Read Hot Nights in Savannah (Hot Summer Series) Online
Authors: Sarah Jane Hartgrove
Chapter 15
After Brian dropped her
off at the bed and breakfast, Stephanie went upstairs to shower and change.
They had agreed for him to pick her up at 5 o’clock to walk around and sightsee
then go eat dinner. Stephanie was so excited about Brian taking her on a tour
of this historical city. Savannah had so many old homes, building, and
churches and she couldn’t wait to hear the information from Brian’s sexy
Stephanie went upstairs
and turned the shower on. She only had an hour to get ready so she had to
hurry. Grabbing a comfortable yet sexy change of clothes, Stephanie went into
the bathroom.
Stepping out of the
shower and drying off, Stephanie put on her white Capri pants and pink blouse
with a V-neck. It was a hot day in Savannah and she was hoping for an even
hotter night with Brian. She fixed her hair and makeup and was downstairs
with 10 minutes to spare.
The veranda was shaded
so she sat on one of the 6 rocking chairs that faced the road. Stephanie loved
sitting our here and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of Savannah. The air was
heavy with humidity but there was a slight breeze that made the shade
Brian pulled up right
at 5 o’clock. Stephanie smiled as he got out of the car and made his way to
the steps.
He was wearing khaki
pants and blue polo shirt that made his eyes seem like she was staring into the
blue ocean.
“Hi beautiful” Brian
said as he came up the steps and walked over to the rocking chair. “Are you
ready for your own personal tour?”
Stephanie laughed and
stood up. “I can’t wait. I’ve been looking forward to this all day.”
“Well I can’t promise
that all my information will be true and accurate but I’ve been known to
bullshit my way out of anything.” Brian leaned down and kissed her on her soft
“So I won’t be able to
tell what is fact and what is fiction?” Stephanie smiled as she followed his
lead to the car.
“I’ll make it sound
good. How’s that?” Brian opened her car door and stepped aside for her to get
“And I’ll act like I
believe everything you say” Stephanie said as he got behind the wheel.
Brian leaned over the
console and placed his hand on her face. He brought his face to hers and
began with a gently kiss. Then the kiss deepened when he snaked his long
tongue in her mouth. He wrapped his long fingers behind her head and pulled
her into his kiss even deeper. She felt her toes curl up as they shared a
passionate kiss in his car of all places!
“Just as long as you
know that I’m not bullshitting when I say you are the sexiest woman I have ever
seen.” Brian said when he finally broke the deep kiss.
Stephanie blushed. Was
this man really with her?
“Sorry. I just had to
kiss you and I didn’t want to make a display of it like we did at the beach today,”
Brian said as he turned the engine over and it roared to life.
Stephanie was red from
her roots to her toes. She had never felt cherished with another man like she
did with Brian. “If we are walking in Downtown, why are you driving?”
“I’m parking at the
station because it’s closer to all the restaurants and historical places.”
Brian shifted gears and made his way out onto the one way street.
Their first stop after
they parked Brian’s car at the station was the Cathedral of Saint John the
Baptist. It was the most beautiful church Stephanie had ever seen.
It was French Gothic
Style and had 2 spires that reached to the sky. The entire exterior walls
appeared to be white Italian Marble. There was stained glass in all windows,
gold trim on the windows and peaks, and a slate roof on the towers. There were
people gathered at the enormous front doors for what she assumed was mass.
“This is one of the
oldest church establishments in Savannah. It originated in the early 1700’s.”
Brian explained as he looked at one of his favorite buildings in Downtown.
“So this building has
been here since then?” Stephanie studied the details of the building.
“No, this isn’t the
original building. This church was relocated here from 4 blocks away. The
first church here burned down in 1898 and was rebuilt several different times
to what you see now.” Brian looked at Stephanie’s expression and smiled. He
knew she liked Cathedral of St. John the Baptist as much as he did.
She wanted to go inside
but knew that the church was preparing for mass. Brian led her down a few
blocks to their next destination.
Arriving at the corner
of Abercorn and Oglethorpe Streets, Stephanie looked at the biggest cemetery
she had ever seen. The entire block seemed to be encompassed by wrought iron
fence that separated the ancient headstones from the passersbys on the streets.
The entrance was a large concrete arch with an iron eagle on top.
“This is Colonial Park
Cemetery. Many of Savannah’s first citizens are buried here. Do you want to
walk around inside?” Brian wasn’t sure if she would agree to walking around in
a cemetery based on the look of her face. She was a little wide eyed and she
was squeezing his hand she was holding a little tighter.
Stephanie looked at the
20 or so people, mostly tourists, walking along the paths and looked at her
watch trying to calculate when the sun would go down. When she decided it was
safe, she agreed and let Brian lead the way.
“We will only go to
that monument in the center,” Brian said as he held her hand and walked slow.
She didn’t seem as frightened once they were through the gates.
“I’m fine. How old is
this cemetery?” Stephanie asked as she looked at some of the dated on the
“About 265 years. It
was here before the Civil War. It is rumored that soldiers from the Federal
Army came to this place to hide out during the war. They would lift the top stones
off those above the ground graves and hide inside.” Brian was pointing to a
row of large cement rectangular shaped graves that sat above the ground.
