Honey Does (4 page)

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Authors: Kate Richards

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: Honey Does
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Baxter patted his pocket and pulled out a cigarette and lighter. “It’s a shame we couldn’t have handled the situation before it got this far. Your husband will never hear the end of it. And isn’t he in line for a promotion?” He flicked the lighter, drew in a deep drag, and blew it out through his nose. “He can kiss his stripes good-bye.”

Mack’s sweet face flashed through her mind, the tired lines by his eyes deepened by working long hours every day and studying at night, proud of his ability to take care of his family. Her income went to extras, vacations, and the kids’ college accounts. They lived on one income and saved for the future.

And because his supposedly intelligent wife suffered a ditzy moment of insecurity, he would lose it all. The promotion had become the least of their concerns. Could he lose his job over her stupidity? The respect of his co-workers would dissipate like smoke.

Wriggling again to find a comfortable position, a horrific thought suppressed the others. Swallowing hard she choked out the question. “Am I going to be processed and put in a cell?”
Strip searched?
Those words would not come out.

“It’s not too late to accept my offer. Nothing’s in writing.” Baxter dropped the butt and ground it out with his shoe. When she didn’t respond, he climbed in the car and smiled over his shoulder, long incisors reminding her of the wolf in
Red Riding Hood
. And he’d gobble her up, given half a chance. Damned if she would provide it. Mack’s career was one thing, and she’d do a lot to protect it, but his family was another and the bad cop in the front seat would destroy them. It would kill her husband to find out she’d traded her virtue for a get-out-of-jail-free card. Not that she could allow Baxter to touch her without vomiting.

“Drive on, officer.” She settled back, wincing as the muscles in her arms twinged in protest. “We’ll settle it downtown.” Honey forced back tears yet again, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. She had a little pride left yet—at least until some beefy prison matron got a look at her distorted parts and called 9-1-1.



“Best hot dog I’ve had in a long time.” Mack tossed the paper napkin in a nearby trash bin and rose from the park bench he’d occupied for the past ten minutes. “I enjoyed the extra-spicy mustard.”

“Right.” Sandy elbowed him and headed back toward the station. “I believe it was the first one you’ve had in a while. Ever since Honey started packing you those healthy lunches.”

He fell in next to her. “She swears if I don’t start taking better care of myself, I’ll end up with a heart condition like my dad.”

“She’s right.” His partner’s tone lost its joviality and became serious. “You’re lucky to have a woman who loves you so much and takes such good care of you. I like being single sometimes, not having to answer to anyone…but other times it would be nice to have someone around who cares.”

“Sandy, don’t go soft on me. But you know I care. Juanita, too. And the chief. Most of the guys, too. Even if they do flirt too hard, sometimes.”

“I appreciate your friendship, but it’s not the same.” She paused and rested a hand on his arm. “But since you brought it up, I’ve been mulling over what you said about Baxter. I think you’re right.”

Sandy wore her hair in a long braid, and her uniform fit in a professional way, emphasizing her attractive feminine shape. But he rarely thought of her as a woman. His partner, his right hand, a cop. Someone he could depend on in a crisis.

Yet, because of her femininity, she suffered unfair treatment, treated as an object by one of their fellow officers. If anyone behaved toward Honey in such a rude manner, he wouldn’t be responsible for his actions.

“How about if I come with you to talk to the chief?” He headed across the street, and she fell in beside him again. “Help explain what’s going on and your concerns. He’s a good man. He’d never let one of his officers be harassed.”

“Chief O’Reilly is not a man to listen to concerns in a placid way.” Sandy laughed. “He’ll blow his stack. Everyone within a hundred yards will know what he’s yelling about. Why do you think I’ve held out so long?”

He sighed. “Hang in there. I’m sure we can come up with a solution besides beating the crap out of Baxter—even if knocking his block off would be the most logical solution.”

“Castration would be my choice for him. I can’t be the first one he pulled his despicable behavior on. I will control myself for now, but if we can’t figure it out soon, I’ll have to start applying to other departments. I hear Bonnieville has some openings, and Hastings.”

