His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3) (23 page)

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Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency romance historical romance

BOOK: His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3)
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What exactly are you
implying, Mother?”

I don’t know why I didn’t
see it before. You plan on making Miss Frasier your mistress, if
you haven’t already.”

Emily stumbled and had to hold onto the
wall for support. Did he actually plan to do that to her? No, he
wouldn’t, would he?

My relationship and plans
for Miss Frasier are none of your concern.”

Oh, I should think not. A
son should not discuss his mistress with his mother.”

You started this
conversation. Not I.”

Now that we have set one
concern aside we can address the other.”

What would that be?” Dillon
ground out.

Your marriage.”

Dillon stared at his mother for a
moment before he smiled. “For your information, the Duke of Ellings
has granted me an audience. We will speak this weekend and I hope
he gives his blessing.”

Mrs. Chambers practically jumped for
joy and Emily slid into a chair.

If all goes well, and I am
correct in his approval, there should be an announcement when I
return to Town.”

Oh, Chadwick, I am so
happy.” Tears actually formed in his mother’s eyes.

Not a word, Mother,” he

How can you ask me to be
quiet about this?”

Ellings has not yet granted
his permission, nor have I had a chance to speak with the lady

But. . .”

No one, Mother. If I get
wind that you have spoken to a single soul, I will withdraw the
offer before it is made. Do you understand?”

You wouldn’t be so
foolish?” She scoffed.

All my life I have done as
you wished. This will be done on my terms or not at all.” His tone
was cold and harsh.

The joy left Mrs. Chambers momentarily.
“I suppose I can keep your secret until you return.”

Dillon smiled at her indulgently.
“Thank you. You’ll see the wisdom of remaining silent.”

With that, he turned and left his


* * *


Emily couldn’t believe she’d heard
correctly. She deserved to be hurt for listening to a private
conversation. Still, she needed to hear to prepare herself. She
would never have believed Dillon would ask for Claresta’s hand. He
had said as much. Had he been playing a game all along? One that
started at the cottage? She couldn’t believe it of him. No, she
wouldn’t until she heard it from Dillon directly.

By the time she returned to the
ballroom, the unmasking had occurred, not that anyone’s identity
had been a real surprise. Claresta stood with her mother and
father. Dillon was leaning over, talking to her quietly. Emily felt
her heart in her throat.

In the spirit of the evening, Janine
and Martin requested another waltz. As the chords struck, Emily
watched as Dillon led Claresta to the floor. It was their second
dance, second waltz of the evening. This couldn’t be happening. Had
she been such a fool? Had Claresta lied about her feelings to spare
her? Emily no longer knew what to think. She just wanted to

We were looking for you,
dear.” Her Grace approached.

I was in the retiring

Mr. Chambers was wishing to
apologize for missing your dance. He said his mother cornered

Yes, I saw.” Emily smiled

What is it, dear? You don’t
look very well.” The older woman asked with concern.

I have the beginnings of a
headache. If you don’t mind, I would like to leave.”

Oh, dear. Yes, of course.”
Her Grace turned to her husband. “Could you see Emily home? She’s
beginning to get a headache.”

Concern marred the duke’s face. “Of
course. I’ll return for you and Claresta after Emily is


* * *

Dillon was exacerbated. First, he had
to miss his waltz and talk to his mother. Then when he finally had
a chance to return to Emily, she wasn’t there and no one was sure
where she’d gone. When another waltz was announced he had hoped she
would appear so all was not lost. But, she did not. Since Emily
wasn’t there, he asked Claresta. He knew exactly what everyone
would believe when they saw them waltz a second time but didn’t

At Claresta’s prompting, he explained
his recent conversation with his mother. “Are you really going to
speak with father this weekend?” she asked hopefully as they passed
his mother.

Dillon smiled down at her and

When he returned Claresta to her
mother’s side, Emily was still not present.

She has gone home,” Her
Grace quickly explained. “She felt the beginnings of a

The smile fell from Claresta’s face.
“Oh, no. We leave tomorrow.”

Let’s just hope she
recovers quickly.”

Disappointment filled Dillon. This
magical night was now at an end as far as he was concerned and he
hadn’t been allowed anytime with Emily. He just hoped her headache
would be gone by morning. At least they’d have the time he needed
over the next few days. It was the only thought that kept his mood
from completely turning black.

Since there was nothing he could do,
Dillon buried his disappointment and sauntered over to his friends.
When they asked after Emily, he advised them of her condition. Only
Noah reacted. “I hope it isn’t a bad episode.”

Dillon wondered why there was such
concern. He would never wish Emily harm and he certainly wished she
was by his side and not suffering, but a headache wasn’t exactly
life threatening either.



Chapter 14


Dillon had paced the front parlor,
waiting for the past three hours. He hadn’t overly worried the
night before, but what if Emily had taken seriously ill? Several
people had been afflicted with a severe fever recently, some of
them had even died. Until he saw her, he couldn’t relax. If she
were ill, he would leave and go to her. He kept telling himself
that if the Ellings family were not coming, a message would have
been sent and already arrived.