“Are there any Civil
War soldiers buried here?” Stephanie made her way to look a unique marker that
had the birth and death dates of a young man.
“No. By the time the
Civil War began, the city had closed this cemetery for future burials.” Brian
noticed the headstone that Stephanie was looking at.
“He was young,” she
said, almost to herself.
“By the inscriptions on
the stone, I would say he died in a duel.” Brian crouched down to get a better
“You mean like a gun
fight duel?” Stephanie was surprised that she was looking at the result of
such ancient and barbaric behavior.
“Yes. Look here. This
inscription on the tombstone says ‘he fell to his death in a duel from a man
who befriended him earlier in the year.’” Brian said as he was pointing at the
weather worn headstone.
“Wow, I can’t believe
that people actually did that.” Stephanie had seen duels on TV growing up.
Her father loved to watch western movies and it seemed that there was a duel in
every movie made. This was her first evidence that they were a part of American
“I’ve got one more
place to show you and then we can go eat. Are you ready to leave here?” Brian
was facing her and could tell from her expression that she was intrigued by the
information but was still a little nervous being here.
“Ok I’m getting a
little hungry. What’s next on the tour?” Stephanie was slightly relieved to
be leaving.
“It’s just a few blocks
away. I know you’ve seen the movie
Forrest Gump
right?” They began
making their way back to the entrance and holding hands once again.
“Sure. I don’t think
anyone has not seen that movie. Why?” Stephanie’s interests were peaked because
Forrest Gump
was on her top 5 favorite movie list.
“You’ll see,” Brian
said with that half smile.
They walked the short
distance to Chippewa Square. Brian led her around to the north end of the
square. There were park benches along the sidewalk and a large statue on a
white stone base about 50 feet from the benches. Holding Stephanie’s hand,
Brian took her to one of the benches and sat down. He was smiling slightly
when she turned to face him.
“What are you smiling
at?” Stephanie was looking around and had a sense of déjà vu.
She didn’t know where
it came from because she had never been in Savannah before.
“Do you recognize this
place?” Brian asked with a teasing tone in his voice.
“I feel like I’ve
either been here or seen this place before but I know I haven’t.”
“This is the exact spot
that most of
Forrest Gump
was filmed. This is the bus stop scene.”
Brian loved the look of shock on her face and knew that she was enjoying
“That’s it! So Tom
Hanks sat right here?” Stephanie patted the bench beside her.
“Well not exactly. The
city wouldn’t let the filmmakers use a ‘city bench’ so they brought in a prop
bench, but this is the spot they used.” Brian pointed behind them. “That
statue is in some of the backgrounds.”
“I had no idea it was
filmed in Savannah.” Stephanie was having the best time with Brian.
“And it was a mad house for months while
they were here. The area was blocked off and nobody could get through. You
would have to go way around just to get to the other side.” Brian said as he
pointed to the opposite side of the square.
“I can see why they
chose this place. It is beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like these
squares before.” She was looking at the detail that was put into the landscape
of the flowers that was blooming along the sidewalk.
“I don’t think I’ve
asked you where you’re from.” Brian just realized that he didn’t know where
she lived.
“I live in Columbia,
South Carolina.” It dawned on her that tomorrow she will be making her way
back home and away from Brian.
“That’s not too far.
It’s what, a 2 ½ hour drive down here?” Brian really didn’t want to see her
leave tomorrow and was already thinking of how soon he would be able to see her
“That’s right. And
it’s an easy drive. Interstates most of the way.” Stephanie would love for
him to come and visit her but she knew that was too much of her to ask.
“Are you ready to get
something to eat?” Brian took a look at his watch and couldn’t believe it was
almost 8 o’clock.
“I am getting hungry.
Where are we eating?” Stephanie’s stomach rolled a little at the thought of
“A bistro that has the
best seafood in town. They only serve fresh seafood and vegetables.” Brian
stood and held his hand out for Stephanie to stand as well. She quickly placed
her hand in his and stood. They began making their way down the one way street
on the sidewalk to the bistro.
After walking several
blocks they came to their destination. Brian held the door for her and she
stepped inside. They were greeted by a hostess and were told it would be a 30
minute wait. Brian asked if they could sit at the bar until a table came available.
The hostess led them to a casual yet elegant bar. The bar itself was crafted
of dark wood that was polished to a shine. It was in the shape of a rectangle
with three sides for seating and the forth short side was lined with an
assortment of bottles and glasses. At each corner of the bar was a wooden
column that reached up to a large lit globe at the ceiling. The base of the
columns underneath the bar was wider and was made up of what appeared to be
original bricks from a building. The brick masonry was shaped like a barrel.
Brian found two seats and pulled out a green cushioned bar chair for
Stephanie. When they both were seated, a bartender came to get their order.
“What can I get for you
tonight?” He set down 2 coasters for their drinks.
“Would you like an
appetizer with our drinks?” Brian asked Stephanie as he picked up a menu that
was nearby.
