Hitler's Terror Weapons (31 page)

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Authors: Geoffrey Brooks

Tags: #Bisac Code 1: HIS027100: HISTORY / Military / World War II

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Drawn from a photograph of the German experimental “uranium pile,” which they believed would make a bomb.

Diagram for the experimental “bomb” which consisted of layers of uranium and paraffin.

The German Flying Saucer

During the spate of UFO sightings over the US in midsummer 1947, a flying crescent was often seen. It was suspected by USAF Intelligence to be man-made and of German origin. A declassified secret report identified it as approximating the 1942 designed Ho VI Parabola, the plan form of which is shown here. Reimar Horten disappeared to Argentina at the war's end.


Bariloche Nazi – Guia de Sitios Relacionados al Nacional Socialismo
unpublished anonymous manuscript registered in Argentina at the Registro Propiedad Intelectual, File 132840 (5.6.2001).

. Burrowed into the chalky rock of the Kohnstein mountain, and originally designed as a chemical storage facility, Nordhausen comprised of two parallel tunnels 2½ kilometres long, 200 metres apart and wide enough for a double railway track in each, with 46 connecting chambers. A third tunnel at the level of the eighteenth chamber ran at a right angle to the main corridors. Floor area amounted to 125,000 square metres. The available space was million cubic metres. Heating was maintained at 17°C with low humidity. All corridors and chambers were equipped with strong electric lighting.

. Needless to say, the conditions for the prisoners at SS-Mittelwerk were barbarous. Initially the mortality rate was 15%, although admittedly this was better than the 84% rate at Auschwitz for forced labourers. When Wernher von Braun visited the tunnels in January 1944, where he saw 10,000 inmates at labour, he walked the corridors in silence and left despondent. Following the intercession of Speer in the wake of a visit in December 1944, food and living conditions improved beyond measure and the prisoners were eventually lodged in barracks outside the caves. Hitler's Luftwaffe ADC von Below stated in
At Hitler's Side
, Greenhill Books, 2001, that when he visited in January 1945 “the prisoners seemed well-treated and were in good physical condition as far as I could determine” but he was not there on the day in March 1945 when guards hanged fifty-two slave labourers in Gallery 41, tying a dozen at a time to a beam which was then pulled up by a crane while those next in line were forced to watch.

. Nick Cook:
The Hunt for Zero Point: One Man's Journey to Discover the Biggest Secret Since the Invention of the Atom Bomb
, Century Books, 2001, wherein the author, a leading writer for Britain's most authoritative military journal,
Jane's Defence Weekly
, advances the theory that Kammler gave the Americans “Nazi anti-gravity technology” in exchange for his own security. Mr Cook invokes this line of reasoning to explain “the thousands of sightings of UFOs that have occurred since the Second World War”, i.e. there are no UFOs but American UFOs. Sightings of flying saucers and so forth are not a modern phenomenon and go back to at least the time of the Ancient Greeks. Persons claiming close contact with a UFO are invariably given a medical examination which will include a routine check for radiation. Two Government-documented contactee cases in South America are those of Villas Boas (Brazil, 15.10.1957) who was found to have genital radiation poisoning and bodily evidence of abnormal healing after claiming to have been kidnapped by the female crew of a UFO, and 71-year old Ventura Maceiras (Argentina, 30.12.1972, radiation sickness after claiming to have approached a UFO which landed near his shack: began to grow his third set of teeth in February 1973.) The documented medical evidence in the multiplicity of similar cases is overwhelming. The United States is unlikely to have been responsible for either of the quoted incidents, and fought off an action brought by Mrs Betty Cash and others claiming $20 million damages for exogenous radiation poisoning necessitating a mastectomy following an incident at Houston on the night of 29 December 1980. A US court threw out the application in August 1986 after accepting pleadings on behalf of the US Government, armed forces and NASA that they neither owned nor operated “a large oblong flaming object with a rounded top and pointed lower half”.

. Konrad Heiden:
The Führer
, first published London, 1944: reprinted H. Pordes, London 1967; Robinson Publishing reprint, 1999, page 591.

. Hermann Rauschning:
Hitler Speaks, A Series of Political Conversations with Adolf Hitler on his Real Aims
, Thornton Butterworth, London, 1939.

. Henry Picker:
Hitlers Tischgespräche im FHQ
Seewald Verlag, Stuttgart, 1976.

. Erich Gröner:
Die deutschen Kriegsschiffe 1815–1945
, Band III, Bernard & Graefe, 1985.

