cool.

“You are so ready for me Abby.” Suddenly his hand is on my wanton breast.



My breast is pulsing from the sharp pain.

“You don’t like rules, do you Abigale?” His breath is in my ear. I know that he is waiting for my response to the lust that drips from the aching spot between my thighs.


He laughs again.

“Do you want me to touch you?”

He’s playing bullshit games with me, he knows I want his touch.
Fucking shit!

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