Hot Nights in Savannah (Hot Summer Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Hot Nights in Savannah (Hot Summer Series)
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Chapter 20

The next morning Brian
and Stephanie made their way down to breakfast again.  This time Mary Alice
didn’t look so surprised to see Brian. 

“Good morning you two. 
What would you like to drink?”  Alice brought around the coffee cup for
Stephanie before she even sat down. 

“I’ll take orange juice
and I think it’s just coffee for the lovey Ms. Stephanie.” Brian smiled as she
was adding her cream and sugar to the java. 

“Breakfast will be out
shortly” and Mary Alice disappeared. 

They ate breakfast in a
peaceful silence and when they were finished, they made their way to the
rocking chairs out front.  It was a quiet Sunday morning and Savannah seemed it
hadn’t woken up yet.  Stephanie could sit here all morning but she knew she had
to be leaving soon. 

“What kind of plans can
we make to see each other again?”  Brian asked as he rocked back and forth on
the veranda. 

“Can you come up to
Columbia in a few weeks?”  Stephanie wanted to show him off in her town.

“I’ll see what I can do
with work.  I don’t see any problems right now though.”  Brian was trying to
think if anyone had any vacation time coming up.  “How long do you want me
around for?” 

Stephanie smiled. “As
long as you can stay.  I would love to come back here and spend some more time
in Savannah with you.”

“Well how about I come
up and stay with you for a week or so and you do the same here?”  Brian thought
that was a good plan for the summer but what would happen when school started

“Ok.  I really need to
be getting my things downstairs and on the road.”  Stephanie looked at the time
on her phone. 

“I’ll help you. Let’s
go.”  They stood and made their way upstairs.

Stephanie’s bags were
packed and they had carried her light load down the outside staircase.  She
went in to checkout with Mary Alice as Brian was putting her things in her
car.  When she came back out, everything was done. 

“Well I guess this is
it for now” Stephanie felt a pang of sorry that she was leaving. 

Brian pulled her into
an embrace.  He held her tight and inhaled the scent of her hair.  “I want you
to drive carefully.” 

“Don’t worry and like I
said, it’s an easy drive back.”  Stephanie had her arms around his lean waist. 

He took her face into
his hands and leaned in for a farewell kiss.  It began slowly but quickly built
into a passionate kiss that left her limp. 

“I will see you in two
week Stephanie.” He was looking into her eyes as he said these words and she
knew to the core of her being that she would see him soon. 

Pulling away from him
and letting their fingertips linger with a slight touch, Stephanie got into her
car and closed the door.  “I’ll call you when I get home.”

“I’ve got a feeling
that between now and the next time we see each other, we are going to have some
very interesting phone calls” Brian said with a sexy smile.  He bent down and
gave her one last kiss though the open window then, let her go.  For two weeks. 
He knew he would see her again in two long weeks.   






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The story continues in
Nights Forever

Click on this link to


When they arrived at
Stephanie’s house, Brian shut off the engine and looked at Stephanie.

 “Are you ready?”  he
asked with his sexy voice. 

Stephanie gave him a
shy smile and breathed “yes.”  It was barely a whisper. 

Brian got out and
reached her side just as she was stepping out onto the pavement.  He held out
his hand and she placed her small hand into his larger one.  Brian led her up
to the front door and pulled her into him.

“I have really enjoyed
our day today.”  He was brushing her hair back from around her neck. 

“I did as well.” 
Stephanie looked up into his blue eyes. 

“When I said I was
going to kiss every inch of your body, I meant it.”  Brian closed the distance
between their mouths and kissed her hungrily.   

Stephanie felt her
knees get weak as Brian’s tongue laced with hers and explored every part of her

They broke away and
Stephanie turned to unlock the door.   Her hands were trembling with need as
she fumbled with the keys. 

“Here, let me,” said
Brian as he put his hand over hers and took the keys to unlock the door.

“I’m not nervous, just
anxious I guess.”  Stephanie smoothed her hair back. 

“We are going to take
things a lot slower than we did this afternoon.”  Brian gave her a sexy wink
and opened the door.

















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