His Most Suitable Bride (20 page)

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This time, Marc looked to Callie for confirmation.

“I have no objection,” she said.

“Out in the open.” Marc pointed at Reese. “Move too far away from my line of vision, and I’ll come looking for you.”

“Understood.” As soon as Marc rounded the corner, Reese took Callie’s shoulders and turned her to face him. “All right, out with it.”

Her eyes widened. “Out with what?”

“What’s on your mind? And don’t say ‘nothing,’ I see the inner wheels spinning.”

She pressed her lips tightly together and said nothing.

“Come on, Callie. You’re thinking so loud my ears hurt.”

Sighing, she lifted a delicate shoulder. “I’d rather not speak of it here.”

He touched her arm. “You can tell me anything.”

She drew her bottom lip between the teeth, glanced at a spot behind him. Shaking her head, she pulled him into the shadows and lowered her voice to a mere whisper. “It’s Miss Evans.”

“The schoolmistress?” He jerked in surprise. “What about her?

Callie went silent on him again, but her eyes held a troubled light. That couldn’t be good.

“What’s wrong with Miss Evans?”

“Nothing. Not a single thing. If you must know.” Callie looked left, then right, then left again. “I like her.”

So she’d found a new friend. That was nice. But why was she telling him? Why the stealth and whispered conversation?

As if reading his mind, Callie gave him a meaningful stare. “She’s perfect.”

“Please.” He made a sound deep in his throat. “No one is perfect.”

Another sigh, this one full of female frustration. “She’s perfectly suitable. For you. You must realize she fits all your requirements for a...” She mouthed the word

For several heartbeats, Reese stood in stunned silence. She was foisting Miss Evans on him?
After all that had happened between them? When his head was so full of Callie he couldn’t think straight?

“Say something,” she whispered.

He couldn’t think what to say, so he went for levity. “Uh...

Lips pursed, she shook her head at him. “She fits every one of your requirements and a few you haven’t listed.”

Did this woman not realize how miserable she sounded? Did she not realize how heartening it was for him to discover Callie didn’t want him pursuing Miss Evans? “I don’t like her.”

“What’s wrong with her?”

She’s not you.

He nearly blurted out the truth in his heart, but decided now wasn’t the time. Not with them skulking in shadows as if they had something to hide.

“Her smile rarely meets her eyes,” he said. “Doesn’t bode well for easy, lighthearted conversations.”

“Oh, honestly.” Callie threw her hands in the air. “Are you trying to be difficult?”

Actually, he was. But, again, now wasn’t the time for that particular conversation. He had a new bride list to finalize, with an entirely different set of requirements, ones Callie would surely approve of this time around. Seeing as she was his inspiration.

He looked over his shoulder again, back into the kitchen. Miss Evans was handing a cookie to one of the smaller children. The smile she gave the little girl was warm and friendly and completely rendered his earlier argument moot.

Callie followed the direction of his gaze and sighed heavily. “She’s very beautiful and appears to have a great affinity for children.”

She was so adorably upset by this admission he couldn’t help but tease her a little. “I may have responded in haste. Perhaps I’ll allow her further consideration, after all.”

“Did you know she can’t cook?”

Amused at Callie’s sudden switch in position, Reese pretended to consider this new piece of information. “Not at all?”

“She can’t even follow a simple recipe.”

Reese stifled a laugh. “She’s a smart woman. I’m confident she can learn.”

Lowering her head, Callie sighed a third time. Or was it the fourth? He’d lost count. “If you really like her,” she began, “I suppose I could teach her the basics.”

“You’d do that for me?”

She nodded, looking profoundly unhappy. He didn’t think he could adore this woman any more than he did right now.

“That’s very generous of you, Callie.” And very, very educational.

She was jealous of Miss Evans. Simply because she thought the woman would make him a suitable bride.

A plan began formulating in his mind. It would take time to implement and would require much preparation on his end.

Reese was a patient man, highly skilled at carrying out a properly prepared plan.

Beginning tomorrow, he would start over with his bride hunt. He would pursue just one woman from this point forward. The
woman he wanted, the most suitable woman for him.

