Hot Nights in Savannah (Hot Summer Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Hot Nights in Savannah (Hot Summer Series)
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Chapter 4

After taking a shower
at the station, Brian decided to head to the kitchen area and make some
dinner.  He was only working a few hours tonight but after the day at the
beach, he was starving. 

“Hey, what’s cooking?”
asked Aaron, coming around the corner.

“Not sure yet”, Brian
said as he poked his head in the frig to see what the options were.

“Beef, pork, or
chicken?” asked Brian.

“Something with pork
sounds good.  I thought you were leaving at 10:00?” his partner inquired. 

“I am.  Just needed
some food. And I know you never turn down a meal” laughed Brian.

Aaron and Brian had
been firefighters for ten years.  They had seen a lot, pulled each other out of
trouble, and celebrated good times.  The good times were mostly Aaron’s. 
Married, 2 kids, and one on the way.  Brain loved his own carefree single life
but sometimes he had a pang of jealousy at Aaron’s family life.

Placing the pack of
pork chops on the counter, Brian began rummaging in the cabinets for some sides
to go with the meat. 

“No I don’t turn a meal
down and you usually don’t let a beautiful woman walk within your radar and not
turn on that charm of yours.  Someone’s losing their touch” Aaron said with one
eye on Brian just in case he tried to put him in a head lock for that smart ass

“What can I say?” Brian
said as he tore open the pack of meat and rinsed each pork chop off in the cool
water.  “She disappeared on me.”

Knowing his partner
didn’t like anyone questioning his woman skills, Aaron decided to change the

“Kara found out
yesterday that we’re having another boy” Aaron said with a grin. 

“You’re kidding me”
laughed Brain.  “How in the hell are you going to feed three boys?”

“I guess I need to move
to a farm and grow our own crops and raise cattle and chickens.”  Aaron’s brow creased
down as he worried about how he was going to keep three little mouths full for
the hundredth time.

“Well you and Kara
would do great on a farm or anywhere for that matter.   Somehow you guys always
make it work.”  Brain smiled broadly at his partner and began basting the pork
chops for the oven. 

Chapter 5

Stephanie walked down
River Street to the address that was on her iphone.   She had gotten a
recommendation from Mary Alice for the best restaurant in Downtown,

When she finally was
seated in the outdoor area, Stephanie ordered a margarita on the rocks with a
cobb salad and spinach dip with chips.  She was sitting under a table umbrella
that provided some shade from the sun.  Southern summers were hot and Savannah
was no different.  She had grown up her entire life in South Carolina so she was
used to the humid summer air.   

She watched the people
walk up and down the sidewalk as she ate.  For the first time in months, maybe
years, Stephanie relaxed and felt comfortable sitting alone, drinking her
chilled and salt rimmed margarita. 

After paying her bill
and leaving a tip, Stephanie decided to Google the best places to shop on her iPhone
and browse in a few stores.  Shopping really wasn’t her favorite thing to do but
she wanted to buy some clothes from the famous Downtown Savannah Designer
shops.  After three shops, Stephanie ended up buying a mint green blouse and
cream color shorts that would accent her long tanned legs. 

Carrying her bag, and
making her way down Broughton Street, Stephanie noticed that she was
approaching a fire station.  She could tell that the front bay doors were open
by the way the lights pooled into the street.  There was something about TV
fire fighters that was sexy.  Of course they only played the role of a fire
fighter.  The kind men that volunteered at her local fire station were in their
mid to late forties and most had a spare tire around the waist.  They often
came to her school and did fire safety programs for the students. 

Just before she reached
the first bay of the station, the heel of her sandal got caught in the metal
slats that were put down for water drainage.  She had really done it this time.

“Damn,” mumbled
Stephanie as she tried to free her heel without breaking it. 

“Let me help you with
that,” a very masculine voice from the first bay sliced through the silence.

