Holding Out For Skye (30 page)

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Authors: S.R. McKade

BOOK: Holding Out For Skye
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“You’re not staying over though,” Skye declared in a prim voice, like a schoolteacher scolding a small child.

He grinned knowingly. “Wanna bet?”



Skye woke up before him. Cian was sprawled on his back, his arms still wrapped around her. It was a good thing her bed was so big, he took up a lot of space with those broad shoulders and that tall frame of his.

She found out she liked being tucked by his side. The dark shadows under his eyes were gone. She imagined hers must be gone too. She’d slept like a babe.

Skye’d finally gotten her wish. To see his sleeping face. He looked so peaceful, so handsome. Her heart fluttered. Had last night really happened? Was he really here? What if it had all been a dream? Resolutely, she brushed away the fear. No, Cian was really here. And he loved her.

Her fingers itched to touch him. Skye gave in to it and traced his features with light fingers. His cheek was rough under her hand. Delighted at the prickly sensation, she rubbed it against his cheek again.

“Having fun, are we?” His piercing gray eyes glittered with laughter.

Startled, Skye let out a squeak. “You’re awake!”

Cian caught her hand before she could take it back. With a contented sigh, he tucked her more securely under his chin and placed a kiss on her head, pulling the comforter around them.

“Hmm, sleep well?” His voice, rough with sleep, wrapped around her, causing shivers of awareness.

Skye tucked her hands on his chest, snuggling closer. “Really well.”

They lay like that, peace stealing over them, content with just holding each other.

“So I stayed over,” Cian informed her smugly. When she didn’t say anything, he looked down to make sure she hadn’t fallen asleep on him again. Nope, still awake. “What, no witty comeback?”

“Normally I would have one but that will just encourage you,” Skye retorted.

“Since when did that stop you?”

“Since I’m trying different tactics.”

“Is that so? Good luck with that because I’m moving in.”

Skye sat up with a start, the top of her head hitting his chin, almost snapping his head back. “

Cian swore and rubbed at his chin. God, what was it about her that he always ended up getting hit one way or the other? “You heard me the first time.”

“No, you’re
.” Skye crossed her hands over her chest.

His gaze took her in, from her tousled hair to how the dress-like t-shirt molded her figure and rode over her thighs. God, she took his breath away. Cian’s eyes lingered on the hem of her t-shirt. Her eyes followed the direction of his. She blushed then tugged at the hem. It made him smile. She was so cute.

“Oh, yes, I am,” Cian promised.

Just a few hours with him turned her stomach into knots. If he moved in with her, he’d be here with her every day. Turn her world upside down.

be HERE. Every. Day. With her.

And every night.
The thought made Skye feel both giddy and scared inside.

“You can’t,” Skye told him, panic racing in her eyes.

“Watch me.” Cian caught her hand, tugged hard. She fell against his chest, the contact causing heat to rush through his body. He relished the sensation and conveniently wrapped his arms around her, holding her prisoner against him. “You owe me.”

“I don’t.” Skye tried uselessly to push against him.

“No? How about how you ripped my heart out by dumping me?”

Skye went still and watched him regretfully. Then her eyes filled with suspicion. He looked way too relaxed for a guy who had had his heart ripped out. He was playing her.

“You can’t use that! I
I was sorry.”

“But you still owe me. For all the days of heartache. And I can
use that.”

“You’re never going to let me forget that, are you?”

Cian thought about it, then smiled knowingly. “Nope.”

“How long are you going to hold it over my head?”

“Oh, I don’t know, love, the next twenty years or so sound good.”

“That’s not fair,” Skye muttered irritably. Inside, her heart did a happy little dance. Did that mean he was going to stick around for the next twenty years? With her?

“Alright.” Cian rolled on his side so they were lying face to face. “What’s the real reason for your refusal?”

Skye took a deep breath. “Living together’s a big step. And… and… I’m not ready for… for… . you
.” The thought of spending every night with him… . Color crept in her face.

Cian gave her a shrewd look. “I know,” he reassured her gently. “I can wait until you’re ready. Besides you should know one thing, you’re going to marry me one day. If it was up to me, the sooner the better.”