The trick would be to convince Callie that
was equally suitable for

Chapter Twenty

ver the following weeks, Callie noticed a discernible change in Reese. He seemed more attentive, making a point to seek her out at parties or the theater or whenever their paths crossed. If he had a meeting with Mrs. Singletary, he lingered over mindless discussions with Callie about the weather, both before and after his appointment.

At Charity House he found ways to include her in whatever game he’d chosen to play with the children.

He always behaved above reproach, treating her as though she was a woman worthy of his respect. Other than that one time in his office, he didn’t attempt to kiss her again. No, he treated her with generosity and tenderness, as if she was precious in his sight. As a result, Callie was getting to know Reese on a whole new, deeper level.

She was also falling more in love with him by the day. Not the man she’d wistfully watched from afar, but the man she knew him to be now. A man who worked hard, cared deeply for his family and friends, and who adored all children.

What he didn’t do was discuss his bride hunt with Callie. No matter how many times she broached the subject, no matter what tactic she employed to get him talking, he managed to dodge the conversation altogether.

Only two causes made sense. Either he’d turned to Mrs. Singletary for help once again. Or he’d made up his mind and had chosen a woman to become his bride. The latter seemed unlikely. With all the attention he’d been paying Callie, how would he have time to pursue any woman? How could he—

A gasp flew past her lips. She quickly pressed a hand to her mouth. But... Oh. Oh. Reese was pursing...

“Oh, my!”

Situated behind the desk in her private study, Mrs. Singletary looked up from the guest list she held in her hand. “Did you say something, Callie?”

“No, I...I just...” She couldn’t form thoughts in her mind. Her heart beat wildly in her ears, stealing what little concentration she had left. “I...thought of something I forgot to do for tonight’s ball.”

The widow placed the list on the desk in front of her. “What is that, dear?”

Think, Callie. Think.
“I...haven’t picked out my hairstyle yet.”

“That’s leaving it a bit late. The ball will be starting in a few hours.”

Callie stood, looked frantically around, pivoted toward the exit. “I need to consult the magazines Julia left in my room.”

Without waiting for the widow’s response, she hurried out of the office and strode quickly through the winding corridors. She desperately needed the sanctuary of her own room, where she could sort through the chaotic thoughts running around in her head. Reese had chosen her.

He’d chosen
for his bride.

But...why hadn’t he made his decision known to her?
He’s had weeks.

What could he hope to gain by not informing her of his intentions?

So focused on puzzling out his strange behavior, she nearly tripped over the cat trotting beside her. Fluffy tail pointed straight up in the air, Lady Macbeth barely swerved out of the way.

Callie smiled down at the skittering cat. “Seeking escape, are you?”

The spooked animal darted in front of her feet once again. Prepared for the move, she redirected her steps, skirting disaster by less than a foot.

Lady Macbeth rushed ahead of her, pausing at her bedroom door. The moment she twisted the doorknob, the cat shoved inside and dashed under the bed.

Callie didn’t blame her for wanting to get away from the household commotion. For three days straight, Mrs. Singletary’s home had turned into a hive of activity in preparation for her annual charity ball.

Vast quantities of people came and went throughout the day, bringing with them large amounts of food, an assortment of desserts, flower arrangements and who knew what else.

Rugs had been rolled up and tucked away in the attic. The floor in the main ballroom had been waxed and polished, twice. Buffet tables had been set up in several rooms on both the main and second levels of the house.

Aside from the outside help, Laney Dupree had also put Mrs. Singletary’s staff to work on the decorations, including Callie. Her fingers were numb from polishing scores of silver candlesticks, dishes and serving trays.

As the widow’s companion, Callie would be expected to act as one of the hostesses this evening. Until then, she would enjoy a bit of solitude. She quickly shut her bedroom door and clicked the lock in place.

“It’s safe to come out now.”

Lady Macbeth peered out from under the bed, gave Callie a narrow-eyed glare then dashed back into her hiding place.