. Wilfred von Oven:
Finale Furioso, Mit Goebbels bis zum Ende
, Tübingen, 1974.

. Public Record Office, PREM 3/89.

. Günther Gellermann:
Der Krieg der nicht stattfand
, Bernard & Graefe, Koblenz, 1986.

. Jürgen Michels:
Peenemünde und seine Erben in Ost und West:
Bernard & Graefe 1997.

. Otto Skorzeny:
Wir kämpften, wir verloren
, Helmut Cramer, 1973.

. OSS Report A44 316 Report 5958 7 November 1944.

. Jüngen Michels,
op cit.

. Jürgen Michels,
op. cit.

. Rudolf Luhser:
Die deutschen Waffen und Geheimwaffen des Zweiten Weltkrieges
, Lehmanns Verlag, Munich, 1958.

. Günther Hessler:
The U-boat War in the Atlantic 1939–1945

. Philip Henshall:
, Alan Sutton, Stroud, 1995.

Musée Nationale d'Histoire Militaire
, Diekirch-Luxembourg.

. Hermann Rauschning:
Hitler Speaks
, Thornton Butterworth, 1939.

. See Dr Ernst Weisz:
, 1939, a thinly fictionalized account of Hitler's miracle cure, and William Bramley:
The Gods of Eden.

. Hermann Rauschning,
op. cit.

. The original German version of this booklet under the title
Der Bolschewismus von Moses bis Lenin: Ein Zweigespraech zwischen Adolf Hitler und mir
can be read at:
The English translation published by the Historical Review Press (Tr. William L. Pierce) can be read at:

. John Blofeld:
, Mandala Books, 1986.

. Nora Waln:
Reaching for the Stars
, Crescent Press, London 1939. A Chinese-American historian and translator, Nora Waln spent the pre-war period in Germany.

. OSS Interrogation Archive document #12678
Nazi Occult Organizations.

. Michael Talbot:
Mysticism and the New Physics
, Arkana, 1993.

. Albert Speer:
, Polypropylaen Verlag, Ullstein, Berlin, 1969.

. Albert Speer,
op. cit.

Die Wissenschaften
, 28.1.1939.

. C. F. von Weizsäcker:
Atomenergie und Atomzeitalter
, Fischer, 1957.

Weapons Bureau.

. Werner Heisenberg:
Individual Behaviour in the Face of Disaster
, essay. Where not specifically referenced, Heisenberg's reports and commentaries mentioned in the text can be found in W. Heisenberg and K. Wirtz:
Grossversuche zur Vorbereitung der Konstruktion
eines Uranbrenners
FIAT Review of German Science 1939–1945
republished in Series B:
Gesammelte Werke von Werner Heisenberg
(Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg and New York, 1984) and in Series A, the Original Works under the title

. Robert Jungk:
Brighter Than a Thousand Suns
, Gollancz, 1982.

. Karl Wirtz:
Im Umkreis der Physik
, KFZ Karlsruhe, 1987: Joseph J. Ermenc:
Atomic Bomb Scientists: Memoirs 1939–1945
, Greenwood Press CT, 1989.

. Armin Herrmann:
, Rohwohlt Verlag, Rheinbek, 1976.

Die Möglichkeit der technischen Energiegewinnung aus der Uranspaltung
, Paper G-39, KFZ Karlsruhe. The German wartime uranium project reports are filed on microfilm at the Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Centre (KFZ), from where photocopies may be obtained. Each document of the series is listed with the prefix G. Many of Heisenberg's reports have been reproduced in the various volumes of his lifetime's work
Gesammelte Werke
(Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1989).

. Margaret Gowing:
Britain and Atomic Energy 1939–1945
, UKAEA and Macmillan, 1964.

. Leslie Groves:
Now It Can Be Told
, Harper, New York, 1962, pp 336–340.

. C. F. von Weizsäcker:
Atomenergie und Atomzeitalter
, Fischer, Frankfurt am Main, 1957.

Die Wissenschaften
, Vol. 27 pp. 402–410.

. Joseph J. Ermenc:
Atomic Bomb Scientists 1939–1945
, Greenwood Press, CT, 1989.

. David Irving:
The Virus House
, Wm Kimber, London, 1967.

. Karl Wirtz:
Im Umkreis der Physik
, Karlsruhe, 1987.

. Re Sengier see Harald Steinert:
The Atom Rush, Man's Quest for Radioactive Materials
, Thames & Hudson, London 1958: Gowing,
op. cit.;
op. cit.

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