  When Stephanie looked
up, she immediately recognized the blue eyed Alfa male from the beach.  He was
wearing a very tight white tee shirt and those low rise sexy fire fighter pants
with the suspenders over his broad shoulders. 

She froze like a deer
in head lights as he walked closer to her.  He was walking closer to the dim
lit street where she was stuck and out of range of the station’s lights pooling
onto the sidewalk. 

Chapter 6

Tourists did this all
the time walking on this street.  The medal slats on the pavement were wide
enough in the center to not get women’s high heels caught but the edges around
the pavement were narrow and sometimes an unsuspecting female would place her
high heeled foot down and the pointy spike would wedge itself between the slats. 

It was only funny if it
was a group of females celebrating a special event or occasion and they had
been to many bars before crossing this path.  Most of the time it was somewhat
annoying because it happened so often. 

He couldn’t make out
the face of this particular female but her white dress stood out against the
bright moon.  He could see she had a great body with very nice curves.  And a
slight potty mouth with those curves.

“Shit, I can’t believe
this” came a sexy feminine voice from the dark.

He approached her and
quickly bent down to release her heel from the slat.  Gently wrapping his
fingers around her slender calf, he noticed that she must either run or exercise

“Could you step out of
your sandal and maybe I can get a better grip on it?”

Stephanie stepped out
of her right shoe and balanced on her left foot without saying a word.  She was
speechless except for that last little outburst that she still couldn’t believe
she’d spoken out loud. 

“There, got it” Brain
said as he placed her sandal on the pavement near her right foot.

He rose up from his
knelt position and came face to face with the beautiful brunette he saw at the
beach.  A slow smile curved his lips.

“Didn’t I see you today
down at Tybee Beach?” 

Finally finding her
voice, Stephanie responded.  “Yes you did.  I believe you were tossing a

That was a start. She
noticed him enough to recognize and take note of what he was doing. 
he thought.

“Yep I was.  You can
put your sandal back on,” he said glancing down at her bare right foot.

“Right, and thanks for
saving my sandal.  I would have walked the rest of the way with only one shoe,”
Stephanie laughed nervously.  She stepped easily back into her freed sandal.

“Do you mind if I ask
where you are walking to?” Brian asked cautiously.

“I’m staying at the
Bay Bed and Breakfast
,” she slowly responded.

“By the way, my name is

“Mine’s Stephanie.” 
She felt like she was blushing!  Just from telling a sexy hot man her name?

“So I’m assuming you’re
a fire fighter here,” Stephanie pointed to the station.

“Yes I am. Ten years”
Brian said with pride in his voice. 

“Well… thanks again for
helping me out.”  Inside she was begging for him to make a move for something,

“If you don’t have any
plans would you like to go for a few drinks?  I was getting ready to leave and
go to a place down the street,” Brian suggested.

Stephanie exhaled the
breath that she didn’t realize she was holding.  “Ok. I’d like that.”

“I’ll have to go in and
change.  Would you like to come inside and wait?  I’ll show you around before
we leave.”  Brian stepped aside to allow her to go first.

“Sure.  I’ve never seen
the inside of a fire station.” Stephanie stepped over the medal grate and
walked towards the open bay doors.  She was thinking that he really didn’t need
to change clothes.  Those sexy fire fighter pants and tight tee were perfect.

Brian took Stephanie
around and showed her all 5 different engines and explained what each did. 
After that he led her into a living room area to wait while he showered quickly
and changed. 









Chapter 7

After leaving the
station, Brian and Stephanie made their way 5 blocks to a local pub.  The music
wasn’t too loud so they were able to talk over drinks.

“So you’re here for the
weekend solo?”  He really wanted to figure her out.  A beautiful woman alone on
a weekend vacation?

“A little strange I
know but this is exactly what I needed.”  They both had ordered beers and she
took a sip of her bottle.

“I teach 3
grade and this year has been very stressful so I planned a getaway for me

“Well if you needed it
then by all means, you deserve this.  3
grade huh?  What age is
that, 7?”