Skye’s eyes went wide as saucer cups. She opened her mouth and tried to say something but nothing would come out.

“Rendered speechless, are we?” Cian noted with a grin. “I’m no longer holding back with you, Skye. Not after almost losing you. Do you want to know my reason for moving in?”

She nodded, awe-struck, still speechless, still wide-eyed.

“I don’t want any more time to go by without spending it with you. Moving in would get you used to us being together so that when I ask you to marry me, you won’t get that panicked look on your face again. The moment I get my ring on your finger, we’re going house-shopping.”

Finding her voice, Skye noted, “You sound awfully confident I’ll say yes.”

“Oh, you
say yes, love,” Cian promised her in a self-satisfied voice, a gleam in his eyes. “I thought about asking you to move in with me but I know how much you love your apartment, how much it means to you to have your own home. So we’ll be sharing the rent. I understand,” he repeated gently. “That’s why I’m asking you to let
move in. Will you?”

“I need to think about it.” Skye saw the resignation in his eyes. She reached out and cupped his face. “This is too important to just decide so quickly.”

“Very well. Take the time to think about it.” He leaned in and fastened his lips to hers in a long possessive kiss. When he pulled away, he gazed into her dazzled eyes. His flashed with determination. “But don’t take too bloody long or I’ll make that decision for you.”

Cian kissed her again, a swift hard kiss this time. When he let her come up for air, his eyes gleamed a warning at her. “I’m a selfish bastard, Skye. I want you and I’m not letting you go again. Not for anyone. Not even for your own sake.”


“HAVE YOU been living on air?” Cian complained later that morning as he raided her fridge. There was barely anything to eat in it.

Skye was sitting at the counter, drinking coffee and watching him. “Make yourself right at home, why don’t you?”

“Thank you, I believe I will,” he said smartly. He snatched her mug and took a sip.

“Hey! Get your own coffee!”

“What’s the fun in that?”

“Smartass,” she muttered.

“What was that?” Merriment danced in his eyes.

She stuck her tongue at him. He grinned at her.

At the knock on the front door, he motioned with
mug for her to go open it.

“Why do
have to go open the damn door?”

“Because it’s your apartment, isn’t it? And your damn door?” Cian gave her a sunny smile. “Now, if
was living here too, I would gladly go open the door.”

Skye scowled at his not-so-subtle hint and trudged to the door. She jerked it open, and stared in amazement at the sight that greeted her.

“What are you guys doing here?”

“We come bearing gifts,” Tasha chirped, holding up the bags she was carrying and shouldered her way in.

“Do come right in,” Skye offered in an exasperated voice.

“I got hot chocolate,” Tyler said with a grin, following in her wake.

have strawberries,” Kiera told her, smiling.

Ash grinned at her. “Even I don’t know what I’m carrying.”

“Ah good, you’re finally here. She was going to starve me to death,” Cian greeted them, a twinkle in his eyes as he hugged Tasha.

Skye closed the door and turned to stare at her friends, who all had broad smiles on their faces.

“I assume this is all your doing?” Skye demanded, with a cross-eyed look for Cian.

Cian gave a bow. “Guilty as charged.”

Tasha laughed merrily. “He texted us and told us everything. And we all collectively decided that a breakfast party was in order.”

Kiera placed her load on the counter and came over to hug her tightly. “You should have told me.”

Skye squeezed her back. “I couldn’t.”

Tyler enfolded her in a bear hug next. “Skywalker, learn to share the load a bit, will you? You don’t always have to carry the whole world on your shoulder all alone.”

“I didn’t. You were here for me,” she assured him.

“As I will always be,” he promised. “Let’s get something to eat before Hunter gobbles everything.”

She chuckled at the image of Cian gobbling everything.

“Hey!” Cian called out to Tyler. “What about the truce?”

“What truce?” Tyler winked at Skye.

When Tasha reached for her, Skye protested, “I’m all hugged-out.”

Undeterred, Tasha chortled and embraced her anyway. “You’ll just have to deal with it.”

Since there weren’t enough seats for everyone, they decided to spread out the goodies on the low table in her small living room and to sit on the carpeted floor around it.

Skye stuffed a small cheese covered pastry in her mouth. “Ooh, that’s really good. Yummy.”

