Honey Does (6 page)

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Authors: Kate Richards

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: Honey Does
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Two fingers inside her then one disappeared and while Mack mouthed her pussy hard, the missing digit bumped against the rosette of her ass. Honey gasped and choked. She tensed to jerk away then relaxed.
I planned to use the butt plug and maybe try out that playground anyway. A finger can’t be too bad.
He rubbed around and around, prodding at the tight muscle.
It’s pretty good.
More than good. She tried to hold back but his lips, tongue, and teeth nibbling at her, added to the fingers in her pussy and ass sent her flying hard. Muscled clenched around the intrusions and Honey covered her own teeth with her lips to avoid biting him in her bucking, jerking climax.

She sucked hard, his cock in her mouth part of the insane pleasure of her orgasm. Drew harder until he reached down and lifted her head from his cock.

“Wait, I want to come inside you. I want more. I want everything. Oh, Honey.”

She released him and stayed sprawled there, her dripping pussy still over his chin. God, when had she come so hard her teeth had rattled and her heart banged in her ears? Never.

Too limp to move, yet already starting to climb again from his stubble scraping her oversensitive tissues. She would come again, but she wasn’t going to be doing any of the work. Her legs and arms were like overcooked spaghetti, and she rolled onto the bed when Mack sat up.

“Had enough?” He leered at her, pleasure in his deep brown eyes. The man knew what he’d done to her, and he liked it. Of course, so did she.

“Mmm, no, but you have to be on top this time.” She parted her legs. “Take me, husband.”

“Anything for my wife.” Mack knelt between her knees and stroked his cock. Was there anything sexier? Her libido lurched from half simmer to full boil and a trickle of moisture tickled her thigh. Desire clouded her thoughts, desire to give him whatever he wanted, something to equal what he’d given her.

“I want to try anal.” There, she’d said it, and his jaw fell open, so he’d heard. His hand stopped moving on his erection.

“Don’t joke.”

“Mack, my amazing hero husband, I trust you with everything I am. Including, on this special occasion, my butt.”

He chuckled, but it cut off when he held her gaze. “I want to, but I don’t want to hurt you.”

“If it feels anything like what you did with your finger a few moments ago, I want to try.”

He toyed with one of her nipples, almost absently. “Honey you don’t have to do this. You always said no before.”

“That was then. When we were hurried people with five minutes for sex.” She kissed the top of his head. “Now we’re wild lovers, with endless time to explore our fantasies.” A sudden thought occurred to her. “Crap. You know I told you I went out to the store? I got lube—my gift with purchase was a butt plug.”

“And you were going to try it?” He nipped at her breast and laughed when she squeaked. “I believed you allowed the anal play because of my fabulous pussy-eating ability. A reward.”

She yanked on a lock of his short hair. “It was. I only planned to try the plug. Not give you the whole enchilada.”

He beamed up at her. “You have such a turn of phrase. But I am not a completely stupid man, and if you are willing to reward my heroism with the coveted ass trophy, who am I to say no?”

“But we can’t. I went to the store because I didn’t get any lube with the plug.”

He arched a brow. “And?”

“And the lube is in my car…in the impound lot. We can’t do anal without lube. Even I know that.”

Mack snickered and pointed to the bottles he’d handed her earlier. “Honey, I also got a gift with purchase.”

“You mean?” She watched as he lifted one of the containers.

“Yep, extra slick for your pleasure.”

The pause for discussion had eroded a little of her bravado, but the eager expression on his face lent determination. And, she realized, they’d shared more in one evening than in the busy weeks and years of recent memory. Banter and open, honest conversation. Love for her husband overwhelmed any doubts. “Then I guess I’m all yours.”

She rolled onto all fours and Mack piled pillows under her stomach. “Comfortable?”

“So far.” Her heart thudded in her chest. “Don’t take too long, or I may lose my nerve.”

His broad hands rubbed her back on long, soothing strokes. “Say stop anytime.”

She nodded, as he moved down to massage her buttocks, digging his fingers in. His touch disappeared, then a cool sensation made her jump. The lube. It dripped over her buttocks and chilled her, but to her surprise, when he worked a finger into her ass, she shuddered with lust. He pulled it out and pushed two in, then spread them apart and back together, in and out, slow and steady, over and over. Honey arched her back, thrusting toward him.

“If you’re ever going to do it…do it now.” She tensed as the fingers retreated, to be replaced by a slippery cock.

“Now works for me.” Mack gripped her waist and held her steady. “Oh, Honey.” He pushed inside, the muscles tightening around his dick. “So…tight.” His fingers dug into her sides, but she focused on the fullness in her ass, and when she pushed back again, he moved, deeper, then out almost all the way. On the way in again, he brought one hand under her and tickled her clit. Her knees buckled, the mound of pillows holding her hips off the bed. She rode the waves, deep pleasure, stretching fullness, slight sting on the way in…and her swelling clit under his touch.

“Mack, yes, right there. Don’t stop.” Her hips bucked, spinning galaxies of stars obscuring her vision. She shrieked and flew over the edge into darkness as the hot liquid of his cum filled her ass, burning, but so good. So, so good.

Not like before, when they were first married. They hadn’t understood each other so well then. Their night together showed her how they’d grown together and she thanked everything in heaven for her husband and family. For a love her younger self could never have dreamed of.

~ * ~

Mack balanced over Honey, exhausted, muscles screaming with tension, but he wouldn’t crush her with his greater weight. He didn’t want to pull out though. Not yet. He wanted to stay connected to her a while longer, as close as possible. Her caramel-colored hair hung damp over her shoulders and her head rested on a cradle of her arms. She breathed long and slow.

Mack slipped away and cleaned up in the restroom then brought a damp cloth and washed Honey as well before returning to bed.

His Honey, his wife, so precious to him. She’d come into harm’s way during the afternoon. He’d been there for her—and for his partner, but what if he hadn’t been? One bad cop could cause so much harm. Baxter had admitted to taking favors from prostitutes, but what had stopped him from putting the moves on other women in the community? Had they buckled under the pressure? The IA investigation would take a long time, and every cop on the force would come under increased scrutiny as a result. So be it. Whatever it took to keep the citizens safe, even from those sworn to protect them.

But for now, his family and his partner were safe. Honey curled into a ball and breathed long and slow. She needed her rest, but Mack planned to wake her after a while. Even if she agreed to sending the kids to his mother’s more often, they wouldn’t have enough nights like this, where she could scream her passion without the pounding of tiny fists on the door.

And he wanted to make her scream again.

He yawned and stretched, pulling his wife against his chest spoon-fashion. Maybe a little nap would give him more stamina later. His eyes popped open. He’d invited Sandy for a barbecue the next day and in the chaos of the moment, he’d added in half the department. The chief was coming. Twenty people would be at their door at one in the afternoon and Honey didn’t even know she was throwing a party.

She’d be mad. He grinned and tucked her closer. But she wouldn’t be mad until she knew, and he had no intention of telling her until the morning. He had plans between now and then.

How did that pussy pump work anyway?

About The Author


Kate Richards is a SoCal author who divides her time between Los Angeles and the High Sierras. She loves her husband, her family, her menagerie and her career as a romance author, almost equally.


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