“Don’t even consider leaving.” Ideas raced through his head. “Honey sat on a grievance committee before she started telecommuting. She’ll have some ideas. I’m sure of it. Let me speak with her tonight and then we will reassess…or maybe you can come over this weekend?”

“I don’t want to bother her, Mack. She’s so busy with the kids and work and everything.”

He slapped her on the shoulder, feeling better. “She likes you, Sandy, and she knows how valuable a good partner is. It’s settled. You come over tomorrow afternoon, and we’ll throw some burgers on the grill, and then after the kids go to bed we can sit down and fix everything.”

“Mack, you have such faith in your wife, I almost believe it’s possible. Okay, I promise I won’t quit or shoot Baxter before Saturday. Then, I make no promises.”

“Deal.” Honey would fix it. If she could make him a better man, after his youthful tendencies to be irresponsible and enjoy the suds too much, she could do anything. More at peace, he strolled into the station and up to the front desk.

Juanita, sitting off to the side, grimly gestured them over. “Mack, before you head out on patrol again, there’s something you need to know. Sandy, you stick around, too. This concerns a problem I’ve seen you trying to deal with as well.”

~ * ~

Honey huddled on the bunk in the corner of the small cell, shivering. Did they have to keep the air conditioning so low? Her clothes did not offer much warmth and a draft ran right up her skirt. Although that soothed her pussy. It had begun to subside, a little, but she was still hyperaware of it.

She had Juanita to thank for the privacy, at least. Baxter had tried to have her tossed in the drunk tank, but the female officer held firm, escorting her to the solo space after the most cursory of pat downs and a quick puff on a working breathalyzer showing no blood alcohol. Her lack of respect for the arresting officer showed in her tight lips and the crinkle between her eyes, but she only said, “I’ll get Mack as soon as possible. Baxter’s crossed the line this time,” before closing the door behind her.

The hollow clang would haunt Honey’s nightmares for the rest of her days. The sound heralded the end of Mack’s career. He’d never be able to show his face again. They would have to move, if he could find a job on any force once word got out about his jailbird wife. And the kids… In a small town, gossip traveled fast.

They’d have to move far away. Maybe to another state.

Due to the sensitive nature of her own work, she’d have to report her arrest to her employers as well…at least once she had her day in court. Was resisting arrest a felony? She didn’t know, for sure, but she did know a felony would cost her job.

All because she wanted to put a little spice into their love life, be the sexy woman he married instead of the worn out wife and mother she’d become.

“Hey, there.” Depression fled, replaced by rage and she dug her nails into her hands to keep from flying across the room and scratching the eyes out of the despicable face peering through the small window in the door. “You look pretty sad in there. Sorry you didn’t take me up on my little offer before?”

She swallowed hard. “Don’t you have better things to do than taunting the prisoners?”

“Aww, don’t be like that. You know, I haven’t finished the paperwork yet. I can still go easy on you.” He leered, showing nicotine-stained teeth. She fought her gag impulse. “Want to change your mind?”

Honey wrapped her arms around her legs, hugging them close to her. Her bravado simmered under the surface, as if she stood a chance of doing something in retaliation. His word against hers. Even if Mack didn’t believe him—and she didn’t think he would—others would.

“Stay right there.” She stood up and strode to the window, ready to share her opinion of his character without reservation when she saw a flicker of motion behind him. In his lecherous stupor, he must not have noticed. Hope lit in her breast, and she stood tall again. “So, Officer Baxter, before I turn you down again, maybe you’d better tell me what you propose. Can you really keep from charging me?”

He winked, and a gust of garlicky breath with an undertone of old cigarettes and coffee touched her face. She fought the urge to cringe away and instead turned her lips up in what she hoped resembled a sexy smile.

“All you have to do is be friendly. Once we complete our little agreement, I will see to it you get out, no harm no foul. A failure to complete the paperwork should do it.”

She batted her eyes. “You can let me out with no charges? You have so much power?”

“Oh you’d be amazed what I can do. Last month, I had a similar situation with a lady who had, shall we say, fallen into unfortunate circumstances. After I chased her customer off, she suggested a little quality time together to clear up any misunderstandings—if you get my drift.” His eyes drooped, as if he remembered something sensual and pleasant. “You know, we can take care of our little deal right now. There won’t be another check of the cells for an hour. We can get real close by then. Lucky those new cameras ‘broke’ again this afternoon.” He chuckled.