He’d had such grand hopes for this
weekend. He would have time alone with Emily and an appointment
with the duke. His plans began to dissipate when his mother
arrived. She was not to have been a guest, but somehow managed an
invitation from Lady Wilkes. How did she even manage an invitation
on such short notice.? The two women barely knew one another.
Marius should have warned his mother. Now, the very person he did
want to see had not arrived. As the carriage wheels could be heard
on the drive, Dillon walked to the foyer with Marius. It had to be
them. They were the only ones left to arrive. Claresta entered the
house first and turned to wait for the others, worry wrinkled her
brow. Next came the Duke of Ellings, his arm was around a very pale
and weak Emily. Her Grace hurried after and approached Marius with
none of the polite greetings. “Could you show us to Emily’s

Marius quickly obliged and turned
toward the stairs with Ellings and Emily following. As they reached
the first steps, Emily raised her foot and would have collapsed if
Ellings hadn’t been holding her. He turned back to Dillon. “Can you
carry her?”

Without thought, Dillon scooped Emily
into his arms and followed Marius to her assigned chamber. His
shock was beginning to wear off as he realized that Emily was very
sick indeed.

The Duchess of Ellings hurried in after
them, whispering instructions, “Pull the curtain, find a chamber
pot. I need cloths, cold water and a maid.”

Dillon gently lowered Emily to the bed.
She pulled a pillow over her head and face without looking at

Is it the fever?” He
couldn’t lose her just as he was about to finally have

Her Grace looked at him for the first
time. “Oh, no. It is a megrim. Poor dear suffers from them a few
times a year. They completely incapacitate her.”

How long do they last?” He
did not like that Emily was in pain but was grateful it wasn’t the

A day or two, at the most,”
Her Grace quietly assured him before turning to Marius. “I’ll need
weak tea and some bread sent up. You gentlemen will need to leave
so we can get Emily settled.”

Dillon found himself standing in the
hall with Marius and Ellings before he knew what had happened.
Vaguely he recalled saying he wanted to stay with her. Her Grace
said it was a nice though, but refused him.


* * *


It was dinner time before Claresta
joined the others. She quickly assured them that Emily was resting
peacefully and that the medicine was helping her sleep. Dillon
wished he could question Claresta but didn’t want to raise his
mother’s suspicions further. It was bad enough she already believed
Emily to be his mistress.

I’ll sit with her after
dinner,” Her Grace offered.

Thank you, Mother. I’ll
stay with her tonight.”

I could have a bed put in
the room if you would like,” Lady Wilkes offered.

Oh, no, that isn’t
necessary.” Claresta smiled. “The chase is quite comfortable.
Besides, I don’t want risk anything disturbing Emily.”

Surely, a servant can sit
with her,” Dillon’s mother finally voiced.

Claresta turned toward Mrs. Chambers.
“I’ve sat with Emily through these spells for the last two years.
She may need me and I want to be there.”

Surely, there is nothing
you can do that time won’t heal.”

Perhaps you don’t realize
this, Mrs. Chambers, but I consider Emily a very dear friend,
almost a sister. I would lie on a cold stone floor if necessary,
but I won’t leave her alone this night. Not after she has been ill
all day.”

Wisely, his mother said nothing further
and dinner was announced.


* * *


It was late morning before Claresta
appeared below stairs again. The house party had gone as planned.
The only minor disturbance was the absence of Emily. Dillon didn’t
even try to enjoy himself. The guests that didn’t know his true
motivation simply believed Dillon was in poor humor because
Claresta’s attention was elsewhere.

The moment Claresta came down the
stairs, Dillon pulled her into the study and closed the

How is Emily?” he asked

Better. The pain is
lessening. If this continues as the others have, the pain will be
gone by dinner.”

Will she join us then?”
Dillon asked hopefully.

Claresta chuckled and walked toward the
settee. “No. She will sleep. The headaches completely wear her out.
After a full night’s rest, she should be up and around tomorrow,
but don’t expect her to participate in many activities.”

Dillon, who had been pacing, whirled
around and started toward Claresta. “You can’t know how relieved I
am.” His toe caught the end of the table and before he could catch
himself, he fell, landing ungracefully into Claresta, who fell back
onto the settee. His hand rested on one breast with the rest of her
body pinned beneath his. Shocked and horrified they simply stared
at the other before he quickly moved away. “I am so

Before he was upright and on the floor,
his mother barreled through the door. “Oh, Chadwick, I am so

Claresta turned stunned eyes on his

Mother,” Dillon warned and
stepped forward.

What is going on in here?”
His Grace asked as he came into the room.

Smiling brightly, Mrs. Chambers turned
toward him. “Our children just became betrothed.”

Ellings was not smiling and turned to
Dillon. “Is this so, young man?”

Dillon cleared his throat. “Perhaps now
is a good time for our discussion.” What was he to do

I should say so,” Ellings
barked before he turned to Mrs. Chambers. “Leave us.”

But, Your Grace, this does
involve my son.”

If what you say is true,
his future is secure. However, as it is my daughter, I would like
to speak with them,

Dillon’s mother curtseyed and backed
out of the room, closing the door behind her.



Chapter 15


Emily woke slowly. She didn’t feel any
pain, but knew from past experience sometimes it lay in wait for a
movement or for light to hit before attacking. She cracked her
eyes, ready to close them at the slightest hint of discomfort. As
the room came into view and she focused, she felt nothing. Turning
her head to the clock, she noted it was still early morning and
doubted her maid would be in anytime soon to assist her. Still, if
the headache was really and truly gone, Emily wanted to be up and
moving. Two entire days of this long weekend had been wasted
already and she wasn’t about to let another moment slip. There were
issues to be addressed, and what better time than in the morning
before others awoke? Hopefully, she could learn which room was
occupied by Dillon, because she had a few things to say to

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