Read His Love Online

Authors: Jennifer Gracen

Tags: #romance, #Fiction

His Love (13 page)

BOOK: His Love
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“Here.” He nudged her to lie down on the chair.

“What are we doing?” she asked, doing as he wanted.

“Shhhh.” He knelt down beside her and hovered over her, his eyes sweeping over her features. She caught a flash of mischief in those brilliant blues; he was being naughty and enjoying it.

He kissed her lips, nipped at them, and whispered, “Lie back, beautiful. My turn.”

Her heart started to thump in her chest, excitement shooting through her. She lay back and stared up at the stars, anticipation and desire twisting her insides.

His mouth was magical, she was convinced of it. The way he kissed, and licked, and nibbled, and sucked, and bit… in just a few days, she’d become a willing slave to that mouth. She was already fired up from listening to his heavy breathing and groans, feeling his body rock and tense under her mouth and hands… now she wanted him so much, she wasn’t going to last long at all. Glad she’d worn a tank dress, something easy to remove, she took his hand and urgently guided it down between her legs, pressing his palm to her.

“Christ, you’re pure heat…” He reached down and pulled up the hem of her dress, letting his hands slide along her legs as he pushed the fabric up around her waist. Toni felt the humid air caress her exposed skin, the breezes sweep across her belly, and he held her in place. He kissed the insides of her thighs as he removed her lacy panties, only then fully realizing he intended to take her right there, out in the open. She’d never had any kind of action outside, not like this. It made her head swim, her heart race… she was more turned on than she’d ever been in her life. Slowly he kissed his way up, nuzzling her, his stubble gently scratching her sensitive flesh. His name floated out of her mouth on a raspy sigh.

He spread her legs wider, grasped her hips, and lowered his head, pressing his mouth to her core. Crying out, her hips jerked as his lips and tongue worked absolute magic. Her fingers twisted in his hair as she moved with him, but in no time she was falling over the edge. Swept away by sensation, moaning and writhing against him helplessly as the powerful orgasm rocked her, she held on until the quivers subsided.

She could smell the salt of the ocean on the heavy air, but could only hear the pounding of her racing heartbeat in her ears. Gavin kissed his way up her body, taking time to softly bite her nipples through her dress before continuing his journey up her chest, her neck, until his mouth landed on hers and his hands held her face.

She looked at him and whispered, “Wow.”

He smiled proudly. “Yeah?”

“Oh, hell yeah.” She pulled his face back to hers and kissed him, deep and slow. “I can’t believe you did that to me
out here

“Me neither,” he admitted. “Haven’t ever been so… well… free, like this. I mean, what if someone was walking along the beach, saw us or heard us?” He chuckled and brushed her curls back from her eyes with gentle fingers. “Know what? I didn’t care. Not one bloody bit. All I could think about was making you feel as good as you made me feel in the living room. Making you moan my name. Bringing you pleasure.”

“You more than succeeded.” She grinned. “That was incredible. I feel like I should thank you or something.”

They laughed together and he rose to his full height. He stared down at her as she pulled her dress down to cover herself again. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he murmured with reverence. His eyes gleamed with adoration.

Her heart fluttered as she met his gaze. “Stop it, I am not.”

“Yes, you are.” A sweet smile lifted the corners of his mouth. “You are to me.”

Something buzzed through her, an electric zing that startled her. The breeze off the ocean lifted her hair with invisible fingers, blowing the curls around her face. She got to her feet and said, “I’m flattered. Really. Thank you.”

He pulled her to him and said quietly, “No, Toni, thank
. You… in just a week, you’ve made me feel alive again. More than I have in a very long time.”

Her eyes rounded and her breath caught. Not knowing what to say, she pressed her lips to his in the sweetest kiss she could give. God, he was so earnest. The things he said were so complimentary, sincere, and kind. He was the polar opposite of Mike, whose demeaning, crushing words used to make her feel…
. No, no, no. He wasn’t allowed in her head tonight. Shaking the unwanted thoughts from her mind, she wrapped her arms around Gavin to hold him tight as they kissed, the breeze from the ocean and sounds of the waves making it all feel like a dream.

His hands lifted to hold her face, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs before he pulled away and took her hand. “Let’s go get in your big, soft bed. I need a wee bit of rest, and to lie down and hold you. Then I’ll be ready for round two.” He raised her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it, then tossed her a wink. “If you’re game.”

“Oh, I’m game. And I don’t have to get up for work tomorrow, so…” She stole one last glance at the stars above, at his handsome face and his hair ruffling from the soft wind, and smiled back. “You’re mine all night, Doctor McKinnon.”

“Sounds like heaven on earth,” he said, pulling her gently towards the door.

Chapter Ten

avin had never
been in New York City on a hot summer night. He’d been to New York the previous October, for Sean and Cassandra’s wedding. He, Sean, their other two brothers, and Sean’s best friend, Jimmy, had gone out three nights before the wedding and hit the bars hard. A raucous bachelor party, the five Irishmen had canvassed half of Greenwich Village before they were through. It had been cool, but not cold yet, pleasant weather to be out and about.

Not now. Anna had told Gavin how summer in the city could be oppressive, and he saw she was right. When he and Toni emerged onto the street from the coolness of the Long Island Railroad at Penn Station, the humidity smacked them, a tangible thing, a wall of thick heat. Toni said it was like walking through soup, which made him laugh, but he agreed. Instead of walking, they opted for an air-conditioned taxi to get O’Reilly’s Tavern, the bar Sean half-owned over in midtown.