“Can’t say I blame you, you’re out of harm’s way under there, might as well stay put.”

That way Callie wouldn’t have to worry about tripping over the skittish animal as she took to pacing. Her heart overflowing with emotion, she tracked around the perimeter of the room.

Reese was actually courting her. How had she not made the connection? The gentleness, the sweet, affectionate attentiveness, all spoke of a man wooing the woman he preferred above all others.

She wanted to be his bride, so very much, but only if he loved her. She didn’t want him to propose because he deemed her suitable according to some list he’d drawn up as he would a legal brief.

She wanted his heart, all of it, and would settle for nothing less. Unfortunately, he’d given the bulk of it away already, when he was more boy than man.
I’ve already loved once in my life. Once was enough.

Oh, Reese.

Callie spun in a tight circle, retraced her steps, maneuvering around the furniture when necessary. She knew Reese cared for her, but that wasn’t the same as love.

The fact that Callie refused to settle for second best in his heart was really his own fault. He’d taught her to accept her worth as a cherished child of God.

“Typical man. He’s ruined everything.

Marching over to her writing table, she yanked open the drawer and pulled out the portrait she’d painted of her and Reese. She’d titled the picture Bride and Groom.

Wishful thinking. If Reese proposed and she refused him, would he marry someone else? The thought was a black stain upon her heart.

“Callie? Are you in there?” A rapid knocking sounded at the door. “Do let me in, dear. I’m worried about you.”

Sighing, she carefully set the painting on her desk. She should have known Mrs. Singletary would follow her after that hasty departure. The widow was nothing if not perceptive.

“Coming,” she called.

The moment she opened the door, Mrs. Singletary grabbed her by the shoulders and stared into her face. After several seconds of intense scrutiny, she released a slow exhale. “You’re all right.”

“Of course I’m all right.”

“You left so abruptly I wasn’t entirely sure.” She looked over Callie’s shoulder. “May I come in?”

“Yes.” Callie stepped back and let her pass.

After a brief glance around the room, Mrs. Singletary chose to perch herself on the edge of Callie’s bed. “Won’t you tell me what’s upset you?”

Surprisingly close to tears, she sank down beside her employer and drew in a steadying breath. “It’s hopeless.”

“Nothing is ever hopeless.” The widow draped her arm around her shoulders. “With God all things are possible.”

Then why did her situation feel so completely

“I’m in love with Reese.” She was astonished at how easy the admission came.

“I know.” Mrs. Singletary removed her arm from around Callie’s shoulders and took her hands. “Love is a marvelous thing. A treasured gift from God. Something to be celebrated.”

Not when it was one-sided. Giving in to her sorrow, she buried her face in her hands and let the tears come at last.

“Oh, dear. Those aren’t tears of joy.”

Callie had never cried in front of her employer, but now that she’d begun she couldn’t seem to stop the flow. “I’m in love with Reese, but he’s not in love with me.”

“Well, that’s just silly. Of course he loves you. I dare say he’s besotted.”

The woman sounded so confident that Callie experienced a small flutter of hope. “Why... How...?” She dropped her hands and gaped at her employer. “How do you know?”

“It’s quite simple, dear. I’ve watched him watching you. He does it all the time, especially when he thinks no one is paying attention.” The widow leaned in close. “I
pay attention.”

Something tugged at Callie’s heart, something new and wonderful. Something that felt like anticipation. “He—” she swiped at her cheeks “—watches me?”

“Indeed, yes. He can’t keep his eyes off you. At the theater he watches you instead of the play. Moreover, you’re the first person he seeks out at any gathering and the last he speaks to before he departs.”

If half of what the widow claimed was true, Reese could very well ask her to marry him soon. It was a gloriously wonderful thought and so horribly terrible.

She knew he cared for her, perhaps even deeply. But that wasn’t the same as loving her. “He was married once before. Did you know that, Mrs. Singletary?”

Her words were met with several beats of silence. “You jest.”

“Fourteen years ago.”

“How did I not know about this?”