“Sure, that sounds
great. Can I have a Long Island Iced Tea please?” Stephanie asked the
“And I’ll have a beer
on draft.” Brian opened the menu and placed it between them.
“Coming up. I’ll get
your order for your appetizer when I bring your drinks.” The bartender walked
“What do you like?”
Brian asked as they were scanning the menu in the ‘starters’ section.
“I’m not a picky
eater. I like just about anything. I’m kind of in the mood to try something
new.” Stephanie said with a shy smile.
“Have you ever had
Shrimp and Grits? It’s a famous dish in Savannah.” Brian pointed to the
selection on the menu.
Stephanie read the
description and looked up. “It sounds interesting and different. Let’s get
When the bartender came
back and placed their drinks on the coasters he asked if they were ready to
order. “Good selection,” he said as he touched the screen of a nearby computer
to place their order. “It should be out in 10 minutes.”
While they waited,
Brian took a drink of his cold beer and turned toward Stephanie. “So how long
have you been teaching?”
“This is my 2
year. Both in 3
grade.” Stephanie sipped her Long Island Iced
“What do you do during
the summer?” Brian was trying to think of a plan for them to spend more time
together this summer.
“Last summer I worked
at a summer camp for kids with disabilities. I’m on the schedule to work there
this summer but it won’t be until the end of July.” Stephanie loved working
at the camp. Each child brought a smile to her face.
Their food arrived and
the bartender set it down between them. The Shrimp and Grits were in a large
bowl with 2 spoons and came with a side of onion rings. Brian took one of the
spoons and scooped out a portion of grits with a shrimp on top. He blew the
steaming hot food a few times and offered the spoon to Stephanie. Brian held
the spoon as her luscious lips closed around the spoon. As Brian watched her
mouth, his dick began to get hard. He was thinking about those beautiful lips
around his shaft.
Stephanie closed her
eyes and savored the flavor in her mouth. The grits were creamy and had a spicy
kick to it. She chewed the shrimp and swallowed. Reaching for her glass, she
took a drink to wash it down.
“Well, do you like
it?” Brian was waiting anxiously for her response. He couldn’t explain it but
for some reason he wanted her to like this local dish.
“I love it. It’s such
an assortment of flavors. I can taste cheese, garlic, and the shrimp. The
spicy kick adds to it even more.” Stephanie took the other spoon and got
another bite.
“It’s a creole
seasoning that gives it a little heat. I’m glad you like it.” Brian began to
eat from the other side of the bowl. They ate together in a comfortable
silence. Just as they finished, the hostess came and said their table was
ready. She placed their drinks on a tray and led them to a small table near
the back.
As Stephanie walk
through the restaurant she couldn’t help but notice the artwork hanging on the
“I really like the
artwork. Are they from local artists?” Stephanie studied the framed art on
the walls closest to her seat.
“Yes. They are all
local I believe. There is a big art college here. Many of the graduates stay
in Savannah and work in art galleries or open up one of their own.
After the waitress came
and they placed their order, Brian began telling her of his sister who went to
the art college and is now living in Atlanta. “She didn’t want to stay here
because there are a lot of artists in and around Savannah. She thought her
chances would be better in Atlanta.”
Brian ordered them
another round of drinks and the waitress came to clear their table. Brian
wanted to get them back on the topic of seeing her more this summer. That idea
had been in the back of his mind all day. He had never wanted to spend more
time with a woman but Stephanie was somehow different. He felt different.
“I know this is going
to sound crazy but I’m just going to offer a suggestion and let you take it
from there.” His palms were a little sweaty as he began to make his offer.
Stephanie looked up
into his bright blues eyes and swallowed. She thought she saw nothing but raw
emotion in his eyes. “Ok. What’s on your mind?”
“I know that you are
leaving to go back home tomorrow but I would really like to spend more time
with you this summer. You could either stay with me or I could pay for you to
stay somewhere here. If you don’t want to drive I could come see you in
Columbia.” Brian felt like he was staying too much and he was afraid that he
was trying to take things too fast.
She was relieved that
he wanting to spend more time with her because that’s exactly what she wanted
too. “I love that idea but I don’t what you to have to pay for me a place to
stay or put you out of your routine. How about we do both this summer? I can
come back here and you can come to Columbia and stay with me.”
Brian felt a sense of
relief wash over him. “Sure. I have several vacation weeks that I’ve
accumulated and unless something major happens, I can take up to 4 weeks. How
long are you working at the summer camp?”
“I’ll be there 2
weeks. It will be the last week in July and the first week in August. I’ll
need to go back in my classroom before school starts and get everything
organized.” Stephanie was so excited she could hardly wait for him to be on
her turf. She would love to give him the same treatment in Columbia although
Savannah had a lot more to offer than where she lived.
“Well it sounds like we
have a plan. How about we leave here and I take you back to the
West Bay
and we work out the details later?” Now that he wasn’t worried about not
seeing her again, he wanted to spend her remaining time here kissing every inch
of her body and driving her to orgasm after orgasm.