In the backseat of the cab, Gavin glanced at Toni yet again, enchanted by how she looked tonight. Her clothes were simple, a hot pink sleeveless top and white capri pants, but they flattered her figure so much he had to restrain himself from running his hands over her constantly. Her hair was pulled back in a long French braid that Wren had done for her, but a few defiant curls had come loose, sweetly framing her face. The big silver hoops that dangled from her ears gave a hint of sparkle. She was adorable, gorgeous, and sexy as hell. And, somehow, for another two weeks, this woman was his. Unable to stop himself, he leaned in for a light kiss, careful not to mess up her lipstick. “I’m glad ya came with me tonight.”

“I’m glad you asked me to.” She smiled back. “I’ve been to your brother’s bar, you know. I think I told you? Since Anna works there during the year, once in a while I’d go see her when I got off of work for the day and do happy hour with her.” The cab went over a bump on Seventh Avenue, jostling them. “I even heard him play guitar and sing once. He’s really good.”

“Aye, he is.” Gavin shook his head with a grin. “Still can’t believe he’s goin’ to be a dad. Wow.”

“You’re all so excited,” Toni grinned. “It’s sweet.”

He looked down at their hands, their fingers intertwined. “He had a rough time of it growing up, ya know. He was the black sheep of the family. Trouble in school, always runnin’ wild… I’m glad for him that he’s happy now, that he got his life together. He deserves it. He’s a good man.”

“So are you,” she murmured, nestling into his side. “Must run in the family.”

“Aw, thanks.” He kissed her forehead. “You’d like them, I think. My family.”

“Well, I know three McKinnons, and you’re all fabulous, so I’m sure I would.”

“Except maybe my older sister Tara. She’s a real pain in the arse.”

Toni giggled. “Is she the oldest?”

“Second oldest. Kate’s the oldest of us all.”

“Do all eight of you have the same incredible blue eyes?” She tipped her face back to look at him.


“Magnificent, even.”

“Fancy that. Didn’t know ya liked my eyes so,” he said coyly.

“They drew me in from the minute I met you,” she admitted. “I could lose myself in them. They’re beautiful.”

His smile could have lit a dark room. “Thank you. And aye, we’ve all got ’em, every last one of us. Sean’s spoken for, but I’ll make sure not to let ya get too close to either of my other brothers should ya meet them.”

She giggled again and pressed a light kiss to his mouth.

He held her close, breathing in her light flowery scent. She made him feel like a bloody king; attractive, appreciated… alive inside. Something amazingly close to happy. He couldn’t remember feeling like this with Siobhan, or any woman… maybe he never had. Maybe it was solely because of Toni. She was special, unique, and she…

He mentally slapped himself.
No, not maybe, you fool. Absolutely

He had her for two more weeks. The thought lanced his heart. His hands involuntarily grasped her a little harder, holding her tight. Two weeks more, then he’d go back to Ireland, back to his routine life. His eyes slipped closed as he held her, felt her warm breath against his neck. He’d known her for such a short time, and already, he was dreading having to let her go.


By the second
round of drinks, Toni felt not only at ease, but her inhibitions were melting away. Gavin had asked that they sit at the bar so they could chat with Sean while he worked. The music was rolling, the patrons were loud; a typical Saturday night in a crowded New York bar. Watching Gavin relax and enjoy himself in a different scene was interesting to her. Yes, he was still his slightly reserved self, but he was smiling and laughing. A lot. She couldn’t help but stare at him. God he was gorgeous, and compelling. She wanted to climb onto his lap right there.

When Sean walked away, moving down the bar to help a customer, she placed her hand on his thigh, slipping it beneath the edge of his shorts to rake her nails along his warm, firm skin. He jolted, his eyes darting to hers in surprise.

She grinned wickedly at him. “Problem, Doc?”

He shook his head, but his eyes narrowed behind his glasses. Leaning in, he whispered in her ear, “You don’t play fair.”

“No,” she murmured, “I don’t.” Her fingertips edged further up, skimming his boxer briefs. Even over the raucous noise in the room, she heard his breath hitch.

“Tryin’ to seduce me in public?” he asked. “In front of my
, for Chrissakes?”

“Want me to take my hand away?”

“Hell no. But—”

“He’s working. He’s not paying attention to us.” She felt the soft hair on his leg, the muscles tensing in his thigh, and desire started simmering in her blood. “I love your legs, did you know that?” Again she dragged her nails along the inside of his thigh, and again he shivered, twisting in his seat. His arm went around her shoulders to pull her in closer.

“Keep this up,” he warned, “and I’m goin’ to drag you back to Sean’s office, lock the door, and take you right on his couch.”

“Big talker,” she teased. “You wouldn’t.”

“Or up against the wall.” His tongue traced around her ear, making her shudder. “Or bent over the desk.” He bit down on the lobe, his mouth hot. “Ahh… picturing that now… I’m getting hard just thinkin’ about it.”

Now it was her breath that caught. Her fingers involuntarily twitched, grabbing at his skin. “Oh, my God.”

“Maybe all three ways?” With his velvety tone of voice and his skilled mouth nibbling her neck, she sensed that suddenly the power had shifted. He licked and bit her neck, just below her ear. “I warned you that first night, I’m full of surprises.”

His other hand went to her waist. Leaning in close so no one could see, his thumb brushed lightly over her already taut nipple, and she gasped. “You certainly are.” She drew a deep breath. “I love that about you.”

She felt him smile against her ear. “It’s so loud out here, no one would hear us… want to?” His thumb brushed her breast again. “C’mon. I dare you, Antonella Josefina.”

BOOK: His Love
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