“The marriage lasted only a month before his wife died in a riding accident. He was only eighteen at the time, and...” Callie blinked rapidly to stave off another onslaught of tears. She’d cried enough. “His wife was the love of his life.”

They both fell silent, staring at one another. Callie saw the widow processing this new piece of information, saw that keen mind of hers evaluating what it all meant. “You are sure about this?”

“He told me himself.”
I’ve already loved once in my lifetime. Once was enough.

“Well, hmm. That certainly explains a lot.” The widow rose, then began to pace through the room, following nearly the same route Callie had taken.

Eyes burning with unshed tears, she tracked the woman’s progress until she could stand the suspense no longer. “Do you now understand why the situation is hopeless?”

Mrs. Singletary held up a hand. “Hush, dear. I need a moment.”

Callie gave her two. Then said, “But, Mrs. Singletary, you have always claimed that we each have only one true soul mate.”

“I know what I said. But perhaps it’s time I reevaluated my opinion on the matter.” She halted at the writing desk, picked up the miniature portrait Callie had made of her and Reese. “Did you paint this, dear?”


“It’s quite lovely.” She set the portrait back on the desk and returned to sit beside Callie. “Despite his previous marriage, I still believe Mr. Bennett is in love with you.”

Callie squeeze her eyes tightly shut, trying desperately to hold back the burst of hope spreading through her. “I want to believe you.”

“It seems you have an important decision ahead of you.”

Callie opened her eyes. “I...do?”

The widow rose, peered out into the hallway, then came back to stand over her. “You can either let your fears determine your future and thus live the rest of your life alone. Or you can take a leap of faith and seize a lifetime of happiness with the man you love. The choice is yours.”

“But even if Reese does love me—”

“Oh, he does.”

“How can I trust it’s enough? How will I know if
enough? What if Reese...” She broke off, unable to finish the rest her thought.

No, she must continue. She must speak aloud her greatest fear. “Mrs. Singletary, what if Reese grows to resent me?”

“For what, dear?”

“For being alive?” She swallowed. “For not being Miranda.”

“There are no guarantees in life, or in love. That’s where faith comes in. You must allow the Lord to direct your path. In the meantime, let’s get you dressed.” Mrs. Singletary stuck her head back in the hallway. “Julia. Hurry, hurry, our time is running short.”

The maid popped into the room, breathing harder than usual, as though she’d run the entire length of the long corridor.

“My companion must look her very best this evening.” Mrs. Singletary took the maid’s hand and dragged her toward Callie. “She should wear her hair up, I think, with perhaps a few tendrils hanging loose around her face.”

“Whatever you think best, Mrs. Singletary.”

“Then up it shall be.” She headed toward the door, paused. “Think about what I said, Callie. The only way you will lose this battle is if you refuse to fight.”

With those sage words, the widow swept out of the room.

* * *

Reese entered Mrs. Singletary’s home behind an unfamiliar couple. It seemed all of Denver had been invited to the widow’s annual charity ball.

Handing his hat and gloves to one of the hired butlers, he entered the crowded foyer and looked around. Women were dressed in formal gowns made of colorful silks or satins. They wore elbow-length white gloves and fancy adornments in their hair. Jewels glittered around their necks.

In contrast, the gentlemen wore formal black tailcoats and trousers with white vests and matching white bow ties.

Looking for one woman in particular, Reese scanned all the female faces but didn’t find the one he wanted most to see.

Shouldering his way through the bulk of humanity lingering in the open foyer, he continued searching for the only woman he wanted to see tonight. The crowded drawing room on his right was filled to capacity with clusters of people chatting among themselves.

No Callie.

Although, he had to admit, there were an uncommon number of attractive young women in attendance tonight. He felt the bulk of their gazes following him as he moved on to the next room. The overabundance of female interest in him had failed to die down in the weeks since news had gotten out of his bride search.

It seemed everyone wanted to know who he would marry.

He planned to end the speculation tonight.

He had his final list tucked inside an interior pocket of his jacket. After weeks of writing and rewriting, agonizing over what to put in and what to take out, he was ready to present his requirements to Callie.

He needed to find her first.

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