“No, try 8 and 9 year
olds” Stephanie said laughing. 

“Have you lived here
your entire life?” Stephanie asked.

“I have.  My family is
from here too.”  Brian ordered another round of beers for them by signaling to
the bartender. 

“The bed and breakfast
you’re staying at.  I helped remodel it back when I was in college.” 

“Really?  I love that
old house.  It is beautiful on the inside and the inn keeper is wonderful.”

            “Mary Alice is a good woman.  She has
owned that house for 30 years.”  The beers arrived and Brian opened hers and
then his.

They continued to talk
as they finished their beers and Brian paid the tab.  They made their way into
the street.

“Would you mind if I
walked you back to the
West Bay
?” Brian asked carefully.

Not used to a man being
so attentive to her, she was stunned for a moment but quickly recovered.  “Sure
and maybe we can get to know each other better on the way.”

Chapter 8

Was there a double
meaning to what she just said?  He would love to get to know her better on the
way to the B&B, at the B&B, and at his place. 

Walking out of the pub,
he placed his hand on her lower back and her body responded instantly.  She
moved closer to him and arched her back slightly.  Maybe things could go a
little farther tonight that just walking and talking. 

After walking several
blocks, Brian suggested they take a detour and stop at one of the many squares
in Downtown.  He loved these squares and the peaceful atmosphere that
surrounded them.

“How many parks are
there?”  Stephanie asked as they made their way to a water fountain. 

“There are 24 and we
call them Squares.  This is Johnson Square and it is one of the originals.”  It
was everything Brian could do not to touch her beautifully rounded ass or her
silky hair. 

“So am I supposed to
make a wish since this is the largest water fountain I have ever seen?” asked
Stephanie and laughing nervously. 

“Sure,” and reaching
into his pocket, Brian fished out a quarter and placed it into her hand.  “All
yours.  Make it a good one.”

Stephanie closed her
eyes and a slight smile formed on her lips.  Brian would have given his left
nut to know what she was wishing. 

She tossed the quarter
into the water and it made a gentle splash. 

When Stephanie turned
she was standing directly in front of Brian.  She placed her hand on his chest
and breathed in deeply. 

Brian covered her
petite hand with his tanned larger one and pulled her into him.  “I’m not sure
exactly where you want this to go but you are the sexiest woman I have seen.” 
Brian inhaled and waited for her response.  He had never been this anxious
about a woman’s pause before her answer. 

“My room is about a
block away and I’m not sure I want to see you go.”  Had she really said that
out loud?  She was scared to death they would end up sleeping together and he
would be disappointed in her inability to have an orgasm during sex.   

“I really don’t want to
go.  Can I ask you something?”  Brian was hopeful that his gut was right.

“Sure,” Stephanie felt
her world shift slightly.

“The wish you made. 
Did it pertain to me and you?”  Brian asked.

Blushing and glad it
was dark so he couldn’t see, Stephanie replied, “yes.”

 That was all he
needed.  The answer he was hoping for.  Brian pulled her closer to him and
wrapped his arms around her slender waist.    Leaning his head down and
slightly tilting to the side, Brian focused everything on her lush soft lips. 
He moved his lips across hers and tasted her sweet flesh.  Then he danced his
tongue around her lips until she parted them and allowed him to move inside her
mouth.  Deeping the kiss with his tongue, he began to move his hands down to
her ass as she threaded her fingers through his hair. 

Breaking away and out
of breath, Brian looked into her eyes.  He could tell she was very aroused.

“Can you take me to my
room?” Stephanie’s lips were still swollen from that wonderful kiss.  Possibly
the best kiss she had ever had. 

“Are you sure that’s
what you want?  You are extremely sexy and I’m very aroused.”  He made that
point known by slightly rubbing his bulge against her thigh.  

 “Yes, I’m sure.” 
Stephanie prayed that she wouldn’t regret her decision. 







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