Hitler's Terror Weapons (33 page)

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Authors: Geoffrey Brooks

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Reported in Geoffrey Brooks:
Hitler's Nuclear Weapons,
Leo Cooper, 1992, after correspondence with Wolfgang Hirschfeld, 21.1.1991. Since the US Unloading Manifest shows only ten containers, I pressed him on this matter and suggested his memory was at fault. “I know what I saw,” he said, “and there were definitely more than fifty of those little heavy cases.” The total weight of all material aboard
was 260 tonnes.

Letter from Wolfgang Hirschfeld, 21.3.1998.

Fehler's assumption was uncharitable. On 15 May 1945, when the diplomatic missions and Party organs of the Third Reich in East Asia were finally closed down, German citizens were interned for the remainder of the conflict under the most hospitable and generous conditions.

The documents relating to the
affair at the US National Archive are located in Box RG38, Box 13, Documents OP-20-3-G1-A dated May 1945 (Unloading Manifests) and 373/3679/B0x 22/folder OP-16-Z, Day file 1.1.1945 which includes the Nieschling Memorandum dated 24 May 1945. Judge Nieschling was interviewed by Lt Best. Under a heading Regarding “Uranium Oxide” and other cargo aboard
the material part of the report reads: “PoW does not know anything in particular about this ore, but only heard that it was valuable and that it was to be exchanged for some other valuable ore that the Germans needed. The meaning behind the ore would, according to PoW, be known by the technician FKpt Falck. He took some secret courses before he boarded the U-boat. He was to be chief technician on all naval matter under Admiral Wennecker.”

Letter from Staatsanwalt Wacker of the Zentral Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen, Ludwigsburg dated 2 September 1998.

Wilcox, op. cit.

Henshall, op. cit.

Opinion of Alaskan lawyer Sidney Trevethan, title 552 section (a) sub-sections (3) and (6)(A) USCA, in The Controversial Cargo of U-234, Revision 13, January 1999.

Kunihiko Kigoshi, letter of 7.8.1998 reported in The Controversial Cargo of U-234, op. cit.

Yomiuri Shimbunsha, Showashi no Tenno (The Emperor and Showa History), Tokyo, 1968, vol 4, pp.146-148: John W Dover, Japan in War and Peace, New Press, 1993, p.80.

Author's correspondence: letter from Professor Rohwer, 28 March 1996.

Charles W. Stone: the cited material was illustrated in Lasuto U-boto Noshinjitsu, in Sekai Shuh (World Affairs Weekly), Sept. 1997. The unpublished English version entitled U-233 U234 U235 contains a facsimile of the document as attested by US attorney Sidney Trevethan in The Controversial Cargo of U-234. See remarks in Introduction.

Hirschfeld: Feindfahrten, op. cit.

Lt. Col Richard D. Thurston, USA (Ret.) was a contributor to The Controversial Cargo of U-234, January 1999, a forum of scientists and writers researching the U-234 enigma.

English newspaper Mail on Sunday, 7 January 1996, and Der Spiegel, February 1996, article entitled Heisse Ladung at pp 148–9.

US Navy secret despatches #262151 of 27.5.1945 and #292045 of 30.5.1945 are filed at US Archive Nara II Box U-234. The transcript entitled Telephone Conversation between Major Smith WOL and Major Traynor of 14.6.1945 is filed at US Archive SE Region, East Point, Georgia.

Chuck Hansen: US Nuclear Weapons – The Secret History, Aerofax, 1998.

Henry L. Stimson Diaries, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale.

A. H. Compton: Atomic Quest – A Personal Narrative, New York, 1956.

Henry Stimson: The Decision to Use the Bomb, Harper's Magazine, February 1947.

D. H. Childress,: Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India and Atlantis – the Complete Vimanika Shastra Text, Stolle, Illinois, per Axel Stoll: Hochtechnologie im Dritten Reich, CTT-Verlag, 2000.

Ivan T. Sanderson: Invisible Residents, Tandem, 1970.

E-mail correspondence with the Polish writer Igor Witkowski: information assimilated from prosecution files and depositions in the war crimes trial of former SS-Gruppenführer Jacob Sporrenberg, head of the SS Special Evacuation Commando subordinated to the Gauleiter of Lower Silesia, Karl Hanke.

According to a statement by an Argentinian journalist with access to confidential official papers, (see Footnote 1) the Bell and all documents pertaining thereto arrived safely at Gualeguay aerodrome in the province of Entre Rios aboard a Junkers 390 transport aircraft at the war's end. From there it was transported first to San Carlos de Bariloche, then known as “Nazi Bariloche”, and onwards to a secret underground destination.