Ewww. Did he say he’s taking favors from hookers? And wanted to come right in and yank off his disgusting pants to show her his gross thing?
He apparently thought his tales would be, what, an incentive? She turned her head to the side and sucked in a breath of non-foul air then faced him again. Behind him, she saw Sandy’s face and decided to take a chance.

“I’m so nervous.” She chewed her lip, thinking. She wanted her name cleared and his ground into the mud. “So, this young woman performed some kind of favors and you let her go?”

“She sucked me off. You don’t think I’d put my dick in a hooker’s dirty twat do you?”

Holy shit. Hang in there, Honey, we’ll take this bastard down yet. Patience.
“Oh, you are smart. So you want me to ummm suck you off, too?” She’d have to wash her mouth out with strong soap after the conversation, to be able to live with herself again.

“Not you, baby. I want to fuck you silly, show you how a real cock feels. Of course, if you want, you can give me a blowjob first, show your gratitude. I wouldn’t want to deny you the pleasure. In fact, since Juanita so kindly gave you a private room, I can slip right in ”

Her eyes must be bloodshot with rage, but she needed him to keep talking, so there’d be no mistake. “So, you are saying if I agree to have sex with you—” she couldn’t keep using his expressions or she’d throw up “—you will drop the charges against me?”

He snorted. “Yes, if you have sex with me, I will drop all the charges? Got it?”

Sandy’s grin appeared feral behind him. “No, but I do,” she crowed. Baxter’s howl filled the air. “Oh I’m just restraining you by twisting your arm a little bit, don’t be a big baby.” She giggled. “You have the right to remain silent…” Suddenly the world exploded

A roar shook the bars and something crashed against the door. Everyone disappeared and though Honey stood on tiptoe to peer through the window, she didn’t see anything.

“You bastard!”
“How dare you speak to my wife like that!” A series of thuds and crashes were followed by an ominous silence. She listened, but for a long moment, nothing else happened.

Honey pounded on the door. “Mack, are you okay? Sandy? Someone let me out of here!” Her heart thumped and her breathing rasped in the silence.

Keys jingled, and the heavy door creaked open. Honey dashed into the corridor. Juanita, holding the key ring, took her arm. “Stand aside, Honey. Let the officers do their jobs.”

Sandy hauled a semi-conscious Baxter to his feet. She smiled and dropped his arm and the man slithered to a heap on the floor. “Hi, Honey. Good job in there, keeping him talking. We have a solid case against him.”

Mack pulled Honey into his embrace and held her tight. “Are you hurt? Did he touch you?”

“No, only talk—enough to make me gag, but he didn’t do more than maybe an excessive pat down.”

“I’m so sorry this happened, Honey. Will you be okay with Juanita while we take this degenerate and show the chief the footage?”

She snuggled into his welcome warmth, the shivers she’d forgotten about in all the excitement dying away. “Footage?”

“Sure, our new system records the activities in the jail constantly. The hallway and each cell.”

—” she kicked at the man on the floor with the toe of her shoe “—said it was broken.”

Sandy laughed. “He unplugged it. We ‘fixed’ it and Mack has been standing outside watching the whole show.”

Juanita tsked, her beehive hairdo wobbling dangerously. “I was close to cuffing your husband to keep him there as long as I did. We needed Baxter to incriminate himself.” A moan echoed from the heap at their feet. “Let’s get this done with, Mack, so you can take Honey home.”



Driving Honey Home.


Her car sat in the impound lot, but it could wait. There would be no fees. And no charges against Honey. The chief had wanted to extend his apologies for his officer—former officer’s—behavior, but Mack requested he hold off while she recovered from her stint in jail. Baxter had been placed on leave without pay while Internal Affairs reviewed the evidence against him. His detention handled Sandy’s worries as well, without them ever having to be aired. With the footage from the jail corridor and his car—the dumbass hadn’t realized even if he stood out of camera range the microphone recorded his every word—his firing and criminal charges awaited.

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