Honey Does (5 page)

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Authors: Kate Richards

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: Honey Does
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Mac signaled and pulled into their driveway as dusk darkened the neighborhood. “What a long day.”

“Mmm, yes.” Honey sat, unmoving, until he came around, unfastened her seat belt, and helped her to her feet

“Are you sure you’re okay?” He gaped. “Honey, I forgot about the kids! They are all alone and…”

She waved a hand in the air. “At your mother’s house for the night.”

“Oh, you used your call to take care of them. Dear God, what does Mom think happened?” He wrapped an arm around her waist and guided her up the sidewalk and inside.

She pulled away and set her purse on the entry table. “I’m fine. You don’t have to treat me like glass. And Marla doesn’t think anything. They left with her before I went to the store, when all this happened.”

Mack took a step back and eyed her. “What did happen? Of course, the chief assured me there will be no charges against you, not after Baxter’s behavior.”

“And somehow the camera didn’t work again while you attempted to take Baxter into custody.” She giggled, looking more herself, and his tight shoulders relaxed a little.

“Coincidence. But I want to know—”

Honey rose on tiptoe and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “And you have a right to know. But I would love to take a bath and go to bed. If you don’t mind?”

He mentally kicked himself as Honey slipped into the bathroom and the rush of water filled his ears. After the day she’d had, his wife deserved kindness and gentle care. She’d come within inches of being raped by that bastard. Rage rose again, heating his face. He hadn’t had enough time to express his feelings, even if Baxter had ended up with two black eyes and a split lip while “trying to escape.” At least one of those injuries came from Sandy’s small but efficient fists. She’d glowed afterward, so pretty all the men in the squad room had watched her as she shoved Baxter toward the chief’s office. They weren’t all married and maybe…

Now he sounded like an old matchmaker. But his wife would need sustenance when she emerged from her bath. He could best help her by rustling up something for her to eat and drink in bed, waited on by her humble husband.

~ * ~

Honey rose from her second bubble bath of the day, depressed. She’d planned such a special evening. Romantic dinner—nope, no dinner at all, since she’d never made it to the store. Sex toys—shudder. Long, sweet kisses and lovemaking like long ago—no. She would crawl off to bed and try to forget the day ever happened. In the morning, she’d go get the kids and take them to the park or something. Have an ordinary day as an ordinary wife. Why had she tried to change things anyway?

The PTA ladies were right. She had a husband who wanted to have quickie morning sex with her four times a week, who kissed her good-bye and ate her healthier versions of foods he liked with minimal complaints.

And as to jealousy about Sandy… the officer had helped save Honey from Baxter and she’d be forever grateful. She’d also spilled the beans about Mack’s hot dog diet cheat and promised to keep Honey informed in future. They’d bonded.

Once she had a good night’s sleep, perhaps she could think of a nice man to introduce Sandy to. After all, a married partner was a less worrisome partner. Especially when the partner in question was so lovely.

Honey grabbed her old, soft terry-cloth robe from the hook and belted it around her. Enough of trying to be something she wasn’t. Pussy pumps and anal plugs. Better to remember how good it was to be Mack’s wife and the mother of three healthy, beautiful children. With a soft comfortable bed in her future.

But when she pulled the door open, the soft glow of a dozen candles lit the bedroom. A battered tray sat in the middle of the bed with a bottle of wine, two glasses, and some crackers spread with…peanut butter?

“I wish it was fancier. We’re out of those tiny cheese ball things you like.”

Honey brushed tears away as she walked toward her hero, still in his police uniform, with the shirt rumpled and a rip in the sleeve. He had a scrape over his eye and she lifted on tiptoe to kiss it. “You’re the most wonderful man.”

The weight of the day overwhelmed her. Sobs shaking her shoulders, she buried her face in his chest. His arms tightened around her waist and she cried until she couldn’t cry anymore.

“It’s only peanut butter.”

Laughter replaced the tears. She sniffed. “I know, but it’s peanut butter and candles and you.”

Mack stroked her back and murmured nonsense until the hysteria faded, to be replaced by a smooth calm. When she lay limp against him, he scooped her up, one arm under her knees, and laid her on the bed. “Baby, are you sure you’re okay? What happened to my calm, practical wife?”