Dieter Meinig: X-Akte Jonastal – die Rätsel des letzten FHQ, article in Wissenschaft ohne Grenzen, Jan-Mar edition, 1997.

Col. R. Allen: Lucky Forward: The History of Patton's 3rd US Army, Vanguard, NY 1947.

Account of long interview in Edgar Mayer: Die deutsche Atombombe und andere Wunderwaffen des Dritten Reiches, Amun Verlag, 2001.

Harald Fäth: 1945–Thüringens Manhattan Project, Suhl 1998.

A 1946 document obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by Henry Schuren and reported in UFO Focus on 31.3.1991. The so-called weapon was not ready to enter service until March 1945 by when it was too late.

BIOS Final Report No 61 (Weapons/Volkenrode).

Vesco, op. cit.

Vesco, op. cit.

Brad Steiger: Strangers From The Skies, Tandem, 1966 at p.149.

Sanderson, op. cit.

US 1946 report CIOS-BIOS/FIAT 20 at CIOS-XXXI-5.

Edward U. Condon: Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, Bantam, NY, 1969, pp. 894–5, Report of the Official University of Colorado UFO Project, Appendix R: copy report dated 23.9.1947 AMC Opinion Concerning Flying Discs from Lt Gen. N. Twining, USA Cmmdg. To Commdg. General, Army Air Forces, Washington 25 DC, Brig Gen. George Schulgen AC/AS2.

See E. J. Ruppelt: The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, Doubleday, NY, 1956 at page 38.

In early September 1943 the German Navy landed troops on Spitzbergen island, a large, wild, barren and remote windswept island in the Arctic Circle 500 miles north of North Cape. A small weather station was set up in the interior in 1944 and remained there until relieved in 1946, but an actual occupation just to install a seven-man meteorological team seems improbable. Its use as a proving ground for advanced VTOL aircraft types would have justified taking the island from the point of view of secrecy. An account of the Norwegian discovery of German Flugkreisel wreckage in 1952 (which initially they thought was from a UFO since the Americans had not bothered to inform them otherwise) appears in Frank Edwards: Flying Saucers – Serious Business, NY, Lyle Stuart, 1966.

Dr Karl Nowak was also the inventor of the Molecular Bomb, which was never built. So far as can be made out, his idea was that electrons within the nucleus would have been brought to a state of very low energy at a temperature of almost absolute zero and then returned to their normal velocities instantaneously. This expansion force (1015 electrons) would have enabled a bomb vastly more powerful than the hydrogen bomb to have been constructed. Official quantum physics dismisses the idea as an impossibility but recently the physicist Randall Mills has stated that Nowak's concept can be proved theoretically and in practice.

For this description I have consulted the work of aviation historian Justo Miranda: the account of Luigi Romersa appears in Uomini, armi e segreti della seconda guerra mondiale, part 7, Storia Verita, 1992.

Per A. Boehn: Norsk Innsats i Kampen om Atomkraften, Trondheim, 1946, and Sigmund Fjeldbu, Et lite sted pa verden-skartet-Rjukan 1940–1950, Oslo 1980.

Immanuel Velikovsky, Earth in Upheaval, Dell, NY, 1955.

Trevor James Constable quoted in Brad Steiger, Gods of Aquarius, Panther Books 1980.

The Gnostic writer Samael Weor alleges in his manual El Matrimonio Perfecto that where conception occurs as the result of a spermatozoa emitted but not ejaculated into the vagina during ritual intercourse practised by a mystic pair, the child will be “a creature of an elevated order. This is the way in which the super-race will be bred”.

OSS Interrogation Archive document #12678 Nazi Occult Organizations.

Dr Willy Ley: Essay, Pseudo-Sciences under the Nazi Regime, 1947.

Teddy Legrande: Les sept têtes du Dragon Vert, Eds. Berger-Levrault, 1933.

Reported in 168 above.

Bruce Cathe: The Bridge to Infinity, Harmonic 371299, Quark Enterprises/Brookfield Press, Auckland, NZ, 1983.

Alec Maclellan: The Lost World of Agharti, Souvenir Press, 1982 at page 178.

Blofeld, op. cit., at pages 113–120.

I have kept cuttings from the book but lost the annotation. My apologies to the author.

From Zen Teachings of Huang Po.

Warner Allen The Timeless Moment from F. C. Happold Mysticism, Penguin NY, 1970.

Huang Po, op. cit.

Rauschning, op. cit.

USSR Special Archives number F.7/op. l/d 1223. Published Moscow, 1995 by historians at the University of Novosibirsk.

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