At that moment, there came several knocks on the door. Skye squinted at Cian. “What now?”

“That’s just Nick. Get the door, will you, love?”

Skye started to complain again about having to open the door but remembering his earlier retort, she settled for sending Cian a withering look.

“What was that about?” She heard Tasha ask Cian.

“Oh, just a little spat over who’s supposed to open the door,” Cian explained.

“I understood that but

Skye groaned as she heard Cian answer, “I just asked her to let me move in, that’s all.”

Her friends burst out laughing. Skye rolled her eyes at their clowning as she opened the door.

Nick stood on the doorstep, his face guarded. “Hello, Skye.”

Skye stared at him. He’d never blamed her for breaking up with Cian and he’d lost everything because of her. Sorrow filled her heart that he was hurting because of her now. “Nick, I’m so sorry for everything.”

“As you should be,” he stated firmly. He bit back a smile when her face paled at his reply. “Can I come in?”

“Y—Yes, of course,” she stammered, standing aside to let him in.

He waited until she closed the door and turned around. “You should be sorry for that deal you made with Mr. Chan. Do you think it makes me happy to know you gave up your relationship with Cian for me?”

“N—No.” Skye felt wretched. He’d never spoken to her like this before. “I’m really—”

“Be quiet,” Nick told her in a brisk tone that shut up her apology. “Do you think it makes me happy to have you protect me and Thea like that?”

When she stayed silent, he said, “Do you?”


“Are you done being the martyr?”

Skye grimaced at the word. “I was not—”

He cut her off sharply. “Are you done?”

Skye gulped. “Yes.”

“Are you going to do it again?”


Nick wondered if he’d made Skye feel sufficiently guilty. Seemed like it. She looked like she’d just been put on death row. “You swear?”

She nodded. “I swear.”

“Alright then. Let’s eat.” He started towards the others.

Skye caught his arm and held him back. “I’m sorry about you and Thea.”

“It’s not your fault.” When she looked unconvinced, Nick reiterated, “It’s not. I get why
did what you did for Thea and me. But you have to understand this is something
had to do. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” Skye sighed. “Let’s go eat.”


“She’s hoarding the strawberries again,” Tasha complained.

They were sitting around the low wooden table, the girls lounging on the couch and the guys on the floor. The table was laden with several kinds of food; strawberries, sliced bananas and apples, red berries, croissants, cream puffs, the little pastries with the cheese cream Skye had tried earlier, cheese and mushroom patties. Nick had brought his mother’s homemade apple pie. Her friends had gone all out. There was coffee, orange juice, hot chocolate.

“I’m not.” Skye shared an amused look with Kiera. They both knew she’d secreted away a good portion of the strawberries.

“What is it with you and strawberries anyway?” Cian asked, stuffing a patty in his mouth. God, he was hungry for the first time since his and Skye’s breakup. He watched Skye carefully to make sure she was eating. He needn’t have worried, he thought wryly. She was putting away food like there was no tomorrow.

“Nothing. I just like them,” Skye told him in a mutter. She took a sip of hot chocolate.

Tyler laughed. “You should see her with chocolate donuts.”

“Been there, seen that, learned the lesson,” Nick replied around a mouthful of croissant.

“And what lesson would that be?” Ash asked him, intrigued. He sipped his coffee and chose a cream puff.

“Oh, just that better have another box of donuts handy,” Nick replied with a wink at Cian, who grinned.

“You guys are a hoot, you know that?” Skye retorted, taking a bite out of her croissant.

“Oh, we know,” Tyler agreed, sharing a grin with the guys.

“Some help please?” Skye directed that question at Tasha.

“You’re on your own, strawberry thief,” Tasha snapped dramatically.

“Cute,” Skye shot back, glowering at them as they hooted with laughter.

The knocks on the door cut their laughter short.

“Oh, for cryin’ out loud, who is it now?” Skye turned to Cian and in a sugary tone, said, “Oh, please, don’t get up. I’ll get that.”

“Oh, I wasn’t going to,” he fielded back with a smirk.

“Shove it,” Skye told him as she got up and headed for the door. She flipped the lock and swung it open only to stare at the newcomers in surprise.

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