She lifted her arms to him, but he waved her away. “Give me a minute to shower and change. You smell so sweet and good and I’m all sweaty from work.” Sweaty or dirty or covered in mud made little difference. But he disappeared before she could protest, and Honey lay back to wait. He didn’t take long and in a moment returned, his hair slicked back and a towel around his waist.

“Mack?” Honey shrugged her robe from her shoulders.

“Yes?” He dropped the towel and stood naked, his erection proud in front of him.

She lifted her arms again and this time he didn’t resist. Mack knelt on the bed, unknotted the belt, and parted the robe, baring her. She looked her fill at his body, realizing she’d not had the chance to admire his manliness in a while. Their quickies took place under the covers or in the shadows of early morning. Often she drifted, still in a half-dream while he made love to her.

She took in every inch of the man she’d married, glad to have the chance to learn his new contours with her eyes instead of by touch. The reddish blond hair on his forearms and the sprinkling on his chest caught the light of the bedside lamps. His shoulders were if anything broader than she remembered, strong and able to bear the responsibility of their family. To hold her close and let her release her worries. A good reminder. Sometimes she kept things to herself, not wanting to burden him after his long days fighting crime, but in holding back, she did him a disservice… Did her reticence make him unwilling to share his own concerns? If she were more open, she might have learned about Baxter and been more prepared.

Mack reached over her and poured ruby red wine into a tumbler with cartoon super heroes circling the rim. She giggled. “You couldn’t find the wine glasses?”

“I can never find anything in this house,” he grumbled, but grinned at her. “That’s why I need you.”

She pushed herself up on pillows and accepted the drink. “For no other reason?”

Mack flopped beside her. “Well, you do the laundry, too, and the cooking and shopping and…”

Honey raised an eyebrow at him and took a sip from her glass.

He smiled at her, his eyes heavy-lidded but sparkling. “I need you for everything, you know. I wouldn’t be me without you.”

She traced his cheek, the five-o’clock shadow scratchy under her palm. “And I need you. The kids are wonderful. They are my life. But I need more time with you, Mack. Just you and me.”

He leaned into her touch, breath warm against her hand. “But you don’t like to send the kids to my mom’s overnight and yours is too far away.”

Honey snuggled closer and pressed her lips to his, a soft brush. “Your mother drives me a little crazy—no don’t argue, you know she does.” She rubbed their noses together and giggled. “But she loves them, and they adore her. I am guilty of being an overprotective mama.”

Mack set his glass on the night table and did the same with hers. “I love the way you take care of our family, including me, but I would welcome more evenings alone with you, and nights, and mornings. Mom will keep them safe.” He kissed her, long and slow, the way he used to. No rush, no clock ticking or little people about to barge in. When they drew back to breathe, he smiled, his eyes alight with mischief. He pulled open a night table drawer and pulled out a lumpy package. Wrapped in lavender tissue paper and tied with a big purple bow. “I bought you something, well for both of us.”

Oh God…I recognize the paper.

She shook it then looked from the item to her husband. “What is it?
Please don’t let it be another pussy pump.

“Unwrap it and see. And don’t laugh.”

Laughter, no. Her still slightly swollen parts gave a twinge. “Okay, sure.” She grabbed the end of the ribbon but he stilled her hand.

“If you don’t like it, if it isn’t your thing, we can throw it away—it’s not returnable. But I thought, well, I was waiting for a time when we had a few hours together.” He dropped his arm to his side. “Open it.”

Flicking her gaze from him to the parcel, she tugged on the ribbon and the paper parted. A trio of containers fell in her lap. She lifted one and read the label. “Warming oil?” Relief sent warmth through her limbs.

“I thought you might like a massage, a sexy one. The site said it was their bestseller. And I wanted to do something special for you.” He frowned. “What did you expect?”

She squirmed, remembering her plan to be more open, communicate. “I shopped at Sodom&Gomorrah.com, too.”

He stared at her. “You did? What did you buy?”

Her courage fading, Honey opened one of the jars and sniffed. “Mmm, lavender and sandalwood. I do want a massage. Can you do it now?”

Mack shook his head. “Not until you tell me what you bought. Where is it? Oh you didn’t buy one of those vibrator things did you? Honey, don’t I make you come when we make love? I know it’s rushed, but you seem to…”

She laid a finger over his lips. “Shhh. No I didn’t buy a vibrator. And you always give me pleasure. I bought a….”

“Why won’t you tell me?” His face held such distress, she blurted it out.

“A pussy pump.”

His jaw dropped. “A what? Is it what I think it is?”

She nodded, face burning. “Probably.”

“What does it do?”

She winced and parted her legs. “It’s gone down now, but…”

“Oh, Honey!” He bent low and examined her. “Actually this is pretty sexy. What does it do, make you more sensitive?”

She nodded. “Yes, it made me so horny I...”

“You couldn’t wait?” Mack began to chuckle. “Honey, you never cease to amaze me.”

“You aren’t mad?”

“I’d rather take care of you myself, but I understand there were extenuating circumstances.”

She swallowed hard. “Then I decided I would surprise you so I dashed off to the store, assuming the swelling would go down. I was pretty freaked out.”

“You mean it was more swollen than now? And you had to go to the store right then? What for? An ice pack?”

On a roll, but still embarrassed, she muttered, “There was a gift with purchase, and I needed something.”

“Judging from your expression, the ‘gift with purchase’ has to be something special.”

The humor of the situation found its way to her brain and she joined him in laughter. “Yeah, you’re going to love this.”

He hugged her. “Okay, baby, tell me. This is turning into one interesting night.”

Honey snuggled closer and spilled the story, from when she first got the idea to making plans to ditch the children for the night, all the way up to when she ran the stop sign.

When she got to the part about Baxter, Mack tensed and held her so tight she gasped. “If I hadn’t already decked him, if he weren’t up on charges, I’d—”

Honey kissed him and ended his statement. Enough of the day—time to take advantage of the night. His warm lips parted, and he tugged her on top of him, straddling his waist. His cock poked at her thigh, but for once no sense of urgency enveloped her. She wriggled, enjoying his hardness, her blood flowing slow and sure through her veins.

Had it been like this before the kids? Maybe not. Their younger incarnations hadn’t appreciated the gift of long, sensuous nights. Giving herself over to their kiss, she enjoyed her position of control. For some reason, girl-on-top happened rarely with her take-charge cop husband. Possibilities filled her mind while she parted her lips, inviting his tongue to play. Lost in a sensual dream, she rested her hands on his chest, digging her fingers into the solid muscle. Mack’s upper body ruled, the strength of his arms one of his sexiest features. She caressed up his shoulders and down his arms, enjoying relearning his body.

Breaking their kiss, Honey nuzzled the base of his throat and crept backward, smiling when his eyes widened. “Sweetie you don’t have to….”

“Oh, but I want to.” She arrived at her target and wrapped her hand around his cock. Long, hard, and smooth. “It’s been a while.” Honey licked her lips and winked at him. “I want to make you feel so good.”

He shivered. “You always make me feel good, but baby, turn it around. If you’re going to go after my stuff with your hot mouth, I want to do the same for you. And get a closer look at your puffed up pussy.”

She blushed but didn’t argue. If it had been a while since she’d blown him, it had been twice as long since he’d returned the favor. He offered, but time… “Oh, God, yes.”

After a little maneuvering, she lay in classic sixty-nine, girl-on-top. Her absolute favorite position. Mack’s warm breath on her sensitive pussy nearly sent her into an instant climax, but she counted back from one hundred by sevens—darn, it was hard—and calmed down enough to focus on the blunt head in front of her face. She took it into her mouth and held still for a moment, enjoying his groan.

“Go slow, baby. We have all night.”

She giggled, and his cock jerked in her mouth. All night. Sweet, sweet words. But they weren’t twenty anymore, and once he came, they’d have to take a break. Slow buildup led to big orgasms—and she wanted him to have the biggest. To blow his mind as well as his penis. With restraint in mind, Honey sucked on the head and slipped backward, then took in a little more and licked what she had so far. In and out, deeper each time until he bumped against the back of her throat. Her cue to gag and back off—but not this time. Not with Mack’s tongue drawing circles around her clit. Slow…slow…a finger gliding into her pussy and out again, in time with Honey’s motions. A rhythm all their own.

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